Elo breakdown

Rank Elo Elo δ Player
1st 3104 +15 New South Wales Elite Unfezant MarioPalutenaROB
2nd 2795 New South Wales Grandmaster Dmo JokerBylethRoy
3rd 2635 -161 New South Wales Grandmaster Shmu PikachuPalutenaMii Brawler
4th 2461 -5 New South Wales Grandmaster Ryan Diddy KongDonkey KongInkling
5th 2437 -129 New South Wales Grandmaster Relo Mii SwordfighterBowserDark Samus
6th 2429 New South Wales Grandmaster Morgone Donkey KongROBMario
7th 2405 -1 New South Wales Grandmaster Keenansaurus LuigiFalcoJigglypuff
8th 2394 +199 New South Wales Master Mike_Kool SephirothSnakeLuigi
9th 2376 New South Wales Grandmaster Johto ChromRoyPyra / Mythra
10th 2350 New South Wales Grandmaster Coleman WarioJigglypuffChrom
11th 2344 New South Wales Grandmaster Phoebe Pokémon TrainerFoxFalco
12th 2285 New South Wales Master chizzL LucarioPyra / MythraDark Samus
13th 2185 New South Wales Grandmaster Luco NessLucas
13th 2185 +34 New South Wales Master Guts_LP CloudJokerPalutena
15th 2166 -73 New South Wales Master Dugongs RoyCaptain FalconYoshi
16th 2163 New South Wales Grandmaster Kanga SnakeDuck Hunt DuoSamus
17th 2151 +183 New South Wales Master drasi Duck Hunt DuoMetaknightYoshi
18th 2093 -116 New South Wales Master Roboticjo MarthPichuDr. Mario
19th 2087 New South Wales Master Yine IncineroarGreninjaBayonetta
20th 2086 New South Wales Master Isak FoxDiddy KongWolf
21st 2061 New South Wales Master Glace TerryPokémon TrainerLucario
22nd 2031 New South Wales Master Fruit Dr. MarioRandomDonkey Kong
23rd 2028 -103 New South Wales Master metagh0st20XX FalcoSheikWolf
24th 2027 New South Wales Master Sage JokerDonkey KongZero Suit Samus
25th 2010 New South Wales Master Froggo Wii Fit TrainerKazuyaRandom
26th 2006 -40 New South Wales Master Violet GreninjaPikachuRandom
27th 1999 New South Wales Master JO21H Donkey Kong
28th 1990 New South Wales Master Amro KazuyaBanjo & KazooieRidley
29th 1981 +54 New South Wales Grandmaster Fai RobinIncineroarKing K. Rool
30th 1975 New South Wales Master Djiangos Duck Hunt Duo
31st 1968 +138 New South Wales Master Nichirin InklingBylethPyra / Mythra
32nd 1917 New South Wales Master Spike Bowser Jr.Dark PitBanjo & Kazooie
33rd 1882 New South Wales Master Chipotle King DededeTerryKazuya
33rd 1882 New South Wales Master HooperMassiveBlackHole Young LinkSteveDiddy Kong
35th 1881 +200 New South Wales Master Paristhecoolbat WolfLuigiSteve
36th 1880 New South Wales Master F1ERCE SamusMr. Game and WatchDark Samus
37th 1877 +38 New South Wales Master TurtleCat CloudNessPalutena
38th 1870 New South Wales Master FOOD Dark PitNessJoker
39th 1859 New South Wales Master Sushi SoraYoung LinkKazuya
40th 1842 New South Wales Diamond Diablo Mario
41st 1824 +153 New South Wales Diamond CloudyOCE Pokémon TrainerROBPyra / Mythra
42nd 1818 +120 New South Wales Master HyDro TerryDark PitRosalina & Luma
43rd 1794 New South Wales Diamond Andreus MarioBowserDark Pit
44th 1793 New South Wales Diamond ElliotMK PikachuRoyKazuya
45th 1778 New South Wales Master Sheeeep WarioMr. Game and Watch
46th 1748 -38 New South Wales Diamond Mr.ET Pyra / MythraCloudRandom
47th 1735 New South Wales Diamond Pondi Young LinkSamusCloud
48th 1732 -72 New South Wales Diamond ethan kick ya teeth in IncineroarTerryKazuya
49th 1724 New South Wales Master Merebry PikachuKirbyFalco
50th 1713 New South Wales Diamond MilkyLeo Cloud
50th 1713 -13 New South Wales Diamond Meshuga LuigiMarioPalutena
52nd 1712 -200 New South Wales Master Meatlivers ROBBowser Jr.Mii Swordfighter
53rd 1697 New South Wales Master AndrewSSB InklingCloud
54th 1692 New South Wales Master KathieCutiePie! BayonettaLucas
55th 1682 +47 New South Wales Platinum Hawtnoodz GreninjaDonkey KongDr. Mario
56th 1677 -63 New South Wales Master Yusuke SephirothPit
57th 1666 -48 New South Wales Diamond germanpogostick Duck Hunt DuoKenGreninja
57th 1666 -66 New South Wales Master Jam PitStevePyra / Mythra
