
New South Wales Phantom 2020 7/03/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

New South Wales Star Forge #110 6/03/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Star Forge #110 - Phantom Edition!

Victoria EBS Ultimate #59 3/03/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles Bracket

Victoria Couchwarriors Feburary Ranbat 2020 22/02/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

Victoria EBS Ultimate #57 18/02/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles Bracket

Victoria Pixel Smash #53 17/02/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Pixel SMASH

L3 Mar Terry 2 - 0 Yoshi Jazzy
L2 Jazzy Yoshi 2 - 0 Chrom Pat Sanders
W2 P9 Villager 2 - 0 Yoshi Jazzy
W1 Jazzy Yoshi 2 - 0 Little Mac Thos

Victoria EBS Ultimate #56 11/02/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles Bracket

Victoria EBS Ultimate #55 4/02/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles Bracket

Victoria EBS Ultimate #53 21/01/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles Bracket

Victoria Smash @ Swanston #4 17/01/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

Victoria EBS Ultimate #52 14/01/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles Bracket

Victoria Couchwarriors January Ranbat 2020 11/01/2020

Victoria Smash @ Swanston Ultimate 3 (Unfinished) 10/01/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

Victoria EBS Ultimate #51 7/01/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles Bracket

Victoria Smashmas @ GGEZ 21/12/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles Bracket

Victoria EBS Ultimate #50 17/12/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles Bracket

Victoria Couchwarriors Crossup 2 14/12/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Brothers Ultimate

South Australia Big Cheese 2 7/12/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Doubles Bracket

L2 Rust / Im23Bro 2 - 0 Jazzy / BigWinBeer
W1 ParaboliC / Ninhon Shulk 2 - 0 BowserDuck Hunt DuoSheikYoshi Jazzy / BigWinBeer

Super Smash Bros. Melee Super Smash Bros. Melee Singles Pools

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles

South Australia Smaller Cheese 2019 5/12/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Big Cheese 2: Smaller Cheese

Victoria Smash @ Sunshine #43 2/12/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash@Sunshine #41 18/11/19 Bracket

Victoria EBS Ultimate #47 26/11/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles Bracket

Victoria Couchwarriors November Ranbat 2019 23/11/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

L1 B-2 / Raid 2 - 0 Neopets / Jazzy
W1 Milun / Timic83 Banjo & KazooieWario 2 - 1 Mii BrawlerYoshi Neopets / Jazzy

Victoria EBS Ultimate #46 19/11/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles Bracket

Victoria EBS Ultimate #45 12/11/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles Bracket

Victoria Victorian Arcadian 2019: Best Of The Average 10/11/2019

Victoria Couchwarriors October Ranbat 2019 26/10/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

Victoria EBS Ultimate #43 22/10/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles

Victoria EBS Ultimate #42 15/10/2019

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Singles Bracket

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles

Victoria EBS Ultimate #41 8/10/2019

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Singles Bracket

Victoria EBS Ultimate #40 1/10/2019

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Singles Bracket

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles

Victoria Couchwarriors September Ranbat 2019 29/09/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

Victoria EBS Ultimate #39 24/09/2019

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Singles Bracket

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles

Victoria EBS Ultimate #38 17/09/2019

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Singles Bracket

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles

Victoria EBS Ultimate #37 10/09/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles

Victoria Smash @ Sunshine #31 9/09/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash @ Sunshine #31 09-09-19 Bracket

Victoria Stay Smashed September 2019 8/09/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Stay Smashed September 2019 Singles

Victoria EBS Ultimate #36 3/09/2019

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Singles Bracket

Victoria EBS Ultimate #34 20/08/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles

Queensland Sunny Side Up 10/08/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros Ultimate Doubles Bracket

L1 Aetos / Spicy 2 - 1 Jazzy / Velocity
W1 P9 / Insie 2 - 0 Jazzy / Velocity

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles

Super Smash Bros. Melee Super Smash Bros Melee Singles

Queensland Friday Night Smash 213 9/08/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Friday Night Smash 213 (SSU)

