
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Victoria 12/06/2023 49th / 59 Pixel Smash #177 Pixel SMASH Bracket
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Victoria 8/06/2023 65th / 94 BAM 13 Salty Suite Smash Ultimate Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 23/12/2022 25th / 34 Friday Night Smash 332 Smash Ultimate Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 16/12/2022 25th / 38 Friday Night Smash 331 Smash Ultimate Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 4/12/2022 97th / 146 Pissmas 3 Ultimate Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 18/11/2022 25th / 38 Friday Night Smash 327 Smash Ultimate Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 11/11/2022 33rd / 43 Friday Night Smash 326 Smash Ultimate Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 5/11/2022 13th / 32 Flip the 'Swich 17 Ultimate Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 19/08/2022 25th / 37 Friday Night Smash 314 Smash Ultimate Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 22/07/2022 17th / 32 Friday Night Smash 310 Smash Ultimate Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 8/07/2022 25th / 39 Friday Night Smash 308 Smash Ultimate Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 10/06/2022 25th / 37 Friday Night Smash 304 Smash Ultimate Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 3/06/2022 25th / 38 Friday Night Smash 303 Smash Ultimate Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 27/05/2022 33rd / 38 Friday Night Smash 302 Smash Ultimate Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Victoria 17/05/2022 17th / 20 Post-BAM Mini EBS Ultimate Singles Bracket
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Victoria 16/05/2022 33rd / 58 Pixel Smash #122 Pixel SMASH Bracket
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Victoria 15/05/2022 129th / 343 BAM 12 Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles [BAM 2022]
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Victoria 12/05/2022 65th / 96 Pre-BAM Pixel Smash Pixel SMASH
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 29/04/2022 33rd / 54 Friday Night Smash 299 Smash Ultimate Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 1/04/2022 17th / 40 Friday Night Smash 295 Smash Ultimate Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 25/03/2022 17th / 42 Friday Night Smash 294 Smash Ultimate Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 11/03/2022 17th / 38 Friday Night Smash 292 Smash Ultimate Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 4/03/2022 17th / 31 Friday Night Smash 291 Smash Ultimate Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 26/02/2022 65th / 100 CouchWarriors QLD February Ranbat 2022 Smash Ultimate Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 26/02/2022 17th / 29 CouchWarriors QLD February Ranbat 2022 CW QLD February Ranbat 2022 Amateurs
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 25/02/2022 33rd / 56 Friday Night Smash 290 Smash Ultimate Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 27/11/2021 33rd / 54 CouchWarriors QLD November Ranbat 2021 Smash Ultimate Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 27/11/2021 7th / 22 CouchWarriors QLD November Ranbat 2021 CW QLD November 2021 Ranbat Ult Ammies
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 25/09/2021 49th / 70 CouchWarriors QLD September Ranbat 2021 Smash Ultimate Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 16/07/2021 25th / 45 Friday Night Smash 268 Smash Ultimate Singles Pyra / Mythra
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 9/07/2021 25th / 45 Friday Night Smash 267 Smash Ultimate Singles Pyra / Mythra
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 29/05/2021 4th / 24 CouchWarriors QLD May Ranbat 2021 CWQLD Ranbat May 21 Ultimate Amateurs Pyra / Mythra
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 29/05/2021 33rd / 58 CouchWarriors QLD May Ranbat 2021 Smash Ultimate Singles Pyra / Mythra
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 29/05/2021 2nd / 18 CouchWarriors QLD May Ranbat 2021 Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket FalcoSnake
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 28/05/2021 17th / 34 Friday Night Smash 262 Smash Ultimate Singles Pyra / Mythra
