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2024 Ausmash Awards
Who is the most valuable community member?
14 votes
(rat, ApolloCJ, Pondi, missGayManWatch, LimeFlurry, Widdershin, J-Rods, fuckencunce, BattleDolphin, Iceman, Smasio, Thracia, JackArc, Blurry)
- ausmash - rat
- Years later Ausmash remains an invaluable community asset - ApolloCJ
- Ausmash.com wouldnt be here without you. ARM couldnt exist without all your help behind the scenes. - Pondi
- The founding father of ausmash - LimeFlurry
- Soz for knocking you out of Pissmas - J-Rods
- Means friend in Nihongo - fuckencunce
- Ausmash.com - Smasio
- Casting my vote for Shitashi, as the founding father intended. - Thracia
- Free - JackArc
- This should just be the default answer to this question every year... - Blurry
2023 Ausmash Awards
Who is the most valuable community member?
13 votes
(Widdershin, Jix, Phinn, Jem, Jett, mini, COpPeR3076, Blurry, TurtleCat, Toasted_Panini, ApolloCJ, salmongain, CarSeatus)
- Based AUSmash god, we are not worthy - Widdershin
- wouldn’t be voting if it weren’t for him - Jix
- Where would the scene be without this website... like come on people. - Phinn
- Shitashi is one of the kindest people I’ve ever met, and he set up a whole goddamn online match making service for ausmash, just out of his passion for the community. - Jem
- literally made this website - mini
- After doing more with the FGC I have come to realise that Ausmash is like 90% of the reason Smash is popular in this country. - Blurry
- The work shitashi puts into this site for the love of the scene is genuinely inspiring. - TurtleCat
- Ausmash just keeps getting updated and being made better. This resource is actually so invaluable to our scene as a whole, absolute f***ing goat - Toasted_Panini
- i mean he's literally the reason this voting is possible in the first place - ApolloCJ
- Thankyou! - salmongain
2021 Ausmash Awards
Who do you wish would come back tournaments?
2 votes
(Leshy, Xondrell)
- Great fella and fantastic player, the time is right for a comeback - Leshy
Who is your favourite player, for any reason?
2 votes
(Xondrell, Mastodon)
2020 Ausmash Awards
Who is the most valuable community member?
3 votes
(Loki, Kaboose, LachlanF)
Who is your favourite player, for any reason?
1 vote
- Forever and always will be my favourite player to watch. Love watching the way he grasps at the tools in Megaman's kit to clutch out wins - arielhs
2019 Ausmash Awards
Who is the most valuable community member?
6 votes
(SonicMam, Mittens, Lunchy, XDDD, Invisi, Cmonster)
Who is your favourite player, for any reason?
1 vote
- You bitch, you didn't let me vote for myself. - Cap