Elo breakdown

Rank Elo Elo δ Player
1st 3301 +5 Victoria Elite Jdizzle Young LinkLinkFox
2nd 3152 +18 New South Wales Elite Unfezant MarioPalutenaROB
3rd 3083 Australian Capital Territory Elite Kinaji SnakeShulkMin Min
4th 2998 Victoria Elite Zac! Pac-ManKazuyaSteve
5th 2899 -70 Victoria Elite SebPro101 ROBInklingMin Min
6th 2813 Victoria Elite Dura JokerCloudLink
7th 2733 Victoria Grandmaster RaZe LinkDark PitPit
8th 2732 +80 Victoria Elite Scobo ROBGanondorfRandom
9th 2710 +192 Victoria Grandmaster DD WarioKazuyaBowser
10th 2636 New South Wales Grandmaster Shmu PikachuPalutenaMii Brawler
11th 2628 Victoria Grandmaster Beefy Mii BrawlerSoraRandom
12th 2615 Queensland Grandmaster Smasio CorrinJokerPiranha Plant
13th 2613 +177 New Zealand Grandmaster IcyK BowserRoyByleth
14th 2606 New South Wales Grandmaster Dmo JokerBylethRoy
15th 2581 +108 New Zealand Grandmaster Mackarp JigglypuffYoshiKirby
16th 2577 -129 New Zealand Grandmaster ube LucinaMr. Game and WatchLucario
17th 2567 +95 Victoria Elite Beet FalcoLucinaFox
18th 2551 Queensland Grandmaster Bro1 WolfMr. Game and WatchJoker
19th 2531 Victoria Grandmaster Iceman NessSnakeRandom
20th 2524 -72 Victoria Grandmaster Flow InklingPyra / MythraFox
21st 2493 -97 Western Australia Grandmaster Teehee! Pac-ManShulkPalutena
22nd 2462 +125 Victoria Grandmaster MAST! RoyWolfBowser
23rd 2459 -125 Queensland Grandmaster AlastairBL SoraZero Suit SamusJoker
24th 2432 +12 New South Wales Grandmaster Relo Mii SwordfighterBowserDark Samus
25th 2428 +22 Victoria Grandmaster MemeG0d Pyra / Mythra
26th 2415 +102 Victoria Grandmaster Pelipper Piccolo LuigiRandomMii Gunner
27th 2402 Tasmania Master Willye Captain Falcon
28th 2394 +5 Queensland Master J-Rods King K. RoolGanondorfSonic
29th 2392 Queensland Grandmaster Dags Wii Fit TrainerDiddy KongRoy
30th 2371 +64 New Zealand Grandmaster RenSoul LucasMii SwordfighterPac-Man
31st 2368 +39 New South Wales Grandmaster Ryan Diddy KongDonkey KongInkling
32nd 2363 +70 South Australia Grandmaster Q CorrinPyra / MythraYoshi
33rd 2350 New South Wales Grandmaster Coleman WarioJigglypuffChrom
34th 2345 +307 New South Wales Master Isak FoxDiddy KongWolf
35th 2344 New South Wales Grandmaster Phoebe Pokémon TrainerFoxFalco
36th 2338 -73 New South Wales Grandmaster Morgone Donkey KongROBMario
37th 2333 +216 New South Wales Master Violet GreninjaPikachuRandom
38th 2317 Tasmania Grandmaster Sayhnim FalcoLucarioPokémon Trainer
39th 2309 -10 Australian Capital Territory Grandmaster KyeChimera SamusDark SamusDr. Mario
40th 2307 +156 New South Wales Grandmaster Johto ChromRoyPyra / Mythra
41st 2287 -119 New South Wales Grandmaster Keenansaurus LuigiFalcoJigglypuff
42nd 2264 +106 Victoria Grandmaster P9 VillagerYoung LinkRoy
43rd 2263 +99 Western Australia Grandmaster Turn Up SonicRandomDiddy Kong
44th 2260 Victoria Master Piggins PikachuSteveFox
45th 2257 Queensland Grandmaster Stacked FalcoROBMii Brawler
46th 2252 Tasmania Master Ja-Nox IncineroarBylethCorrin
47th 2248 +7 New South Wales Master Mike_Kool SephirothSnakeJoker
48th 2233 -32 Victoria Master NoTechNeek SamusMii BrawlerPichu
49th 2229 -161 Western Australia Grandmaster Keutz Donkey KongMarioCloud
50th 2225 Victoria Master Sandman SnakePichuFox
50th 2225 +75 Queensland Master Joser JokerPalutenaMr. Game and Watch
52nd 2221 +359 Victoria Grandmaster Luma PalutenaMii BrawlerLuigi
53rd 2199 +64 New South Wales Master Guts_LP CloudJokerPalutena
54th 2195 South Australia Master Yellow VillagerIsabelleRandom
55th 2190 -231 Queensland Grandmaster Finn SnakeLucinaMr. Game and Watch
56th 2188 Victoria Grandmaster Extra Mr. Game and WatchWolfWario
