• 1348 Current Elo
  • 1434 Peak Elo

Biggest upset



New South Wales Okay This Is Epping Arcadian #2 12/08/2023

Arcadian Ultimate Singles -85

L2 Pentsive 1421 ↘ 1348 -73 1204 ↗ 1277 candun
L1 Pentsive 1416 ↗ 1421 +5 794 ↘ 789 Hal
W2 Pentsive 1433 ↘ 1416 -17 1770 ↗ 1787 HyDro

New South Wales Okay this is Epping 16 6/05/2023

Ultimate Singles +94

L3 Pentsive 1434 ↘ 1433 -1 2398 ↗ 2399 Shmu
L2 Pentsive 1361 ↗ 1434 +73 1574 ↘ 1501 Jam
L1 Pentsive 1333 ↗ 1361 +28 1132 ↘ 1104 BigRatt
W2 Pentsive 1341 ↘ 1333 -8 1878 ↗ 1886 Guts_LP
W1 Pentsive 1339 ↗ 1341 +2 486 ↘ 484 Plum

New South Wales Storm the Castle #1 18/02/2023

Ultimate singles Bracket +58

L3 Pentsive 1355 ↘ 1339 -16 1715 ↗ 1731 Fruit
L2 Pentsive 1311 ↗ 1355 +44 1260 ↘ 1216 MTH1602
L1 Pentsive 1290 ↗ 1311 +21 1000 ↘ 979 Berko
W2 Pentsive 1307 ↘ 1290 -17 1648 ↗ 1665 CloudyOCE
W1 Pentsive 1281 ↗ 1307 +26 1050 ↘ 1024 JokerMain

New South Wales Okay this is Epping #12 14/01/2023

Ultimate Singles +201

L6 Pentsive 1288 ↘ 1281 -7 1854 ↗ 1861 Morgone
W4 Pentsive 1290 ↘ 1288 -2 2170 ↗ 2172 Shaoweater
W3 Pentsive 1216 ↗ 1290 +74 1446 ↘ 1372 Kon
W2 Pentsive 1116 ↗ 1216 +100 2534 ↘ 2434 Beet
W1 Pentsive 1080 ↗ 1116 +36 955 ↘ 919 Torsion

New South Wales Okay this is Epping #11 11/12/2022

Ultimate Singles +9

L2 Pentsive 1119 ↘ 1080 -39 1219 ↗ 1258 Governor
W2 Pentsive 1119 ↘ 1119 2414 ↗ 2414 Phoebe
W1 Pentsive 1071 ↗ 1119 +48 1056 ↘ 1008 Trashcan

New South Wales Super Barista Bros, Spooky Scary Chai Brews 30/10/2022

Ultimate Singles -74

W1 Pentsive 1145 ↘ 1071 -74 918 ↗ 992 Drift

New South Wales Okay this is Epping #9 2/10/2022

Ultimate Singles +59

L3 Pentsive 1151 ↘ 1145 -6 1759 ↗ 1765 Froggo
L2 Pentsive 1114 ↗ 1151 +37 1000 ↘ 963 Kait
L1 Pentsive 1073 ↗ 1114 +41 990 ↘ 949 Vinosaur
W2 Pentsive 1086 ↘ 1073 -13 1501 ↗ 1514 CloudyOCE

New South Wales Okay this is Epping 7 4/06/2022

Ultimate Singles Bracket +43

W7 Pentsive 1101 ↘ 1086 -15 1482 ↗ 1497 Amro
W6 Pentsive 1029 ↗ 1101 +72 1238 ↘ 1166 WhitePointer
W4 Pentsive 1031 ↘ 1029 -2 1870 ↗ 1872 F1ERCE
W3 Pentsive 1042 ↘ 1031 -11 1486 ↗ 1497 HooperMassiveBlackHole
W1 Pentsive 1043 ↘ 1042 -1 1979 ↗ 1980 Spike

New South Wales StarForge #117 3/06/2022

Ultimate Singles Double Elim -4

W1 Pentsive 1047 ↘ 1043 -4 1760 ↗ 1764 Linoone

New South Wales StarForge #116 27/05/2022

Ultimate Singles Round Robin +65

W7 Pentsive 1053 ↘ 1047 -6 1658 ↗ 1664 FumbleJr
W6 Pentsive 968 ↗ 1053 +85 1352 ↘ 1267 Kitt
W4 Pentsive 970 ↘ 968 -2 1857 ↗ 1859 Dugongs
W3 Pentsive 981 ↘ 970 -11 1428 ↗ 1439 Mike_Kool
W2 Pentsive 981 ↘ 981 2808 ↗ 2808 SteveGuy86
W1 Pentsive 982 ↘ 981 -1 2115 ↗ 2116 Coleman

