
Who is your favourite commentator?

[NSW] Chipotle WINNER

10 votes (Maccamuffin, plump, FerousFolly, Treesus, Luco, Qizou, MrDuck, TryThePeanutButter, Fez, Shmu)
  • Calm. Collected. Poised. Yet at the same time, exhilarating. Ecstatic. Electrifying. Get you a man who can do both. Vote 1 Chipotle. - Maccamuffin
  • Would be Olag but where even was that guy most of the year? - plump
  • W comms - Qizou
  • I want Chip to read me a bedtime story. Oh, and he's attentive when commentating. - TryThePeanutButter
  • Broadcasting brainiac AND sick on the sticks, what a combo! Is the cherry on top of our scene. - Fez

[NSW] Olag

5 votes (WeToxicFew, LeoMcI, dasmii, MilKyLeoo, NotKaden)
  • aww yeaah - MilKyLeoo
  • Always insightful, never a dull moment, bursting with charisma, I'm an Olagger through and through - NotKaden

[VIC] Duon

4 votes (Aerodrome, Anthonoot, DekuMeister, Extra)

[VIC] Mado

4 votes (Nevarc, Hyper, Ultra_Instinct, EIS-DUON)
  • Pog - Nevarc
  • Pog - Hyper
  • Usually I'd put Matmarkus but he ain't rego'd. Shoutouts to when Mado cracked up for a whole minute when I spammed teleport in a top 8 qualifier woo - Ultra_Instinct
  • Obvs props to chip/olag but this guy is so underrated its feral. Will chop him next bam top 8 tbh - EIS-DUON

[SA] Jon Bombo

3 votes (F1shy, Nadgey, yelllow)

[NSW] HyDro

2 votes (chizzL, whIFF)
  • Man has the energy of 10 people, plus another 10 people on Red Bull then 2 more people. - whIFF

[SA] Oscar

2 votes (Goon, PixlJacket)

[SA] Rodney!!!

2 votes (Whale, StrawberryMilk)

[VIC] cynda

2 votes (Willo, Inf)

[VIC] Kong

1 vote (fidilduck)


1 vote (bonk150)
  • million dollar voice, 1 trillion$ commentary, felt like i hit the juckport whenever hes on the mic - bonk150

[VIC] Ultra Instinct

1 vote (RikiBDGD)
  • He is dedicated to the cause - RikiBDGD


1 vote (Exist)

[VIC] Jix

1 vote (Michi)
  • Not only as a player - Michi

[NT] Sice

1 vote (Stacked)

[SA] StabbyJ

1 vote (Sice)
  • gotta keep my bias towards my duo - Sice

Who is your favourite streamer?

[SA] Taicho

9 votes (Theef, Goon, F1shy, Nadgey, Whale, bonk150, PixlJacket, StrawberryMilk, yelllow)
  • His production, commentary, and interaction with viewers make this man an absolute threat on the twitch deck - F1shy
  • Does so much for the community it’s hard not to - Whale
  • Australian, 27, M, He/Him || Decently good at Super Smash Bros. || Just mashing buttons - bonk150
  • underscore - PixlJacket

[NSW] chizzL

6 votes (Ninhon, WeToxicFew, MadResetti, MrDuck, LeoMcI, TryThePeanutButter)

[NSW] Skye May

5 votes (Spag, dasmii, whIFF, Inf, Rafe)
  • Kanga - Spag
  • Can my vote count for like 100? I feel it's deserved in this instance. - whIFF
  • #kangasepsortwin - Rafe

[NZ] AlastairBL WINNER

4 votes (Anthonoot, Hyper, Qizou, MilKyLeoo)
  • he is the goat - Hyper
  • It would be mackarp if he didnt temporarily remove my vip... - Qizou
  • 'nah i just be chillin' B) - MilKyLeoo

[NSW] Shaoweater

3 votes (Lordlewis, Fez, Shmu)
  • A great personality, always is streaming when I want a little more content watch. - Fez