57th 2184 New South Wales Grandmaster Luco NessLucas
58th 2183 -58 Victoria Master Wifike IkeDr. MarioKazuya
59th 2181 Victoria Master Duon SnakeDonkey KongFalco
60th 2180 -67 Victoria Master Necro Mr. Game and WatchMii BrawlerJoker
61st 2176 -99 South Australia Grandmaster Jamie BayonettaZero Suit SamusPyra / Mythra
62nd 2169 Australian Capital Territory Master Toasted_Panini SoraJigglypuffPit
63rd 2161 -197 Victoria Grandmaster Xav PeachMin MinPyra / Mythra
64th 2160 Queensland Master Pram PalutenaFoxCloud
65th 2148 Queensland Master Litty DaisyLuigiPeach
65th 2148 -208 New South Wales Master Roboticjo MarthPichuDr. Mario
67th 2141 -66 New Zealand Grandmaster Smithereens LucasBowser Jr.Steve
68th 2139 -58 New South Wales Master F1ERCE SamusMr. Game and WatchDark Samus
68th 2139 -170 Western Australia Master Brendy777 Diddy KongDonkey KongWolf
70th 2134 +44 Victoria Grandmaster w00tkins BayonettaPalutenaFalco
70th 2134 Victoria Grandmaster Honk KazuyaDonkey Kong
72nd 2133 -33 New South Wales Master Froggo Wii Fit TrainerKazuyaRandom
73rd 2127 -8 South Australia Grandmaster Heaven KenKazuyaRyu
74th 2122 +92 Australian Capital Territory Master Legacy KirbySephirothIncineroar
74th 2122 New Zealand Master Qizou ROBKing K. RoolMii Brawler
76th 2115 Queensland Master GymKingKoopa BowserRidleyWolf
77th 2110 +38 Western Australia Grandmaster Poppt1 LucinaNessMr. Game and Watch
77th 2110 Victoria Master Nerpna PalutenaDr. MarioLink
79th 2105 +146 Victoria Master Gravity InklingYoshiRobin
80th 2103 -22 New South Wales Master ElliotMK PikachuRoyKazuya
81st 2102 +19 Victoria Grandmaster Noot PalutenaPyra / MythraJoker
82nd 2095 +91 New South Wales Grandmaster Skye May SnakeDuck Hunt DuoSamus
83rd 2093 +119 Victoria Master homer WolfRandomJoker
84th 2089 +97 New South Wales Master Yine IncineroarGreninjaBayonetta
85th 2081 +51 Western Australia Master BLACKOUT22 SnakeYoung LinkToon Link
86th 2080 Tasmania Master Jinjo MarioDonkey KongFalco
87th 2074 -20 Victoria Elite Sriks SephirothRoyChrom
87th 2074 +10 New South Wales Master Sage JokerPalutenaDonkey Kong
89th 2067 New Zealand Master KFC SonicLucinaCaptain Falcon
90th 2064 -43 New Zealand Master Giantdad JokerCloudWolf
91st 2063 Queensland Grandmaster BakedGoods BowserSephirothGanondorf
92nd 2057 -20 Victoria Master Slimboy17 YoshiWarioSamus
93rd 2055 -87 South Australia Grandmaster Con FoxBanjo & KazooieWolf
93rd 2055 -24 New South Wales Master Amro KazuyaBanjo & KazooieRidley
95th 2046 +8 South Australia Master Yosh4 NessRandomSephiroth
96th 2039 Queensland Master Shitashi Mega Man
97th 2038 +347 New South Wales Master Kengu/けんぐー Diddy Kong
98th 2036 -140 Victoria Master Ezycole HeroGanondorfPyra / Mythra
98th 2036 +180 Western Australia Master billie. RyuKazuyaSonic
100th 2033 Tasmania Master Ripto Bowser Jr.King DededeIce Climbers
101st 2032 New South Wales Master Fruit Dr. MarioRandomDonkey Kong
102nd 2028 -78 South Australia Master Moonlight SimonRichterMii Brawler
102nd 2028 +140 New Zealand Master K-dawg JigglypuffCaptain Falcon
104th 2019 +36 Victoria Master Thinh_man RyuRandomKazuya
105th 2018 +26 New South Wales Master Chipotle King DededeTerryKazuya
106th 2017 +29 New South Wales Grandmaster Sumi RobinIncineroarKing K. Rool
107th 2012 -29 New Zealand Master timtam SteveMii SwordfighterPiranha Plant
108th 2004 +32 New South Wales Master metagh0st20XX FalcoSheikWolf
109th 2001 Australian Capital Territory Master Joey SheikCloudWolf
110th 2000 New South Wales Master JO21H Donkey Kong
111th 1994 -77 New South Wales Master Paristhecoolbat WolfLuigiSteve
112th 1983 -29 Western Australia Master Ever NessPikachuDiddy Kong