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 24/04/2021 25th / 54 CouchWarriors QLD April Ranbat 2021 Smash Ultimate Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 24/04/2021 5th / 14 CouchWarriors QLD April Ranbat 2021 CW QLD April 21 Ranbat Redemption Pyra / Mythra
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 23/04/2021 25th / 47 Friday Night Smash 257 Smash Ultimate Singles Pyra / Mythra
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 6/03/2021 65th / 73 Flip The 'Swich #2 Ultimate Singles Pyra / Mythra
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 6/03/2021 4th / 19 Flip The 'Swich #2 FTS #2 Amateurs Pyra / Mythra
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 5/03/2021 33rd / 48 Friday Night Smash 251 Smash Ultimate Singles Pyra / Mythra
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 20/12/2020 49th / 131 Pissmas 2 Ultimate Singles Wolf
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 20/12/2020 9th / 15 Pissmas 2 Pissmas 2 No Cigar
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 14/03/2020 33rd / 47 CouchWarriors QLD March 2020 Ranbat Smash Ultimate Singles Wolf
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 14/03/2020 2nd / 23 CouchWarriors QLD March 2020 Ranbat Couchwarriors QLD March 2020 Ranbat Amateurs Wolf
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 14/02/2020 49th / 115 META SHIFT Ultimate Singles Wolf
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 14/12/2019 4th / 6 Pissmas - A Coastal Clash Christmas Special Ultimate Singles Bracket Wolf
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 14/12/2019 25th / 32 Pissmas - A Coastal Clash Christmas Special Ultimate Singles Pros Wolf
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 24/08/2019 5th / 6 Coastal Clash 4 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wolf
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 24/08/2019 5th / 12 Coastal Clash 4 Coastal Clash 4 Amateurs Wolf
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 10/08/2019 97th / 191 Sunny Side Up Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles Wolf
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 23/02/2019 2nd / 6 Couchwarriors QLD February 2019 Ranbat Smash Ultimate Singles Pools Wolf
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 23/02/2019 17th / 32 Couchwarriors QLD February 2019 Ranbat Smash Ultimate Singles Pros Wolf
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 23/02/2019 3rd / 24 Couchwarriors QLD February 2019 Ranbat Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket Wolf
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 5/01/2019 1st / 4 Couchwarriors QLD Smash Ultimate New Year Bash Bros Singles Bracket Wolf
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 5/01/2019 25th / 32 Couchwarriors QLD Smash Ultimate New Year Bash Bros Singles Pros Wolf
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 5/01/2019 5th / 25 Couchwarriors QLD Smash Ultimate New Year Bash Bros Doubles Bracket Wolf
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 25/05/2018 9th / 20 Friday Night Smash 150 Smash 4 Singles Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 25/05/2018 2nd / 10 Friday Night Smash 150 Smash 4 Redemption Bracket Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 1/07/2017 9th / 22 Final Destination #2 - 1st + 2nd July |UQ Smash Major 2017 Wii U Doubles Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 1/07/2017 25th / 32 Final Destination #2 - 1st + 2nd July |UQ Smash Major 2017 Wii U Bracket Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 1/07/2017 4th / 9 Final Destination #2 - 1st + 2nd July |UQ Smash Major 2017 Wii U Pools Bowser
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Queensland 1/07/2017 5th / 12 Final Destination #2 - 1st + 2nd July |UQ Smash Major 2017 Brawl Snake
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 30/06/2017 13th / 32 Friday Night Smash 106 Smash4 Singles Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 29/06/2017 9th / 32 Jubilee Thursdays #13 Singles Bowser
Super Smash Bros. Melee Queensland 29/06/2017 25th / 35 Jubilee Thursdays #13 Singles Peach
