• 944 Current Elo
  • 1056 Peak Elo

Biggest upset



New South Wales Star Forge Underground #11 30/06/2019

Ultimate Singles -28

L2 Shadow in the Dark 992 ↘ 944 -48 1013 ↗ 1061 charies
L1 Shadow in the Dark 970 ↗ 992 +22 690 ↘ 668 CheMarama
W1 Shadow in the Dark 972 ↘ 970 -2 1777 ↗ 1779 Fruit

New South Wales Star Forge #63: Phantom Edition 1/03/2019

Star Forge 63: Phantom Edition -24

L2 Shadow in the Dark 988 ↘ 972 -16 1351 ↗ 1367 Gabe
W1 Shadow in the Dark 996 ↘ 988 -8 1520 ↗ 1528 Pudge

New South Wales Star Forge Underground #7 24/02/2019

Singles -8

L5 Shadow in the Dark 1007 ↘ 996 -11 1463 ↗ 1474 Alumina
L3 Shadow in the Dark 989 ↗ 1007 +18 657 ↘ 639 Rocket
W2 Shadow in the Dark 1004 ↘ 989 -15 1378 ↗ 1393 TurtleCat

New South Wales Star Forge Overground 13/01/2019

Singles Bracket +4

L5 Shadow in the Dark 1035 ↘ 1004 -31 1208 ↗ 1239 Cynthia
W4 Shadow in the Dark 1056 ↘ 1035 -21 1348 ↗ 1369 Ants
W3 Shadow in the Dark 1000 ↗ 1056 +56 1051 ↘ 995 JLPT