Victoria EBS Ultimate #32 6/08/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles

Victoria EBS Ultimate #31 30/07/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles

Victoria Couch Warriors Ranbat July 2019 27/07/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

Victoria EBS Ultimate #30 23/07/2019

Victoria Ultimate Smash Bash July @GGEZ 20/07/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate GGEZ July Ultimate Smash Bash

Victoria EBS Ultimate #28 9/07/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles

Western Australia BigWinChampionship 2 6/07/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles Gold Cup

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles Pools

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Doubles

L4 KeviN / Ttam 2 - 0 Bussy / Jazzy
L3 Bussy / Jazzy 2 - 1 Leliel / Cool Mum
L2 Bussy / Jazzy 2 - 0 jyetheguy / Smug
W2 Poppt1 / Day 2 - 0 Bussy / Jazzy
W1 Bussy / Jazzy 3 - 0 .M. / Harriszon

Western Australia Stratagem's Mid Week Smash 26 5/07/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros Ultimate Tournament Bracket

Victoria EBS Ultimate #26 25/06/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles

Victoria Couchwarriors June Ranbat 2019 22/06/2019

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Singles Amateur's Bracket

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Singles Melee singles bracket

Victoria EBS Ultimate #25 18/06/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles

Victoria EBS Ultimate #24 11/06/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles

Victoria EBS Ultimate #22 28/05/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles

Victoria BAM 11 18/05/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

L1 Gary / Horde 2 - 0 Jazzy / Chef
W1 Cag / Di Battista 2 - 0 Jazzy / Chef

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

Victoria BAM11 Salty Suite 16/05/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

Victoria GUF Geelong Ultimate #22 BAM Special 15/05/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles Bracket

Victoria EBS Ultimate #20 14/05/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles

Victoria Pixel Smash #13 13/05/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Pixel Smash Bracket

Victoria EBS Ultimate #19 7/05/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles

Victoria Smash @ Bunjil Place 28/04/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles Bracket

L4 Catburger Peach 2 - 1 Yoshi Jazzy
L3 Jazzy Captain Falcon 2 - 0 Robin Asura
L2 Jazzy LucarioPikmin & Olimar 2 - 0 Wolf LooseGoose
W2 Ergon Greninja 2 - 0 Yoshi Jazzy
W1 Jazzy VillagerYoshi 2 - 0 Richter Playpretend

Victoria Couchwarriors April Ranbat 2019 27/04/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

Victoria EBS Ultimate #17 23/04/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate EBS x Zen gaming #17

Victoria EBS Ultimate #16 16/04/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles

L3 J-squad | Sum Richter 2 - 0 Yoshi Jazzy
W2 Catburger Inkling 2 - 0 Yoshi Jazzy

Victoria Stay Smashed April 2019 14/04/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Stay Smashed April 2019 Singles

Victoria EBS Ultimate #14 2/04/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles

Victoria Jacked Geelong Presents: Jackedboree 30/03/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles

Victoria EBS Ultimate #13 26/03/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles

L7 Earl Falco 3 - 1 Yoshi Jazzy
L5 Jazzy Yoshi 2 - 0 Pichu Havok
L4 Jazzy Yoshi 2 - 0 King DededeWario AesWarder
W3 RaZe GreninjaLucina 2 - 1 Yoshi Jazzy
W2 Jazzy Yoshi 2 - 1 LucasNess Jamwa

Victoria Pixel Smash #6 25/03/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Pixel Smash Bracket

Victoria Stay Smashed March 2019 17/03/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Stay Smashed March 2019 - Doubles

L2 Vinegreens + Stoddy 2 - 1 Corvid + Jazzy
L1 Corvid + Jazzy 2 - 0 Jash + Velocity
W2 Jei + Rhyno 2 - 1 Corvid + Jazzy

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Stay Smashed March 2019 - Singles

Victoria EBS Ultimate #11 12/03/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles

L3 Aya CloudWolf 2 - 1 Yoshi Jazzy
L2 Jazzy Yoshi 2 - 0 Mewtwo Blink
W2 Ignis Palutena 2 - 1 Yoshi Jazzy

Victoria Pixel Smash #4 11/03/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Pixel Smash Bracket

L6 Conan Shulk 3 - 1 Yoshi Jazzy
L5 Jazzy Yoshi 2 - 0 Link antzo
W4 SebPro101 ROB 2 - 0 Yoshi Jazzy
W3 Jazzy Yoshi 2 - 0 PalutenaZero Suit Samus Princess
W2 Jazzy Yoshi 2 - 0 Ness cheesemaker

New South Wales Phantom 2019 2/03/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

L1 doon / MrVGA 2 - 0 Jazzy / Jash
W1 Tila / Flyingcat 2 - 0 Jazzy / Jash

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

New South Wales Star Forge #63: Phantom Edition 1/03/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Star Forge 63: Phantom Edition

Victoria Guf Geelong Ultimate #11 27/02/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Guf Ultimate 11

Victoria Pixel Smash #2 25/02/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Pixel Smash Bracket

L3 Aledo 2 - 1 Jazzy
L2 Jazzy 2 - 1 Uniowen
W2 Conan 2 - 0 Jazzy
W1 Jazzy 2 - 0 SuperGreenMAN

Victoria Couchwarriors February 2019 23/02/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

Victoria EBS Ultimate #9 19/02/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles

Victoria Stay Smashed Feburary 2019 17/02/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Stay Smashed February Doubles 2019

L1 B2 + Raid 2 - 0 Jash + Jazzy
W1 Little Mark + Baz 2 - 1 Jash + Jazzy

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Stay Smashed February Singles 2019

Victoria EBS Ultimate #8 12/02/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles

Victoria EBS Ultimate #7 5/02/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles

Victoria EBS Ultimate #6 29/01/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles

Victoria Couchwarriors Jan 2019 27/01/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

Victoria EBS Ultimate #5 22/01/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles

Victoria GGEZ Smash Bash #1 19/01/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles Bracket

L6 Robit ROB 2 - 1 Yoshi Jazzy
L5 Jazzy Yoshi 2 - 0 LucasPokémon Trainer Jamwa
W4 Duon Bowser Jr.Snake 2 - 0 Palutena Jazzy
W3 Jazzy Yoshi 2 - 0 Ness Jmez
W2 Jazzy Yoshi 2 - 0 Inkling JayEmDee

Victoria EBS Ultimate #4 15/01/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles Bracket

Victoria Stay Smashed January 2019 13/01/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Stayed Smashed January 2019 Doubles

L2 Amaterasu + Dollarydoos 2 - 1 Jazzy + Corvid
W2 Splice + Ratgod 2 - 0 Jazzy + Corvid

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Stayed Smashed January 2019 Singles

L2 Eagle Richter 2 - 0 PalutenaYoshi Jazzy
L1 Jazzy Yoshi 2 - 0 Pikachu Koala
W2 John Snake 2 - 0 PalutenaYoshi Jazzy

Victoria Good Games Greensborough #3 12/01/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bro Tournament@Good Games Greensborough

L5 Kevvlar CloudSamus 2 - 1 PalutenaYoshi Jazzy
L4 Jazzy Yoshi 2 - 1 Lucas Kami
L3 Jazzy Yoshi 2 - 0 Pokémon Trainer Neeson
W3 Moxie Pichu 2 - 0 PalutenaYoshi Jazzy
W2 Jazzy Yoshi 2 - 0 Captain Falcon Paycheck

Victoria Nekocards Ultimate #3 11/01/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Nekocards #3

Victoria EBS Ultimate #3 8/01/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles Bracket

Victoria Good Games Greensborough #2 5/01/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bro Tournament@Good Games Greensborough

Victoria Milaga II 29/12/2018

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Milaga II - Ultimate Singles

