Super Smash Bros. for Wii U videos
9/07/2016 [QLD] UQ Smash - Final Destination 2016 - 9th + 10th of July - Wii U Doubles | L3 | sp00kyskeleton Flutter | Tingerz The Fearsome | L4 | sp00kyskeleton Flutter | Mastodon Bigfatelli | L4 | Timboe ATom | NQuad1Zero Sam Drew | L5 | sp00kyskeleton Flutter | Timboe ATom |
9/07/2016 [QLD] UQ Smash - Final Destination 2016 - 9th + 10th of July - Wii U Amateur Singles | W2 | Gords | Dooty McFrooty | W2 | cAKE | Soar | W3 | cAKE | Gords | W4 | cAKE | Blazbian | W5 | xDaniee | cAKE |
7/07/2016 [TAS] Guf 7/7/16 - Wii U singles | W1 | Kharn | Gerald | W1 | Kharn | Gerald | W2 | Kharn | Gandlaf | W2 | Trucks | Jai2Go | W3 | Trucks | Kharn | W3 | Streetsy | Chins | W4 | Trucks | Streetsy | L2 | Tezz | Jai2Go | L3 | Jinjo | Gerald | L4 | Chins | NZMgow | GF | Trucks | Chins |
3/07/2016 [VIC] Outback Jamboree 3 - wii u doubles | W4 | Extra Duon | Nicks Earl |
30/06/2016 [TAS] Guf 30/6/16 - Wii U singles | W1 | Jinjo | Gerald | W1 | Chins | Gandlaf | W2 | Kharn | Andy | W3 | Trucks | Jinjo |