Camp Firefox 2024 15/12/2024
Melee Doubles Bracket
L4 | sumirekt / MURMUR | 2 - 1 | Din / cailan |
L3 | Din / cailan | 2 - 1 | 2phone / keeys |
W3 | Kyle / McCloud | 2 - 0 | Din / cailan |
W2 | Din / cailan | 2 - 0 | SwagMan / Cammy |
Melee Singles Pools
Templee #18 27/10/2024
Melee Singles Actual Bracket
Phantom 2024 7/07/2024
Melee Doubles Bracket
L5 | S.D / Skip | 2 - 1 | Din / Zhye |
L4 | Din / Zhye | 2 - 1 | CookBook / Gulu |
L3 | Din / Zhye | 2 - 0 | WillD / Scrandle |
L2 | Din / Zhye | 2 - 0 | Jimmo / Yug |
W2 | Rollic / Tid | 2 - 0 | Din / Zhye |
W1 | Din / Zhye | 2 - 0 | Ratboy / SideB |
Melee Singles Pools
Phantom Pre-Schlocal 5/07/2024
Melee Singles
Camp Firefox 16/12/2023
Melee Doubles Bracket
L6 | Microsoft J / Gooch | 3 - 1 | Din / Zhye |
L5 | Din / Zhye | 2 - 1 | Luma / lapis |
W4 | McCloud / Katherine | 2 - 0 | Din / Zhye |
W3 | Din / Zhye | 2 - 0 | Monke / YETA |
W2 | Din / Zhye | 2 - 0 | Yug / Jimmo |
Melee Singles Pools
Templee #7 8/10/2023
Melee Singles Actual Bracket
City of Melee 19 9/09/2023
Melee Singles Bracket
CouchWarriors April Ranbat 2023 1/04/2023
Melee Singles
Smash Brews 25 16/02/2023
Melee Singles
Phantom 2022 17/07/2022
Melee Singles
BAM 12 15/05/2022
Super Smash Bros Melee Singles [BAM 2022]
Super Smash Bros Melee Doubles [BAM 2022]
L4 | Muscat / Flow Rats | 2 - 0 | sorry4partyrocking! / Din |
L3 | sorry4partyrocking! / Din | 2 - 1 | lewdelli / Melotech |
W3 | McCloud / Goodie | 2 - 0 | sorry4partyrocking! / Din |
W2 | sorry4partyrocking! / Din | 2 - 0 | Snert / Tid |
Couchwarriors April Ranbat 2021 24/04/2021
Couchwarriors March Ranbat 2021 27/03/2021
Melee Singles
Smash Brews 16 31/01/2021
Melee Singles
Phantom 2020 7/03/2020
Melee Singles
Smash Brews 14 9/02/2020
City of Melee 17 25/01/2020
Melee Singles
Couchwarriors January Ranbat 2020 11/01/2020
Melee Doubles Bracket
L4 | Dekar / Oceanman | - | lil se$h / Din |
L3 | lil se$h / Din | 2 - 1 | Hardpelicn / JUCI |
W3 | Emps / Postman Pat | 2 - 0 | lil se$h / Din |
W2 | lil se$h / Din | 2 - 1 | NoScrubAUS / Frink |
Melee Singles
EBS Ultimate #51 7/01/2020
Melee Singles Bracket
GF | Joshman | 3 - 1 | Din |
L6 | Din | 3 - 0 | DonB |
L5 | Din | 3 - 1 | Pretty Cool Guy |
L4 | Din | 3 - 0 | Microsoft J |
L3 | Din | 2 - 0 | P9 |
L2 | Din | 2 - 0 | Krasic |
W2 | Pretty Cool Guy | 2 - 1 | Din |
Smashmas @ GGEZ 21/12/2019
Couchwarriors Crossup 2 14/12/2019
Melee Doubles Bracket
L3 | Ben Gold / Sora | 3 - 1 | Din / Pretty Cool Guy |
L2 | Din / Pretty Cool Guy | 2 - 0 | Emps / Postman Pat |
L1 | Din / Pretty Cool Guy | 2 - 0 | Oceanman / Heimlich |
W2 | Ryzuul / Zhye | 2 - 1 | Din / Pretty Cool Guy |