Victoria CouchWarriors Crossup 15/12/2018

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

L4 Schnitzel / Bussy 2 - 0 Jash / Jazzy
L3 Jash / Jazzy 2 - 1 Nicks / Earlx
L2 Jash / Jazzy 2 - 1 Star / Llamas
W2 Shadrew / SebPro101 2 - 0 Jash / Jazzy

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Brothers Ultimate

L3 BBelle Isabelle 2 - 0 PalutenaYoshi Jazzy
W3 Mar Richter 2 - 1 Yoshi Jazzy
W2 Jazzy Yoshi 2 - 0 Ridley Tomo009

Victoria EBS Ultimate #1 11/12/2018

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles Bracket

Victoria EBS LXXVI 4/12/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash 4 Singles Bracket

South Australia The Big Cheese 1/12/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SSB for Wii U Doubles Bracket

L1 SadHour / Mr. L 3 - 0 Jazzy / Poop
W1 The Grime / Andre 3 - 0 Jazzy / Poop

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SSB for Wii U Singles Wave 2

Victoria Couchwarriors Nov 2018 24/11/2018

Victoria EBS LXXIV 20/11/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U Singles

Victoria EBS LXXIII 13/11/2018

Victoria EBS LXXII 30/10/2018

Victoria EBS LXXI 23/10/2018

Victoria Couchwarriors Oct 2018 20/10/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash 4 Singles Top 24

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash 4 Singles Pools

Victoria Stay Smashed October 14/10/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U Singles

Victoria EBS LXVIII 2/10/2018

Victoria EBS LXVII 25/09/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U Singles

Victoria EBS LXVI 18/09/2018

Victoria EBS LXV 11/09/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U Singles

Victoria EBS LXIV 4/09/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u singles

Victoria EBS LXIII 28/08/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u singles

L2 Corvid Marth 3 - 0 SamusYoshi Jazzy
L1 Jazzy Yoshi 2 - 0 Mario WackoJacko
W1 Hazzacka Diddy Kong 2 - 0 Yoshi Jazzy

Victoria EBS LXII 21/08/2018

Victoria EBS LXI 14/08/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u singles

Victoria Nekocards #19 10/08/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SM4SH Singles

Western Australia BigWin Championship 4/08/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U BigWin Championship Top 48 Singles

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash 4 - Doubles Bracket

L2 Duon / Andre 2 - 1 Jazzy / Hugh G. Rection
L1 Jazzy / Hugh G. Rection 2 - 0 SirMimien / Krasic
W1 Denz / Naomi Campbelltown 2 - 1 Jazzy / Hugh G. Rection

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash 4 - Singles Pools

W5 Jazzy 3 - 0 SP-lit
W4 Pazx 3 - 0 Jazzy
W2 DrZu 3 - 0 Jazzy
W1 Jazzy 3 - 2 Dealta

Western Australia Pre-BigWinChampionship 3/08/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Pre-BigWinChampionship Singles

Victoria EBS LIX 31/07/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u singles

L2 Gormo 2 - 0 CharizardYoshi Jazzy
W2 Pat Sanders 2 - 0 Yoshi Jazzy

Victoria CouchWarriors Jul 2018 28/07/2018

Victoria EBS LVIII 24/07/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u singles

Victoria EBS LVI 10/07/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u singles

Victoria EBS LV 3/07/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u singles

Victoria EBS LIV 26/06/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u singles

Victoria CouchWarriors Jun 2018 Wii U 23/06/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u pro

Victoria EBS LIII 19/06/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u singles

Victoria EBS LII 12/06/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria Stay Smashed Jun 2018 10/06/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria EBS LI 5/06/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u singles

Victoria EBS L 29/05/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria EBS XLIX 22/05/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria BAM10 Salty Suite 17/05/2018

Victoria EBS XLVIII 15/05/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u singles

Victoria Stay Smashed May 2018 13/05/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria CouchWarriors Apr 2018 Wii U 28/04/2018

Victoria EBS XLV 10/04/2018

New South Wales Expand Gong 3 7/04/2018

Victoria Guf Geelong 136 4/04/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria CouchWarriors Mar 2018 Wii U 24/03/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u pro