113th 1967 +30 Queensland Master Brain Power Banjo & KazooieBowser Jr.Hero
114th 1965 -104 New South Wales Master drasi Duck Hunt DuoMetaknightYoshi
115th 1964 -16 New South Wales Master Spike Bowser Jr.Dark PitBanjo & Kazooie
116th 1955 Queensland Master Benthoven MarioSheikFalco
117th 1954 -218 New South Wales Master Dugongs RoyCaptain FalconYoshi
118th 1953 South Australia Master Coolade Pac-ManRoyMario
119th 1951 -55 New Zealand Master Aluf MarioPalutenaCaptain Falcon
120th 1950 -73 Victoria Master RAMBO RidleyWii Fit TrainerRandom
120th 1950 -36 Western Australia Master EdenBean Rosalina & LumaPeachBayonetta
122nd 1948 -113 New South Wales Master Glace TerryPokémon TrainerLucario
122nd 1948 Victoria Master DanInRealLife Little MacChromMarth
124th 1933 +12 Victoria Master Aloly MarthLucinaJoker
125th 1929 -74 Western Australia Master Joe McXenoblade ShulkLucasDr. Mario
126th 1923 -12 New Zealand Diamond Squinnsher Captain FalconDonkey KongGanondorf
127th 1919 Queensland Master Onigiri Min MinBylethPyra / Mythra
128th 1909 -106 Australian Capital Territory Master Kite CloudPyra / MythraPiranha Plant
128th 1909 -73 New South Wales Master Djiangos Duck Hunt Duo
130th 1903 +220 New Zealand Master mojobones BayonettaGreninjaWolf
131st 1897 -58 Queensland Diamond Thracia IncineroarTerry
132nd 1896 Queensland Diamond Snap WarioFoxRandom
133rd 1880 +100 Western Australia Master JadLad GanondorfToon LinkFalco
134th 1877 +23 Western Australia Master Jarr LuigiKirbySnake
134th 1877 Queensland Master Spectre Pyra / MythraKing K. RoolDonkey Kong
136th 1875 +1 Victoria Master JOKER Captain FalconRoyGanondorf
137th 1866 +111 New South Wales Master Sheeeep WarioMr. Game and Watch
138th 1856 -307 Western Australia Master Alex!? Pokémon TrainerJokerWolf
139th 1850 +70 Western Australia Master OSSA FalcoMewtwoSamus
140th 1846 +42 New South Wales Master Yusuke SephirothMr. Game and WatchPit
141st 1845 +3 New South Wales Diamond Meshuga LuigiMarioPalutena
142nd 1843 +80 New South Wales Master TurtleCat CloudNessPalutena
143rd 1839 +305 South Australia Master Aetos FalcoWolfFox
144th 1836 New Zealand Master Zingar SnakeIsabelleROB
144th 1836 New Zealand Master Spotyus Banjo & KazooieDark SamusSamus
146th 1832 United Kingdom Diamond splinter BayonettaBowserCaptain Falcon
147th 1830 Victoria Master Deku Meister JigglypuffKirbyGreninja
148th 1825 Tasmania Master Jai2Go Wii Fit TrainerLucinaFox
149th 1822 Queensland Diamond Artrix Mega ManKing K. RoolJigglypuff
150th 1816 -61 New South Wales Master HooperMassiveBlackHole Young LinkSteveDiddy Kong
151st 1814 Queensland Master DFS FalcoInklingPikachu
151st 1814 +63 New Zealand Master Twister3 RidleyPyra / MythraSonic
153rd 1809 Queensland Master Soggz Young LinkFalco
154th 1805 +119 New South Wales Master HyDro TerryDark PitRosalina & Luma
154th 1805 Queensland Diamond Vivid Captain FalconCloudGanondorf
156th 1797 +1 Victoria Master Skinny_Pat BylethMarthSora
157th 1790 -144 New South Wales Master Nichirin InklingBylethPyra / Mythra
158th 1788 +11 New Zealand Master DuoFace LucasDr. MarioBowser
159th 1785 +66 Victoria Diamond mire BylethRoyRandom
160th 1780 New Zealand Diamond Sayshi Mega ManMetaknightBayonetta
161st 1778 New Zealand Master La_Lapin ROBSteveWolf
162nd 1775 +44 New Zealand Master DaWests DaisyBowserPyra / Mythra
163rd 1774 -11 Victoria Diamond DragonKnight Donkey KongJokerDiddy Kong
164th 1769 Australian Capital Territory Master Jay JokerChromWolf
165th 1764 -109 New South Wales Master FOOD Dark PitNessJoker
166th 1758 +125 Victoria Diamond Mexi Pac-ManSteveWario
166th 1758 United States of America Platinum Yash