[QLD] Jett

3 votes (NotKaden, Stacked, Umbrella)
  • im absolutely tournametting - NotKaden
  • the pisscoin trillionaire himself - Stacked

[VIC] El

2 votes (Nevarc, Extra)


2 votes (Luco, EIS-DUON)
  • D4R is such a positive influence on the scene, really good aus smash talk content. Love to see it, would love to see more of it. - Luco
  • praying for a sifo return - EIS-DUON

[VIC] Ultra Instinct

2 votes (JokerMain, RikiBDGD)

[VIC] HiImAiden

1 vote (DekuMeister)

[NSW] Olag

1 vote (plump)
  • Will always be my favourite streamer even though has hasn't been on in a while. - plump

[VIC] Kong

1 vote (fidilduck)

[WA] Poppt1

1 vote (FerousFolly)
  • he only started stremaing recently as an offshoot to his youtube channel, but the vibe has been so good every time - FerousFolly

[VIC] VTPooks

1 vote (Ultra_Instinct)

[SA] Fen

1 vote (Willo)
  • The only man I will always try and find time in my always busy schedule to say hi to for even just a minute xx - Willo

[QLD] Joser

1 vote (Exist)
  • - Exist

[ACT] Kinaji

1 vote (Michi)

Who has the best Twitter presence?

[SA] Con

8 votes (Goon, F1shy, Nadgey, bonk150, FerousFolly, EIS-DUON, StrawberryMilk, yelllow)
  • Mr. Consistent of Twitter. Back to back hits. - F1shy
  • the day con's twitter became public should be a national holiday - bonk150


7 votes (plump, Spag, Luco, TryThePeanutButter, whIFF, Rafe, Fez)
  • Extremely erotic and nice guy. - plump
  • He resurrected my grandmother from the dead - Spag
  • Wholesome as fuck despite never meeting the guy. - TryThePeanutButter
  • Love Bihate twitter, me and the homies love Bihate Twitter - whIFF
  • only person on twitter - Rafe
  • Every tweet, a gift - Fez

[QLD] Michi

6 votes (Pram, Negima, NotKaden, Python, boingboing, Stacked)


4 votes (Theef, Nevarc, Whale, PixlJacket)
  • Guess the Game thread is a daily ritual - Theef
  • #GuessTheGame #199 🎮 🟥 🟥 🟥 🟩 ⬛ ⬛ https://GuessThe.Game/ - Nevarc
  • Fresh pasta - Whale
  • the hoster of the ritual known as GuessTheGame i had to - PixlJacket

[VIC] Ravsav

4 votes (Nerdminecraft, Qizou, dasmii, Willo)
  • he does ravstats - Nerdminecraft
  • Ravsav keeps everyone updated and I've only had positive interactions with them - Qizou

[NSW] Ryan

4 votes (Hyper, Extra, MilKyLeoo, Shmu)
  • no contest - Hyper
  • he won best twitter last year and this year he didn't tweet for like 2 months so it was even better - Extra
  • Always has, always will - Shmu

[WA] Milis

3 votes (Exist, Umbrella, Sice)
  • he had that one funny tweet during pissmas - Sice

[NZ] AlastairBL

1 vote (Anthonoot)

[VIC] Beet

1 vote (DekuMeister)
  • A lot of bangers tbh, hard to choose one person - DekuMeister

[VIC] Kong

1 vote (fidilduck)

[ACT] MapleMage

1 vote (MrDuck)

[NZ] IcyK

1 vote (Ultra_Instinct)

[SA] Bonk

1 vote (RODNEY)

[ACT] 6000j

1 vote (Inf)

[QLD] Lari

1 vote (Michi)
  • Always warm tweets - Michi

[QLD] Zunjo

1 vote (squidfist-)

Who do you wish would come back tournaments?