Victoria EBS XLI 13/03/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria Stay Smashed Mar 2018 10/03/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L4 Extra + Duon 3 - 0 Poppt1 + Jazzy
L3 Poppt1 + Jazzy 3 - 0 Julian + Block
L2 Poppt1 + Jazzy 3 - 1 P9 + haiku
W2 Corvid + DefectiveDagger 3 - 0 Poppt1 + Jazzy
W1 Poppt1 + Jazzy 2 - 0 Hazzacka + Vayinn

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria Guf Geelong 132 7/03/2018

Victoria EBS XL 6/03/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Feb 2018 24/02/2018

Victoria EBS XXXVIII 20/02/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria Guf Geelong 129 14/02/2018

Victoria EBS XXXVII 13/02/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria Guf Geelong 128 7/02/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria EBS XXXV 30/01/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria EBS XXXIV 23/01/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Jan 2018 21/01/2018

Victoria EBS XXXIII 16/01/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria EBS XXXII 9/01/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

L3 RaZe 2 - 1 Yoshi Jazzy
L2 Jazzy Yoshi 2 - 0 Hunta
L1 Jazzy Yoshi 2 - 0 Kele
W1 Hazzacka 2 - 0 Yoshi Jazzy

Victoria Guf Geelong 122 27/12/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria EBS XXXI 19/12/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria Stay Smashed Dec 2017 10/12/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria CouchWarriors Dec 2017 9/12/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L2 Corvid + DefectiveDagger 2 - 0 Jazzy + SirMimien
W1 Havok + Kaito 2 - 1 Jazzy + SirMimien

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u singles

Victoria Guf Geelong 119 6/12/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria EBS XXX 5/12/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u singles

Victoria Guf Geelong 118 29/11/2017

Victoria EBS XXIX 21/11/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Nov 2017 12/11/2017

Victoria EBS XXVIII 7/11/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria Nekocards 2 3/11/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Oct 2017 28/10/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L3 Havok + Xettman 2 - 1 Jazzy + SirMimien
W2 Duon + Extra 2 - 0 Jazzy + SirMimien
W1 Jazzy + SirMimien 2 - 1 KhoiFish + Mykicard

Victoria EBS XXVII 24/10/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria Guf Geelong 112 18/10/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Australian Capital Territory DEFENCE OF THE ACT 14/10/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash 4 Singles

L2 Invisi Jigglypuff 2 - 0 Yoshi Jazzy
L1 Jazzy Yoshi 2 - 0 Koder
W1 jasmine Pac-Man 2 - 0 Yoshi Jazzy

Victoria Guf Geelong 111 11/10/2017

Victoria EBS XXVI 10/10/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria Stay Smashed Oct 2017 8/10/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L2 gwola + hunta 3 - 0 Jash + Jazzy
W1 Corvid + P9 3 - 0 Jash + Jazzy

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u singles

Victoria EBS XXV 3/10/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria Guf Geelong 109 27/09/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u singles

Victoria EBS XXIV 26/09/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u singles

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Sep 2017 23/09/2017

Victoria Guf Geelong 108 20/09/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

New South Wales OzHadou Nationals 15 16/09/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U WiiU Doubles

L2 PillowTalk + Seymour Butts 2 - 0 Bussy + Jazzy
W1 4Par + Thorpenado 2 - 0 Bussy + Jazzy

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U WiiU Singles

Victoria Guf Geelong 107 13/09/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria EBS XXIII 12/09/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u singles

Victoria Stay Smashed Sep 2017 10/09/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u singles

Victoria Guf Geelong 106 6/09/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u singles

Victoria EBS XXII 29/08/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u singles

Victoria Guf Geelong 104 23/08/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria EBS XXI 15/08/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria Over 9K Smash 4 12/08/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L2 Corvid + DefectiveDagger 2 - 0 Jazzy + Daddy Ganny
W1 hunta + gwola 2 - 0 Jazzy + Daddy Ganny

