
2021 Ausmash Awards

Who is your favourite commentator?

3 votes (Temper, Zfox, Musitaku)
  • Educated and dumb, what more do you want - Temper
  • Insightful, unbiased and keeps on-topic - Zfox
  • She is very informative! - Musitaku

2020 Ausmash Awards

Who is your favourite commentator?

2 votes (TPZ, DLonzo)

Who is the most valuable community member?

1 vote (Benjo)
  • Wish I could say multiple people love u all - Benjo

Who is the nicest player?

7 votes (Dawnfire, Pippy_Pal, Goosey, Keutz, Orion, DLonzo, Jarr)
  • Literally one of the nicest smash players, always enjoy being on comms with her - Dawnfire
  • yeah - Goosey
  • Don’t think she has the capacity to be unkind - Orion
  • Always down to help people learn, funny and approachable. - DLonzo
  • Definitely gets heated in the competition, but I know those feelings are towards the game and her drive to improve. Outside of our sets she's been great company and a lot of help for me - Jarr

Who is the most attractive player? (18+ only)

1 vote (Lowlander2)

2019 Ausmash Awards

Who is the best new or up and coming player?

6 votes (Turn_Up, Rocky, LoneZen, Trent, OKCOOL, Copycat)

Who is the nicest player?

2 votes (Turn_Up, Rocky)

Who is your favourite player, for any reason?

1 vote (HoAN)
  • Let's go ever! - HoAN