Melee Singles Bracket
Big Cheese 2 7/12/2019
Super Smash Bros. Melee Doubles Bracket
L5 | Fess / Brad | 3 - 0 | Din / Cailiente |
L4 | Din / Cailiente | 2 - 1 | Dekar / Kaiza |
L3 | Din / Cailiente | 2 - 0 | Katherine / McCl0ud |
L2 | Din / Cailiente | 2 - 0 | WillD / Donut |
W2 | Muscat / Midori | 2 - 0 | Din / Cailiente |
Super Smash Bros. Melee Singles Top 24
L2 | Skip | 3 - 0 | Din |
W1 | Pretty Cool Guy | 3 - 2 | Din |
Super Smash Bros. Melee Singles Pools
Couchwarriors November Ranbat 2019 23/11/2019
Melee Singles
Smash Brews 13 10/11/2019
City of Melee 16 19/10/2019
EBS Ultimate #41 8/10/2019
Melee Singles Bracket
L4 | Hoppalot22 | 2 - 0 | Din |
L3 | Din | 2 - 0 | Clemancholy |
W2 | Hughie | 2 - 1 | Din |
W1 | Din | 2 - 0 | P9 |
Couchwarriors September Ranbat 2019 29/09/2019
Melee Singles
EBS Ultimate #39 24/09/2019
Melee Singles Bracket
L6 | Hughie | 3 - 2 | Din |
L5 | Din | 3 - 1 | Pretty Cool Guy |
W4 | Microsoft J | 3 - 1 | Din |
W3 | Din | 2 - 1 | Jamwa |
W2 | Din | 2 - 0 | bombin0 |
EBS Ultimate #38 17/09/2019
Melee Singles Bracket
GF | Microsoft J | 3 - 1 | Din |
L7 | Din | 3 - 2 | Hughie |
W5 | Microsoft J | 3 - 0 | Din |
W4 | Din | 3 - 1 | Emps |
W3 | Din | 2 - 0 | P9 |
W2 | Din | 2 - 0 | MarchOfHell |
EBS Ultimate #37 10/09/2019
Melee Singles Bracket
GF | Din | 3 - 2 | Microsoft J |
GF | Din | 3 - 2 | Microsoft J |
L7 | Din | 3 - 0 | Hughie |
W5 | Microsoft J | 3 - 0 | Din |
W4 | Din | 3 - 1 | Jamwa |
W3 | Din | 2 - 0 | DomHynes |
W2 | Din | 2 - 0 | Jash |
Melbourne Esports Open 2019 1/09/2019
MEO Melee Singles Bracket
Smash Brews 12 11/08/2019
Melee singles
City of Melee - Arcadian 4 3/08/2019
Melee Singles Pools
Melee Singles Bracket
Couch Warriors Ranbat July 2019 27/07/2019
Melee Singles
L7 | Microsoft J | 3 - 0 | Din |
L6 | Din | 3 - 0 | Emps |
L4 | Din | 2 - 0 | TKano |
W3 | Splice | 2 - 1 | Din |
W2 | Din | 2 - 0 | Clemancholy |
Smash Brews 11 14/07/2019
Melee Singles
Couchwarriors June Ranbat 2019 22/06/2019
Melee Doubles Bracket
L5 | Ben Gold / Chefpascito | 3 - 1 | NoScrubUK / Din |
L4 | NoScrubUK / Din | 3 - 2 | mask1n / Tyler |
L3 | NoScrubUK / Din | 3 - 0 | Redux / YUNG$ |
W3 | Splice / Dekar | 3 - 0 | NoScrubUK / Din |
W2 | NoScrubUK / Din | 2 - 0 | DonB / Eliza |
Smash Brews 10 9/06/2019
BAM 11 18/05/2019
Melee Doubles Bracket
L4 | Auro / smopup | 2 - 0 | Noxus / Din |
L3 | Noxus / Din | 2 - 0 | Lawd / Scraddles |
L2 | Noxus / Din | 2 - 0 | L Fresh / Debaser |
L1 | Noxus / Din | 2 - 1 | Method / Fubar |
W1 | Trepidate / Spamsung | 2 - 0 | Noxus / Din |
Melee Singles
Smash Brews 9 12/05/2019
Melee singles
The Edsta 4/05/2019
Melee Doubles Bracket
