Who is your favourite commentator?
20 votes
(JohnyMeBoi, Coco, Pondi, Benthoven, J-Rods, smol, Jorsa, BrainPower, Smasio, Mexi, Vi, Jett, Thracia, salmongain, Cruise, Redninja, Litty, Swate, JackArc, Shitashi)
- ARM Comms Man! - Pondi
- Frame 1 Vote for the GOAT!!! - Benthoven
- He has the perfect blend of just yapping but he actually knows what he's yapping about - J-Rods
- He's a very cool guy and a lovely person to talk to. - smol
- "Professional yapper" - Hbox - Jorsa
- Has a unique sort of vibe that nobody in Ausmash can quite replicate. Love his energy. - Smasio
- He’s lowkey just a chill guy - Mexi
- Got to commentate with him at SSU2 after getting 3-0'd by him on stream minutes before. 10/10 would do again. - Thracia
- Always brings energy to the vod, love hearing him yap - Litty
- Really enjoyed his comms at Cafeteria Cup, strong yappa - Swate
- A voice built for speaking - JackArc
- Send it - Shitashi
[NSW] Olag
19 votes
(bonsaii, Morgone, Roosterbugalugs, DarkKuriboh, Freeze, Amro, Shyne, Grati0, roboticjo, drasi, CryptoBlue, Violet, Cheezy_Peazy, P9, Mike_KOOL, Ravsav, Nichirin, SEIHJ, Alex_)
- Actually the GOAT - bonsaii
- goat - Morgone
- Peak - DarkKuriboh
- one of the best guys to ever do it, showed me how important it is to be both informative but enjoying talking about the game - Freeze
- still the GOAT - Amro
- was born for this - roboticjo
- Brings great energy to any stream, gave me great advice for my first time on comms, we miss you olag 🙏 - drasi
- Floating point 2024 top 8 entrance Need I say more - CryptoBlue
- The voice of someone born for commentaty, and the knowledge of someone who knows what they're talking about. - Cheezy_Peazy
- He's awesome - P9
- Entertainment. - Mike_KOOL
- The true blend of entertainment and informative. What a goat. - Ravsav
- Floating point top 8 entrants... - SEIHJ
- Good vibes - Alex_
[WA] Keutz
12 votes
(Hoodwink, YukiDraco, TheZacenater, Lukas, Dugongs22, Luma, DD, Slimboy17, Governor, JayBird810, Mackarp, VTPooks)
- Perfect blend of insight and charisma - Hoodwink
- Love listening to his work - YukiDraco
- He said naughty things about Mii Gunner - Dugongs22
- we all know it - Luma
- great and funny guy. "You Dirty Bitch" - Slimboy17
- the one commentator I'll turn my volume up for, so funny - JayBird810
- has the energy of the WA scene and carries it ontop of peak coms for a banger set - VTPooks
[ACT] ApolloCJ
6 votes
(Toasted_Panini, COpPeR3076, CarSeatus, Maplemage, BattleDolphin, stormtwoopaa)
- Professional, funny, charismatic and hot. What else does a man need - Toasted_Panini
- hot and good at concord - Maplemage
- is good - stormtwoopaa
[VIC] Duon
6 votes
(HyDro, Aloly, Pudge, Bigman, DragonKnight957, RAMBO)
[NSW] Hal
6 votes
(Elliot, Froggo, Taipan, Lonk, Flow, BigRatt)
- Underrated - Elliot
- bro just hopped on comms cuz he was bored and had a full conversation with like 10 people for hours thats my goat - Froggo
- Bro cant get enough of it - Taipan
- Genuinely amazing commentary. My goat. - Lonk
- The solo comms made that one epping so fun to watch - Flow
- slept on commentator - BigRatt
[NSW] Dugongs
6 votes
(Ryan, Dmo, germanpogostick, TurtleCat, Nop, Willsword42)
- My god he's so handsome - Dmo
- thubs up emoji - germanpogostick
- The tonka truck goat - TurtleCat
- Definitely my favourite caster in Aus, always a blast and elevates the viewing experience to another level - Nop
[NZ] DaWests
5 votes
(IcyK, timtamtatious, K-dawg, Viiv, KFC)
[SA] Matt
3 votes
(Pinky, CaptainCoolade, Velveteen)
- held it down for several hours at big cheese while also juggling running the stream, by far the unsung hero of that whole weekend - Pinky
- what pinky said - CaptainCoolade
- @matt - Velveteen
[NZ] mojobones
3 votes
(DaWests, missGayManWatch, Widdershin)
[VIC] Mexi
3 votes
(LimeFlurry, Saratoga, Beefyboi)
- Peak yap hours!! - LimeFlurry
- He's great on pixel comms #MACKAUP - Beefyboi
[VIC] Pudge
3 votes
(MAST, Hazzacka, w00tkins)
- Always a joy to listen to with excellent balance between both gampleay for important sets (hypecaster), and the best bits n gags for when its off sets. Always an enjoyable time listening to the gorms. - MAST
3 votes
(Daaronaaronax, phosphor1111, FroggSocks)
- the only person on pixel comms who actually talks about the game - Daaronaaronax
- he's so full of life and so entertaining to listen to - phosphor1111
- Pixel goes so hard when this guy's on the mic. Only motherfucker out there to always talk about the actual game and his passion unmatched - FroggSocks
[NSW] Lonk
2 votes
(Reshi, Hal)
[NSW] Governor
2 votes
(Unfezant, Kitt)
[QLD] Lunchy
2 votes
(fuckencunce, Joz)
- Dulcet tones and witty banter, couldn't ask for more honestly - fuckencunce
[NSW] Meshuga
2 votes
(haz, oberon)
[QLD] Aidento
1 vote
[SA] Whissle
1 vote
[ACT] Avongarde
1 vote
[NSW] Kuriboh
1 vote
[NSW] Recordio
1 vote
- No one brings better insight and hype to comms more than this man right here - RoyinoZ
[VIC] P9
1 vote
- Professional comedians pale in comparison to Tom with a few drinks in him - Wifike
Who is your favourite streamer?