[SA] Ninhon

3 votes (Goon, DekuMeister, yelllow)

[SA] Paulek WINNER

3 votes (F1shy, bonk150, FerousFolly)
  • Would have the PR in shambles if he made a full comeback. - F1shy
  • I just want to see the chaos [P.S I wish Bugger would *start* attending locals, the guy doesn't even have a player entry I can vote for] - FerousFolly

[VIC] Xettman

3 votes (Nevarc, Extra, Willo)

[QLD] Ari

3 votes (NotKaden, Stacked, Umbrella)
  • WE LIKE IKE! - NotKaden
  • super fun to play against pls come back - Stacked

[VIC] Shen

2 votes (Anthonoot, Hyper)
  • miss you bro :( - Hyper

[SA] Yellow

2 votes (Whale, StrawberryMilk)

[NSW] CheMarama

2 votes (dasmii, Fez)
  • Cringe ah ah fox, chonic believier - Fez

[NSW] Day

2 votes (TryThePeanutButter, Shmu)
  • Last I heard from this guy was when he nair looped a guy at UNSW O-week. Come back bro - TryThePeanutButter

[NZ] Phases

1 vote (Goosey-Boy)
  • I'll try to get him back, no guarantees tho - Goosey-Boy

[VIC] MilkMeme

1 vote (WeToxicFew)

[SA] Rust

1 vote (Nadgey)

[NSW] Fontana

1 vote (plump)
  • The day Fontana comes back to compete will also be the day I come back to compete. Western Sydney 2761 baby. - plump

[VIC] Kong

1 vote (fidilduck)

[ACT] Waveguider

1 vote (Luco)

[VIC] Deku Meister

1 vote (Qizou)
  • The reason I started playing the game, actual goat - Qizou

[VIC] CMoon

1 vote (Ultra_Instinct)

[VIC] Jules

1 vote (EIS-DUON)
  • special s/o. Lost relic of vic smash - EIS-DUON

[VIC] Mik15

1 vote (LeoMcI)

[NSW] Violet

1 vote (whIFF)
  • Come back and grace us with your hype Pika and Greninja Gameplay - whIFF

[ACT] SlamFrunk!

1 vote (Inf)

[NSW] Shaya

1 vote (MilKyLeoo)

[WA] Fabio

1 vote (TheStinja)

[NSW] HomerTime

1 vote (Rafe)
  • feel like shit, just want him back D: - Rafe

[QLD] Sonder

1 vote (Exist)

[QLD] Toketchan

1 vote (Michi)
  • The man who taught me Smash very first time - Michi

[SA] Wreckitdaniel

1 vote (PixlJacket)

[QLD] schooner

1 vote (boingboing)

Who is your rival?

[SA] Rodney!!! WINNER

4 votes (Whale, PixlJacket, StrawberryMilk, yelllow)

[QLD] Lari

2 votes (Pram, Stacked)
  • The goat - Pram
  • between cruise or lari for me, both the goats and have been improving so much lately love to see it - Stacked

[SA] Lyoko

1 vote (F1shy)


1 vote (Anthonoot)

[VIC] MilkMeme

1 vote (DekuMeister)
  • Grind buddy since 2019, went to my school and someone who really pushes me to wanting to keep playing, thanks darcy :) - DekuMeister

[VIC] Ezycole

1 vote (Hyper)
  • still has yet to take a set off me but the lads come so far in such a short amount of time, looking forward to seeing where his career goes. - Hyper

[SA] pinky

1 vote (Nadgey)

[NSW] AndrewSSB

1 vote (plump)
  • Always thought he was my rival bc our wins and losses are so similar. - plump

[VIC] Kong

1 vote (fidilduck)

[SA] Coolade

1 vote (bonk150)
  • not in smash bros but in real life :WHYIOUTTA: - bonk150

[NSW] Cocoo

1 vote (Spag)


1 vote (FerousFolly)
  • lil bro been rubberbanding his progress to me with a fifth of the hours - FerousFolly