L4 | Muscat / Flow Rats | 2 - 1 | Din / Skip |
L3 | Din / Skip | 2 - 0 | Caleb / Blackshadow |
L2 | Din / Skip | 2 - 0 | Mash / Royboy |
W2 | Nangs / ZAMBEZIUS | 2 - 1 | Din / Skip |
W1 | Din / Skip | 2 - 0 | Bottom Seed / Ishi |
EVAC SSBM 3/5/19 3/05/2019
EVAC SSBM May 2019
Smash @ Bunjil Place 28/04/2019
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Couchwarriors April Ranbat 2019 27/04/2019
Melee Singles Bracket
Melee Doubles Bracket
L4 | sheepgobeep / Pretty Cool Guy | 3 - 1 | Din / NoScrubUK |
L3 | Din / NoScrubUK | 2 - 1 | Zhye / Fudge |
L2 | Din / NoScrubUK | 2 - 0 | SebPro101 / Alpal |
W2 | Microsoft J / Skip | 2 - 1 | Din / NoScrubUK |
W1 | Din / NoScrubUK | 2 - 0 | ayylmao / Yoda |
Stay Smashed April 2019 14/04/2019
Smash Brews 8 14/04/2019
Melee singles
Couchwarriors Ranbat March 2019 23/03/2019
Melee Singles
Smash @ Sunshine #6 18/03/2019
Smash Brews 7 10/03/2019
Phantom 2019 2/03/2019
Melee Doubles Bracket
L3 | Skip / Microsoft J | 2 - 0 | Din / Six |
L2 | Din / Six | 2 - 1 | Midori / Blarghity |
L1 | Din / Six | 2 - 0 | PO3 / Phosphate |
W2 | MC / prolificprettyboyjr | 2 - 0 | Din / Six |
Couchwarriors February 2019 23/02/2019
Melee Doubles Bracket
L2 | Zhye / Blarghity | 2 - 0 | cuminpant / Din |
L1 | cuminpant / Din | 2 - 0 | weetbix and / NoScrubUK |
W2 | Microsoft J / Skip | 2 - 0 | cuminpant / Din |
Melee Singles
Smash Brews 6 10/02/2019
Melee singles Bracket
City of Melee 15 2/02/2019
Melee Singles Pools
Couchwarriors Jan 2019 27/01/2019
Melee Doubles Bracket
L2 | Dekar / Tak | 2 - 0 | Pretty Cool Guy / Din |
L1 | Pretty Cool Guy / Din | 2 - 0 | Hannibal? / Dexter |
W2 | cuminpant / Skeletom | 2 - 0 | Pretty Cool Guy / Din |
Melee Singles Melee singles bracket
Smash Brews 5 13/01/2019
Melee singles Bracket
CouchWarriors Crossup 15/12/2018
Melee Doubles Bracket
L3 | Sindocus / Splice | 2 - 0 | RedX / Din |
L2 | RedX / Din | 2 - 0 | Yoyo / sheepgobeep |
W2 | Sock / Dekar | 2 - 0 | RedX / Din |
W1 | RedX / Din | 2 - 0 | Blarghity / Okay in pool 1 can I get |
Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
W1 | Amph / Naga | 2 - 0 | Din / Zhye |
Melee Singles
L6 | Saucy | 3 - 2 | Din |
L4 | Din | 2 - 0 | Hoppalot22 |
W3 | Dekar | 2 - 0 | Din |
W2 | Din | 2 - 1 | Pretty Cool Guy |
W1 | Din | 2 - 0 | RedoxKing |
Smash Brews 4 11/11/2018
Melee singles Bracket
Couchwarriors Oct 2018 20/10/2018
Melee Doubles
L5 | Supercat Meow / Dekar | 3 - 0 | Zhye / Din |
W4 | Sora / Caesar | 3 - 2 | Zhye / Din |
W3 | Zhye / Din | 3 - 0 | Supercat Meow / Dekar |
W2 | Zhye / Din | 2 - 1 | Pretty Cool Guy / Skip |
Melee Singles Bracket
Smash Brews 3 14/10/2018
Melee singles Bracket
