
2023 Ausmash Awards

Who has the best Twitter presence?

1 vote (JOKER)
  • the father figure of our scene - JOKER

Who is your favourite tournament organiser?

15 votes (MarchOfHell, HiImAiden, Cookiezac, Scobo, Wifike, Ravsav, Flow, Phyco, Beefyboi, Slimboy17, Danklin, Rebs, gall_P, mado, Gravity)
  • The brains of the operations at Sunshine. Wouldn't be where we are now without him. - MarchOfHell
  • Forever the goat. Shoutouts Marcell too. - HiImAiden
  • He just does so much - Wifike
  • Really can't ask for much more from a TO. - Ravsav
  • Wish I could vote for keutz, taicho, blurry and kitt too - Flow
  • I mean come on. - Phyco
  • Super sunshine is my favorite event to go to it's always so fun to go to and its closest to me - Beefyboi
  • He is Super duper - Slimboy17
  • Mate - Rebs
  • Such real passion and drive to deliver quality - gall_P
  • if you don't come to super duper you better have a super duper good excuse - mado
  • Only TO to have a Pokey Pummel side bracket. - Gravity

Who is the most valuable community member?

3 votes (Roosterbugalugs, Ravsav, RAMBO)
  • He does it all. Don't see many this dedicated to looking after all types and levels of players and coming up with stuff to keep bringing new people in - Ravsav
  • Close to single handedly keeping one side of Vic alive is huge - RAMBO

2021 Ausmash Awards

Who is your favourite tournament organiser?

2 votes (SkippyDinglChalk, Insie)
  • Man has set up a second monthly in Vic in one of the best venues, love this lad - SkippyDinglChalk
  • Sets up some mad tournaments and is really good at talking to people. - Insie