• 995 Current Elo
  • 1050 Peak Elo



Queensland Sunny Side Up 2 4/08/2024

P+ Singles +42

L5 Benvelope 1016 ↘ 995 -21 1310 ↗ 1331 Barringer
L3 Benvelope 970 ↗ 1016 +46 938 ↘ 892 THE RAT
W3 Benvelope 971 ↘ 970 -1 1913 ↗ 1914 Microsoft J
W2 Benvelope 953 ↗ 971 +18 628 ↘ 610 Wheelz

Queensland Bliss Weekly 8 15/07/2024

Bliss Weekly 8 - Project+ Singles 15/07/2024 +9

GF Benvelope 994 ↘ 953 -41 1072 ↗ 1113 Buttsubushi
L3 Benvelope 975 ↗ 994 +19 656 ↘ 637 jevty
L2 Benvelope 938 ↗ 975 +37 825 ↘ 788 Ilyse
W2 Benvelope 985 ↘ 938 -47 1011 ↗ 1058 Buttsubushi
W1 Benvelope 944 ↗ 985 +41 866 ↘ 825 Ilyse

Queensland CWQLD | June Ranbat 2024 29/06/2024

P+ Bracket -56

L5 Benvelope 1005 ↘ 944 -61 908 ↗ 969 ravishna
W4 Benvelope 1050 ↘ 1005 -45 1095 ↗ 1140 Buttsubushi
W3 Benvelope 1019 ↗ 1050 +31 845 ↘ 814 THE RAT
W2 Benvelope 1000 ↗ 1019 +19 688 ↘ 669 Wheelz