• 1605 Current Elo
  • 1716 Peak Elo
  • 253 National rank
  • 70 NSW rank

Biggest upset



New South Wales Storm the Castle #18 17/08/2024

Ultimate Singles Pools +1

W3 Pondi 1641 ↘ 1605 -36 1767 ↗ 1803 germanpogostick
W2 Pondi 1623 ↗ 1641 +18 1297 ↘ 1279 Inferno
W1 Pondi 1604 ↗ 1623 +19 1286 ↘ 1267 Hal

Ultimate Singles Top 8 -79

L3 Pondi 1644 ↘ 1604 -40 1733 ↗ 1773 germanpogostick
L2 Pondi 1632 ↗ 1644 +12 1202 ↘ 1190 KingEngine
W1 Pondi 1683 ↘ 1632 -51 1678 ↗ 1729 Kanga

New South Wales Castle Smashers 76 1/08/2024

Ultimate singles Bracket +148

GF Pondi 1716 ↘ 1683 -33 1872 ↗ 1905 Spike
L6 Pondi 1638 ↗ 1716 +78 1910 ↘ 1832 Froggo
L5 Pondi 1597 ↗ 1638 +41 1517 ↘ 1476 JayBird
L4 Pondi 1564 ↗ 1597 +33 1412 ↘ 1379 Techlord
W3 Pondi 1578 ↘ 1564 -14 1965 ↗ 1979 Froggo
W2 Pondi 1543 ↗ 1578 +35 1411 ↘ 1376 MTH1602
W1 Pondi 1535 ↗ 1543 +8 1000 ↘ 992 Esterbrook

New South Wales Storm the Castle #17 20/07/2024

Ultimate Singles Pools -7

W3 Pondi 1566 ↘ 1535 -31 1739 ↗ 1770 BloodMoon
W2 Pondi 1543 ↗ 1566 +23 1280 ↘ 1257 The Chuckstah
W1 Pondi 1542 ↗ 1543 +1 418 ↘ 417 skelltan

Ultimate Singles Top 8 -40

L3 Pondi 1573 ↘ 1542 -31 1748 ↗ 1779 BloodMoon
L2 Pondi 1553 ↗ 1573 +20 1248 ↘ 1228 Jezmamanezma
W1 Pondi 1582 ↘ 1553 -29 1772 ↗ 1801 BigMrAMan

New South Wales Castle Smashers 73 11/07/2024

Ultimate singles Bracket +86

L6 Pondi 1622 ↘ 1582 -40 1710 ↗ 1750 ElliotMK
L5 Pondi 1540 ↗ 1622 +82 1862 ↘ 1780 Spike
L4 Pondi 1520 ↗ 1540 +20 1223 ↘ 1203 KingEngine
W3 Pondi 1527 ↘ 1520 -7 2101 ↗ 2108 Froggo
W2 Pondi 1496 ↗ 1527 +31 1326 ↘ 1295 JayBird

Victoria Phantom 2024 7/07/2024

Ultimate Singles +39

L3 Pondi 1553 ↘ 1496 -57 1490 ↗ 1547 Benthoven
W2 Pondi 1555 ↘ 1553 -2 2412 ↗ 2414 MothCoats
W1 Pondi 1457 ↗ 1555 +98 2313 ↘ 2215 Yellow

Victoria Pre-Phantom Stomping Ground 5/07/2024

Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket -86

L2 Pondi 1534 ↘ 1457 -77 1270 ↗ 1347 moralcstar
W1 Pondi 1543 ↘ 1534 -9 2044 ↗ 2053 Slimboy17

New South Wales Castle Smashers 72 4/07/2024

Ultimate singles Bracket +40

GF Pondi 1556 ↘ 1543 -13 1973 ↗ 1986 Spike
L5 Pondi 1532 ↗ 1556 +24 1276 ↘ 1252 Hal
W4 Pondi 1545 ↘ 1532 -13 1960 ↗ 1973 Spike
W3 Pondi 1504 ↗ 1545 +41 1428 ↘ 1387 JayBird
W2 Pondi 1503 ↗ 1504 +1 568 ↘ 567 LordRose2

New South Wales Castle Smashers 66 23/05/2024

Ultimate singles Bracket +110

L6 Pondi 1528 ↘ 1503 -25 1764 ↗ 1789 Froggo
W4 Pondi 1532 ↘ 1528 -4 2198 ↗ 2202 Spike
W3 Pondi 1447 ↗ 1532 +85 1817 ↘ 1732 Froggo
W2 Pondi 1394 ↗ 1447 +53 1423 ↘ 1370 JayBird
W1 Pondi 1393 ↗ 1394 +1 482 ↘ 481 skelltan