[NSW] Phoebe

1 vote (Luco)
  • It's really hard to name someone more driven to beat the top cast than phoebe. This will probably extend to Aus top level more broadly over time. - Luco

[NZ] IcyK

1 vote (Qizou)
  • big browser kill big croc - Qizou

[NSW] JokerMain

1 vote (Ultra_Instinct)

[VIC] Corvid

1 vote (EIS-DUON)
  • havent played in a while, but it always comes back around - EIS-DUON

[VIC] VTPooks

1 vote (RikiBDGD)
  • He cannot beat xord so his life has not yet earned meaning - RikiBDGD

[NSW] Djiangos

1 vote (TryThePeanutButter)

[NSW] nebulous

1 vote (whIFF)
  • Stop beating me. why do I keep meeting you in bracket of all people. Kinda funny tho love ya man - whIFF

[VIC] HiImAiden

1 vote (Willo)
  • I will beat sonic one day - Willo

[ACT] Doozy

1 vote (Inf)

[WA] Sharnypooza

1 vote (TheStinja)
  • I hate this man as a player with all my heart and soul. - TheStinja

[NSW] HomerTime

1 vote (Rafe)
  • When you do come back though, I'll roll the shit out of you - Rafe

[QLD] Cruise

1 vote (Exist)
  • His Raven Beak in Wubor goes pretty hard - Exist

[NSW] Bihate

1 vote (Michi)
  • As a twitter poster - Michi

[QLD] Rice

1 vote (NotKaden)
  • my brother in christ if you PK freeze me one more time - NotKaden

[QLD] Crimson

1 vote (squidfist-)
  • one of my og smash rivals I'll always have that arcadian dub tho soz - squidfist-

[NSW] Skye May

1 vote (Fez)
  • HMs: Ryan, xav, luco, and my own copium of wanting to drop PT - Fez

Who is the best new or up and coming player?

[NSW] Mike_Kool WINNER

10 votes (Hyper, Spag, Luco, Qizou, LeoMcI, TryThePeanutButter, whIFF, MilKyLeoo, Rafe, Fez)
  • he's the goat - Hyper
  • Seph go brrrrrrrr. that game 2 against Sriks went so unbelievably hard - whIFF
  • i know it u know it two dont lie - MilKyLeoo
  • Did U kno Mike_kool is short 4 Michael 0_o - Fez

[VIC] Scobo

6 votes (Anthonoot, WeToxicFew, Nerdminecraft, EIS-DUON, Extra, Willo)

[QLD] Pram

4 votes (Michi, Python, boingboing, Stacked)


2 votes (Nevarc, StrawberryMilk)

[NSW] Froggo

2 votes (FerousFolly, Inf)
  • such impressive improvement in such a short time - FerousFolly

[QLD] Exclin

2 votes (NotKaden, Twogs)
  • marth hype - NotKaden
  • An absolute nerd in the best way possible. Once dm'ed me 62 lines of just marth tec. - Twogs

[SA] Yellow

1 vote (Goon)

[NZ] Smithereens

1 vote (Goosey-Boy)

[VIC] Zac!

1 vote (DekuMeister)

[SA] Joeyoh

1 vote (Whale)
  • Massive improvement over the past year - Whale

[VIC] Iceman

1 vote (plump)
  • This dudes gonna rule Sydney one day - plump

[VIC] Kong

1 vote (fidilduck)

[NSW] Morgone

1 vote (MrDuck)

[NSW] Pondi

1 vote (Ultra_Instinct)
  • Kid's been grinding hard. Actually he's not a kid any more congrats on graduating pondi bondi - Ultra_Instinct

[NSW] Bbaaii

1 vote (RikiBDGD)
  • His dedede kinda nasty kinda clean - RikiBDGD

[WA] billie.

