• 933 Current Elo
  • 1000 Peak Elo



New Zealand Wellington Ranbats 16/10/2022 16/10/2022

P+ Singles Bracket +21

L1 Plaz 908 ↗ 933 +25 673 ↘ 648 Avarich
W2 Plaz 912 ↘ 908 -4 1612 ↗ 1616 Unladen

New Zealand Windbox #9 14/04/2019

Project M Singles Bracket +16

L5 Plaz 968 ↘ 912 -56 912 ↗ 968 Simikins
L3 Plaz 908 ↗ 968 +60 998 ↘ 938 Lsaii
L2 Plaz 840 ↗ 908 +68 1000 ↘ 932 GO2WINDBOX | Kafkawasright
W2 Plaz 896 ↘ 840 -56 848 ↗ 904 chimps

New Zealand WASU #27 30/09/2018

WASU #27 +28

L3 Plaz 936 ↘ 896 -40 1022 ↗ 1062 MULE
L2 Plaz 870 ↗ 936 +66 1012 ↘ 946 Unladen
L1 Plaz 851 ↗ 870 +19 543 ↘ 524 Kingo
W1 Plaz 868 ↘ 851 -17 1208 ↗ 1225 The Doll Room.

New Zealand ACKO Smash #26 19/08/2018

ACKO Smash #26 -86

L1 Plaz 937 ↘ 868 -69 761 ↗ 830 chimps
W1 Plaz 954 ↘ 937 -17 1303 ↗ 1320 hughgazi

New Zealand ACKO Smash #25 5/08/2018

ACKO Smash #25 +46

L3 Plaz 1000 ↘ 954 -46 1032 ↗ 1078 Unladen
L2 Plaz 966 ↗ 1000 +34 822 ↘ 788 chimps
W2 Plaz 970 ↘ 966 -4 1660 ↗ 1664 Crunkle
W1 Plaz 908 ↗ 970 +62 1015 ↘ 953 Unladen

New Zealand Windbox #8 8/07/2018

Windbox #8 -9

L4 Plaz 963 ↘ 908 -55 916 ↗ 971 Unladen
W3 Plaz 969 ↘ 963 -6 1561 ↗ 1567 Crunkle
W2 Plaz 917 ↗ 969 +52 935 ↘ 883 chimps

New Zealand Crush Counter Capital 2018 24/06/2018

Crush Counter Capital 2018 -4

L3 Plaz 961 ↘ 917 -44 1014 ↗ 1058 iDeeKay
L2 Plaz 908 ↗ 961 +53 932 ↘ 879 Homs
W2 Plaz 921 ↘ 908 -13 1325 ↗ 1338 hughgazi

New Zealand ACKO Smash #23 10/06/2018

ACKO Smash #23 +47

L3 Plaz 950 ↘ 921 -29 1146 ↗ 1175 The Doll Room.
L2 Plaz 890 ↗ 950 +60 978 ↘ 918 Seashell
W2 Plaz 897 ↘ 890 -7 1456 ↗ 1463 Crunkle
W1 Plaz 874 ↗ 897 +23 617 ↘ 594 Kingo

New Zealand Windbox #7 28/04/2018

Windbox #7 -23

L2 Plaz 921 ↘ 874 -47 950 ↗ 997 Valos
W2 Plaz 928 ↘ 921 -7 1490 ↗ 1497 hughgazi
W1 Plaz 897 ↗ 928 +31 727 ↘ 696 Kingo

New Zealand ACKO Smash #21 15/04/2018

ACKO Smash #21 +6

L4 Plaz 912 ↘ 897 -15 1281 ↗ 1296 Arrowskee
L3 Plaz 876 ↗ 912 +36 755 ↘ 719 Unladen
L2 Plaz 818 ↗ 876 +58 889 ↘ 831 chimps
W1 Plaz 891 ↘ 818 -73 676 ↗ 749 Kingo

New Zealand ACKO Smash #17 4/02/2018

ACKO Smash #17 +71

L3 Plaz 919 ↘ 891 -28 1128 ↗ 1156 The Doll Room.
L2 Plaz 877 ↗ 919 +42 809 ↘ 767 Dawr
W2 Plaz 881 ↘ 877 -4 1549 ↗ 1553 narpas
W1 Plaz 820 ↗ 881 +61 913 ↘ 852 Unladen

New Zealand ACKO Smash #15 7/01/2018

Project M Singles +90

L4 Plaz 840 ↘ 820 -20 1144 ↗ 1164 Big Red
L3 Plaz 788 ↗ 840 +52 802 ↘ 750 chimps
W2 Plaz 801 ↘ 788 -13 1222 ↗ 1235 hughgazi
W1 Plaz 730 ↗ 801 +71 924 ↘ 853 Dawr

New Zealand ACKO Smash #14 17/12/2017

Project M Singles -47

L2 Plaz 751 ↘ 730 -21 1038 ↗ 1059 Unladen
W1 Plaz 777 ↘ 751 -26 1000 ↗ 1026 ashworfi

New Zealand ACKO Smash #13 26/11/2017

Project M Singles -72

L1 Plaz 812 ↘ 777 -35 948 ↗ 983 Dawr
W1 Plaz 849 ↘ 812 -37 962 ↗ 999 Valos

New Zealand ACKO Smash #11 10/09/2017

Project M Singles +85

L4 Plaz 854 ↘ 849 -5 1483 ↗ 1488 Crunkle
L3 Plaz 824 ↗ 854 +30 636 ↘ 606 chimps
W2 Plaz 830 ↘ 824 -6 1422 ↗ 1428 narpas
W1 Plaz 764 ↗ 830 +66 909 ↘ 843 Jarcino

New Zealand ACKO Smash #9 30/07/2017

Singles +24

L3 Plaz 781 ↘ 764 -17 1133 ↗ 1150 Storm
W2 Plaz 787 ↘ 781 -6 1396 ↗ 1402 Crunkle
W1 Plaz 740 ↗ 787 +47 711 ↘ 664 chimps

New Zealand SUPER Windbox! Smash4, PM, Melee 15/07/2017

PM -53

L1 Plaz 764 ↘ 740 -24 1018 ↗ 1042 iDeeKay
W1 Plaz 793 ↘ 764 -29 992 ↗ 1021 Brook

New Zealand ACKO Smash #6 28/05/2017

Project M Singles +16

L3 Plaz 826 ↘ 793 -33 982 ↗ 1015 Jarcino
L2 Plaz 750 ↗ 826 +76 1000 ↘ 924 ashworfi
W1 Plaz 777 ↘ 750 -27 996 ↗ 1023 Simikins

New Zealand The Windbox #4 22/04/2017

Project M Singles -37

L2 Plaz 794 ↘ 777 -17 1132 ↗ 1149 Storm
W1 Plaz 814 ↘ 794 -20 1120 ↗ 1140 Currypuffs

New Zealand ACKO Smash #1 19/03/2017

PM Singles -103

L2 Plaz 841 ↘ 814 -27 1059 ↗ 1086 Storm
W1 Plaz 917 ↘ 841 -76 666 ↗ 742 Unladen

New Zealand ACKO Smash: #0 19/02/2017

PM Singles -83

L1 Plaz 971 ↘ 917 -54 938 ↗ 992 Kingo
W1 Plaz 1000 ↘ 971 -29 1193 ↗ 1222 Arrowskee