59th 1660 New South Wales Diamond BigMrAMan CloudWolfPyra / Mythra
60th 1653 New South Wales Diamond Governor RoyWolfLucina
61st 1646 New South Wales Diamond Kuriboh CloudPokémon TrainerRosalina & Luma
62nd 1645 +75 New South Wales Platinum Abadingo Bayonetta
63rd 1643 -1 New South Wales Master Invisi SimonJigglypuffRosalina & Luma
64th 1610 New South Wales Platinum Aurora Rosalina & LumaIsabelleZelda
65th 1609 +74 New South Wales Platinum Shyne SoraJoker
66th 1605 New South Wales Platinum Lonk King DededeRidleyCorrin
67th 1597 New South Wales Diamond Abakids BayonettaWolfPalutena
68th 1594 +34 New South Wales Master SCOTT REID BowserMetaknightPichu
69th 1578 New South Wales Master Delta Donkey KongIncineroarRoy
70th 1524 New South Wales Diamond jasmine Pac-ManPokémon TrainerDiddy Kong
71st 1520 -154 New South Wales Platinum Apriicot SamusDark SamusByleth
72nd 1508 New South Wales Grandmaster TWIRLY Young LinkFoxDonkey Kong
73rd 1492 -190 New South Wales Master BJSchoey IncineroarDonkey KongROB
74th 1490 -51 New South Wales Gold Vologa Wii Fit TrainerIce Climbers
75th 1487 New South Wales Platinum Inferno IkeCloudDonkey Kong
76th 1485 New South Wales Platinum Joey don't Worry Ganondorf
77th 1457 +59 New South Wales Platinum S0o0op Bowser Jr.Piranha PlantHero
78th 1447 New South Wales Gold BigRatt FoxDark PitKing Dedede
79th 1428 New South Wales Gold elyse Wii Fit TrainerIsabelleNess
80th 1418 New South Wales Platinum JayBird Captain FalconMii SwordfighterKing Dedede
81st 1417 New South Wales Diamond BloodMoon ZeldaPalutenaBayonetta
82nd 1406 New South Wales Gold Siki Donkey KongWolfCaptain Falcon
83rd 1399 +49 New South Wales Diamond Kitt NessFalcoIke
84th 1394 New South Wales Diamond KRY Captain FalconPalutenaFalco
85th 1393 New South Wales Gold DiabloPacket BylethWii Fit Trainer
86th 1377 +102 New South Wales Platinum Strange BylethChromRoy
87th 1360 New South Wales Gold Frosty Robin
88th 1356 +53 New South Wales Silver Hazza Fox
89th 1346 New South Wales Gold KingEngine SephirothIncineroar
90th 1345 New South Wales Platinum MTH1602 MetaknightIce ClimbersRidley
91st 1333 New South Wales Silver Cocoo Zero Suit Samus
92nd 1317 -141 New South Wales Diamond Joxic HeroMarthDonkey Kong
93rd 1304 New South Wales Silver Somerandom King K. RoolGanondorf
94th 1277 New South Wales Gold TTPB RandomLucarioChrom
95th 1264 +55 New South Wales Silver vine Inkling
96th 1263 +25 New South Wales Gold IntenseQuack ZeldaBowserKing K. Rool
97th 1259 New South Wales Gold Freeze Donkey KongZero Suit SamusJoker
98th 1242 -31 New South Wales Gold salt_LJ InklingCloudWolf
99th 1240 New South Wales Platinum Techlord YoshiRoyRandom
100th 1234 New South Wales Diamond FumbleJr Bowser Jr.YoshiGreninja
101st 1228 New South Wales Gold The Chuckstah Young LinkRoy
101st 1228 New South Wales Gold Jezmamanezma King DededeKing K. Rool
103rd 1207 New South Wales Platinum Linguini LuigiFalco
104th 1205 -66 New South Wales Gold RoseCB SheikJokerLittle Mac
105th 1204 +15 New South Wales Master Thrillhouse WarioPokémon TrainerMario
106th 1200 New South Wales Silver Waffl KirbyHero
107th 1179 New South Wales Bronze Xion_XIV HeroIncineroar
108th 1174 New South Wales Gold Taipan CorrinSonicRidley
109th 1155 New South Wales Silver ProNub LucinaMarth
110th 1091 New South Wales Gold Hal Duck Hunt DuoSamusDark Samus
111th 1083 -114 New South Wales Platinum Framah SnakeSoraJoker
112th 1070 -24 New South Wales Gold Bonsai Pac-ManPyra / MythraCaptain Falcon
113th 1061 New South Wales Bronze Bitto Little Mac
114th 1056 New South Wales Bronze MDerp IncineroarPokémon Trainer
115th 1047 -12 New South Wales Bronze JordanHK LucinaBowserKirby
116th 1042 +153 New South Wales Silver Hamster PalutenaMarthRobin
117th 1041 New South Wales Bronze Seal Dark PitPit
118th 1031 New South Wales Bronze BIREU PikachuLucas
119th 1000 New South Wales Gold Portal_God Bowser Jr.KirbyHero