• 840 Current Elo
  • 1000 Peak Elo



New South Wales Gomaz Vs Pedro Presents, The NewCastle Siege | July 7th - July 9th 7/07/2017

NCS Singles -4

L3 Birdseed 844 ↘ 840 -4 1543 ↗ 1547 Daddy Ganny
W2 Birdseed 844 ↘ 844 2512 ↗ 2512 Doctor A.Ness

New South Wales GvP Smash 4 Singles Q1 Episode 1 12/01/2017

Smash Wii U Amateurs -80

L2 Birdseed 888 ↘ 844 -44 939 ↗ 983 Dag
W1 Birdseed 924 ↘ 888 -36 1046 ↗ 1082 GrayPerson

Smash Wii U Singles +52

L3 Birdseed 934 ↘ 924 -10 1407 ↗ 1417 Spike
W2 Birdseed 936 ↘ 934 -2 1787 ↗ 1789 Thorpenado
W1 Birdseed 872 ↗ 936 +64 1000 ↘ 936 Tim

New South Wales GvP Volume 1- The Beginning of Something Awful 17/12/2016

GvP Volume 1 AMATEUR +2

L2 Birdseed 897 ↘ 872 -25 1137 ↗ 1162 DeDeDez Nutz
L1 Birdseed 846 ↗ 897 +51 856 ↘ 805 ScarlettReigns - Cloud
W1 Birdseed 870 ↘ 846 -24 1119 ↗ 1143 KizzaBam

Pools -67

P3 Birdseed 919 ↘ 870 -49 928 ↗ 977 Buttsy
P3 Birdseed 927 ↘ 919 -8 1449 ↗ 1457 Schnitzel
P3 Birdseed 933 ↘ 927 -6 1530 ↗ 1536 SpacemanBad
P3 Birdseed 937 ↘ 933 -4 1621 ↗ 1625 Thorpenado

New South Wales Gamefest2016 6/08/2016

Pool 6 +69

P1 Birdseed 982 ↘ 937 -45 1028 ↗ 1073 King Aegis
P1 Birdseed 992 ↘ 982 -10 1461 ↗ 1471 TurtleCat
P1 Birdseed 935 ↗ 992 +57 1000 ↘ 943 AIDiamond
P1 Birdseed 870 ↗ 935 +65 1000 ↘ 935 Reece Dunkcam (Dick)
P1 Birdseed 798 ↗ 870 +72 1000 ↘ 928 Heronator
P1 Birdseed 800 ↘ 798 -2 1622 ↗ 1624 Ambrosia
P1 Birdseed 831 ↘ 800 -31 1008 ↗ 1039 Buttsy
P1 Birdseed 868 ↘ 831 -37 982 ↗ 1019 SpacemanBad

New South Wales GvP Smash 4 Singles (AMATEURS BRACKET) - 28/07/2016 28/07/2016

GvP Smash 4 Singles (AMATEURS BRACKET) - 28/07/2016 -132

L1 Birdseed 940 ↘ 868 -72 733 ↗ 805 ScarlettReigns - Cloud
W1 Birdseed 1000 ↘ 940 -60 913 ↗ 973 Paranoid