
Victoria Smash Brews 23 11/08/2022

Victoria Smash Deluxe 1 24/05/2022

Victoria BAM 12 15/05/2022

Super Smash Bros. Melee Super Smash Bros Melee Singles [BAM 2022]

Super Smash Bros. Melee Super Smash Bros Melee Doubles [BAM 2022]

L2 KmS / The Hog 2 - 1 Hardpelicn / level 9 cpu
L1 Hardpelicn / level 9 cpu 2 - 0 Groovejet / bombin0
W1 Lorem Ipsum / Finrei 2 - 0 Hardpelicn / level 9 cpu

Victoria Melee at BroFist Mega Monthlies #2 7/05/2022

Victoria Couchwarriors Feburary Ranbat 2020 22/02/2020

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Doubles Bracket

L2 Bubby / Fess 3 - 0 Mealmix / Hardpelicn
L1 Mealmix / Hardpelicn 2 - 0 Frink / NoScrubAUS
W1 lil se$h / Skip 2 - 1 Mealmix / Hardpelicn

Victoria EBS Ultimate #57 18/02/2020

Victoria Couchwarriors January Ranbat 2020 11/01/2020

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Doubles Bracket

L3 lil se$h / Din 2 - 1 Hardpelicn / JUCI
L1 Hardpelicn / JUCI 2 - 0 Melotech / RATM0B
W2 DomHynes / Kusty the Clown 2 - 1 Hardpelicn / JUCI

Victoria Smash Brews 13 10/11/2019

Victoria CouchWarriors Crossup 15/12/2018

Victoria Holy Melee 14: See ya later, PAL 18/12/2017

Victoria CouchWarriors Melee Feb 2017 18/02/2017

Super Smash Bros. Melee melee doubles

L7 mask1n + Tyler 3 - 2 Forte + Hardpelicn
L6 Forte + Hardpelicn 3 - 2 PROLIFIC + Azri
W4 Dekar + Noxus 3 - 2 Forte + Hardpelicn
W3 Forte + Hardpelicn 2 - 0 mask1n + Tyler
W2 Forte + Hardpelicn 2 - 1 Soap + Big Brother

Queensland UQ Smash - Final Destination 2016 - 9th + 10th of July 9/07/2016

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Doubles

GF Smopup Syke Captain FalconFoxPeachSheik - FalcoFoxGanondorfLinkMr. Game and Watch Hardpelicn Jamwa
L8 Hardpelicn Jamwa Captain FalconDr. MarioNess - PeachSheik Tane JediLink
W5 Smopup Syke FoxSheik - Dr. MarioFalcoJigglypuffNessPeach Hardpelicn Jamwa
W4 Hardpelicn Jamwa Jigglypuff - PeachSheik Tane JediLink
W3 Hardpelicn Jamwa - RussellTLM Dreadtech
W2 Hardpelicn Jamwa - XP2000 Whisker

Victoria CouchWarriors Melee Jun 2016 18/06/2016

Victoria BAM 8 - 13-15th May 13/05/2016

Super Smash Bros. Melee melee doubles

L4 Joe + Seb 2 - 1 Zorsy + HardPelicn
W3 S.D + Syke 2 - 0 Zorsy + HardPelicn
W2 Zorsy + HardPelicn 2 - 1 Macky + dank
W1 Zorsy + HardPelicn 2 - 0 coup + Yoyo

Victoria Project Melbourne 2 7/05/2016

Project M Project M Top 16

Project M project m doubles

L1 dreadtech + Hardpelicn 2 - 0 Palirock + Pudge
W1 Hyes + Nido 2 - 0 dreadtech + Hardpelicn

Victoria City of Melee 3 13/03/2016

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee doubles

GF Hardpelicn + S.D - Macky + DonB
GF Hardpelicn + S.D - Macky + DonB
L8 Hardpelicn + S.D - Noxus + Hughie
W5 Macky + DonB - Hardpelicn + S.D
W4 Hardpelicn + S.D - Noxus + Hughie
W3 Hardpelicn + S.D - Milun + Timic83
W2 Hardpelicn + S.D - Hyes + Benny P

