
Victoria Smash @ Swanston #2 29/11/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

Victoria EBS Ultimate #46 19/11/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles Bracket

Victoria EBS Ultimate #41 8/10/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles

Victoria Couchwarriors September Ranbat 2019 29/09/2019

Victoria Melbourne Esports Open 2019 1/09/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate MEO Smash Ultimate Bracket

Victoria Couchwarriors August Ranbat 2019 24/08/2019

Victoria EBS Ultimate #34 20/08/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles

Victoria EBS Ultimate #32 6/08/2019

Victoria EBS Ultimate #31 30/07/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles

Victoria Couch Warriors Ranbat July 2019 27/07/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

Victoria EBS Ultimate #29 16/07/2019

Western Australia BigWinChampionship 2 6/07/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles Top 64

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Doubles

L10 Jdizzle / DD 3 - 0 Luco / Fortune
L9 Luco / Fortune 3 - 2 Corvid / Saber
L8 Luco / Fortune 3 - 1 Luma / Turn Up
L6 Luco / Fortune 2 - 1 Robit / Booper
W4 Ghost / Doctor A Ness 2 - 1 Luco / Fortune
W3 Luco / Fortune 2 - 0 KeviN / Ttam
W2 Luco / Fortune 2 - 0 Gresh / Iggy Gee

Victoria Nekocards Ultimate #12 14/06/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Nekocards #11

Victoria Nekocards Ultimate #11 31/05/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Nekocards #10

Victoria BAM 11 18/05/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

L3 cmk / SKG 2 - 0 Fortune / Saber
W3 Tomie / Sandman 2 - 1 Fortune / Saber
W2 Fortune / Saber 2 - 0 Double A / eGo

Victoria EBS Ultimate #20 14/05/2019

Victoria EBS Ultimate #19 7/05/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles

Victoria Nekocards Ultimate #10 3/05/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Nekocards #9

Victoria Couchwarriors April Ranbat 2019 27/04/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

L4 Googers / DefectiveDagger 3 - 1 Saber / Fortune
L3 Saber / Fortune 3 - 1 VineGreen / Ignis
W3 Jdizzle / Corvid 3 - 0 Saber / Fortune
W2 Saber / Fortune 2 - 1 SebPro101 / Alpal

Victoria EBS Ultimate #16 16/04/2019

Victoria Couchwarriors Ranbat March 2019 23/03/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

L6 DefectiveDagger / Googers 3 - 1 Fortune / Saber
L5 Fortune / Saber 3 - 2 bebop / Ghost
L4 Fortune / Saber 2 - 1 Skitter / EL
W3 Seum and Reraze 2 - 1 Fortune / Saber
W2 Fortune / Saber 2 - 1 Noobs (P8 + Jordiv
W1 Fortune / Saber 2 - 0 Team

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

Victoria EBS Ultimate #12 19/03/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Ebs x Zen Gaming #12 sign ups

Victoria EBS Ultimate #11 12/03/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles

Victoria Nekocards Ultimate #7 8/03/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Nekocards #6

Victoria Couchwarriors February 2019 23/02/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

L7 Seum and Reraze 3 - 0 Brett + saber
W4 Ignis + Vinegreen 3 - 2 Brett + saber
W3 Brett + saber 2 - 0 Nicks / Earlx
W2 Brett + saber 2 - 0 Hazzacka + SKG
W1 Brett + saber 2 - 0 Catburger + havok

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

Victoria EBS Ultimate #9 19/02/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles

Victoria Stay Smashed Feburary 2019 17/02/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Stay Smashed February Singles 2019

Victoria EBS Ultimate #8 12/02/2019

Victoria Nekocards Ultimate #5 8/02/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Nekocards #4

Victoria EBS Ultimate #7 5/02/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles

Victoria Couchwarriors Jan 2019 27/01/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

L6 Ignis and vine Pac-ManPalutena 3 - 2 CloudWolf Fortune / Saber
W4 DefectiveDagger / Googers LucinaWario 3 - 1 CloudWolf Fortune / Saber
W3 Fortune / Saber CloudWolf 2 - 1 ChromDaisy bebop / Ghost
W2 Fortune / Saber 2 - 0 Skitter / EL

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

Victoria Nekocards Ultimate #4 25/01/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Nekocards #3

Victoria Stay Smashed January 2019 13/01/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Stayed Smashed January 2019 Singles

Victoria Nekocards Ultimate #3 11/01/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Nekocards #3

Victoria EBS Ultimate #3 8/01/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles Bracket