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u singles

Victoria EBS XX 1/08/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria Guf Geelong 100 29/07/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria Stay Smashed 4 15/07/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

New South Wales Gomaz Vs Pedro Presents, The NewCastle Siege | July 7th - July 9th 7/07/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U NCS Amateurs

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Doubles Bracket

L4 MM + Enn 2 - 0 Jazzy + DefectiveDagger
L3 Jazzy + DefectiveDagger 2 - 0 Revan + Hans
L2 Jazzy + DefectiveDagger 2 - 0 Loza + Kovie
W2 Jeese + Sriks 2 - 1 Jazzy + DefectiveDagger
W1 Jazzy + DefectiveDagger 2 - 0 Dreep + Sketch

Victoria EBS XVIII 4/07/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria CouchWarriors Jun 2017 Wii U 24/06/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L1 Aurachi + Alpal 2 - 0 Jazzy + Hydroxide
W1 dean + Rhyno 2 - 0 Jazzy + Hydroxide

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u pools

Victoria EBS XVII 20/06/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u singles

Victoria EBS XVI 6/06/2017

Victoria Over9k 4 3/06/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L4 Pudge + SebPro101 2 - 0 Jazzy + Velocity
L3 Jazzy + Velocity 2 - 0 Boozer + Leisha
L2 Jazzy + Velocity 2 - 0 gwola + hunta
W1 Kaito + GossipGirl 2 - 0 Jazzy + Velocity

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u singles

L3 Darkness 2 - 1 Yoshi Jazzy
W2 Insie Ike 2 - 0 Yoshi Jazzy
W1 Jazzy Yoshi 2 - 0 cow

Victoria Guf Geelong 92 31/05/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria Jamboree 4 27/05/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u singles

Victoria EBS XV 23/05/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria BAM #9 12/05/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U WiiU Singles

L3 Kaito Bayonetta 2 - 0 Yoshi Jazzy
L2 Jazzy Yoshi 2 - 0 bearbumble
W2 Pazx Diddy Kong 2 - 0 Yoshi Jazzy
W1 Jazzy Yoshi 2 - 0 Filthy

Victoria Guf Geelong 89 - Big Pre BAM 10/05/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Singles

Victoria EBS XIV 9/05/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria EBS XIII 25/04/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria Stay Smashed #2 23/04/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Apr 2017 22/04/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L1 Havok + Vayinn 2 - 1 Jazzy + Velocity
W1 Eternal + drak 2 - 0 Jazzy + Velocity

Victoria EBS XII 18/04/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria EBS XI 11/04/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria EBS X 4/04/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria EBS IX 21/03/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria Bowl's Club March 12/03/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L3 Dr omega + Yehya 2 - 0 Jazzy + Jash
W2 Extra + Duon 2 - 1 Jazzy + Jash
W1 Jazzy + Jash 2 - 0 Vinnie + Cooper

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria Smash @ Swanston #52 10/03/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria EBS Deez 7/03/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Feb 2017 25/02/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L3 Alpal + Arc 2 - 0 Jazzy + Dylba
L2 Jazzy + Dylba 2 - 0 Vinnie + Raid
W2 Extra + Duon 2 - 0 Jazzy + Dylba
W1 Jazzy + Dylba 2 - 0 hunta + Gwola

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u pools

Victoria EBS VIII 21/02/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria Bowl's Club 2 12/02/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L3 Hunta + Gwola 2 - 0 Jash + Jazzy
L2 Jash + Jazzy 2 - 0 Jako + Brooks
W2 Boozer + Leisha 2 - 0 Jash + Jazzy
W1 Jash + Jazzy 2 - 0 Lulu + Mikki

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria EBS VII 7/02/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria CouchWarriors WiiU January 2017 28/01/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L4 MAT2 + Xettman 2 - 0 Jazzy + Velocity
L3 Jazzy + Velocity 2 - 0 SebPro101 + Hydroxide
L2 Jazzy + Velocity 2 - 0 Artemis + Bones
W2 Fruit + Lanatra 2 - 0 Jazzy + Velocity