Victoria Jamwa's Jamboree 13/02/2016

Victoria City of Melee 2 6/02/2016

Super Smash Bros. Melee melee doubles

L5 Cap + moxie2d - Hardpelicn + Juci
L4 Hardpelicn + Juci - Pretty Cool Guy + dreadtech
L3 Hardpelicn + Juci - Rize + Sma
W2 Azri + Forte - Hardpelicn + Juci
W1 Hardpelicn + Juci - Flare + Maestro

Victoria MilTim III 2/01/2016

Project M PM Doubles

L6 Matt G + Tyler - Dreadtech + HardPelicn
L5 Dreadtech + HardPelicn - Skelorex + Fess
L4 Dreadtech + HardPelicn - Milton + Timic83
W3 Matt G + Tyler - Dreadtech + HardPelicn
W2 Dreadtech + HardPelicn - Boros + Zeel

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Doubles

L7 Forte + Kansho - Dreadtech + HardPelicn
L6 Dreadtech + HardPelicn - Matt G + Tyler
W4 Skeletom + Don B - Dreadtech + HardPelicn
W3 Dreadtech + HardPelicn - Forte + Kansho
W2 Dreadtech + HardPelicn - Cambel + Roytoy

Victoria CouchWarriors Dec 2015 12/12/2015

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee doubles

L4 Matt G + Tyler - Bu$ + HardPelicn
W3 DonB + Macky - Bu$ + HardPelicn
W2 Bu$ + HardPelicn - Deeks + Nitten

Victoria City of Melee 5/12/2015

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee doubles

L4 Cailan + Skeletom - Juci + Hardpelicn
L3 Juci + Hardpelicn - KTMFinx + RussellTLM
W2 Sebby + Jamwa - Juci + Hardpelicn

Victoria MilTim II 14/11/2015

Victoria CouchWarriors Melee Oct 2015 17/10/2015

Super Smash Bros. Melee melee doubles

L4 MattG + Tyler - Hardpelicn + Juci
W3 Nightambler + Daywalker - Hardpelicn + Juci
W2 Hardpelicn + Juci - Hyes + Hughie

Victoria CouchWarriors August 2015 22/08/2015

New South Wales Town & Sydney 10/07/2015

Super Smash Bros. Melee T&S Melee Top 32

Victoria BAM 7 23/05/2015

Super Smash Bros. Melee melee singles

L3 JKTS - Hardpelicn
W2 Magic Beans - Hardpelicn

Victoria Project Melbourne 22/05/2015

Project M pm doubles

L4 Noied + Beans - Hardpelicn + DomHynes
W3 Elle + Corpsecreate - Hardpelicn + DomHynes
W2 Hardpelicn + DomHynes - NoWay + Gem

Victoria My B 17/05/2015

Super Smash Bros. Melee melee doubles

L5 Chillindude829 + Izzago - Hardpelicn + Juci
L4 Hardpelicn + Juci - Forte + Azri
L3 Hardpelicn + Juci - Gem + Lincoln
L2 Hardpelicn + Juci - Haikal in spirit + Surprise
W2 Macky + Hughie - Hardpelicn + Juci

Victoria CouchWarriors April 2015 18/04/2015

Super Smash Bros. Melee melee doubles

L4 Joey + Forte FoxLuigi - Captain FalconLuigi Hardpelicn + Juci
L3 Hardpelicn + Juci FalcoFox - Captain FalconLuigi Hughie + Mack Attack
L2 Hardpelicn + Juci Captain FalconLuigi - FoxMarth Dreadtech + DomHynes
L1 Hardpelicn + Juci Captain FalconLuigi - FalcoPikachuRoySamus Teekay + Joelteon
W1 SD + noxus FoxSamus - Captain FalconLuigi Hardpelicn + Juci

