• 843 Current Elo
  • 1067 Peak Elo



Victoria CouchWarriors May Ranbat 2023 6/05/2023

Smash Ultimate Singles -10

L2 baggy 853 ↘ 843 -10 1324 ↗ 1334 Femchad
W1 baggy 853 ↘ 853 2429 ↗ 2429 El

Victoria Victorian Arcadian 2019: Best Of The Average 10/11/2019

VIC Arcadian Singles +51

L36 baggy 895 ↘ 853 -42 965 ↗ 1007 Gooey
W21 baggy 938 ↘ 895 -43 997 ↗ 1040 ManBaby247
W20 baggy 882 ↗ 938 +56 937 ↘ 881 Mr_ape
W19 baggy 840 ↗ 882 +42 771 ↘ 729 TheVegabus
L2 baggy 871 ↘ 840 -31 1047 ↗ 1078 Merso
W2 baggy 873 ↘ 871 -2 1738 ↗ 1740 P9
W1 baggy 802 ↗ 873 +71 1000 ↘ 929 Chub

Victoria Couchwarriors September Ranbat 2019 29/09/2019

Smash Ultimate Singles -56

L1 baggy 832 ↘ 802 -30 1013 ↗ 1043 Alpal
W1 baggy 858 ↘ 832 -26 1086 ↗ 1112 Milun

Victoria Couch Warriors Ranbat July 2019 27/07/2019

Smash Ultimate Singles -31

L1 baggy 861 ↘ 858 -3 1596 ↗ 1599 Skitter
W1 baggy 889 ↘ 861 -28 1093 ↗ 1121 Nicks

Victoria Couchwarriors June Ranbat 2019 22/06/2019

Smash Ultimate Singles -61

L1 baggy 943 ↘ 889 -54 912 ↗ 966 Snowii
W1 baggy 950 ↘ 943 -7 1516 ↗ 1523 The Hog

Victoria Couchwarriors Ranbat March 2019 23/03/2019

Smash Ultimate Singles -79

L1 baggy 1006 ↘ 950 -56 954 ↗ 1010 Dyna_Hole
W1 baggy 1029 ↘ 1006 -23 1294 ↗ 1317 Flow

Victoria Couchwarriors February 2019 23/02/2019

Smash Ultimate Singles +60

L4 baggy 1067 ↘ 1029 -38 1173 ↗ 1211 Chat
L3 baggy 998 ↗ 1067 +69 1175 ↘ 1106 KmS
L1 baggy 941 ↗ 998 +57 1000 ↘ 943 Shane
W2 baggy 969 ↘ 941 -28 1172 ↗ 1200 Seer

Victoria GGEZ Smash Bash #1 19/01/2019

Ultimate Singles Bracket -31

L2 baggy 1022 ↘ 969 -53 1000 ↗ 1053 Versck
W2 baggy 1050 ↘ 1022 -28 1254 ↗ 1282 Jollus
W1 baggy 1000 ↗ 1050 +50 1000 ↘ 950 BIGBOI