
2024 Ausmash Awards

Who is your rival?

1 vote (JayBird810)
  • I want to end it all every time he wins but unfortunately he's the only player that we keep going back n forth - JayBird810

Who is the most valuable community member?

1 vote (Redninja)

2023 Ausmash Awards

Who is your rival?

2 votes (Meatlivers, Nichirin)

Who is the best new or up and coming player?

1 vote (Apriicot)
  • dude knows so much and puts so much effort - Apriicot

2022 Ausmash Awards

Who is the best new or up and coming player?

1 vote (Ultra_Instinct)
  • Kid's been grinding hard. Actually he's not a kid any more congrats on graduating pondi bondi - Ultra_Instinct