Queensland ButtonSmash Issue Three 28/02/2015

Victoria Shadowloo Showdown VI 6/02/2015

Super Smash Bros. Melee melee doubles

GF SD + Hardpelicn FalcoFoxIce ClimbersPeach - FalcoFox Splice + Atticus
W4 SD + Hardpelicn - Splice + Atticus
W3 SD + Hardpelicn FalcoFox - Captain FalconMarth Forte + Skeletom
W2 SD + Hardpelicn FalcoFox - FalcoFox Hughie + Macky
W1 SD + Hardpelicn FalcoFoxNess - MarthPichuSheik BennyP + Troy

Project M project m doubles

L3 Naga + Fudge RoyYoshi - Samus Hardpelicn + Noxus
L2 Hardpelicn + Noxus - Hobs + Sadistic
W2 Hobobloke + Vlade BowserFox - Captain FalconSamus Hardpelicn + Noxus

Project M Project M singles pro

Victoria CouchWarriors January 2015 24/01/2015

Victoria Miles' Warehouse 2 3/01/2015

Victoria RMIT November 2014 21/11/2014

Victoria CouchWarriors Oct 2014 18/10/2014

Victoria Shadowloo Showdown 2014 31/08/2014

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee doubles

L4 Azz + Tris - Max + Juci
L3 Max + Juci - Fudge + Naga
L2 Max + Juci - BDOG + nano
W2 Cal + Zero - Max + Juci
W1 Max + Juci - DD + Tomo

Victoria Check Yourself Before You Dreadtech Yourself 24/08/2014

Victoria CouchWarriors June 2014 8/06/2014

Victoria BAM 6 10/05/2014

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Doubles

L3 Sebby and Jamwa (Gotta go fast xxx) - Hardpelican and Juci (Juicy Meat)
L2 Hardpelican and Juci (Juicy Meat) - Ed32 and Bogo (Team 2)
W1 Errol and Alex (Babes) - Hardpelican and Juci (Juicy Meat)

Victoria Miles' Warehouse 5/01/2014

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee doubles

L3 Tak + DD - Bain + Max
L2 Bain + Max - Tkn + Monkee
W2 SD + Splice - Bain + Max

Queensland SantaSmash 2013 7/12/2013

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Singles

L2 Uber 2 - 0 Hardpelicn
L1 Hardpelicn 2 - 1 Phrase

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Teams

L3 Puppy and Voise (Hunks of Plundering Illegality) 2 - 0 Cal and Max (Exceptionally Moist Pelicans)
L2 Cal and Max (Exceptionally Moist Pelicans) 2 - 0 Bob's Unusual Methods/Cheeky Unexpected Monkey (BUM CUM)
L1 Cal and Max (Exceptionally Moist Pelicans) 2 - 1 Robbirds
W1 Puppy and Voise (Hunks of Plundering Illegality) 2 - 1 Cal and Max (Exceptionally Moist Pelicans)

Victoria Shadowloo Showdown 2013 12/10/2013

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Teams

L2 Forte and Tibs (Team DK) - Cal and Pelican (Get That In Ya)
W1 Skeletom and Kier (Floppy Sausage Surprise) - Cal and Pelican (Get That In Ya)

Victoria SLHQ September 10/09/2013

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee doubles

L2 Forte + Haikal (The Cowboys) - Scribble + Pelican (Return of the Calamitous Betas)
W1 Jei + Joey (Trouble of the Ridiculous Pirates) - Scribble + Pelican (Return of the Calamitous Betas)

Victoria SLHQ July 2013 27/07/2013

Victoria SLHQ June 2013 30/06/2013

Victoria BAM 5 18/05/2013

Super Smash Bros. Brawl Brawl singles amateur

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Teams

L3 Tibs/Attila (Golden Pair) - Hardpelicn/Cal (Exceptionally Moist Pelicans)
W2 SD/S-Pup (Boston Marathon Tribute Team) - Hardpelicn/Cal (Exceptionally Moist Pelicans)
W1 Hardpelicn/Cal (Exceptionally Moist Pelicans) - Grim Tuesday/Chvrches (Grim Saturday)

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Singles Pro