• 989 Current Elo
  • 1166 Peak Elo
  • 562 National rank
  • 35 ACT rank



Australian Capital Territory Ultimate Pop-Off Village #206 11/09/2024

UPOV 206 Redemption -145

L1 The ZapMan 1065 ↘ 989 -76 820 ↗ 896 Kadius
W1 The ZapMan 1134 ↘ 1065 -69 956 ↗ 1025 Miss Inputs

Ultimate Singles Bracket -10

L2 The ZapMan 1141 ↘ 1134 -7 1691 ↗ 1698 Ants
W1 The ZapMan 1144 ↘ 1141 -3 1920 ↗ 1923 MapleMage

Australian Capital Territory Ultimate Pop-Off Village #203 21/08/2024

UPOV 203 Redemption +123

L3 The ZapMan 1166 ↘ 1144 -22 1446 ↗ 1468 Yamba
L2 The ZapMan 1090 ↗ 1166 +76 1342 ↘ 1266 ApolloCJ
L1 The ZapMan 1011 ↗ 1090 +79 1295 ↘ 1216 COpPeR3076
W1 The ZapMan 1021 ↘ 1011 -10 1501 ↗ 1511 Yamba

Ultimate Singles Bracket +53

L2 The ZapMan 1037 ↘ 1021 -16 1393 ↗ 1409 ApolloCJ
L1 The ZapMan 966 ↗ 1037 +71 1157 ↘ 1086 Stormtwoopaa
W1 The ZapMan 968 ↘ 966 -2 1832 ↗ 1834 Toasted_Panini

Australian Capital Territory Ultimate Pop-Off Village #202 14/08/2024

UPOV 202 Redemption -97

L1 The ZapMan 1035 ↘ 968 -67 879 ↗ 946 Benny
W2 The ZapMan 1065 ↘ 1035 -30 1248 ↗ 1278 Kiki

Ultimate Singles Bracket +15

L2 The ZapMan 1078 ↘ 1065 -13 1499 ↗ 1512 Victor
W2 The ZapMan 1078 ↘ 1078 2266 ↗ 2266 KyeChimera
W1 The ZapMan 1050 ↗ 1078 +28 850 ↘ 822 via

Australian Capital Territory Ultimate Pop-Off Village #200 31/07/2024

Ultimate Singles Bracket +55

L2 The ZapMan 1074 ↘ 1050 -24 1329 ↗ 1353 CarSeatus
L1 The ZapMan 1021 ↗ 1074 +53 1049 ↘ 996 Toasted Grass
W2 The ZapMan 1022 ↘ 1021 -1 2021 ↗ 2022 Jay
W1 The ZapMan 995 ↗ 1022 +27 784 ↘ 757 Kadius

Australian Capital Territory Victory Road 8 27/07/2024

Victory Road 8 Redemption -4

L2 The ZapMan 1067 ↘ 995 -72 864 ↗ 936 Crosshex
L1 The ZapMan 1032 ↗ 1067 +35 902 ↘ 867 SomeOtherCyclist
W2 The ZapMan 1041 ↘ 1032 -9 1534 ↗ 1543 Victor
W1 The ZapMan 999 ↗ 1041 +42 927 ↘ 885 AceOfBlades

Ultimate Bracket -30

L2 The ZapMan 1008 ↘ 999 -9 1508 ↗ 1517 KRY
W1 The ZapMan 1029 ↘ 1008 -21 1320 ↗ 1341 ApolloCJ

Australian Capital Territory Dancing Blade #45 20/07/2024

Ultimate Singles Bracket +41

L2 The ZapMan 1034 ↘ 1029 -5 1685 ↗ 1690 Brax
L1 The ZapMan 982 ↗ 1034 +52 998 ↘ 946 brodpro34
W1 The ZapMan 988 ↘ 982 -6 1598 ↗ 1604 Kite

Australian Capital Territory Ultimate Pop-Off Village #199 17/07/2024

Ultimate Singles Bracket +67

W5 The ZapMan 908 ↗ 988 +80 1213 ↘ 1133 COpPeR3076
W3 The ZapMan 919 ↘ 908 -11 1381 ↗ 1392 CarSeatus
W2 The ZapMan 919 ↘ 919 2104 ↗ 2104 Joey
W1 The ZapMan 921 ↘ 919 -2 1796 ↗ 1798 Toasted_Panini

Australian Capital Territory Ultimate Pop-Off Village #196 26/06/2024

Ultimate Singles Bracket -23

W5 The ZapMan 934 ↘ 921 -13 1350 ↗ 1363 The Accountant
W3 The ZapMan 941 ↘ 934 -7 1492 ↗ 1499 TheFakeOllie
W1 The ZapMan 944 ↘ 941 -3 1700 ↗ 1703 Doozy

Australian Capital Territory Ultimate Pop-Off Village #195 19/06/2024

Ultimate Singles Bracket -33

L1 The ZapMan 976 ↘ 944 -32 1140 ↗ 1172 Kiki
W1 The ZapMan 977 ↘ 976 -1 2111 ↗ 2112 KyeChimera

Australian Capital Territory Ultimate Pop-Off Village #194 12/06/2024

Ultimate Singles Bracket -13

L3 The ZapMan 1004 ↘ 977 -27 1224 ↗ 1251 TGRGhost
L2 The ZapMan 962 ↗ 1004 +42 892 ↘ 850 yoshzzz
W1 The ZapMan 990 ↘ 962 -28 1195 ↗ 1223 The Accountant

Australian Capital Territory Ultimate Pop-Off Village #193 29/05/2024

Redemption +141

L3 The ZapMan 1006 ↘ 990 -16 1367 ↗ 1383 TheFakeOllie
L2 The ZapMan 952 ↗ 1006 +54 989 ↘ 935 Benny
L1 The ZapMan 934 ↗ 952 +18 605 ↘ 587 Lottle
W2 The ZapMan 941 ↘ 934 -7 1504 ↗ 1511 Yamba
W1 The ZapMan 849 ↗ 941 +92 1381 ↘ 1289 COpPeR3076

Ultimate Singles Bracket +20

L2 The ZapMan 859 ↘ 849 -10 1348 ↗ 1358 ApolloCJ
L1 The ZapMan 828 ↗ 859 +31 653 ↘ 622 Lottle
W1 The ZapMan 829 ↘ 828 -1 1905 ↗ 1906 Ants

Australian Capital Territory Ultimate Pop-Off Village #192 22/05/2024

Ultimate Singles Bracket -37

L1 The ZapMan 866 ↘ 829 -37 979 ↗ 1016 Kokuhaku
W1 The ZapMan 866 ↘ 866 2177 ↗ 2177 Legacy

Australian Capital Territory Ultimate Pop-Off Village #191 15/05/2024

Redemption -102

L2 The ZapMan 904 ↘ 866 -38 1009 ↗ 1047 Kimmy
L1 The ZapMan 897 ↗ 904 +7 330 ↘ 323 MrZubber
W1 The ZapMan 968 ↘ 897 -71 771 ↗ 842 Kadius

Ultimate Singles Bracket -32

L1 The ZapMan 976 ↘ 968 -8 1515 ↗ 1523 CarSeatus
W1 The ZapMan 1000 ↘ 976 -24 1246 ↗ 1270 The Accountant