Couchwarriors Sep 2018 22/09/2018
Melee Doubles Bracket
L5 | Dekar / mask1n | 3 - 0 | Din / Zhye |
L4 | Din / Zhye | 3 - 1 | Pretty Cool Guy / epicgamertime |
L3 | Din / Zhye | 3 - 0 | Microsoft J / YUNG$ |
L2 | Din / Zhye | 3 - 0 | Semper Fudge / Redoxking |
W1 | Pretty Cool Guy / epicgamertime | 2 - 1 | Din / Zhye |
Smash Brews 2 9/09/2018
Melee singles Bracket
Melbourne E-Sports Open 2018 2/09/2018
melee singles
CouchWarriors Aug 2018 26/08/2018
melee singles
Holy Melee: The Last 13/08/2018
Melee Singles Bracket
Smash Brews 12/08/2018
Melee singles Bracket
City of Melee – Arcadian 3 4/08/2018
Melee Singles Bracket
Melee Singles Pools
Holy Melee 28 30/07/2018
Melee Singles Bracket
CouchWarriors Jul 2018 28/07/2018
melee singles
Holy Melee 27 16/07/2018
Melee Singles Bracket
L5 | Pretty Cool Guy | 3 - 2 | Din |
L4 | Din | 2 - 0 | Method |
W3 | DonB | 2 - 0 | Din |
W2 | Din | 2 - 1 | Blarghity |
W1 | Din | 2 - 0 | ComputerPlus |
Holy Melee 25: 1 Year Anniversary! 18/06/2018
Melee Singles Bracket
CouchWarriors Jun 2018 Melee 16/06/2018
melee pools
Holy Melee 24 4/06/2018
Melee Singles Bracket
L4 | Zhye | 2 - 0 | Din |
L3 | Din | 2 - 0 | Method |
L2 | Din | 2 - 0 | Frink |
W2 | Pretty Cool Guy | 2 - 0 | Din |
W1 | Din | 2 - 0 | Semper Fudge |
BAM 10 19/05/2018
Melee singles
Melee Doubles Bracket
L3 | Maca / Thriles | 2 - 0 | Din / Slime |
L2 | Din / Slime | 2 - 0 | Cammy / E-1 |
W2 | Noxus / ChuDat | 2 - 0 | Din / Slime |
W1 | Din / Slime | 2 - 1 | Jarcino / Josto |
City of Melee 14 12/05/2018
Melee Doubles Bracket
L3 | Splice / Pretty Cool Guy | 3 - 1 | Din / Zhye |
L2 | Din / Zhye | 3 - 0 | Blarghity / Milun |
L1 | Din / Zhye | 2 - 0 | Benji / Braydon |
W2 | West / Kanye | 2 - 0 | Din / Zhye |
Melee Singles Pools
Holy Melee 23 7/05/2018
Melee Singles Bracket
CouchWarriors Apr 2018 Melee 21/04/2018
melee doubles
L4 | Microsoft J + YUNG$ | 3 - 1 | Din + Noxus |
W3 | Dekar + Pretty Cool Guy | 3 - 1 | Din + Noxus |
W2 | Din + Noxus | 2 - 0 | mask1n + Tyler |
W1 | Din + Noxus | 2 - 0 | FunnySunTADM + Torpy |
melee pro
L4 | Microsoft J | 3 - 2 | Din |
L3 | Din | 3 - 0 | mask1n |
L2 | Din | 2 - 0 | Reef |
W2 | Dekar | 2 - 1 | Din |
W1 | Din | 2 - 1 | Hoppalot22 |
melee pools
City of Melee 13 7/04/2018
melee pro
melee pools
Tassie Fighter Con 3 24/03/2018
Melee Singles - TFC 3
Holy Melee 19 12/03/2018
Melee Singles Bracket
Holy Melee 18 26/02/2018
Melee Singles Bracket
L5 | Microsoft J | 3 - 1 | Din |
L4 | Din | 2 - 1 | Zhye |
L3 | Din | 2 - 1 | Hoppalot22 |
L2 | Din | 2 - 0 | Nick |
W2 | Pretty Cool Guy | 2 - 0 | Din |
W1 | Din | 2 - 0 | TKano |
CouchWarriors Melee Feb 2018 17/02/2018
melee doubles
