
2023 Ausmash Awards

Who is your favourite tournament organiser?

2 votes (Hoodwink, SteamBuns)
  • This guy is an example of what every TO should aspire to me. Passionate, dedicated, ambitious. I'm constantly inspired by how hard he pushes Enigma, and I look forward to what's to come - Hoodwink

2021 Ausmash Awards

Who is your favourite tournament organiser?

5 votes (TheZacenater, YukiDraco, Turk, Zfox, Musitaku)
  • Dude carries Enigma so hard - TheZacenater
  • My man worked really hard to bring Enigma Events back up and running, and does so much for the scene even in other events. Man deserves it - YukiDraco
  • Keeping northern tournaments alive <3 - Zfox
  • He's put a lot of effort into keeping a north of the river tournament going! - Musitaku

2020 Ausmash Awards

Who is your favourite commentator?

1 vote (Sharnypooza)