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u pools

Victoria EBS Invasion 24/01/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria Smash @ Swanston #45 9/12/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

South Australia SXC2K16 - Southern Cross Championships 2K16 2/12/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U WiiU Singles

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Nov 2016 26/11/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L5 Villyness + Sindocus 2 - 0 Jzzy + THE BUTCHER
L4 Jzzy + THE BUTCHER 2 - 0 Mamba + Dylba
W3 Nothing + KTAN 2 - 1 Jzzy + THE BUTCHER
W2 Jzzy + THE BUTCHER 2 - 0 TacticianEcho + Yehya

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u pools

Victoria Smash @ Swanston #44 25/11/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria Smash @ Swanston #43 11/11/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

L3 Jash Mewtwo 2 - 0 Yoshi Jazzy
L2 Jazzy Yoshi 2 - 1 Hazzacka
L1 Jazzy Yoshi 2 - 0 That guy in the black shirt
W1 B-2 Kirby 2 - 0 Yoshi Jazzy

Victoria EBS #3 1/11/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria ack's Playhouse October 30/10/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria Smash @ Swanston #41 28/10/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Oct 2016 22/10/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L2 humanerror + MGK 2 - 0 THE BUTCHER + Jazzy
W2 Haiku + InsertName71 2 - 0 THE BUTCHER + Jazzy

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u pools

Victoria EBS #2 18/10/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria Smash @ Swanston #39 14/10/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria Over9k 3 8/10/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria Smash @ Swanston #38 7/10/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash @ Swanston #38

Victoria Pudge's Playhouse 3 25/09/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u singles

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Sep 2016 24/09/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L4 ConnorZam + Iyavana1 2 - 0 Kappacman + Jazzy
L3 Kappacman + Jazzy 2 - 0 BlueMaster42 + Pheb
W2 Extra + Duon 2 - 0 Kappacman + Jazzy
W1 Kappacman + Jazzy 2 - 0 Nessquick + Shame

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u pools

Victoria Smash @ Swanston #37 23/09/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u singles

Victoria Smash @ Swanston #36 16/09/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash @ Swanston #36

Victoria EBS DIAD2 Donation Drive 4/09/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U EBS DIAD2 Donation Drive

Victoria Smash @ Swanston #35 2/09/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash @ Swanston #35

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Aug 2016 27/08/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L2 Saber + Aquaclaw 2 - 0 Velocity + Jazzy
W1 Arc + Alpal 2 - 0 Velocity + Jazzy

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u pools

Victoria Smash @ Swanston #34 12/08/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Singles

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Jun 2016 25/06/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L2 Dekartea + Xettman 2 - 0 Zacmaster + Jazzy
L1 Zacmaster + Jazzy 2 - 1 sgtALPALno1 + Arc
W1 dean + Yosh 2 - 0 Zacmaster + Jazzy

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u pools

Victoria MilTim 4 11/06/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L1 Deez + Splice 3 - 0 Jash + Jazzy
W1 PS! + Jdizzle 3 - 0 Jash + Jazzy

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u singles

Victoria BAM 8 - 13-15th May 13/05/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L3 Weeb + Cava 2 - 0 Kappacman + Jazzy
W2 Wiiman + Waveguider 2 - 0 Kappacman + Jazzy
W1 Kappacman + Jazzy 2 - 0 Hyes + SurPr15e

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U Singles (BIG BRACKET)

Victoria Over9k 1 9/04/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Jan 2016 23/01/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Nov 2015 8/11/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U dubs

L2 Yosh + Ktan - Jazzy + Velocity
W1 Jash + Brittles - Jazzy + Velocity

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U amateur

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Oct 2015 18/10/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L1 Jash + Brittles - Jazzy + Coopdog
W1 Extra + Duon - Jazzy + Coopdog

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles