
2023 Ausmash Awards

Who is your favourite commentator?

2 votes (Hal, Froggo)
  • yea - Hal
  • honestly a very underrated commentator - Froggo

Who is your favourite player, for any reason? Winner

12 votes (Hal, Lonk, JayBird810, Kitt, Olag, charies, yarbsarb, Dugongs22, Danklin, Pondi, Amro, Mike_KOOL)
  • dont get your shield broken - Lonk
  • i think it'd be funny as hell for him to win this - JayBird810
  • who the fuck else has a holster for their controller are you kidding - Olag
  • 🐐 - charies
  • Simply too powerful - Dugongs22
  • He is a puzzle, wrapped in an enigma, shrouded in riddles, lovingly sprinkled with intrigue, and LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU! but it is too late. You're dead. For he is the Jezma - local-lurking and shield-breaking rogue. - Amro
  • I am on his shield break list :D - Mike_KOOL

2022 Ausmash Awards

Who is your favourite player, for any reason?

1 vote (Rafe)
  • Hype, harmonica, (s)hield breaks. - Rafe