NZ Smash Archive - YouTube channel
30/01/2016 [NZ] AvT LAN Auckland 2016 - Melee Pools | P1 | Aluf | FERALxPANDA | P1 | Sharpy | FERALxPANDA | P2 | Lima | PizzaFingers | P2 | Wontonz | Lima | P2 | Wontonz | PizzaFingers | P3 | Toash | OninO | P3 | Toash | CookBook | P4 | CubT | massi4h | P4 | smoz | trippymane |
30/01/2016 [NZ] AvT LAN Auckland 2016 - Melee Top 8 | W1 | smoz | Hectic | W1 | Wontonz | Sharpy | W1 | Toash | CubT | W2 | Aluf | smoz | W2 | Toash | Wontonz | W3 | Aluf | Toash | L1 | Hectic | Lima | L1 | CubT | Sharpy | L2 | Wontonz | Hectic | L2 | CubT | smoz | L3 | CubT | Wontonz | L4 | Toash | CubT | GF | Aluf | Toash |
9/01/2016 [NZ] Cloudy with a Chance of Meteors - Melee Singles | W5 | Aluf | SpeedyJ | L3 | massi4h | Lunchbillion | L5 | smoz | PizzaFingers |