Super Smash Bros. for Wii U videos
4/09/2016 [SA] SAFGC Season 2016 Round 3 - SAFGC R3 Smash 4 | W3 | Ghost | Andre | W3 | Con | Jon Bombo | W4 | Ghost | Con | L4 | Andre | Taicho | L4 | Jon Bombo | Bruh | L5 | Jon Bombo | Andre | L6 | Con | Jon Bombo | GF | Ghost | Con |
2/09/2016 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #63 - The death of the old guard - Singles | W1 | Eazy_E | MattyMatt | W2 | Archaze | Cap | L1 | Frosty | Jolt | L2 | BigTrouble | Mint_Old | L2 | Blindsurgeon | ClassicJono | L3 | Blindsurgeon | Cap | L4 | Blindsurgeon | Crimson | L6 | Vasi | AzureWolf |
1/09/2016 [TAS] Guf 1/9/16 - SM4SH Singles | W1 | Tezz | OrangePulp | W1 | Trucks | Jai2Go | W1 | Chins | Ace | W1 | Streetsy | Jarosigma | W1 | Jinjo | Gandlaf | W2 | Gerald | Baztard | W2 | Trucks | Tezz | W2 | Chins | Streetsy | W2 | Jinjo | Kharn |