168th 1756 -27 Western Australia Diamond Azrael IncineroarHeroGreninja
168th 1756 +3 New South Wales Master Meatlivers ROBBowser Jr.Mii Swordfighter
170th 1755 Australian Capital Territory Master Doozy NessSteveCaptain Falcon
171st 1754 -70 New South Wales Diamond CloudyOCE Pokémon TrainerROBPyra / Mythra
172nd 1752 -90 New South Wales Diamond Diablo Mario
173rd 1750 +20 New South Wales Diamond Hawtnoodz GreninjaDonkey KongDr. Mario
173rd 1750 New Zealand Platinum Chinkus KazuyaHeroIncineroar
175th 1744 Queensland Diamond OrcaShmorka JokerWarioHero
176th 1742 -52 New South Wales Diamond Andreus MarioBowserDark Pit
177th 1740 New South Wales Master Sushi SoraYoung LinkKazuya
178th 1739 Western Australia Diamond boonk CloudCorrin
179th 1735 New South Wales Diamond Pondi Young LinkSamusCloud
180th 1728 New Zealand Platinum atom heart father RidleyFalcoGanondorf
181st 1724 New South Wales Master Merebry PikachuKirbyFalco
181st 1724 -48 New Zealand Diamond Unladen DaisyMewtwoPeach
183rd 1720 +174 Australian Capital Territory Platinum CarSeatus KenIncineroarRichter
184th 1718 Victoria Master Dogivet SamusMetaknightPit
185th 1715 New Zealand Master LooseGoose IkeHeroPiranha Plant
186th 1713 +259 Western Australia Diamond Little Z WarioKing K. RoolRandom
186th 1713 New South Wales Diamond MilkyLeo Cloud
188th 1711 Queensland Diamond Swate ROBNessMario
189th 1700 Victoria Master Static King DededePikachuGreninja
189th 1700 Victoria Master VTPooks Little MacPyra / MythraCorrin
191st 1698 -134 Western Australia Master Denzel ChromRoyHero
192nd 1693 +28 New South Wales Platinum jb Byleth
193rd 1690 +24 Victoria Diamond Bigman BowserJokerSonic
194th 1687 +17 Victoria Master Naru Min MinLuigiIncineroar
195th 1686 New Zealand Platinum GGSammy Ice ClimbersYoshiFalco
196th 1684 Queensland Master Churropon JokerShulkRoy
197th 1678 -15 Western Australia Diamond Chef NessRoyDonkey Kong
198th 1676 -148 Queensland Master Lomar GreninjaJokerMewtwo
198th 1676 Queensland Diamond mini! Piranha PlantYoshiPikachu
198th 1676 -67 New South Wales Diamond ethan kick ya teeth in IncineroarTerryKazuya
201st 1674 New Zealand Master Big Red FoxWolfPichu
202nd 1672 Victoria Diamond polyrhythm Link
203rd 1670 Victoria Platinum Zanzer RoyKirbyIncineroar
204th 1663 +23 South Australia Master Dashie PikachuYoung LinkFox
205th 1661 +5 Western Australia Master Darr SnakeRoy
206th 1659 New South Wales Master KathieCutiePie! BayonettaLucasDuck Hunt Duo
207th 1658 New South Wales Diamond BigMrAMan CloudWolfPyra / Mythra
208th 1657 -36 New Zealand Diamond Angel FalcoCorrin
209th 1656 -78 New South Wales Diamond Mr.ET Pyra / MythraCloudRandom
210th 1653 Victoria Master HiImAiden SonicPyra / MythraMii Gunner
211th 1652 South Australia Master pinky JokerBylethCloud
211th 1652 -8 New South Wales Platinum Apriicot SamusDark SamusByleth
213th 1651 +1 New South Wales Master Jam PitStevePyra / Mythra
214th 1650 +142 New South Wales Grandmaster TWIRLY Young LinkFoxDonkey Kong
215th 1647 +13 Western Australia Diamond Cheesey07 Donkey KongPikachuKazuya
216th 1644 +67 Western Australia Master Naz Pokémon TrainerTerryFox
216th 1644 New South Wales Master Invisi SimonJigglypuffRosalina & Luma
218th 1642 -37 Victoria Master Nop King K. RoolFoxPyra / Mythra
219th 1640 +3 New South Wales Master AndrewSSB InklingCloud
220th 1634 +89 South Australia Platinum Ferrero Rocher SnakeKazuyaIncineroar
220th 1634 -149 New Zealand Master Hob IncineroarMr. Game and WatchDuck Hunt Duo
220th 1634 -6 Victoria Platinum RivetMan Falco
223rd 1620 +153 Western Australia Platinum Sharnypooza Banjo & KazooieTerryRyu
224th 1615 +81 New South Wales Diamond Governor RoyWolfLucina