New South Wales Castle Smashers 64 9/05/2024

Ultimate singles Bracket -105

L3 Pondi 1460 ↘ 1393 -67 1304 ↗ 1371 Cotton
L2 Pondi 1449 ↗ 1460 +11 1000 ↘ 989 Clemtime
W2 Pondi 1500 ↘ 1449 -51 1495 ↗ 1546 MTH1602
W1 Pondi 1498 ↗ 1500 +2 649 ↘ 647 LordRose2

New South Wales Castle Smashers 62 25/04/2024

Ultimate singles Bracket -20

L3 Pondi 1565 ↘ 1498 -67 1415 ↗ 1482 JayBird
W3 Pondi 1577 ↘ 1565 -12 2013 ↗ 2025 Froggo
W2 Pondi 1518 ↗ 1577 +59 1595 ↘ 1536 MTH1602

New South Wales Storm the Castle #14 20/04/2024

Ultimate Singles Top 12 -54

L3 Pondi 1550 ↘ 1518 -32 1714 ↗ 1746 BigMrAMan
L2 Pondi 1511 ↗ 1550 +39 1417 ↘ 1378 Inferno
W1 Pondi 1572 ↘ 1511 -61 1477 ↗ 1538 Kuriboh

Ultimate Singles Bracket +21

W5 Pondi 1588 ↘ 1572 -16 1954 ↗ 1970 Kanga
W4 Pondi 1555 ↗ 1588 +33 1405 ↘ 1372 Inferno
W3 Pondi 1530 ↗ 1555 +25 1288 ↘ 1263 Techlord
W2 Pondi 1567 ↘ 1530 -37 1678 ↗ 1715 germanpogostick
W1 Pondi 1551 ↗ 1567 +16 1190 ↘ 1174 Taipan

New South Wales Castle Smashers 61 18/04/2024

Ultimate singles Bracket -82

L3 Pondi 1631 ↘ 1551 -80 1329 ↗ 1409 JayBird
L2 Pondi 1630 ↗ 1631 +1 578 ↘ 577 skelltan
W2 Pondi 1646 ↘ 1630 -16 2004 ↗ 2020 Spike
W1 Pondi 1633 ↗ 1646 +13 1219 ↘ 1206 Taipan

New South Wales Castle Smashers 55 7/03/2024

Ultimate singles Bracket +47

L6 Pondi 1666 ↘ 1633 -33 1822 ↗ 1855 Froggo
L5 Pondi 1623 ↗ 1666 +43 1559 ↘ 1516 MTH1602
L4 Pondi 1605 ↗ 1623 +18 1283 ↘ 1265 Cotton
W3 Pondi 1610 ↘ 1605 -5 2234 ↗ 2239 Spike
W2 Pondi 1586 ↗ 1610 +24 1341 ↘ 1317 JayBird
W1 Pondi 1586 ↗ 1586 436 ↘ 436 skelltan

New South Wales Castle Smashers 53 22/02/2024

Ultimate singles Bracket +14

L5 Pondi 1614 ↘ 1586 -28 1817 ↗ 1845 Froggo
L4 Pondi 1575 ↗ 1614 +39 1475 ↘ 1436 JayBird
L3 Pondi 1555 ↗ 1575 +20 1260 ↘ 1240 Cotton
W3 Pondi 1581 ↘ 1555 -26 1806 ↗ 1832 Froggo
W2 Pondi 1572 ↗ 1581 +9 1068 ↘ 1059 Dag

New South Wales Castle Smashers 52 15/02/2024

Ultimate singles Bracket +110

L5 Pondi 1587 ↘ 1572 -15 1968 ↗ 1983 Froggo
W4 Pondi 1595 ↘ 1587 -8 2128 ↗ 2136 Spike
W3 Pondi 1504 ↗ 1595 +91 2007 ↘ 1916 Froggo
W2 Pondi 1462 ↗ 1504 +42 1395 ↘ 1353 Cotton

New South Wales Okay this is Epping #24 10/02/2024

Ultimate Singles Bracket -69

W5 Pondi 1514 ↘ 1462 -52 1499 ↗ 1551 Mukora
W4 Pondi 1548 ↘ 1514 -34 1689 ↗ 1723 Glace
W3 Pondi 1570 ↘ 1548 -22 1840 ↗ 1862 Relo
W2 Pondi 1566 ↗ 1570 +4 887 ↘ 883 PJ
W1 Pondi 1531 ↗ 1566 +35 1400 ↘ 1365 Inferno