Victoria Nekocards Ultimate #2 28/12/2018

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Nrkocards #2

Victoria CouchWarriors Crossup 15/12/2018

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

L9 DefectiveDagger / Googers 3 - 2 Fortune / Saber
W6 Extra / Jdizzle 3 - 0 Fortune / Saber
W5 Fortune / Saber 3 - 0 dean / Rhyno
W4 Fortune / Saber 2 - 1 BIGBOSS / tibs7
W3 Fortune / Saber 2 - 0 Villyness / Sindocus
W2 Fortune / Saber 2 - 0 Gooch / Okay in pool 1 can I get

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Brothers Ultimate

Victoria Nekocards Ultimate 1 14/12/2018

Victoria EBS LXXVI 4/12/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash 4 Singles Bracket

Victoria Couchwarriors Nov 2018 24/11/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash 4 Doubles Bracket

L7 DefectiveDagger / Corvid 3 - 0 Saber / PS!
L6 Saber / PS! 3 - 0 SebPro101 / Rren
L5 Saber / PS! 3 - 0 Sir.Mimien / Hazzacka
W4 DefectiveDagger / Corvid 3 - 2 Saber / PS!
W3 Saber / PS! 2 - 0 SebPro101 / Rren
W2 Saber / PS! 2 - 0 SKG / P9

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash 4 Singles Top 32

Victoria Nekocards #25 16/11/2018

Victoria Nekocards #23 5/10/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U Singles

Victoria EBS LXVIII 2/10/2018

Victoria Couchwarriors Sep 2018 22/09/2018

Victoria Nekocards #22 21/09/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U Singles

Victoria Nekocards #21 7/09/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SM4SH Singles

Victoria Melbourne E-Sports Open 2018 2/09/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u singles

L6 Jdizzle 2 - 0 BayonettaNess Fortune
L5 Fortune Ness 2 - 0 Techless
L4 Fortune Bayonetta 2 - 0 Cody
W3 Kaito Cloud 2 - 1 LucasNess Fortune
W2 Fortune BayonettaNess 2 - 0 CyberPunk

Victoria CouchWarriors Aug 2018 26/08/2018

Victoria Nekocards #20 24/08/2018

Victoria Holy Mond4y 9 6/08/2018

Victoria CouchWarriors Jul 2018 28/07/2018

Victoria Nekocards #18 27/07/2018

Victoria Nekocards #17 13/07/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria EBS LVI 10/07/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u singles

Victoria EBS LV 3/07/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u singles

Victoria Nekocards #16 29/06/2018

Victoria Stay Smashed Jun 2018 10/06/2018

Victoria Nekocards #14 1/06/2018

Victoria BAM 10 19/05/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U Doubles Bracket

L9 Rust / Ghost Cloud 3 - 0 CloudLucasNess Saber / PS!
W5 Tru4 / Sriks 3 - 0 Saber / PS!
W4 Saber / PS! 3 - 1 Jdizzle / Big Snug
W3 Saber / PS! 2 - 0 Casper / Waveguider
W2 Saber / PS! 2 - 0 Yudowat / Luma
W1 Saber / PS! 2 - 0 SBOmega / Tink Floyd

Victoria Nekocards #13 4/05/2018

Victoria Nekocards #12 20/04/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria EBS XLV 10/04/2018

Victoria CouchWarriors Mar 2018 Wii U 24/03/2018

Victoria Nekocards #11 23/03/2018

Victoria Nekocards #10 9/03/2018

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Feb 2018 24/02/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L6 DefectiveDagger + Corvid 3 - 2 PS! + Saber
L5 PS! + Saber 3 - 0 Block + Julian
L4 PS! + Saber 2 - 0 Murkiri + InsertName
W3 Revax + Mar 2 - 0 PS! + Saber
W2 PS! + Saber 2 - 0 Rren + Alpal

Victoria Nekocards #9 23/02/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SM4SH Singles

Victoria Nekocards #8 9/02/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Jan 2018 21/01/2018

Victoria Nekocards #7 12/01/2018

Victoria Nekocards #6 29/12/2017

Victoria EBS XXXI 19/12/2017

Victoria Nekocards #5 15/12/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria CouchWarriors Dec 2017 9/12/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L2 Leisha + Boozer 2 - 0 Aquaclaw + PS!
W1 Denz + DADDY 2 - 0 Aquaclaw + PS!

