
Queensland Fight For Flight 2 6/08/2017

Queensland UQ Smash 27 - January 2017 7/01/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Doubles

L5 cjeccjec + Yudowat - Ilex + Humpadumpa
L4 Ilex + Humpadumpa - J-Dot + Lychee
W3 Sp00kykeleton + Jumpo - Ilex + Humpadumpa
W2 Ilex + Humpadumpa - BattleDolphin + Palace

Queensland Sandbag's Revenge Vol. 2 9/04/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Doubles

L4 Cava SeymourButts 2 - 1 Humpadumpa + Trunkle (Humpatrunk)
L3 Humpadumpa + Trunkle (Humpatrunk) 2 - 1 Vasi Code_E
L2 Humpadumpa + Trunkle (Humpatrunk) 2 - 0 Wooy cAKE
W2 MrL BattleDolphin 2 - 0 Humpadumpa + Trunkle (Humpatrunk)
W1 Humpadumpa + Trunkle (Humpatrunk) 2 - 0 DANZAH + Pr0th

Queensland UQ Smash 18 - Easter Smash 26/03/2016

Queensland UQ Smash 17 27/02/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Doubles

L2 AzureWolf + Vasi - Humpadumpa + Linoone
L1 Humpadumpa + Linoone - Coopy + Edawg
W1 Cap + Emkys - Humpadumpa + Linoone

Queensland Smashbox V 9/01/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Non Pro Busters

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SM4SH Teams

L3 Omta + Cons 2 - 0 UQ | Linoone + Humpadumpa
L2 UQ | Linoone + Humpadumpa 2 - 0 McJobo + Crabs
W2 Spacejam + Boozer 2 - 0 UQ | Linoone + Humpadumpa

Queensland Sandbag's Revenge Vol. 1 3/01/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Non Pro Bracket

Queensland UQ Smash 15 19/12/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Doubles

L6 Palace + Mr.L 2 - 1 Humpa+Trojans
L5 Humpa+Trojans 2 - 1 Blubble + Oriki
L4 Humpa+Trojans 2 - 0 MinkZ + Henry
L3 Humpa+Trojans 2 - 0 Cetro + JediLink
W2 Palace + Mr.L 2 - 0 Humpa+Trojans

Queensland BIG GUF SMASH - Mission 50% Compree - FNS 5/12/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Doubles

L5 Timboe + HopeDealer (Dinner of the Sailors) 2 - 0 Ghostilex + HumpaDumpa (Humpa Ghost)
L4 Ghostilex + HumpaDumpa (Humpa Ghost) 2 - 1 Urisk + Atom (Dinner of the Cowboys)
L3 Ghostilex + HumpaDumpa (Humpa Ghost) 2 - 1 Flounders + Lime (Fish & Chips)
L2 Ghostilex + HumpaDumpa (Humpa Ghost) 2 - 0 Emyks + Presh (Presh Prince)
W2 Weeb + Seymour (SeemoreWeeaboos) 2 - 0 Ghostilex + HumpaDumpa (Humpa Ghost)

Queensland UQ Smash 14 21/11/2015

Queensland Smashbox IV 14/11/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SM4SH Teams

L3 Foy + Umbrella 2 - 1 Ghostilex + humpadumpa
L2 Ghostilex + humpadumpa 2 - 0 Hopedealer + Timtam
W1 Seymour + Weeb 2 - 0 Ghostilex + humpadumpa

Queensland UQ Smash 13 10/10/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Doubles

L5 Jett + Luminesscent 2 - 0 Humpa+Trunk
L4 Humpa+Trunk 2 - 0 Aura + Hype
W3 K~H | DixieNormous + K~H | Krayon 2 - 0 Humpa+Trunk
W2 Humpa+Trunk 2 - 0 Exact + Fine Ama
W1 Humpa+Trunk 2 - 0 Shuffle + cAke

Queensland UQ Smash 12 12/09/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U Doubles

GF KH|Boozer Suckz (Jesse Squared) 3 - 0 HumpaTrunk (Trunkle?1? + Humpa)
L6 HumpaTrunk (Trunkle?1? + Humpa) 3 - 1 Code_Vasi(CodeE + Vasi)
L5 HumpaTrunk (Trunkle?1? + Humpa) 2 - 1 HopeBoe (HopeD + Timboe)
L4 HumpaTrunk (Trunkle?1? + Humpa) 2 - 1 UtterTrash (Masto+Cava)
L3 HumpaTrunk (Trunkle?1? + Humpa) 2 - 0 West Coast(Darkfire+FoDrizzle)
L2 HumpaTrunk (Trunkle?1? + Humpa) 2 - 1 TeamKhaleesi (Coopy + Peachy)
L1 HumpaTrunk (Trunkle?1? + Humpa) 2 - 1 Lemon|Lime
W1 HopeBoe (HopeD + Timboe) 2 - 0 HumpaTrunk (Trunkle?1? + Humpa)

Queensland UQ Smash 11 22/08/2015