Singles videos

23/01/2021 New Zealand [NZ] Christchurch Ranbats 2021 #1 - SSBU - Christchurch Ranbats S1.1 2021 Bracket Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
W5New Zealand GammaFox SheikZero Suit SamusNew Zealand cheese Wolf
GFNew Zealand GammaFox SheikNew Zealand cheese Wolf
L7New Zealand cheese WolfNew Zealand Bozzie PichuYoung Link
5/12/2020 New Zealand [NZ] Christchurch Ranbats 2020 #12 - SSBU - Christchurch Ranbats S1.12 2020 Bracket Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
L6New Zealand cheese Mii BrawlerNew Zealand skyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy InklingJigglypuff
L7New Zealand Bozzie PichuYoung LinkNew Zealand cheese Mii Brawler
8/08/2020 New Zealand [NZ] Christchurch Ranbats 2020 #7 - SSBU - Christchurch Ranbats S1.7 2020 Bracket Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
W5New Zealand Bozzie PichuNew Zealand cheese Banjo & KazooieDr. Mario
GFNew Zealand Bozzie PichuNew Zealand cheese Banjo & Kazooie
L7New Zealand cheese Banjo & KazooieNew Zealand Meatwagon222 LuigiPac-Man
4/07/2020 New Zealand [NZ] Christchurch Ranbats 2020 #5 - SSBU - Christchurch Ranbats S1.5 2020 Bracket Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
L7New Zealand iDeeKay Captain FalconNew Zealand cheese Banjo & Kazooie
1/02/2020 New Zealand [NZ] Christchurch Ranbats 2020 #1 - SSBU - Christchurch Ranbats S1.1 2020 Bracket Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
GFNew Zealand cheese Dr. MarioNew Zealand Bozzie PichuYoung Link
W5New Zealand cheese Banjo & KazooieDr. MarioNew Zealand Akabird Zelda
23/11/2019 New Zealand [NZ] Christchurch Ranbats 2019 S1E18 - SSBU - Christchurch Ranbats S1.18 2019 Bracket Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
L6New Zealand iDeeKay Banjo & KazooieNew Zealand cheese Banjo & KazooieYoshi
7/09/2019 New Zealand [NZ] Christchurch Ranbats 2019 S1E14 - SSBU - Christchurch Ranbats S1.14 2019 Bracket Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
L8New Zealand cheese Banjo & KazooieNew Zealand AbysmalAngel IkeYoung Link
L7New Zealand cheese Banjo & KazooieNew Zealand Akabird Zelda
GFNew Zealand Bozzie PichuNew Zealand cheese Banjo & Kazooie
27/07/2019 New Zealand [NZ] Christchurch Ranbats 2019 S1E12 - SSBU - Christchurch Ranbats S1.12 2019 Bracket Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
W5New Zealand Bozzie PikachuNew Zealand cheese Wolf
L8New Zealand Åsh YoshiNew Zealand cheese Wolf
2/03/2019 New Zealand [NZ] Redzone Rumble 3 - RR3 Group A Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
W4New Zealand Aluf DaisyNew Zealand cheese Young Link
8/12/2018 New Zealand [NZ] FightZone #25 - Ultimate Launch Tournament - FightZone #25 - Ultimate Singles Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
L4New Zealand cheese WolfNew Zealand Grotus CorrinYoshi
GFNew Zealand alpacas King DededeNessRichterNew Zealand cheese WolfYoshi
L3New Zealand cheese WolfNew Zealand Lotus IkePokémon TrainerRidley
6/10/2018 New Zealand [NZ] Southern Cross Up 2018 - SXU2018 Smash 4 Pool A Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
L3New Zealand Aluf MarioNew Zealand cheese Yoshi
13/05/2018 New Zealand [NZ] FightZone #14 - Fightzone #14 Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
W3New Zealand Bozzie MetaknightNew Zealand cheese Fox
L4New Zealand dingdongkid MarioNew Zealand cheese FoxYoshi
22/04/2018 New Zealand [NZ] Fightzone #12 - SM4SH Singles Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
W1New Zealand cheese FoxYoshiNew Zealand dingdongkid Mario
GFNew Zealand cheese FoxMarthYoshiNew Zealand Bozzie Metaknight
17/03/2018 New Zealand [NZ] Garden of Might - Garden of Might 2018: Smash 4 Top 16 Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
L2New Zealand Sekhi Rosalina & LumaNew Zealand cheese FoxYoshi
W2New Zealand Plaz RyuNew Zealand cheese Yoshi
4/03/2018 New Zealand [NZ] FightZone #10 - SM4SH Singles Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
GFNew Zealand Bozzie MetaknightNew Zealand cheese FoxYoshi
L5New Zealand cheese YoshiRNGoldblade Lucina
L6New Zealand cheese YoshiNew Zealand alpacas King DededeLucas
15/07/2017 New Zealand [NZ] SUPER Windbox! Smash4, PM, Melee - Top 16 Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
L3New Zealand cheese YoshiNew Zealand iDeeKay Captain Falcon