
2023 Ausmash Awards

Who is your rival? Winner

8 votes (Wifike, Phyco, JOKER, Mackarp, Slimboy17, VTPooks, B1, RAMBO)
  • We've played something like 15 sets and have almost exactly a 50/50 record lol - Wifike
  • Something about our sets is always close, with explosive stocks! Although he's improving faster I consider him a rival. - Phyco
  • this guy decides to freak it whenever we're seeded to play - JOKER
  • He took the kids :( - Mackarp
  • He's my Sasuke - Slimboy17
  • Always good sets that i have to think alot about while playing - VTPooks
  • He sucks - B1
  • Been forced into early retirement before he actually wins a relevant set vs me - RAMBO

Who is the best new or up and coming player?

8 votes (HiImAiden, Na_an, Beefyboi, JOKER, Rebs, LimeFlurry, gall_P, Gravity)
  • He's so good man - Beefyboi
  • Morth - Rebs
  • genuinely the goat and fun to watch - LimeFlurry
  • Dude is improving at a good level. He isn’t just winning through lucky tippers; he’s spacing those tippers!…and still missing them somehow…but still winning without them. Goated player. - Gravity

Who is your favourite player, for any reason?

1 vote (JOKER)