New South Wales Castle Smashers 49 25/01/2024

Ultimate singles Bracket +176

GF Pondi 1539 ↘ 1531 -8 2062 ↗ 2070 Spike
L5 Pondi 1492 ↗ 1539 +47 1465 ↘ 1418 JayBird
W4 Pondi 1499 ↘ 1492 -7 2055 ↗ 2062 Spike
W3 Pondi 1405 ↗ 1499 +94 1986 ↘ 1892 Froggo
W2 Pondi 1355 ↗ 1405 +50 1359 ↘ 1309 Techlord

New South Wales Okay this is Epping #22 9/12/2023

Ultimate Singles -7

L3 Pondi 1380 ↘ 1355 -25 1615 ↗ 1640 Nichirin
L2 Pondi 1369 ↗ 1380 +11 909 ↘ 898 R_star
W2 Pondi 1374 ↘ 1369 -5 2006 ↗ 2011 Thrillhouse
W1 Pondi 1362 ↗ 1374 +12 923 ↘ 911 It be do?!

New South Wales Castle Smashers 42 7/12/2023

Ultimate singles Bracket -50

L3 Pondi 1415 ↘ 1362 -53 1387 ↗ 1440 JayBird
L2 Pondi 1413 ↗ 1415 +2 505 ↘ 503 skelltan
W2 Pondi 1419 ↘ 1413 -6 2014 ↗ 2020 Merebry
W1 Pondi 1412 ↗ 1419 +7 857 ↘ 850 Ulticow

New South Wales Storm the Castle #9 21/10/2023

Ultimate Singles Top 12 +8

L2 Pondi 1422 ↘ 1412 -10 1889 ↗ 1899 Froggo
W2 Pondi 1437 ↘ 1422 -15 1812 ↗ 1827 BigMrAMan
W1 Pondi 1404 ↗ 1437 +33 1247 ↘ 1214 Strange

Ultimate Singles Bracket +33

W5 Pondi 1407 ↘ 1404 -3 2186 ↗ 2189 Sumi
W4 Pondi 1345 ↗ 1407 +62 1454 ↘ 1392 Roboticjo
W3 Pondi 1341 ↗ 1345 +4 648 ↘ 644 Monkey pilot
W2 Pondi 1384 ↘ 1341 -43 1445 ↗ 1488 JayBird
W1 Pondi 1371 ↗ 1384 +13 967 ↘ 954 Plushie Princess

New South Wales Castle Smashers 35 19/10/2023

Ultimate singles Bracket -46

L4 Pondi 1419 ↘ 1371 -48 1433 ↗ 1481 Cotton
L3 Pondi 1374 ↗ 1419 +45 1332 ↘ 1287 Kyle
L2 Pondi 1343 ↗ 1374 +31 1166 ↘ 1135 Simdawg
W1 Pondi 1417 ↘ 1343 -74 1192 ↗ 1266 elyse

New South Wales Castle Smashers 33 5/10/2023

Ultimate singles Bracket -46

L3 Pondi 1468 ↘ 1417 -51 1458 ↗ 1509 JayBird
W3 Pondi 1476 ↘ 1468 -8 2019 ↗ 2027 Froggo
W2 Pondi 1463 ↗ 1476 +13 1048 ↘ 1035 Taipan

New South Wales Storm the Castle #8 30/09/2023

Ultimate Singles Top 12 +130

L4 Pondi 1495 ↘ 1463 -32 1663 ↗ 1695 ElliotMK
L3 Pondi 1438 ↗ 1495 +57 1498 ↘ 1441 Inferno
L2 Pondi 1384 ↗ 1438 +54 1416 ↘ 1362 Lainey
W2 Pondi 1390 ↘ 1384 -6 2001 ↗ 2007 Spike
W1 Pondi 1333 ↗ 1390 +57 1392 ↘ 1335 Techlord

Ultimate Singles Bracket +10

W5 Pondi 1418 ↘ 1333 -85 1048 ↗ 1133 S0o0op
W4 Pondi 1422 ↘ 1418 -4 2137 ↗ 2141 Froggo
W3 Pondi 1411 ↗ 1422 +11 948 ↘ 937 JokerMain
W2 Pondi 1346 ↗ 1411 +65 1482 ↘ 1417 Lainey
W1 Pondi 1323 ↗ 1346 +23 1065 ↘ 1042 Taipan

