NZ Smash Archive - YouTube channel
3/09/2014 [NZ] More Forward Smash #2 - Melee Singles | L6 | SpeedyJ | Dz | GF | Phex | SpeedyJ |
4/07/2014 [NZ] Smash @ the Mountain - PM Singles | W1 | The13thDoctor | Bill | W2 | GregJS | Kelots | W2 | SpeedyJ | FERALxPANDA | W3 | BenG | SNC | W3 | Pinolicious | GregJS | W3 | SpeedyJ | Lima | W4 | Dz | BenG | W4 | Pinolicious | SpeedyJ | W5 | Dz | Pinolicious | L3 | Kelots | The13thDoctor | L4 | Kelots | OninO | L4 | Lima | Fank009 | L4 | GregJS | Poof00t | L5 | FERALxPANDA | Kelots | L5 | GregJS | Lima | L6 | SpeedyJ | FERALxPANDA | L6 | GregJS | BenG | L7 | SpeedyJ | GregJS | L8 | SpeedyJ | Pinolicious | GF | SpeedyJ | Dz |
4/07/2014 [NZ] Smash @ the Mountain - Melee Singles | W2 | SpeedyJ | Kelots | W3 | SpeedyJ | BenG | W4 | Dz | SpeedyJ |