
2023 Ausmash Awards

Who is your rival?

1 vote (Smasio)
  • Makes me learn a new mu every bloody half year but fuck he’s so good - Smasio

Who is the best overall player?

2 votes (Spectre, salmongain)

Who is your favourite tournament organiser?

2 votes (Jorsa, Cruise)
  • I once went to a meetup at his house and he gave me a metric fuck load of free cafe food - Cruise

Who is the most valuable community member?

4 votes (Spectre, PillowTalk, Litty, Jorsa)
  • Tied between Dags and Blurry for how much work they put in to QLD - Blurry for the organising, Dags for being such a welcoming presence within the scene. - Spectre
  • Always passionate about the game and interacting with the community - Litty

Who is your favourite player, for any reason?

1 vote (Blurry)
  • Kinda being a talent player recently, insane developments - Blurry

2021 Ausmash Awards

Who is your favourite tournament organiser?

4 votes (FreshPumpkin, Meliame, BakedGoods, Spammum)
  • That fact he got GCFC running while also doing school and being quite young is so impressive to me. Made good friends from this weekly. - FreshPumpkin
  • Ability to run GCFC and do school work at the same time is impressive - BakedGoods
  • Huge effort from Connor this year. Did an amazing job as TO. - Spammum

2019 Ausmash Awards

Who is the best new or up and coming player?

1 vote (SonicMam)