225th 1611 Queensland Master Joz. LucinaFalcoMewtwo
226th 1601 Victoria Platinum 11 NessJokerCaptain Falcon
227th 1598 +271 Western Australia Diamond Milis King DededeGreninjaCloud
227th 1598 Western Australia Platinum gobby girl ZeldaJokerRandom
227th 1598 Tasmania Platinum Mr. President DaisyPyra / MythraHero
230th 1596 -3 Victoria Platinum Roosterbugalugs WolfJokerSora
231st 1595 Queensland Diamond Blorph NessJokerLittle Mac
232nd 1591 +255 New South Wales Diamond Joxic HeroMarthDonkey Kong
233rd 1570 Australian Capital Territory Platinum Solar Ice ClimbersPac-ManMega Man
234th 1569 +45 New South Wales Master SCOTT REID BowserMetaknightPichu
235th 1564 -69 New Zealand Diamond dcs HeroSnakeMetaknight
236th 1557 Western Australia Platinum moodog Wii Fit TrainerRyuByleth
237th 1556 Victoria Master Princess PalutenaZero Suit SamusGreninja
237th 1556 +122 Australian Capital Territory Diamond Victor WolfRoyBowser
237th 1556 +62 New South Wales Platinum Shyne SoraJoker
240th 1553 +30 New Zealand Diamond Eggus Donkey KongHeroJoker
241st 1552 Queensland Diamond The Stig Mii BrawlerGanondorfKirby
242nd 1547 Tasmania Platinum Sapphire Terry
243rd 1545 +19 Western Australia Master LoneZen ROBPikmin & OlimarSamus
244th 1544 -70 Victoria Platinum KidColli IncineroarGreninja
245th 1538 -11 Australian Capital Territory Platinum COpPeR3076 KazuyaTerryROB
245th 1538 -64 New South Wales Diamond Kuriboh CloudPokémon TrainerRosalina & Luma
247th 1535 +48 New South Wales Platinum Inferno IkeCloudDonkey Kong
248th 1534 +19 New Zealand Diamond Double A King DededeIkeGanondorf
249th 1532 Western Australia Master rosey Rosalina & LumaSteveRobin
250th 1531 -17 Victoria Diamond Hazzacka Diddy KongSnakeCaptain Falcon
251st 1530 -6 New South Wales Platinum Lonk King DededeRidleyCorrin
252nd 1527 -98 Western Australia Diamond M JokerFoxDonkey Kong
252nd 1527 -79 Australian Capital Territory Platinum ApolloCJ Wii Fit TrainerKing K. RoolROB
254th 1526 Queensland Platinum Iroh Captain FalconMarioPichu
255th 1525 New South Wales Diamond jasmine Pac-ManPokémon TrainerDiddy Kong
256th 1524 New Zealand Platinum dingdongkid Mega ManDonkey KongLittle Mac
257th 1523 +94 Western Australia Gold nicco King K. Rool
258th 1522 -136 South Australia Diamond MothPlague Piranha PlantBowserRidley
258th 1522 -3 Victoria Platinum Merso GanondorfDr. MarioBowser
260th 1521 -53 New South Wales Diamond germanpogostick Duck Hunt DuoKenGreninja
261st 1519 +59 Queensland Platinum arc Pyra / MythraYoung LinkJoker
262nd 1507 -148 Western Australia Platinum Stitchiie LucasBowser Jr.Villager
263rd 1505 -19 Victoria Platinum Konrad YoshiRandomGanondorf
264th 1500 -34 Victoria Platinum SoymilkMelva Bowser Jr.Min MinPac-Man
265th 1499 +105 New Zealand Gold Fantomex RobinPiranha PlantWii Fit Trainer
266th 1497 -100 New South Wales Diamond Abakids BayonettaWolfPalutena
267th 1495 New South Wales Master BJSchoey IncineroarDonkey KongROB
268th 1492 -34 South Australia Platinum ET SoraLuigiKing Dedede
269th 1489 South Australia Gold Nayf JigglypuffRandomDr. Mario
269th 1489 +72 Victoria Diamond TonkaDonka PalutenaTerryZelda
271st 1488 Victoria Master Piski PikachuDiddy KongDark Pit
272nd 1483 -16 Victoria Platinum phosphor1111 JigglypuffMin MinJoker
273rd 1477 +76 New South Wales Gold Siki Donkey KongWolfCaptain Falcon
274th 1472 New Zealand Platinum Direee PalutenaSnakeFox
275th 1466 -58 Western Australia Platinum RuaanRuaan BayonettaChromPokémon Trainer
276th 1465 -57 Queensland Diamond Metalotl MewtwoROBHero
277th 1464 +97 Queensland Gold AppleMan SamusKirbyRandom
278th 1462 +86 Western Australia Master Temper Piranha PlantBowserPalutena