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 28/05/2017 3rd / 4 PvP presents: Gold Coast to EVO 2017 Pools Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 28/05/2017 17th / 24 PvP presents: Gold Coast to EVO 2017 Top 24 Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 28/05/2017 7th / 15 PvP presents: Gold Coast to EVO 2017 Doubles Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 25/03/2017 2nd / 6 UQ Smash 29 - March 2017 Pools Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 25/03/2017 7th / 23 UQ Smash 29 - March 2017 Pros Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 25/03/2017 2nd / 16 UQ Smash 29 - March 2017 Doubles Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Tasmania 10/03/2017 3rd / 9 Tassie Fighter Con 2017 10th - 12th Tassie Fighter Con 2 Pools Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Tasmania 10/03/2017 13th / 16 Tassie Fighter Con 2017 10th - 12th Tassie Fighter Con 2 Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 20/01/2017 5th / 25 Friday Night Smash 83 Smash4 Singles Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 18/12/2016 2nd / 16 Level Up Lounge 6 Singles Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 17/12/2016 1st / 6 UQ Smash 26 - Christmas Edition. Pools U Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 17/12/2016 17th / 24 UQ Smash 26 - Christmas Edition. Singles Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 17/12/2016 4th / 15 UQ Smash 26 - Christmas Edition. Doubles Mega Man
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Victoria 26/11/2016 2nd / 6 CouchWarriors Wii U Nov 2016 wii u pools Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Victoria 26/11/2016 17th / 32 CouchWarriors Wii U Nov 2016 wii u pro bracket Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Victoria 26/11/2016 5th / 33 CouchWarriors Wii U Nov 2016 wii u doubles Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Victoria 25/11/2016 17th / 65 Smash @ Swanston #44 Wii U singles Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 29/10/2016 1st / 7 UQ Smash 24 Pools Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 29/10/2016 2nd / 23 UQ Smash 24 Doubles Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 24/09/2016 1st / 4 UQ Smash 23 Wii U Pools Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 24/09/2016 17th / 32 UQ Smash 23 Top 32 Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 24/09/2016 7th / 21 UQ Smash 23 Doubles Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 17/09/2016 2nd / 5 Stacked 6 Pools Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 17/09/2016 3rd / 18 Stacked 6 Doubles Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 9/07/2016 2nd / 8 UQ Smash - Final Destination 2016 - 9th + 10th of July UQ FD Smash 4 Pools Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 9/07/2016 9th / 32 UQ Smash - Final Destination 2016 - 9th + 10th of July UQ FD Smash 4 Top 32 Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 9/07/2016 7th / 24 UQ Smash - Final Destination 2016 - 9th + 10th of July Wii U Doubles Bowser
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Queensland 9/07/2016 2nd / 11 UQ Smash - Final Destination 2016 - 9th + 10th of July Brawl SnakeWolf
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 19/06/2016 3rd / 4 Stacked 3 Pools Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 19/06/2016 7th / 16 Stacked 3 Ams Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 28/05/2016 5th / 6 Stacked 2 Singles Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 28/05/2016 9th / 16 Stacked 2 Doubles Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 28/05/2016 1st / 18 Stacked 2 Amatuers PalutenaZelda
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 21/05/2016 2nd / 7 UQ Smash 20 Pools U Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 21/05/2016 13th / 23 UQ Smash 20 Singles Pro U PalutenaZelda
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Victoria 13/05/2016 94th / 240 BAM 8 - 13-15th May Wii U Singles (BIG BRACKET) Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Victoria 11/05/2016 13th / 39 Guf Geelong 40 (The Stacked Geelong) Singles Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 23/04/2016 2nd / 5 UQ Smash 19 - ANZAC Smash Pools Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 23/04/2016 3rd / 14 UQ Smash 19 - ANZAC Smash Doubles Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 23/04/2016 7th / 24 UQ Smash 19 - ANZAC Smash Pro Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U New Zealand 26/03/2016 1st / 4 First Blood VI (feat. JEZMO and AERODROME) Pools Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U New Zealand 26/03/2016 3rd / 16 First Blood VI (feat. JEZMO and AERODROME) Singles Pro Bowser