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u singles

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Nov 2017 12/11/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

GF Julian + Jdizzle 3 - 2 PS! + Saber
GF Julian + Jdizzle 3 - 1 PS! + Saber
W4 PS! + Saber 3 - 2 Julian + Jdizzle
W3 PS! + Saber 3 - 1 Hazzacka + Piski
W2 PS! + Saber 2 - 1 Vayinn + Havok

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria Nekocards 2 3/11/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Oct 2017 28/10/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L8 Duon + Extra 3 - 1 Saber + PS!
L7 Saber + PS! 3 - 1 Dr omega + Kaito
L6 Saber + PS! 3 - 1 Sindocus + Villyness
W4 haiku + DefectiveDagger 3 - 1 Saber + PS!
W3 Saber + PS! 2 - 0 SebPro101 + Julian
W2 Saber + PS! 2 - 0 Vayinn + Jash

Victoria Nekocards 1 20/10/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria Stay Smashed Oct 2017 8/10/2017

Victoria EBS XXIV 26/09/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u singles

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Sep 2017 23/09/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L7 Piski + Ignis 3 - 1 Saber + PS!
L6 Saber + PS! CloudNess 3 - 1 BowserROB Leisha + Boozer
W4 InsertName + haiku 3 - 2 Saber + PS!
W3 Saber + PS! 2 - 1 dean + Rhyno
W2 Saber + PS! 2 - 1 Orphen + Jayd

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u pro

Victoria CouchWarriors Aug 2017 Wii U 26/08/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L4 DefectiveDagger + Corvid 2 - 1 PS! + Dr omega
W3 haiku + InsertName 2 - 0 PS! + Dr omega
W2 PS! + Dr omega 2 - 1 Nothing + Con
W1 PS! + Dr omega 2 - 0 Arc + Alpal

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u pro

Victoria Stay Smashed 5 13/08/2017

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Jul 2017 22/07/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L5 Leisha + Boozer 3 - 2 PS! + DefectiveDagger
L4 PS! + DefectiveDagger 2 - 1 Tibs + HDDNBOSS
L3 PS! + DefectiveDagger 2 - 0 LennyLink + Kaito
L2 PS! + DefectiveDagger 2 - 0 Ivy + Velocity
W2 dean + Rhyno 2 - 0 PS! + DefectiveDagger
W1 PS! + DefectiveDagger 2 - 0 Krasic + Googers

Victoria EBS XIX 11/07/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Pro bracket

Victoria EBS XVIII 4/07/2017

Victoria CouchWarriors Jun 2017 Wii U 24/06/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L2 DefectiveDagger + Corvid 2 - 0 PS! + Sindocus
W1 Block + Julian 2 - 0 PS! + Sindocus

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u pools

Victoria Stay Smashed #3 18/06/2017

Victoria Jamboree 4 27/05/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L4 Mar + Revax 3 - 2 PS! + Kaito
L3 PS! + Kaito 2 - 0 Krasic + dean
W2 SpaceJam + DefectiveDagger 2 - 0 PS! + Kaito

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u singles

Victoria BAM #9 12/05/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U WiiU Singles

Victoria EBS X 4/04/2017

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Mar 2017 25/03/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L7 Snugs + Ignis MarioRyu 3 - 0 LucarioLucasNess PS! + Deez
L6 PS! + Deez 3 - 0 BIGBOSS + Tibs
L5 PS! + Deez 3 - 2 Catalyst + Delta
L4 PS! + Deez 2 - 0 Eternal + drak
W3 Revax + Mar 2 - 1 PS! + Deez
W2 PS! + Deez 2 - 0 Skitter + Yehya
W1 PS! + Deez 2 - 1 Mr Salt + Bison

Victoria Bowl's Club March 12/03/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L6 Haiku + InsertName 3 - 1 PS! + Deez
L5 PS! + Deez 3 - 0 Nothing + Mar
L4 PS! + Deez 3 - 1 Proph + Alfonzo
W3 Extra + Duon 3 - 2 PS! + Deez
W2 PS! + Deez 2 - 1 Dr omega + Yehya

Victoria Smash @ Swanston #52 10/03/2017

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Feb 2017 25/02/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L4 Proph + KiDD_ 2 - 0 Denz + PS!
W3 Extra + Duon 2 - 0 Denz + PS!
W2 Denz + PS! 2 - 0 Alpal + Arc
W1 Denz + PS! 2 - 0 T-Bone + Murkiri

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u pro

Victoria Smash @ Swanston #50 17/02/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

