
Queensland Couchwarriors QLD February 2019 Ranbat 23/02/2019

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Singles Pros

Queensland Badlands 8/02/2019

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Singles DE

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Singles Bracket

Queensland Couchwarriors QLD January Ranbat 12/01/2019

Project M Project M Singles

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Doubles Bracket

L3 Kami / Dr_jim 3 - 0 Booerns / Thriles
L2 Booerns / Thriles 2 - 0 Doziam / XP2000
L1 Booerns / Thriles 2 - 0 Jewbs / ConZa
W2 Kami / Dr_jim 2 - 0 Booerns / Thriles

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Singles Bracket

Queensland Downsmash (Brisbane) - 1st March 2018 1/03/2018

Queensland Downsmash Summit 2018 5/02/2018

Super Smash Bros. Melee Main Bracket

Queensland Downsmash (Gold Coast) - 23rd Jan 2018 23/01/2018

Super Smash Bros. Melee Amateur Bracket

Super Smash Bros. Melee Main Bracket

Queensland Downsmash Gold Coast | 5th December 2017 (Last Paid For Year) 5/12/2017

Queensland Downsmash Gold Coast | 21st November 2017 21/11/2017

Queensland Downsmash (Gold Coast) 10th October 2017 10/10/2017

New South Wales OzHadou Nationals 15 16/09/2017

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Doubles

L2 shineboyfresh + Saucy 2 - 0 blaskololol + Booerns
L1 blaskololol + Booerns 2 - 0 Cammy + Nick
W1 sundowns + Sora 2 - 0 blaskololol + Booerns

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Singles

Queensland Downsmash (Gold Coast) 5th September 2017 5/09/2017

Super Smash Bros. Melee Pro Bracket

Queensland Downsmash (Gold Coast) August 22nd 2017 22/08/2017

Queensland Downsmash (Gold Coast) August 8th 2017 8/08/2017

Queensland Downsmash (Gold Coast) 25th July 2017 25/07/2017

Queensland Downsmash (Gold Coast) 11th July 2017 11/07/2017

Queensland Downsmash - Pre UQFD2 event - 27th June 27/06/2017

Queensland Downsmash (Gold Coast) 20th June 2017 20/06/2017

Queensland Super Smash Thursday - 25th of May 25/05/2017

Queensland Downsmash (Gold Coast) 23rd May 2017 23/05/2017

Queensland Downsmash (Gold Coast) 11th April 2017 11/04/2017

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Amateurs

Queensland Downsmash (Gold Coast) 28th March 2017 28/03/2017

Queensland Downsmash (Gold Coast) 14th March 2017 14/03/2017

Queensland Downsmash (Gold Coast) 28th February 2017 28/02/2017

Queensland Downsmash (Gold Coast) 31st January 2017 31/01/2017

Super Smash Bros. Melee Pro Bracket - Downsmash 31st Jan 2017

Queensland Downsmash (Gold Coast) 17th January 2017 17/01/2017

Super Smash Bros. Melee Pro Bracket - Downsmash 17th Jan 2017

Queensland Downsmash 3.0 November (Gold Coast) 6/12/2016

Super Smash Bros. Melee Pro Bracket - Downsmash 3.0 November 2016

Queensland UQ Smash 25 26/11/2016

Super Smash Bros. Melee Doubles

L3 Uber + Darkfire Captain FalconSheik - FalcoPeach Booerns + Nonco
L2 Booerns + Nonco - Boonsong + Akay
W2 Auro + Kami - Booerns + Nonco
W1 Booerns + Nonco - Masenko + Blasko

Queensland Downsmash 2.0 November (Gold Coast) 15/11/2016

Super Smash Bros. Melee Downsmash 2.0 November Pro Bracket

Queensland Downsmash November (Gold Coast) 1/11/2016

Super Smash Bros. Melee Downsmash November Pro Bracket

Queensland Downsmash 2.0 October (Gold Coast) 18/10/2016

Super Smash Bros. Melee Downsmash 2.0 October

Queensland Downsmash September 2.0 (Gold Coast) 20/09/2016

Super Smash Bros. Melee Downsmash 2.0 September Pro Bracket

Queensland Downsmash September (Gold Coast) 6/09/2016

Queensland Gold Coast Smashfest 30th August 2016 30/08/2016

Queensland Gold Coast Smashfest 23rd August 2016 23/08/2016

Super Smash Bros. Melee Gold Coast Smashfest 23rd August 2016

Queensland Griffith Smash August 2016 21/08/2016

Super Smash Bros. Melee Doubles

L4 Layne + Russ - Booerns + Auro
L3 Booerns + Auro - Skite + Zakurai
L2 Booerns + Auro - Thriles + Anix
W2 Layne + Russ - Booerns + Auro

Queensland GC Smashfest 16/08/2016 16/08/2016

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Singles

Queensland Downsmash - August 2016 9/08/2016

Queensland GC Smashfest 26th July 2016 26/07/2016

Super Smash Bros. Melee GC Smashfest 26th July 2016

Queensland GC Smashfest 19th July 2016 19/07/2016

Queensland GC Smashfest 12th July 2016 12/07/2016

Super Smash Bros. Melee GC Smashfest 12th July 2016

Queensland UQ Smash - Final Destination 2016 - 9th + 10th of July 9/07/2016

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Doubles

L3 Mumbles Skite - Auro Booerns
L2 Auro Booerns - Brandino ls300
W2 Blue Nonco - Auro Booerns

Queensland Downsmash - July 2016 5/07/2016

Super Smash Bros. Melee Downsmash - July 2016

Queensland GC Smashfest 28/06/2016 28/06/2016

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Singles

Queensland Griffith Smash June 2016 25/06/2016

Super Smash Bros. Melee Doubles

L4 Rob + Gareth - Booerns + Auro
L3 Booerns + Auro - Zen + Bruh
L2 Booerns + Auro - stral + Liam
W2 Kami + Sloth - Booerns + Auro
W1 Booerns + Auro - Xp2000 + Brandino

Queensland GC Smashfest 21/06/2016 21/06/2016

Queensland GC Smashfest 12/06/2016 12/06/2016

Queensland Smash Exodus - Chapter Two 11/06/2016

Super Smash Bros. Melee Doubles

L4 XP2000 + Whisker 3 - 1 Auro + Booerns
W3 Patric With A K FalcoFoxMarth 3 - 1 Captain FalconFalcoMarth Auro + Booerns
W2 Auro + Booerns 2 - 0 Partners in Grime
W1 Auro + Booerns 2 - 0 Blasko + Masenko

Queensland Downsmash - June 2016 7/06/2016

Queensland GC Smashfest 31/5/16 31/05/2016

Queensland Gold Coast Smashfest 10th May 2016 10/05/2016

Super Smash Bros. Melee Gold Coast Smashfest 10th May 2016

Queensland Downsmash - May 2016 3/05/2016

Super Smash Bros. Melee Downsmash - May 2016

Queensland UQ Smash 14 21/11/2015

Super Smash Bros. Melee Singles Pools

Queensland UQ Smash 11 22/08/2015

Super Smash Bros. Melee Doubles

L6 Uber + DarkFire FoxSheik - FalcoFoxMarth Booerns + Auro
L5 Booerns + Auro - Cetro + Entice
L4 Booerns + Auro - Zen + Bruh
L3 Booerns + Auro - Towely + PPC
W2 Cetro + Entice - Booerns + Auro