Super Smash Bros. Melee New Zealand 26/03/2016 7th / 8 First Blood VI (feat. JEZMO and AERODROME) Singles Peach
Super Smash Bros. Melee New Zealand 26/03/2016 2nd / 7 First Blood VI (feat. JEZMO and AERODROME) Pools Peach
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 27/02/2016 1st / 5 UQ Smash 17 Pools Wii U Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 27/02/2016 5th / 32 UQ Smash 17 Wii U Pro Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 21/02/2016 4th / 17 Smash Sundays #8 Smash 4 Bowser
Super Smash Bros. Melee Queensland 21/02/2016 5th / 19 Smash Sundays #8 Melee Peach
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 31/01/2016 7th / 31 Smash Sundays #7 Singles U Bowser
Super Smash Bros. Melee Queensland 31/01/2016 5th / 21 Smash Sundays #7 Melee Peach
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 9/01/2016 1st / 7 Smashbox V SM4SH Pools Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 9/01/2016 9th / 36 Smashbox V SM4SH Singles Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 8/01/2016 9th / 63 GUF Friday Night Smash #30 SM4SH Singles Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U South Australia 28/11/2015 25th / 32 SXC2K15 - Southern Cross Championships 2K15 SM4SH Top 32 Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U South Australia 28/11/2015 9th / 28 SXC2K15 - Southern Cross Championships 2K15 Wii U Doubles Bowser
Super Smash Bros. Brawl South Australia 28/11/2015 3rd / 19 SXC2K15 - Southern Cross Championships 2K15 Brawl Singles Snake
Project M South Australia 28/11/2015 7th / 9 SXC2K15 - Southern Cross Championships 2K15 PM Doubles Peach
Project M South Australia 28/11/2015 13th / 32 SXC2K15 - Southern Cross Championships 2K15 PM Singles Peach
Super Smash Bros. Melee South Australia 28/11/2015 29th / 35 SXC2K15 - Southern Cross Championships 2K15 melee singles Peach
Super Smash Bros. Melee Queensland 22/11/2015 4th / 12 Smash Sundays #4 Singles Peach
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 10/10/2015 3rd / 16 UQ Smash 13 Doubles Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 10/10/2015 5th / 24 UQ Smash 13 Pro Bracket Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 10/10/2015 1st / 6 UQ Smash 13 Pools Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 19/09/2015 1st / 6 Smashbox III SM4SH Pools Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 19/09/2015 13th / 32 Smashbox III Singles Pro Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 19/09/2015 2nd / 19 Smashbox III SM4SH Teams Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 12/09/2015 2nd / 5 UQ Smash 12 Singles Pool 3/Group C Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 12/09/2015 4th / 24 UQ Smash 12 Singles Pro Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 12/09/2015 1st / 14 UQ Smash 12 Wii U Doubles Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 22/08/2015 5th / 32 UQ Smash 11 Singles Pro Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 22/08/2015 5th / 8 UQ Smash 11 Doubles Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 22/08/2015 1st / 8 UQ Smash 11 Group H - Pool 8 Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 24/07/2015 1st / 8 Sunshine Smash 2 Singles Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 20/06/2015 2nd / 6 UQ Smash 10 SM4SH Pools Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 20/06/2015 9th / 24 UQ Smash 10 SM4SH Pro Singles BowserCharizard
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 19/06/2015 9th / 19 GUF Friday Night Smash #4 Singles BowserCharizardRyu
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Victoria 23/05/2015 13th / 50 BAM 7 wiiu doubles Bowser
Super Smash Bros. Melee Victoria 23/05/2015 65th / 88 BAM 7 melee doubles Peach
Project M Victoria 22/05/2015 25th / 33 Project Melbourne pm doubles Peach
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 16/05/2015 13th / 24 UQ Smash 8 SM4SH Pro Singles Sheik
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 16/05/2015 1st / 7 UQ Smash 8 SM4SH Pools Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 9/05/2015 2nd / 5 Smashbox I SM4SH Pools Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 9/05/2015 9th / 24 Smashbox I SM4SH Pro Singles Sheik