279th 1460 -31 South Australia Platinum Sloshi YoshiZeldaInkling
279th 1460 New Zealand Platinum Widdershin LinkSephirothROB
281st 1459 New South Wales Platinum Abadingo Bayonetta
281st 1459 -7 New Zealand Master Viiv YoshiWolfMr. Game and Watch
281st 1459 -7 Western Australia Gold Vizsion Bowser
284th 1457 Tasmania Platinum Diesel Booster CloudZero Suit SamusMr. Game and Watch
285th 1456 Queensland Master Sifo1 GanondorfKazuyaGreninja
286th 1455 Tasmania Platinum FUICS Yoshi
287th 1454 +164 New South Wales Diamond KRY Captain FalconPalutenaFalco
288th 1451 New Zealand Platinum Simikins SheikLucinaLink
289th 1447 -152 Western Australia Master YukiDraco JokerPichuKazuya
289th 1447 New South Wales Gold Somerandom King K. RoolGanondorf
291st 1443 Queensland Platinum boingboing Pokémon TrainerPikachuLucina
291st 1443 -26 South Australia Diamond Dog Fort RidleyKing K. RoolByleth
293rd 1442 Queensland Platinum Benedict Mii GunnerPyra / MythraShulk
294th 1439 -10 Australian Capital Territory Diamond TheFakeOllie YoshiZeldaLuigi
295th 1438 Queensland Gold ALP1NE NessDiddy KongPalutena
296th 1436 New South Wales Platinum Aurora Rosalina & LumaIsabelleZelda
297th 1431 +2 New South Wales Diamond Kitt NessFalcoIke
298th 1429 +35 Victoria Gold BamBam Link
299th 1428 New South Wales Gold elyse Wii Fit TrainerIsabelleNess
300th 1423 +43 New South Wales Gold vine Inkling
301st 1421 Victoria Platinum BD SnakePac-ManPichu
301st 1421 Victoria Platinum Lokh_ND BowserPiranha PlantSonic
303rd 1420 +13 New Zealand Master iDeeKay WarioCaptain FalconFox
304th 1418 +53 New South Wales Gold IntenseQuack ZeldaBowserKing K. Rool
305th 1417 New South Wales Diamond BloodMoon ZeldaPalutenaBayonetta
306th 1415 Victoria Gold O.K. Little Mac
307th 1411 Queensland Master Lainey BayonettaCaptain FalconPalutena
308th 1409 +112 South Australia Gold King Rosalina & LumaCloudWario
309th 1407 South Australia Diamond KyoKyle TerryWarioKazuya
310th 1406 +29 Western Australia Master ChuJelly?~ Captain FalconLittle MacRobin
311th 1398 New South Wales Master Thrillhouse WarioPokémon TrainerMario
312th 1397 Australian Capital Territory Diamond Charjo ROBFalcoWario
312th 1397 -27 New Zealand Gold Zai KazuyaTerryRyu
314th 1392 -92 New South Wales Platinum Joey don't Worry Ganondorf
315th 1391 +31 New South Wales Gold RoseCB SheikJokerLittle Mac
316th 1390 -78 South Australia Platinum Lyoko LucasSoraWolf
317th 1389 Western Australia Diamond Hry King DededeLucinaKing K. Rool
317th 1389 Queensland Gold Bagel Pyra / MythraCaptain FalconInkling
319th 1380 Queensland Diamond Lunchy Donkey KongBowserBanjo & Kazooie
319th 1380 -44 Victoria Diamond Joe SoraJokerByleth
321st 1377 +66 Australian Capital Territory Platinum Avongarde HeroPalutenaPokémon Trainer
321st 1377 Tasmania Diamond Trucks Pokémon TrainerYoshiTerry
321st 1377 +68 Victoria Gold Bendi Pokémon TrainerSephirothROB
324th 1372 Tasmania Platinum PlayingAround King DededeIncineroarSonic
325th 1371 +50 Western Australia Gold Croconardo Zero Suit SamusDonkey Kong
326th 1368 -2 New Zealand Silver Phinn ShulkSonicPac-Man
327th 1367 +66 South Australia Platinum Yauhyeah PichuCloudToon Link
328th 1365 -30 Western Australia Diamond Jafar LuigiPalutena
328th 1365 Victoria Gold Rick LucarioByleth
330th 1362 Australian Capital Territory Gold CrispyJiggles King Dedede
331st 1361 +56 Western Australia Gold Cyrcadia WarioJoker
332nd 1360 -48 New Zealand Gold [.,.] BylethCorrinDonkey Kong
333rd 1357 -166 New South Wales Gold Vologa Wii Fit TrainerIce Climbers
334th 1356 Queensland Silver Blurry FalcoGreninjaPyra / Mythra
334th 1356 +72 Queensland Gold Coco Wii Fit TrainerZeldaBowser Jr.