New South Wales Okay this is Epping 6 7/05/2022

Okay this is Epping 6 Amatuer Bracket +3

L2 Pentsive 1040 ↘ 982 -58 974 ↗ 1032 ##
W2 Pentsive 1049 ↘ 1040 -9 1546 ↗ 1555 Kon
W1 Pentsive 979 ↗ 1049 +70 1162 ↘ 1092 Emerald

Ultimate Singles Bracket -53

W7 Pentsive 1016 ↘ 979 -37 1134 ↗ 1171 S0o0op
W5 Pentsive 1021 ↘ 1016 -5 1676 ↗ 1681 Guts_LP
W4 Pentsive 1021 ↘ 1021 2834 ↗ 2834 Sriks
W2 Pentsive 1026 ↘ 1021 -5 1656 ↗ 1661 Violet
W1 Pentsive 1032 ↘ 1026 -6 1634 ↗ 1640 Kon

New South Wales Super Barista Bros, The Golden Age 20/03/2022

Ultimate Singles +44

L3 Pentsive 1035 ↘ 1032 -3 1810 ↗ 1813 Guts_LP
L2 Pentsive 987 ↗ 1035 +48 973 ↘ 925 Yine
W1 Pentsive 988 ↘ 987 -1 1903 ↗ 1904 Johto

New South Wales Super Barista Bros, Sunday Sizzle 6/03/2022

Ultimate Singles +19

L3 Pentsive 993 ↘ 988 -5 1619 ↗ 1624 CloudyOCE
L2 Pentsive 966 ↗ 993 +27 753 ↘ 726 BigRatt
W1 Pentsive 969 ↘ 966 -3 1707 ↗ 1710 F1ERCE

New South Wales Super Barista Bros. The 6th Day Of Coffee Making 19/12/2021

Singles -56

L2 Pentsive 970 ↘ 969 -1 1929 ↗ 1930 Xav
W1 Pentsive 1025 ↘ 970 -55 980 ↗ 1035 Dasmii

New South Wales Super Barista Bros. Table For Five 12/12/2021

SBB Ammies 05 -20

L3 Pentsive 1082 ↘ 1025 -57 1020 ↗ 1077 TTPB
W3 Pentsive 1086 ↘ 1082 -4 1789 ↗ 1793 Chipotle
W2 Pentsive 1045 ↗ 1086 +41 969 ↘ 928 Jett

Super Barista Bros. Table For Five +49

L3 Pentsive 1066 ↘ 1045 -21 1350 ↗ 1371 Governor
L2 Pentsive 1015 ↗ 1066 +51 1027 ↘ 976 germanpogostick
L1 Pentsive 981 ↗ 1015 +34 839 ↘ 805 small rat
W2 Pentsive 996 ↘ 981 -15 1371 ↗ 1386 charies

New South Wales Super Barista Bros. Dinner For Four 5/12/2021

SBB Ammies 04 -32

L1 Pentsive 1053 ↘ 996 -57 995 ↗ 1052 germanpogostick
W2 Pentsive 1058 ↘ 1053 -5 1711 ↗ 1716 Guts_LP
W1 Pentsive 1028 ↗ 1058 +30 848 ↘ 818 Spag

Super Barista Bros. Dinner For Four +46

L3 Pentsive 1031 ↘ 1028 -3 1788 ↗ 1791 Dugongs
L1 Pentsive 949 ↗ 1031 +82 1283 ↘ 1201 Yazari
W1 Pentsive 982 ↘ 949 -33 1138 ↗ 1171 CheMarama

New South Wales Super Barista Bros. Triple Cheese Special 28/11/2021

SBB Ammies 3 +34

L2 Pentsive 1007 ↘ 982 -25 1242 ↗ 1267 Meatlivers
L1 Pentsive 938 ↗ 1007 +69 1111 ↘ 1042 krysell
W1 Pentsive 948 ↘ 938 -10 1434 ↗ 1444 metagh0st20XX

Super Barista Bros. Triple Cheese Special -5

L1 Pentsive 952 ↘ 948 -4 1644 ↗ 1648 Olag
W1 Pentsive 953 ↘ 952 -1 2012 ↗ 2013 Spike

New South Wales Okay This Is Epping 4 21/11/2021

OTIE4 Bronze Redemption +37

L4 Pentsive 1002 ↘ 953 -49 1012 ↗ 1061 Jezmamanezma
L3 Pentsive 937 ↗ 1002 +65 1075 ↘ 1010 Sneakyrat
L2 Pentsive 870 ↗ 937 +67 1021 ↘ 954 Cocoo
W2 Pentsive 916 ↘ 870 -46 954 ↗ 1000 Amro

Okay this is Epping #4 -84

L1 Pentsive 949 ↘ 916 -33 1107 ↗ 1140 Nichirin
W1 Pentsive 1000 ↘ 949 -51 987 ↗ 1038 S0o0op