• 1161 Current Elo
  • 1212 Peak Elo



Queensland Smash @ The Jack 30 20/02/2020

Smash @ The Jack 30 +120

L6 Darboy44 1212 ↘ 1161 -51 1200 ↗ 1251 Nitzayra
L5 Darboy44 1154 ↗ 1212 +58 1220 ↘ 1162 CarrotAxe
L4 Darboy44 1096 ↗ 1154 +58 1162 ↘ 1104 Parralize
L3 Darboy44 1076 ↗ 1096 +20 775 ↘ 755 Topez
W3 Darboy44 1082 ↘ 1076 -6 1672 ↗ 1678 Toketchan
W2 Darboy44 1041 ↗ 1082 +41 965 ↘ 924 Buckwheat

Queensland Smash @ the Jack 17 11/07/2019

Csmash 17 -66

L2 Darboy44 1061 ↘ 1041 -20 1358 ↗ 1378 Thompsinus
W1 Darboy44 1107 ↘ 1061 -46 1140 ↗ 1186 Senky

Queensland Smash @ the Jack 6 7/02/2019

Smash @ the Jack 6 Redemption +160

GF Darboy44 1049 ↗ 1107 +58 1117 ↘ 1059 MOTY_BaeGhouls
GF Darboy44 1104 ↘ 1049 -55 1062 ↗ 1117 MOTY_BaeGhouls
W3 Darboy44 1053 ↗ 1104 +51 1064 ↘ 1013 MOTY_BaeGhouls
W2 Darboy44 1003 ↗ 1053 +50 1000 ↘ 950 Valjean
W1 Darboy44 947 ↗ 1003 +56 1000 ↘ 944 Luppi

Smash @ the Jack 6 +70

L3 Darboy44 977 ↘ 947 -30 1166 ↗ 1196 Pexings
L2 Darboy44 918 ↗ 977 +59 1000 ↘ 941 Andrew
W2 Darboy44 927 ↘ 918 -9 1417 ↗ 1426 Spam
W1 Darboy44 877 ↗ 927 +50 874 ↘ 824 Slothrocker

Queensland Smash @ the Jack 5 24/01/2019

Csmash5r -90

L2 Darboy44 923 ↘ 877 -46 955 ↗ 1001 Fool Of A Took
W2 Darboy44 967 ↘ 923 -44 1022 ↗ 1066 Pexings

Smash @ the Jack 5 -33

L2 Darboy44 1024 ↘ 967 -57 960 ↗ 1017 Pexings
W2 Darboy44 1050 ↘ 1024 -26 1277 ↗ 1303 Michi
W1 Darboy44 1000 ↗ 1050 +50 1000 ↘ 950 Priddy boi