L6 | Vic Machine Broke + DonB | 3 - 2 | Zhye + Din |
L5 | Zhye + Din | 3 - 1 | Frink + Dekar |
L4 | Zhye + Din | 3 - 1 | Milun + Timic83 |
L3 | Zhye + Din | 2 - 0 | Gooch + Skip |
L2 | Zhye + Din | 2 - 0 | Reef + Jim Hawke |
W2 | Frink + Dekar | 2 - 1 | Zhye + Din |
melee pools
Holy Melee 17 12/02/2018
Melee Singles Bracket
City of Melee 12 10/02/2018
melee doubles
L5 | Microsoft J + Skeleduck | 3 - 2 | Lucky Luciano + Din |
L4 | Lucky Luciano + Din | 3 - 2 | YUNG$ + Pretty Cool Guy |
W3 | Midori +Midori 2 | 3 - 1 | Lucky Luciano + Din |
W2 | Lucky Luciano + Din | 2 - 1 | Milun + Timic83 |
W1 | Lucky Luciano + Din | 2 - 0 | Red Ninja + botmij |
melee pools
Holy Melee 16 29/01/2018
Melee Singles Bracket
Holy Melee 15 15/01/2018
Melee Singles Bracket
Miles' Ale House 13/01/2018
melee pools
L4 | Microsoft J | 2 - 1 | Din |
L3 | Din | 2 - 0 | FunnySunTADM |
L2 | Din | 2 - 0 | Benny P |
W2 | Cailan | 2 - 0 | Din |
W1 | Din | 2 - 0 | N1CH0LA5 |
CouchWarriors Dec 2017 9/12/2017
melee doubles
L3 | Milun + Timic83 | 3 - 0 | Din + Zhye |
L2 | Din + Zhye | 2 - 1 | Boris + Gooch |
W2 | S.D + DonB | 2 - 0 | Din + Zhye |
W1 | Din + Zhye | 2 - 0 | Skeleduck + MurMur |
melee singles
Holy Melee 13 4/12/2017
SXC2K17 - Southern Cross Championships 2K17 25/11/2017
Melee Pools
Holy Melee 12 20/11/2017
Melee Singles Bracket
City of Melee 11 4/11/2017
melee doubles
L6 | Splice + Fess | 3 - 0 | Din + Noxus |
W4 | Saucy + SA Vic | 3 - 0 | Din + Noxus |
W3 | Din + Noxus | 3 - 1 | Milun + Timic83 |
W2 | Din + Noxus | 2 - 1 | prolific + Sindocus |
melee pools
Holy Melee 10: NTSC Edition 23/10/2017
Melee Singles Bracket
Holy Melee 9 10/10/2017
Melee Singles Bracket
Holy Melee 8 25/09/2017
OzHadou Nationals 15 16/09/2017
Melee Doubles
L3 | Pretty Cool Guy + Skelorex | 2 - 0 | Din + DeeksKidBoogie |
L2 | Din + DeeksKidBoogie | 2 - 0 | Fruit + Gords |
W2 | KIC + Quetz | 2 - 0 | Din + DeeksKidBoogie |
W1 | Din + DeeksKidBoogie | 2 - 1 | h1ppo + Hoppalot22 |
Holy Melee 7 11/09/2017
Melee Singles Bracket
Fraud Central #1: Bed 'n' Back Airs 23/08/2017
CouchWarriors August 2017 Melee 19/08/2017
melee pools
City of Melee: Arcadian 2.0 5/08/2017
arcadian pools
Holy Melee #4 25/07/2017
Melee Singles Bracket
CouchWarriors Melee Jul 2017 15/07/2017
melee doubles
GF | Noxus + shineboyfresh | 3 - 0 | Din + Amanda Huggenkiss |
GF | Noxus + shineboyfresh | 3 - 2 | Din + Amanda Huggenkiss |
W4 | Din + Amanda Huggenkiss | 3 - 0 | Splice + DomHynes |
W3 | Din + Amanda Huggenkiss | 3 - 1 | Pretty Cool Guy + Macky |
W2 | Din + Amanda Huggenkiss | 2 - 0 | ZAMBEZIUS + Sebby |
W1 | Din + Amanda Huggenkiss | 2 - 0 | Hippo + Hoppalot22 |
