• 685 Current Elo
  • 1000 Peak Elo



South Australia Big Cheese 2 7/12/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles -26

L1 Mash 687 ↘ 685 -2 1514 ↗ 1516 Moonlight
W1 Mash 711 ↘ 687 -24 960 ↗ 984 Jaska

South Australia Cheese League Round 8 18/08/2019

Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket -45

L2 Mash 745 ↘ 711 -34 893 ↗ 927 Moonlight
W1 Mash 756 ↘ 745 -11 1213 ↗ 1224 Snake

South Australia The Edsta 4/05/2019

Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket -68

L1 Mash 784 ↘ 756 -28 989 ↗ 1017 TJ
W1 Mash 824 ↘ 784 -40 915 ↗ 955 Bizz

South Australia Cheese League Round 3 17/03/2019

Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket -76

L1 Mash 861 ↘ 824 -37 972 ↗ 1009 Mallee
W1 Mash 900 ↘ 861 -39 1000 ↗ 1039 Taco

South Australia Revival of SA #6 16/12/2018

RoSA #6 Ultimate Singles -100

L1 Mash 950 ↘ 900 -50 950 ↗ 1000 Kuma
W1 Mash 1000 ↘ 950 -50 1000 ↗ 1050 Mimco