New South Wales Castle Smashers 32 28/09/2023

Ultimate singles Bracket -70

L3 Pondi 1358 ↘ 1323 -35 1488 ↗ 1523 JayBird
L2 Pondi 1348 ↗ 1358 +10 865 ↘ 855 Hal
W2 Pondi 1395 ↘ 1348 -47 1420 ↗ 1467 MTH1602
W1 Pondi 1393 ↗ 1395 +2 521 ↘ 519 Monkey pilot

New South Wales Castle Smashers 28 31/08/2023

Ultimate singles Bracket -115

L3 Pondi 1457 ↘ 1393 -64 1331 ↗ 1395 JayBird
L2 Pondi 1446 ↗ 1457 +11 995 ↘ 984 Ulticow
W2 Pondi 1510 ↘ 1446 -64 1387 ↗ 1451 Techlord
W1 Pondi 1508 ↗ 1510 +2 605 ↘ 603 Monkey pilot

New South Wales Okay This Is Epping Arcadian #2 12/08/2023

Arcadian Ultimate Singles -39

L4 Pondi 1520 ↘ 1508 -12 1955 ↗ 1967 MAMP
L2 Pondi 1510 ↗ 1520 +10 1026 ↘ 1016 NormalMuffin
L1 Pondi 1502 ↗ 1510 +8 984 ↘ 976 Taipan
W2 Pondi 1547 ↘ 1502 -45 1590 ↗ 1635 BigMrAMan

New South Wales Castle Smashers 24 10/08/2023

Ultimate singles Bracket +24

L5 Pondi 1589 ↘ 1547 -42 1657 ↗ 1699 FumbleJr
L4 Pondi 1561 ↗ 1589 +28 1360 ↘ 1332 Techlord
W3 Pondi 1567 ↘ 1561 -6 2179 ↗ 2185 Spike
W2 Pondi 1526 ↗ 1567 +41 1451 ↘ 1410 Cotton
W1 Pondi 1523 ↗ 1526 +3 774 ↘ 771 Archie

New South Wales Storm the Castle #6 15/07/2023

Ultimate Singles Top 8 -84

L2 Pondi 1560 ↘ 1523 -37 1675 ↗ 1712 Governor
W1 Pondi 1607 ↘ 1560 -47 1636 ↗ 1683 BigMrAMan

Ultimate Singles Bracket -43

W5 Pondi 1609 ↘ 1607 -2 2418 ↗ 2420 Sumi
W4 Pondi 1598 ↗ 1609 +11 1150 ↘ 1139 Lonk
W2 Pondi 1656 ↘ 1598 -58 1586 ↗ 1644 Governor
W1 Pondi 1650 ↗ 1656 +6 1048 ↘ 1042 JokerMain

New South Wales Castle Smashers 21 13/07/2023

Ultimate singles Bracket +160

GF Pondi 1658 ↘ 1650 -8 2182 ↗ 2190 Spike
L5 Pondi 1575 ↗ 1658 +83 1921 ↘ 1838 Froggo
L4 Pondi 1540 ↗ 1575 +35 1408 ↘ 1373 JayBird
L3 Pondi 1527 ↗ 1540 +13 1121 ↘ 1108 Somerandom
W3 Pondi 1541 ↘ 1527 -14 1935 ↗ 1949 Froggo
W2 Pondi 1490 ↗ 1541 +51 1501 ↘ 1450 FumbleJr
W1 Pondi 1490 ↗ 1490 158 ↘ 158 Phyllis

New South Wales Castle Smashers #20 6/07/2023

Ultimate singles Bracket -68

L3 Pondi 1494 ↘ 1490 -4 2176 ↗ 2180 Sumi
L2 Pondi 1489 ↗ 1494 +5 852 ↘ 847 Archie
L1 Pondi 1489 ↗ 1489 158 ↘ 158 Phyllis
W2 Pondi 1558 ↘ 1489 -69 1384 ↗ 1453 Techlord

New South Wales Storm The Castle #5 24/06/2023

Ultimate Singles Top 8 +37

L3 Pondi 1576 ↘ 1558 -18 1907 ↗ 1925 Guts
L2 Pondi 1536 ↗ 1576 +40 1445 ↘ 1405 Cotton
W2 Pondi 1569 ↘ 1536 -33 1722 ↗ 1755 BigMrAMan
W1 Pondi 1521 ↗ 1569 +48 1502 ↘ 1454 Governor