336th 1355 Queensland Silver Big-E Richter
337th 1353 Queensland Diamond KaiDASH KirbyMii BrawlerPikachu
337th 1353 +56 New South Wales Gold salt_LJ InklingCloudWolf
339th 1351 +146 New South Wales Gold Jezmamanezma King DededeKing K. Rool
340th 1347 +124 Queensland Platinum Mr. S MarioLuigiRandom
341st 1341 New South Wales Gold BigRatt FoxDark PitKing Dedede
342nd 1340 +1 New South Wales Platinum Strange BylethChromRoy
343rd 1332 New South Wales Silver Toonara JokerCaptain FalconInkling
344th 1330 -96 Victoria Master MAMP ROBMetaknightVillager
345th 1316 +2 New South Wales Platinum S0o0op Bowser Jr.Piranha PlantHero
346th 1315 -37 Queensland Master BattleDolphin JigglypuffMarioNess
347th 1313 -70 New South Wales Platinum JayBird Captain FalconMii SwordfighterKing Dedede
348th 1307 Queensland Platinum Jane CorrinLucinaPyra / Mythra
348th 1307 New Zealand Gold Puffer McSparkleFace SheikSephirothDark Pit
350th 1305 -62 New South Wales Gold Hazza Fox
351st 1302 -153 Western Australia Platinum Paper Little MacMr. Game and WatchRoy
352nd 1301 New South Wales Gold The Chuckstah Young LinkRoy
352nd 1301 Victoria Gold Femchad PikachuIsabelleIncineroar
354th 1298 -40 New Zealand Master LunaFrost KazuyaLittle MacWolf
355th 1297 -157 Western Australia Diamond Nostromo Cult RidleySoraMario
356th 1291 -58 Australian Capital Territory Master Chat Mega ManPitWolf
357th 1278 New South Wales Platinum Gong | Patch JokerSephirothLucina
357th 1278 Victoria Gold Derris-Kharlan CloudZero Suit SamusJoker
359th 1275 New Zealand Silver Redninja Donkey Kong
360th 1270 +49 Western Australia Platinum Seb Pokémon TrainerLucinaLuigi
361st 1269 -115 Western Australia Diamond Impr0ve WolfPokémon TrainerROB
362nd 1262 New Zealand Silver segway JigglypuffYoshi
363rd 1256 New Zealand Platinum Fisic SoraSephirothDark Pit
363rd 1256 New Zealand Silver Tundra PalutenaSheikLucina
363rd 1256 -107 Australian Capital Territory Gold Kiki MewtwoHeroWolf
366th 1244 +88 Australian Capital Territory Silver Stormtwoopaa TerryRyuJoker
367th 1243 -34 New South Wales Gold TTPB RandomLucarioChrom
368th 1242 Western Australia Gold Killsho InklingCorrinIsabelle
368th 1242 New Zealand Silver JotterB1t GanondorfKing K. Rool
370th 1241 Queensland Gold JGLF LuigiNessLucas
371st 1238 Queensland Gold HeaL ZeldaCloudRobin
372nd 1235 Victoria Gold Tekk Wii Fit TrainerBanjo & KazooieSteve
373rd 1234 New South Wales Diamond FumbleJr Bowser Jr.YoshiGreninja
374th 1232 +138 Western Australia Silver Console FoxLink
375th 1228 Victoria Silver JASP NessInklingCorrin
375th 1228 +1 New South Wales Gold KingEngine SephirothIncineroarPit
377th 1227 Queensland Platinum Exist King DededeSoraKirby
378th 1226 New Zealand Gold B2k#3528 SnakeCaptain FalconMario
379th 1225 South Australia Gold Whisper SephirothGreninjaByleth
380th 1222 New South Wales Platinum Linguini LuigiFalco
381st 1219 -12 New Zealand Gold Otab Pyra / MythraFalcoJoker
382nd 1215 Queensland Silver sam gregg WolfIncineroarKing K. Rool
383rd 1211 -41 Western Australia Diamond Copycat Pokémon TrainerRidleyLink
384th 1207 Victoria Silver Slurps WolfMario
384th 1207 +132 New Zealand Silver Neoideaxd KirbyIsabelle
386th 1206 +41 New South Wales Gold Bonsai Pac-ManPyra / MythraCaptain Falcon
386th 1206 New South Wales Gold Freeze Donkey KongZero Suit SamusJoker
388th 1205 South Australia Silver Allidoisgame1 Young LinkLucinaPeach
389th 1200 Victoria Silver Tedgim CorrinMarthGanondorf
389th 1200 +64 New Zealand Gold JoyKong Donkey KongCloudLittle Mac
389th 1200 New South Wales Silver Waffl KirbyHero
392nd 1199 New South Wales Platinum MTH1602 MetaknightIce ClimbersRidley
393rd 1198 Victoria Silver Dazai BylethRandomJoker
394th 1181 New Zealand Silver Cadilax Pokémon TrainerMario
395th 1180 Tasmania Silver Iblis ShulkIkeMii Brawler
396th 1179 New South Wales Bronze Xion_XIV HeroIncineroar
397th 1175 -16 Australian Capital Territory Platinum Yamba YoshiRoyPokémon Trainer
398th 1173 -35 Western Australia Gold Futurecow SonicCaptain FalconInkling
399th 1171 Victoria Bronze HDMagic SnakeYoung LinkDuck Hunt Duo
399th 1171 -14 Victoria Gold Lime NessZeldaRandom