1 vote (TheStinja)
  • I hate to say it, but I think he's going places. - TheStinja

[QLD] BattleDolphin

1 vote (Exist)
  • Saw this guy at an FNS one time. He’s got a pretty good Mario. - Exist

[SA] Strawberrymilk

1 vote (PixlJacket)

[VIC] Radio

1 vote (yelllow)
  • Voting radio because he didnt go into Sa cord at 11 to beg for votes - yelllow

Who is the best overall player?


13 votes (Nevarc, Anthonoot, Nerdminecraft, FerousFolly, Qizou, MrDuck, TryThePeanutButter, Willo, Inf, MilKyLeoo, Fez, Sice, Shmu)

[VIC] Jdizzle

9 votes (Aerodrome, DekuMeister, WeToxicFew, Hyper, Luco, EIS-DUON, whIFF, NotKaden, Umbrella)
  • Probs idk - DekuMeister
  • cmon mate - Hyper
  • gotta give it up for sriks international run, but jono still #1 - EIS-DUON
  • JDubble - whIFF
  • its either jono or sriks but my gut says jono - NotKaden

[VIC] Jix

6 votes (Pram, Python, boingboing, Stacked, squidfist-, Twogs)

[SA] Ghost

5 votes (Goon, F1shy, Nadgey, Extra, Lordlewis)
  • Steeeeeeve - F1shy
  • the best overall player (at picking steve on the character select screen) - Extra

[SA] Strawberrymilk

3 votes (Whale, RODNEY, PixlJacket)

[NZ] Ichigo

1 vote (Goosey-Boy)
  • I'll prove to you Ike is good one day... - Goosey-Boy

[WA] Seb

1 vote (Sebm2)

[VIC] Kong

1 vote (fidilduck)

[SA] Fishy

1 vote (bonk150)

[VIC] Zac!

1 vote (Ultra_Instinct)

[WA] Fryd Ryce

1 vote (TheStinja)

[QLD] Powerdrive

1 vote (Exist)
  • Miss you Mr Megacock. - Exist

[ACT] Kinaji

1 vote (Michi)
  • Now he's the best I think - Michi

[SA] Munchie

1 vote (StrawberryMilk)

[SA] Jon Bombo

1 vote (yelllow)

Who is your favourite tournament organiser?


9 votes (plump, FerousFolly, Luco, TryThePeanutButter, whIFF, Inf, Rafe, Fez, Shmu)
  • Mf is dedicated to the scene. - plump
  • Phantom 2022 was insane, I have no idea how the man can do it but he does it so well nonetheless - FerousFolly
  • Full bias :) - Luco
  • Haven't gone to many Eppings but the one I did go to was awesome. - TryThePeanutButter
  • I'll beat the Ness someday, that being said based TO. - whIFF
  • Kitt is honestly one of the best people in the sydney scene. Not only does Kitt run two tourneys, but also has mega cool vibes at both tournaments, and always ensures a redemption bracket. - Rafe
  • Hey kitt can U tell luco to say to Jonny pass the message that I said hi on to kitt - Fez

[QLD] Blurry

8 votes (Pram, Exist, Michi, NotKaden, boingboing, Stacked, Umbrella, Sice)
  • Sometimes underappreciated I reckon, the goat - Pram
  • Goated TO. Enough said. - Exist
  • Really nice and passionate - Michi
  • holds up FNS with his Atlassian shoulders. mad man - NotKaden
  • meant to say blizzy - boingboing
  • racecar enthusiast - Stacked
  • shadow TO goes hard - Sice

[SA] Taicho

6 votes (Theef, Goon, F1shy, Nevarc, Nadgey, Lordlewis)
  • His iconic catchphrase "last friendlies" is always felt throughout the venue. This man can organise a tournament. - F1shy
  • Gotta give it up for how good BC3 was - Nevarc

[SA] Moonlight

4 votes (Whale, bonk150, PixlJacket, StrawberryMilk)

[VIC] Pudge

3 votes (Aerodrome, EIS-DUON, Extra)
  • every TO in aus stems from the drunken runt family tree, whether you want to believe it or not - EIS-DUON

[NSW] AboRoza

3 votes (Spag, MrDuck, MilKyLeoo)

[VIC] Nevarc

2 votes (DekuMeister, Hyper)
  • He’s funny asf idk it’s a vibe - DekuMeister
  • one of the nicest, helping and outgoing people in Aus. love his passion for the community and helping us get the best quality vods and streams. Special shoutout to Marcel too, if I could vote both of them I would - Hyper

[VIC] MarchOfHell

2 votes (WeToxicFew, Willo)

[ACT] Josh

1 vote (Jinkers)

[VIC] DanInRealLife

1 vote (Anthonoot)

[VIC] Kong

1 vote (fidilduck)

[NZ] iDeeKay

1 vote (Qizou)
  • and its not close - Qizou

[NSW] Meatlivers

1 vote (Ultra_Instinct)
  • Thanks for helping us with Ramen Bowl meatlivers, we appreciate it a lot - Ultra_Instinct

[VIC] Ultra Instinct

1 vote (RikiBDGD)

[WA] Keutz

1 vote (TheStinja)
  • Puts on like two events a year but they're always bangers. - TheStinja

[QLD] BattleDolphin

1 vote (Python)

[SA] Whisper

1 vote (yelllow)

[QLD] Joz.

1 vote (squidfist-)
  • gets the job done mate what more can you ask for? - squidfist-

Who is the most valuable community member?


7 votes (Spag, FerousFolly, Luco, TryThePeanutButter, whIFF, Fez, Shmu)
  • At this point, the lifeblood of the scene. Thanks to them, the community is there every day, not just on tournament day. They've stormed the scene and fundamentally changed how everyone operates inside of it for the better. - Luco
  • Bonsai and the Bonsaimobile carry the entire sydney and gong scenes - whIFF
  • Major part in the cohesion of the low and mid level and does more for them than every top level player combined, has a car (TO qualification) - Fez

[QLD] BattleDolphin

6 votes (Pram, Exist, Michi, boingboing, Stacked, Umbrella)
  • The goat - Pram
  • He's good as TO, player, and our friend. - Michi
  • lovely fella - Stacked

[SA] Taicho

4 votes (Goon, Whale, RODNEY, PixlJacket)

[QLD] Jett

3 votes (Aerodrome, NotKaden, Sice)
  • Running QLD's only consisten weekly for years and years. mad man - NotKaden
  • everything he does is fucking phenomenal - Sice

[SA] Coolade

3 votes (Theef, F1shy, StrawberryMilk)
  • The introduction of the fortnightly BonusVac was a complete game changer. What a guy. - F1shy

[VIC] MarchOfHell

2 votes (WeToxicFew, EIS-DUON)
  • we would actually be done for without u - WeToxicFew
  • has actually saved vic smash along with nev (but ill give marcel the vote since he drives shit around) - EIS-DUON

[VIC] Static

2 votes (Hyper, MilKyLeoo)

[NSW] FumbleJr

2 votes (Treesus, Inf)

[VIC] Pudge

2 votes (Extra, TheStinja)
  • The fact that he even turned up to the BAM afterparty at all shows how dedicated he is to the community. - TheStinja

[ACT] Josh

1 vote (Jinkers)

[WA] Keutz

1 vote (Anthonoot)


1 vote (DekuMeister)
  • Connors energy and optimism really shines on everyone, a hilarious person with such a great personality. Wouldn’t be the same without him honestly and get really excited when I get to see him at tourneys :) - DekuMeister

[SA] Tideray

1 vote (Nadgey)

[VIC] Kong

1 vote (fidilduck)

[SA] Whisper

1 vote (bonk150)
  • what can i say he's a fucking legend - bonk150

[WA] Alex!?