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 9/05/2015 5th / 14 Smashbox I SM4SH Teams Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 19/04/2015 1st / 5 UQ Smash 7 SM4SH Pools Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 19/04/2015 4th / 16 UQ Smash 7 SM4SH Pro Bracket Sheik
Super Smash Bros. Melee Queensland 19/04/2015 4th / 4 UQ Smash 7 Singles Pools Peach
Super Smash Bros. Melee Queensland 19/04/2015 5th / 9 UQ Smash 7 Doubles Peach
Super Smash Bros. Melee Queensland 19/04/2015 9th / 16 UQ Smash 7 Singles Amateur Peach
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 11/04/2015 2nd / 5 AutumnSmash 2015 Smash U Pools Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 11/04/2015 13th / 24 AutumnSmash 2015 Singles Pro BowserSheik
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 15/03/2015 2nd / 7 UQ Smash 6 Wii U Pools Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 15/03/2015 13th / 24 UQ Smash 6 Wii U Pro Bracket CharizardSheik
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 15/03/2015 13th / 18 UQ Smash 6 Wii U Teams Bowser
Super Smash Bros. Melee Queensland 15/03/2015 5th / 16 UQ Smash 6 Melee Doubles Peach
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 21/02/2015 1st / 6 UQ Smash 5 Wii U Pools Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 21/02/2015 9th / 20 UQ Smash 5 Wii U Singles BowserSheik
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 21/02/2015 5th / 20 UQ Smash 5 Wii U Teams Bowser
Super Smash Bros. Melee Queensland 21/02/2015 5th / 5 UQ Smash 5 Melee Pools Peach
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 17/01/2015 5th / 53 UQ Smash 4 Wii U Singles BowserSheik
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 17/01/2015 2nd / 21 UQ Smash 4 Wii U Doubles Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 3/01/2015 9th / 34 PLAY Warehouse IX Wii U Singles BowserCharizardLucinaZelda
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 3/01/2015 4th / 12 PLAY Warehouse IX Wii U Doubles Bowser
Super Smash Bros. Melee Queensland 3/01/2015 6th / 6 PLAY Warehouse IX Melee Pools Peach
Super Smash Bros. Melee Queensland 3/01/2015 5th / 9 PLAY Warehouse IX Melee Amateur Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 6/12/2014 3rd / 13 PLAY Warehouse VIII Smash Wii U Doubles Bowser
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Queensland 6/12/2014 4th / 25 PLAY Warehouse VIII Smash Wii U Singles BowserPalutenaRosalina & LumaZelda
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS Queensland 22/11/2014 4th / 17 UQ Smash 2 Singles BowserBowser Jr.PalutenaRosalina & LumaZelda
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS Queensland 15/11/2014 2nd / 9 Sunshine Smash 1 Singles BowserRosalina & Luma
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS Queensland 11/10/2014 5th / 9 PLAY Warehouse VII Doubles Mega Man
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS Queensland 11/10/2014 7th / 25 PLAY Warehouse VII Singles BowserRobin
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS Queensland 5/10/2014 3rd / 22 UQ Smash 1 Singles BowserBowser Jr.
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS Queensland 5/10/2014 2nd / 11 UQ Smash 1 Doubles Mega Man
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS Queensland 4/10/2014 2nd / 18 Mana Bar 3DS Tourney Night Singles Bowser Jr.Palutena
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Queensland 26/07/2014 3rd / 9 PLAY Warehouse V Brawl Doubles SnakeWolf
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Queensland 26/07/2014 7th / 22 PLAY Warehouse V Brawl Singles PeachBowserMarth
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Queensland 13/04/2014 5th / 11 AutumnSmash 2014 Brawl SnakeWolf
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Queensland 29/03/2014 2nd / 6 PLAY Warehouse II Brawl Doubles SnakeWolf
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Queensland 29/03/2014 9th / 11 PLAY Warehouse II Brawl Singles ZeldaPikmin & Olimar
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Queensland 7/12/2013 3rd / 7 SantaSmash 2013 Brawl Doubles SnakeWolf
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Queensland 7/12/2013 9th / 15 SantaSmash 2013 Brawl Singles Zelda
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Queensland 26/05/2012 1st / 7 Real Life Gaming I Doubles SnakeWolf
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Queensland 26/05/2012 5th / 15 Real Life Gaming I Singles ZeldaSheikWolf