
Character Player count Result count Match count Elo earned Elo lost Elo change
Bowser Bowser 22 51 187 2514 2500 14
Captain Falcon Captain Falcon 222 608 3427 44185 40818 3367
Donkey Kong Donkey Kong 30 47 233 2446 2375 71
Dr. Mario Dr. Mario 65 168 669 7510 7673 -163
Falco Falco 332 989 5406 77109 70574 6535
Fox Fox 317 1413 7875 105483 95022 10461
Ganondorf Ganondorf 67 186 769 8140 9209 -1069
Ice Climbers Ice Climbers 53 190 1017 17341 11895 5446
Jigglypuff Jigglypuff 125 554 2582 39319 34051 5268
Kirby Kirby 22 13 79 690 1333 -643
Link Link 36 46 236 2784 3741 -957
Luigi Luigi 64 107 649 8462 8183 279
Mario Mario 27 58 274 3275 3271 4
Marth Marth 357 895 5436 73357 69685 3672
Mewtwo Mewtwo 16 21 49 539 729 -190
Mr. Game and Watch Mr. Game and Watch 25 62 235 3025 3584 -559
Ness Ness 20 80 282 2528 2697 -169
Peach Peach 116 679 3450 47586 38443 9143
Pichu Pichu 17 13 41 145 634 -489
Pikachu Pikachu 35 43 155 665 2009 -1344
Random Random 13 9 26 350 329 21
Roy Roy 27 19 105 874 1498 -624
Samus Samus 63 209 1175 17111 13989 3122
Sheik Sheik 214 654 3401 45480 40686 4794
Yoshi Yoshi 33 106 479 8084 7772 312
Young Link Young Link 27 41 147 1371 2644 -1273
Zelda Zelda 24 29 184 1448 2551 -1103