• 954 Current Elo
  • 1000 Peak Elo



New South Wales Star Forge Underground 4 19/08/2018

Singles Bracket +53

W7 Shadow in the Dark 966 ↘ 954 -12 1396 ↗ 1408 Vic
W6 Shadow in the Dark 904 ↗ 966 +62 1006 ↘ 944 FakeCaptainZack
W5 Shadow in the Dark 906 ↘ 904 -2 1791 ↗ 1793 Invisi
W4 Shadow in the Dark 943 ↘ 906 -37 1054 ↗ 1091 Framah
W3 Shadow in the Dark 943 ↘ 943 2322 ↗ 2322 Luco
W2 Shadow in the Dark 896 ↗ 943 +47 870 ↘ 823 TB
W1 Shadow in the Dark 901 ↘ 896 -5 1535 ↗ 1540 bounsies

New South Wales Star Forge Underground #1 12/11/2017

Smash 4 Singles Pools -99

P6 Shadow in the Dark 961 ↘ 901 -60 869 ↗ 929 Kero
P6 Shadow in the Dark 998 ↘ 961 -37 1109 ↗ 1146 Ryan
P6 Shadow in the Dark 999 ↘ 998 -1 2005 ↗ 2006 w00tkins
P6 Shadow in the Dark 1000 ↘ 999 -1 1953 ↗ 1954 Enn