
2023 Ausmash Awards

Who is your favourite commentator?

1 vote (Cookiezac)

Who is your favourite streamer?

1 vote (mado)
  • if he had the drive for streaming that he had for smash he would genuinely be a new jerma. love u bro and this is not personal bias it is objective fact. - mado

Who is the best overall player?

2 votes (JOKER, Pazx)
  • got top 4 in a major whilst doing full time study - JOKER

Who is your favourite tournament organiser?

2 votes (Cumings12, Nop)
  • Creates two tourneys that both run on Fridays, he’s a genius :) - Nop

Who is the most valuable community member?

5 votes (Cookiezac, Personate, gall_P, Wash, Gravity)
  • Great guy - Cookiezac
  • Brings the life to any tournament, major or cultural movement within the scene - gall_P
  • too charismatic - Wash
  • Is the reason TSG exists, is essentially the face of Vic Smash. Dude is not just a presence in Vic Smash, but AUS Smash as a whole. - Gravity

Who is your favourite player, for any reason?

1 vote (Pazx)
  • I've never cheered against sriks before - Pazx

2022 Ausmash Awards

Who is your favourite streamer?

2 votes (Luco, EIS-DUON)
  • D4R is such a positive influence on the scene, really good aus smash talk content. Love to see it, would love to see more of it. - Luco
  • praying for a sifo return - EIS-DUON

Who is the most valuable community member?

1 vote (DekuMeister)
  • Connors energy and optimism really shines on everyone, a hilarious person with such a great personality. Wouldn’t be the same without him honestly and get really excited when I get to see him at tourneys :) - DekuMeister

Who is your rival?

1 vote (Anthonoot)

2021 Ausmash Awards

Who is the most valuable community member?

8 votes (Miggle, Hazzacka, SkippyDinglChalk, JEANS, Sora1, MilkMeme, Chok_B, Heaven)

Who is your favourite streamer?

2 votes (Hazzacka, SkippyDinglChalk)

Who is your favourite player, for any reason?

1 vote (Chok_B)
  • plays roy. i like roy - Chok_B