2024 Ausmash Awards
Who is the best new or up and coming player?
17 votes
(bonsaii, Elliot, Morgone, Relo, Ryan, Freeze, Amro, Kite, Unfezant, Shyne, roboticjo, drasi, Violet, Mike_KOOL, RAMBO, Mire, Nichirin)
- Such a great presence at tournaments and a fucking fun at the game - bonsaii
- Best DK Aus - Morgone
- Deepest bags in Aus, also the fundies 🐐 - Relo
- bro is nerfed by his twitter handle but other than that hes insane at the game - Freeze
- One of the new age wifi to offline threats and has improved drastically - Unfezant
- run off zair - roboticjo
- We WILL be seeing him on the pr - drasi
- The actual goat, ctown is blessed to have him - Violet
- He's getting too strong - Mike_KOOL
- I would've voted for TonkaDonka but he lost to my kirby so - RAMBO
- One year offline and is already a huge threat - Nichirin