L6 Arnie 2 - 0 LucasNess Fortune
L5 Fortune Ness 2 - 0 Robin Skitter
L4 Fortune Ness 2 - 1 Dylba
L3 Fortune NessZero Suit Samus 2 - 0 Hunter
L2 Fortune NessZero Suit Samus 2 - 0 Dakota's mate
W2 Piski Diddy Kong 2 - 1 LucasNess Fortune
W1 Fortune Lucas 2 - 0 Kirby B-2

Victoria Bowl's Club 2 12/02/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L6 Boozer + Leisha 3 - 1 PS! + Dr omega
W4 Haiku + InsertName 3 - 0 PS! + Dr omega
W3 PS! + Dr omega 3 - 0 Boozer + Leisha
W2 PS! + Dr omega 2 - 0 Hunta + Gwola

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria Smash @ Swanston #49 10/02/2017

Victoria Smash @ Swanston #48 3/02/2017

Victoria CouchWarriors WiiU January 2017 28/01/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u pro

Victoria EBS Invasion 24/01/2017

Victoria Smash @ Swanston #46 13/01/2017

Victoria EBS #5 13/12/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria CouchWarriors December 2016 10/12/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L9 InsertName71 + Haiku 3 - 0 PS! + Jdizzle
L8 PS! + Jdizzle 3 - 2 Revax + Mar
W5 Swithi + Ignis 3 - 1 PS! + Jdizzle
W4 PS! + Jdizzle 2 - 1 dean + Rhyno
W3 PS! + Jdizzle 2 - 0 Skitter + Yehya
W2 PS! + Jdizzle 2 - 0 Eternal + Drak

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Nov 2016 26/11/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u pro bracket

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Oct 2016 22/10/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

GF Jdizzle + PS! NessToon Link 3 - 1 BayonettaIke Haiku + InsertName71
GF Jdizzle + PS! LucasNessToon Link 3 - 1 BayonettaIkeVillager Haiku + InsertName71
L10 Jdizzle + PS! LucasToon Link 3 - 0 MarioSonic Swithi + Ignis
L9 Jdizzle + PS! LucasNessToon Link 3 - 2 Little MacMr. Game and Watch Duon + Extra
L8 Jdizzle + PS! 3 - 0 Nothing + KTAN
L7 Jdizzle + PS! 3 - 0 Mar + Revax
L6 Jdizzle + PS! 2 - 1 dean + Rhyno
W4 Swithi + Ignis 2 - 0 Jdizzle + PS!
W3 Jdizzle + PS! 2 - 0 Yehya + TacticianEcho
W2 Jdizzle + PS! 2 - 0 Vayinn + chu_pikachu

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u pro bracket

Victoria Smash @ Swanston #38 7/10/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash @ Swanston #38

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Sep 2016 24/09/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L10 BIGBOSS + Ignis MarioMarth 3 - 1 NessToon Link Jdizzle + PS!
W6 Extra + Duon Little MacMr. Game and Watch 3 - 0 NessToon Link Jdizzle + PS!
W5 Jdizzle + PS! NessToon Link 3 - 2 BowserROB Leisha + Boozer
W4 Jdizzle + PS! NessToon Link 2 - 0 FoxPikachu Nothing + KTAN
W3 Jdizzle + PS! 2 - 0 ConnorZam + Iyavana1
W2 Jdizzle + PS! 2 - 0 VineGreen + Vinegreen

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u pools

Victoria Smash @ Swanston #36 16/09/2016

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Aug 2016 27/08/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L5 Swithi + Xettman 2 - 0 TacticianEcho + PS!
L4 TacticianEcho + PS! 2 - 0 Saber + Aquaclaw
W3 Earl + Nicks 2 - 0 TacticianEcho + PS!
W2 TacticianEcho + PS! 2 - 0 Kidd + Majora

Victoria Smash @ Swanston #34 12/08/2016

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U July 2016 30/07/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u pro bracket

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L10 Extra + Duon Little MacMr. Game and Watch 3 - 1 NessToon Link Jdizzle + PS!
L9 Jdizzle + PS! 3 - 0 Nicks + Earl
L8 Jdizzle + PS! NessToon Link 3 - 2 BowserROB Leisha + Boozer
W5 Extra + Duon 3 - 1 Jdizzle + PS!
W4 Jdizzle + PS! NessToon Link 2 - 0 LucarioYoshi Jei + Deez
W3 Jdizzle + PS! 2 - 0 Leisha + Boozer
W2 Jdizzle + PS! 2 - 0 Dogivet + Pep

