
2023 Ausmash Awards

Who do you wish would come back tournaments?

5 votes (Scobo, Ravsav, HyDro, Coleman, Nop)

2021 Ausmash Awards

Who is the nicest player? Winner

9 votes (SkippyDinglChalk, JEANS, CMoon, FrydRyce, Cheeseboy2251, Insie, Jetstar2007, Xav1098, Heaven)
  • You won’t ever hear a bad thing about this guy - SkippyDinglChalk
  • vouch - CMoon
  • The one Pythra main you CANNOT hate - Cheeseboy2251
  • Hosts mad grind seshes with great players, plays a good character and is really good at talking about the game. Give him some tournament experience and he'll be insane - Insie
  • sora is the nicest hooman - Heaven