401st 1169 +214 Western Australia Bronze Tomato_ Inkling
401st 1169 -94 Victoria Silver SuperbGuy PeachBylethSora
403rd 1165 New Zealand Silver nametag Bowser Jr.King DededeVillager
404th 1157 Queensland Gold Page SephirothCloudPalutena
405th 1156 -9 New Zealand Silver Fank009 InklingHeroBowser
406th 1155 New South Wales Silver ProNub LucinaMarth
407th 1154 Queensland Silver asa KirbyLucinaMii Brawler
408th 1143 -34 Western Australia Platinum jyetheguy Wii Fit TrainerDr. MarioLink
409th 1142 -76 South Australia Gold Arma KirbyInklingWario
409th 1142 -40 New Zealand Silver Cipherus RoyLucario
411th 1132 New Zealand Gold Akabird ZeldaPichuHero
412th 1131 New Zealand Bronze Mistake
413th 1130 +23 Victoria Bronze S Pyra / Mythra
414th 1127 New South Wales Platinum Framah SnakeSoraJoker
414th 1127 Victoria Silver Brevkurt Wario
414th 1127 New Zealand Bronze hivan Byleth
417th 1125 Victoria Diamond Vye GanondorfJokerToon Link
417th 1125 -135 Western Australia Platinum Molly SnakeMega ManWolf
419th 1124 Victoria Bronze Pastora
420th 1122 Queensland Silver DOc BayonettaJokerPokémon Trainer
421st 1118 New Zealand Bronze wamj Little MacBylethKing K. Rool
422nd 1109 Queensland Gold Jem IkeSephirothFox
423rd 1108 -26 South Australia Silver Faelyon WolfLucinaGreninja
424th 1107 +48 New Zealand Bronze Vro ZeldaGanondorfBanjo & Kazooie
425th 1105 -63 Western Australia Gold VARNAMi WolfWarioGanondorf
425th 1105 New South Wales Silver Sweep Enjoyer Dark PitPitByleth
427th 1102 -72 New Zealand Silver Valos KazuyaLinkRyu
428th 1099 Queensland Bronze YKTR Sora
429th 1098 New South Wales Gold Taipan CorrinSonicRidley
429th 1098 New Zealand Bronze DJMaskery Joker
431st 1090 +153 Western Australia Bronze Lisp Mr. Game and WatchRoySora
432nd 1089 +40 New South Wales Gold Dag ZeldaMii BrawlerInkling
433rd 1088 -52 Victoria Platinum Phyco InklingWolfCorrin
434th 1085 +95 New Zealand Bronze leerux Little Mac
434th 1085 South Australia Silver Bilby Pyra / MythraCorrinCloud
436th 1083 New Zealand Bronze Stratz Young LinkLittle MacSora
437th 1081 Queensland Silver Jett King K. RoolBowserBanjo & Kazooie
437th 1081 Victoria Bronze Jezza CorrinPeachDaisy
439th 1080 New Zealand Platinum Sgt_Pepper Donkey KongIncineroarSteve
440th 1077 -166 Queensland Gold salmongain Pac-ManCorrinLucina
441st 1076 Victoria Bronze Bump2Hump Bowser
442nd 1075 New Zealand Bronze StarLeo CorrinBylethJoker
443rd 1073 Queensland Gold Serein SnakeSteveMii Gunner
444th 1070 +153 Western Australia Bronze Dog
445th 1069 New Zealand Gold skyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy JigglypuffInklingMr. Game and Watch
446th 1065 New Zealand Bronze Wo King K. RoolLinkMii Swordfighter
447th 1064 +35 Queensland Bronze SCHMACK Captain FalconMario
448th 1059 New Zealand Bronze Akira暁
449th 1057 +1 New South Wales Bronze JordanHK LucinaBowserKirby
450th 1056 New Zealand Silver Burn The Vampire PalutenaBylethCorrin
451st 1055 Victoria Bronze Mint
451st 1055 Australian Capital Territory Bronze Temmie576 Lucas
453rd 1054 +100 New South Wales Gold Hal Duck Hunt DuoSamusDark Samus
454th 1052 South Australia Gold Tacotician ZeldaMii GunnerIsabelle
455th 1051 +67 South Australia Bronze BBBCNews PalutenaROBRoy
456th 1050 Victoria Bronze Masa FalcoMr. Game and Watch
457th 1049 -25 New South Wales Bronze Sinkusm Pikachu
458th 1044 New South Wales Bronze Bitto Little Mac
459th 1043 Victoria Gold Grati0: Toon LinkPitPalutena
460th 1041 New South Wales Bronze Seal Dark PitPit
460th 1041 New South Wales Silver Hamster PalutenaMarthRobin
462nd 1037 Queensland Bronze Beeky Donkey Kong
463rd 1035 New Zealand Bronze Block TUAH
464th 1031 New South Wales Bronze BIREU PikachuLucas
465th 1023 -30 New South Wales Bronze MDerp IncineroarPokémon Trainer
466th 1014 Victoria Bronze Phizix Zero Suit Samus
467th 1012 Victoria Silver Amaterasu RoyChromWolf
468th 1004 New Zealand Bronze CJM Sora
469th 1003 Victoria Bronze Faylor PikachuPyra / Mythra
469th 1003 Victoria Bronze that clarence guy Bowser Jr.RidleyHero
471st 1001 New Zealand Bronze Moccoli
472nd 1000 New South Wales Gold Portal_God Bowser Jr.KirbyHero