Holy Melee #3 10/07/2017
Melee Singles Bracket
City of Melee 10 1/07/2017
melee doubles
L5 | Milun + Timic83 | 3 - 0 | Din + RedX |
L4 | Din + RedX | 3 - 1 | Nangs + shineboyfresh |
W3 | Hughie + prolific adam | 3 - 1 | Din + RedX |
W2 | Din + RedX | 2 - 0 | Skeleduck + Zhye |
melee pools
CouchWarriors Melee June 2017 17/06/2017
melee doubles
L3 | Milun + Timic83 | 3 - 0 | Taqia + Clippo |
W2 | Saucy + Noxus | 2 - 0 | Taqia + Clippo |
W1 | Taqia + Clippo | 2 - 0 | Sgroi + cooldude42069 |
melee pro
L1 | Pretty Cool Guy | 3 - 1 | Din |
W1 | raechu | 3 - 2 | Din |
City of Melee 9 3/06/2017
melee doubles
GF | MC + Saucy | 3 - 2 | Taqia + RedX |
GF | MC + Saucy | 3 - 2 | Taqia + RedX |
W4 | Taqia + RedX | 3 - 1 | MC + Saucy |
W3 | Taqia + RedX | 3 - 1 | shineboyfresh + The Blue Baron |
W2 | Taqia + RedX | 2 - 0 | Milun + Timic83 |
W1 | Taqia + RedX | 2 - 0 | Hobs + Frink |
melee pro
L1 | Pretty Cool Guy | 3 - 1 | Din |
W1 | S.D | 3 - 0 | Din |
melee pools
BAM #9 12/05/2017
L2 | Hoppalot22 | 2 - 0 | Din |
W1 | Spence | 2 - 1 | Din |
City of Melee 8 6/05/2017
melee pools
City of Melee 7 25/03/2017
melee pools
CouchWarriors Melee Mar 2017 18/03/2017
melee doubles
L2 | Milun + Timic83 | 2 - 1 | Taqia + Jandalman |
L1 | Taqia + Jandalman | 2 - 0 | ack + Ignis |
W1 | Tyler + mask1n | 2 - 0 | Taqia + Jandalman |
melee pools
CouchWarriors Melee Feb 2017 18/02/2017
melee doubles
L3 | Zhye + Herj | 2 - 1 | Taqia + Bu$ |
L2 | Taqia + Bu$ | 2 - 0 | zXavier + Jim Hawke |
W2 | PROLIFIC + Azri | 2 - 1 | Taqia + Bu$ |
CouchWarriors Melee January 2017 21/01/2017
melee pools
Digital Bunker 2 17/12/2016
melee doubles
L2 | DSC + Fess | 3 - 1 | Din + Jandalman |
W1 | Microsoft J + Torpy | 3 - 0 | Din + Jandalman |
melee pools
CouchWarriors December 2016 10/12/2016
melee doubles
L3 | Hughie + Melbourne | 3 - 0 | Din + DonB |
L2 | Din + DonB | 2 - 0 | DSC + Dino |
W2 | Dekar + Atticus | 2 - 0 | Din + DonB |
W1 | Din + DonB | 2 - 1 | nobsauce + Juci |
Digital Bunker 30/11/2016
CouchWarriors Melee Nov 2016 19/11/2016
melee doubles
L2 | Adam + Sindocus | 2 - 0 | Din + Jandalman |
L1 | Din + Jandalman | 2 - 0 | Nic + Hughie |
W1 | mask1n + Tyler | 2 - 0 | Din + Jandalman |
melee pools
City of Melee 5 22/10/2016
melee doubles
L3 | Sindocus + Hughie | 2 - 0 | Din + UNLeashed |
W2 | Atticus + Splice | 2 - 0 | Din + UNLeashed |
W1 | Din + UNLeashed | 2 - 0 | Djin + Zonda |
melee pools
CouchWarriors Melee Aug 2016 20/08/2016
melee pools
City of Melbourne Arcadian 6/08/2016
melee singles pools
CouchWarriors Melee Jun 2016 18/06/2016
melee doubles
L2 | mask1n + Tyler | 2 - 0 | Din + Windex |
W1 | Timic83 + Milun | 2 - 0 | Din + Windex |