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Jun 2016 25/06/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L6 InsertName + Haiku 3 - 1 Jdizzle + PS!
W4 Attila + Tibs 3 - 2 Jdizzle + PS!
W3 Jdizzle + PS! 2 - 1 Jei + Deez
W2 Jdizzle + PS! 2 - 0 Nothing + KTAN
W1 Jdizzle + PS! 2 - 0 Hotpockets + Pudge

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u pools

Victoria MilTim 4 11/06/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

GF Earl + Nicks 3 - 2 PS! + Jdizzle
L4 PS! + Jdizzle 3 - 1 Attila + Duon
L3 PS! + Jdizzle 3 - 2 Ignis + Pudge
L2 PS! + Jdizzle 3 - 1 Daddy Ganny + Dmat
W2 Attila + Duon 3 - 0 PS! + Jdizzle
W1 PS! + Jdizzle 3 - 0 Jash + Jazzy

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u singles

Victoria BAM 8 - 13-15th May 13/05/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L10 Jaice + Luminescent 3 - 1 PS! + Jdizzle
L9 PS! + Jdizzle 3 - 0 Ghost + Deez
L8 PS! + Jdizzle NessToon Link 2 - 1 Little MacMr. Game and Watch Duon + Extra
L7 PS! + Jdizzle NessToon Link 2 - 0 Mega ManYoshi Seymour Butts + Shitashi
L6 PS! + Jdizzle NessToon Link 2 - 1 CloudCorrinSheik Ignis + Eternal
L5 PS! + Jdizzle 2 - 1 Revax + Mar
L4 PS! + Jdizzle 2 - 1 Nothing + Ktan
W3 MM + Abadango 2 - 0 PS! + Jdizzle
W2 PS! + Jdizzle 2 - 1 Echo + Yehya

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U Singles (BIG BRACKET)

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Mar 2016 26/03/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u pro bracket

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U singles pool 6

L4 Fortune Ness 2 - 0 Crime Dog
L3 Fortune Ness 2 - 0 Iyavana1
L2 Fortune Ness 2 - 0 Hyes
W2 MGK 2 - 1 LucasNess Fortune

Victoria CouchWarriors Feb 2016 20/02/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U doubles

L4 Ghost + Jei - PS! + Yosh
L3 PS! + Yosh - Sindocus + Matt.exe
L2 PS! + Yosh - Zua + Watty
W2 Bijou + Rhyno - PS! + Yosh
W1 PS! + Yosh - Ktan + Aatu

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Jan 2016 23/01/2016

Victoria MilTim III 2/01/2016

Victoria CouchWarriors Dec 2015 12/12/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U doubles

L3 MGK + OP - PS! + SKG
L2 PS! + SKG - Saber + Aquaclaw
W2 V + Bijou - PS! + SKG
W1 PS! + SKG - Azure + Trigger

Victoria Smash @ Swanston's End of Year EXTRAvaganza 22/11/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L7 Revax + Deez - PS! + Swithi
L6 PS! + Swithi - Nicks + Earl
L5 PS! + Swithi - Spongebev + HydroPimp
L4 PS! + Swithi - TinkFloyd + Lizam
W3 Jei + Dean - PS! + Swithi
W2 PS! + Swithi - Ishikawa + Maaku
W1 PS! + Swithi - Matt.EXE + S

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Oct 2015 18/10/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L2 Nicks + Khoa - PS! + aceM
W1 Eternal + Drak - PS! + aceM

Victoria CouchWarriors July 2015 25/07/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L6 V + Bijou - OP + Psi
L5 OP + Psi - MattG + AzuraSarah
L4 OP + Psi - Dr Omega + Kevvlar
L3 OP + Psi - Dylba + VP4
L2 OP + Psi - Sadistic + Hyes
W2 Revax + Nothing - OP + Psi

Victoria CouchWarriors June 2015 20/06/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L3 Bryce + Boozer - PSI + Majora
L2 PSI + Majora - Fexman9001 + Lilio
W2 Earl + Nicks - PSI + Majora
W1 PSI + Majora - TweetyPurd + Mavrek

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria CouchWarriors April 2015 18/04/2015

Victoria CouchWarriors March 2015 21/03/2015

Victoria CouchWarriors February 2015 21/02/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L4 Boozer + Rhyno - Yosh + Psionics
W3 Dreadtech + Splice - Yosh + Psionics
W2 Yosh + Psionics - Lincoln + Noway
W1 Yosh + Psionics - James + Riff