Ultimate Singles Bracket +141

W7 Pondi 1521 ↗ 1521 366 ↘ 366 Eva
W6 Pondi 1454 ↗ 1521 +67 1609 ↘ 1542 Violet
W5 Pondi 1464 ↘ 1454 -10 1953 ↗ 1963 Spike
W4 Pondi 1454 ↗ 1464 +10 976 ↘ 966 Bonsai
W2 Pondi 1403 ↗ 1454 +51 1408 ↘ 1357 Cotton
W1 Pondi 1380 ↗ 1403 +23 1117 ↘ 1094 Taipan

New South Wales Castle smashers #15 1/06/2023

Ultimate singles Bracket -44

L3 Pondi 1399 ↘ 1380 -19 1711 ↗ 1730 FumbleJr
L2 Pondi 1392 ↗ 1399 +7 834 ↘ 827 Hal
L1 Pondi 1384 ↗ 1392 +8 852 ↘ 844 Archie
W2 Pondi 1424 ↘ 1384 -40 1509 ↗ 1549 Cotton

New South Wales Castle Smashers 14.8 (Off Week) 25/05/2023

Ultimate singles Top 4 +84

W2 Pondi 1428 ↘ 1424 -4 2129 ↗ 2133 Spike
W1 Pondi 1340 ↗ 1428 +88 1773 ↘ 1685 FumbleJr

Ultimate singles Bracket -14

W6 Pondi 1343 ↘ 1340 -3 2099 ↗ 2102 Spike
W5 Pondi 1330 ↗ 1343 +13 914 ↘ 901 Archie
W3 Pondi 1286 ↗ 1330 +44 1230 ↘ 1186 JayBird
W2 Pondi 1370 ↘ 1286 -84 1003 ↗ 1087 Taipan
W1 Pondi 1354 ↗ 1370 +16 1000 ↘ 984 KEEP GAMBLING | rocket

New South Wales Castle Smashers #14 18/05/2023

Ultimate singles Bracket -20

L3 Pondi 1393 ↘ 1354 -39 1487 ↗ 1526 Strange
L2 Pondi 1378 ↗ 1393 +15 1009 ↘ 994 Inferno
W2 Pondi 1379 ↘ 1378 -1 2518 ↗ 2519 Sumi
W1 Pondi 1374 ↗ 1379 +5 713 ↘ 708 Hal

New South Wales Castle Smashers 13 11/05/2023

Ultimate singles Bracket +140

L5 Pondi 1394 ↘ 1374 -20 1700 ↗ 1720 FumbleJr
L4 Pondi 1328 ↗ 1394 +66 1476 ↘ 1410 Cotton
L3 Pondi 1275 ↗ 1328 +53 1297 ↘ 1244 JayBird
L2 Pondi 1254 ↗ 1275 +21 964 ↘ 943 Archie
W2 Pondi 1260 ↘ 1254 -6 1839 ↗ 1845 Froggo
W1 Pondi 1234 ↗ 1260 +26 1004 ↘ 978 Inferno

New South Wales Castle Smashers 10 20/04/2023

Ultimate singles Bracket +130

L4 Pondi 1246 ↘ 1234 -12 1676 ↗ 1688 FumbleJr
L3 Pondi 1159 ↗ 1246 +87 1581 ↘ 1494 Kyle
L2 Pondi 1140 ↗ 1159 +19 821 ↘ 802 Archie
W2 Pondi 1142 ↘ 1140 -2 2036 ↗ 2038 Froggo
W1 Pondi 1104 ↗ 1142 +38 1002 ↘ 964 Taipan

New South Wales Castle Smashers 9 13/04/2023

Ultimate singles Bracket +60

L3 Pondi 1134 ↘ 1104 -30 1318 ↗ 1348 Techlord
L2 Pondi 1057 ↗ 1134 +77 1314 ↘ 1237 Kitt
L1 Pondi 1026 ↗ 1057 +31 853 ↘ 822 Archie
W1 Pondi 1044 ↘ 1026 -18 1378 ↗ 1396 Cotton

New South Wales SmashOP 32 24/11/2022

Ultimate singles Bracket +41

L2 Pondi 1065 ↘ 1044 -21 1348 ↗ 1369 Techlord
W2 Pondi 1066 ↘ 1065 -1 1981 ↗ 1982 Spike
W1 Pondi 1003 ↗ 1066 +63 1121 ↘ 1058 JayBird

New South Wales SmashOP 31 17/11/2022

Ultimate singles Bracket +3

L2 Pondi 1033 ↘ 1003 -30 1213 ↗ 1243 Taipan
L1 Pondi 983 ↗ 1033 +50 985 ↘ 935 Ulticow
W2 Pondi 1000 ↘ 983 -17 1343 ↗ 1360 FumbleJr