2024 Ausmash Awards
Who do you wish would come back tournaments?
1 vote
- needs to come to more stuff, miss his handsome face - BigRatt
2023 Ausmash Awards
Who is your rival?
1 vote
Who is the best new or up and coming player? Winner
19 votes
(Taipan, JayBird810, Kitt, Olag, charies, Phinn, Dugongs22, germanpogostick, Governor, Isak, Froggo, Pondi, Violet, cloudyoce, sushi, chipotle, Amro, Inferno03, Frosty-)
- Bro won a STC, where did obtain this power? Was it from playing wifi ganon???? - Taipan
- my goat - JayBird810
- Carries the torch of the up-and-coming Pikachu player in NSW. The timeline suggests he'll be Aus PR within a year - Olag
- 🐐 - charies
- He owns me on wifi and wins stuff so I'll say. - Phinn
- I once told him he should learn to ledge trump. He learnt it by the time he played the next set - Dugongs22
- he's the best to ever do it, so humble about his undeniably cracked nature too - germanpogostick
- The MK stands for Master KEdgeguarder - Governor
- 90-10 matchup jesus fucking christ - Froggo
- Bro is on the rise - Pondi
- He walked so shmu could run - Violet
- GOATED. - cloudyoce
- this guy, he can do it dude - chipotle
- The E got even bigger this year, love to see it. - Amro