1 vote (Ultra_Instinct)
  • Kid put a lot of initiative into the scene even though a lot of fellas thought he was annoying, I respect it - Ultra_Instinct


1 vote (Willo)

[NSW] Luco

1 vote (Rafe)
  • Helps with TO'ing. Always super kind to new players, which is something that doesn't happen a lot, and is genuinely really good and should happen more often - Rafe

[SA] Jon Bombo

1 vote (yelllow)

[QLD] Sifo1

1 vote (squidfist-)
  • sifo Santa most baller community member - squidfist-

Who is your favourite player, for any reason?

[SA] Munchie

3 votes (Whale, StrawberryMilk, yelllow)
  • Could beat anyone if the occasion is funny enough and he the goat for that - StrawberryMilk
  • Munchie beat jdizzle 3-0 the mf gost - yelllow

[NSW] chizzL

2 votes (Goon, TryThePeanutButter)

[NSW] Unfezant WINNER

2 votes (Anthonoot, FerousFolly)

[NSW] Dmo

2 votes (Ninhon, Nadgey)

[VIC] Duon

1 vote (Aerodrome)

[NSW] Mike_Kool

1 vote (chizzL)

[SA] Taicho

1 vote (Theef)

[SA] Con

1 vote (F1shy)
  • Love this mans play. - F1shy

[VIC] HiImAiden

1 vote (DekuMeister)
  • A lot of my friends have moved on from smash, but not aiden. Aiden is one of my best friends, He knows how to cheer me up and be a valuable member in my friend group. I could vote for my fav player to watch like dura. But Aiden has just been such an amazing person in my life - DekuMeister

[VIC] Radio

1 vote (Hyper)
  • Love his outlook on the game and his dedication to practicing and improving, even when he isn't playing. Staying with him for BC3 was a real eye opener for how one should practice and prepare for brackets. Also he's just a nice bloke - Hyper

[NSW] Bihate

1 vote (plump)

[VIC] Kong

1 vote (fidilduck)

[SA] Lyoko

1 vote (bonk150)

[NSW] small rat

1 vote (Spag)

[NSW] Kitt

1 vote (Luco)
  • He's the best falco in my room :) - Luco

[NSW] Relo

1 vote (Qizou)
  • the GOAT of all GOATS - Qizou

[NSW] CugeltheClever

1 vote (Ultra_Instinct)

[WA] Keutz

1 vote (EIS-DUON)

[SA] Yellow

1 vote (RODNEY)

[QLD] Son Goku

1 vote (RikiBDGD)

[VIC] El

1 vote (Extra)

[NSW] Sumi

1 vote (whIFF)
  • one of 2 robin players in existence and makes the character look good and interesting. for that alone deserves a vote. - whIFF


1 vote (Willo)
  • The Rambuwu Ridley - Willo

[ACT] Venti

1 vote (Inf)

[VIC] Dura

1 vote (MilKyLeoo)
  • dura so cool dura clean dura kinda lookin like the man of my dreams! - MilKyLeoo

[WA] Seb

1 vote (TheStinja)

[NSW] Jezmamanezma

1 vote (Rafe)
  • Hype, harmonica, (s)hield breaks. - Rafe

[QLD] Iroh

1 vote (Exist)
  • Always hype to watch and to play against - Exist

[QLD] Finn

1 vote (Michi)
  • Best Snake in QLD, always an example for me - Michi

[QLD] Rice

1 vote (NotKaden)
  • he's toxic but he schmooves. - NotKaden

[SA] Wreckitdaniel

1 vote (PixlJacket)

[QLD] Soggz

1 vote (Stacked)
  • makes people really mad and i find it hilarious - Stacked

[QLD] Mabi

1 vote (squidfist-)

[VIC] Jdizzle

1 vote (Umbrella)

[NSW] Shmu

1 vote (Fez)
  • The best to ever do it 💛✨⭐🌟💫 - Fez

[WA] Temper

1 vote (Sice)
  • drinks, games, KFC, pokies and comms the best combination for the homie - Sice

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