2024 Ausmash Awards
2023 Ausmash Awards
Who is your favourite commentator?
7 votes
(PillowTalk, Litty, Smasio, CHTubbs, Benthoven, The_Stig, mini)
- Knowledge check - PillowTalk
- Always has high quality comments, both knowledge and whit :D - Litty
- One of the few commentators in Aus that can bring some genuine insight to a match, always learn something new. - Smasio
- Underrated imo - Benthoven
- The commentary hijinks is awesome - The_Stig
- insight on comms omgosh - mini
Who is the best overall player?
2 votes
(Jorsa, Cruise)
- No other player has won me an air fryer - Cruise
2021 Ausmash Awards
Who is your favourite streamer?
1 vote
- This girl is my favourite streamer, even though she uses all our wifi. She is so witty and entertaining as a streamer. - Spammum