[NZ] AlastairBL WINNER
29 votes
(IcyK, mojobones, CarSeatus, timtamtatious, DaWests, K-dawg, Viiv, missGayManWatch, Maplemage, Benthoven, Saratoga, ss23, Artrix, J-Rods, Aloly, Lukas, Meatlivers, Dugongs22, KFC, Smasio, Beet, Kaitoblaze, Beefyboi, Mike_KOOL, salmongain, Cruise, Litty, Swate, Sm-voilet)
- oh, absolutely. - IcyK
- Wish he had fundies panini is better - CarSeatus
- Committed to streaming and charismatic! Bronze 5 at overwatch lmaoooooooooooo - Maplemage
- Unmatched charisma - Artrix
- AlastairBLOWS! - KFC
- Oh my - Beet
- The S stands for Sneed - Cruise
- He trash talks respectfully, I didn't know it was possible - Litty
- our ranked rivals match, streamed to the nation, was what made me realise fleet vs clairen is kinda hard when the clairen has a brain - Swate
- Vary cool person - Sm-voilet
[NSW] Spike
6 votes
(Froggo, Hal, Cotton, Pondi, Lain, JayBird810)
[VIC] VTPooks
6 votes
(Coco, Daaronaaronax, phosphor1111, RAMBO, Ravsav, Zekora)
- zss AND A MAID OUTFIT, could he get much better - Daaronaaronax
- zss + maid outfit what else do i need to say really - phosphor1111
- the commitment to the zss body suit was insane - RAMBO
- Everyone keeps mentioning that it's good. - Ravsav
[VIC] Pelipper Piccolo
5 votes
(HyDro, Nop, Bigman, DragonKnight957, Nichirin)
[NSW] Dmo
5 votes
(Morgone, Unfezant, drasi, Violet, Governor)
[SA] Taicho
4 votes
(l3ss0n, Pinky, CaptainCoolade, Velveteen)
- Bring him back - l3ss0n
- i miss the brad stream dearly - Pinky
- need carts expeditiously - CaptainCoolade
- get on the cars - Velveteen
[QLD] Artrix
4 votes
(TurtleCat, Mexi, DD, Shitashi)
[NSW] Coleman
3 votes
(Dmo, Lonk, BigRatt)
[QLD] Blurry
3 votes
(fuckencunce, BrainPower, JackArc)
- Runs a tight ship - fuckencunce
- FXXIIILTHY soon - JackArc
[VIC] Bendi
3 votes
(w00tkins, Wifike, Willsword42)
[NSW] Kuriboh
2 votes
(metagh0st, CryptoBlue)
- he did respect ur elders on stream - metagh0st
- I’m being held at gunpoint - CryptoBlue
[VIC] P9
2 votes
(VTPooks, Gravity)
[QLD] Aidento
1 vote
[NSW] MilkyLeo
1 vote
1 vote
[VIC] El
1 vote
- It's hard to not be entertaining when you have insane reactions to every situation. I also enjoyed the smash grind, but even sillier things like dark souls always gets me. - MAST
[VIC] VioletGirl
1 vote
Who has the best social media presence?
[NSW] drasi WINNER
31 votes
(HyDro, bonsaii, Morgone, Froggo, Taipan, Hal, JohnyMeBoi, Coco, Ryan, Pondi, Lonk, DarkKuriboh, Freeze, KathieCutiePie, Kite, Shyne, Kitt, Dugongs22, roboticjo, germanpogostick, TurtleCat, CryptoBlue, Violet, Cheezy_Peazy, Vi, Vologa, Mike_KOOL, JayBird810, Nichirin, SEIHJ, Blurry)
- Whenever it's struggling to open a can of beans, putting a whole cucumber in his mouth, openly admitting to his twink ideal or feet fetish, his timeline is guaranteed to never bore, only disturb - HyDro
- So good I’ve had to mute his main account so I don’t get fired from work - bonsaii
- no comment - Froggo
- The Ausmash social media ever - Hal
- THATS MOOT!!!! - Coco
- Any questions? - Pondi
- Who fuckin else could it be. - Lonk
- i fear him - Freeze
- Someone told me this tech of getting off of twitter when i saw a drasi tweet and my twitter usage has dropped 95% thank you drasi - KathieCutiePie
- Bruh - Kitt
- Dont open twitter on PT - Dugongs22
- twitter content machine - roboticjo
- an acquired taste. nobody else may understand but you'll always have my vote - germanpogostick
- Unmatched gremlin energy, i aspire to be as funny as drasi - TurtleCat
- Drasi makes me want to learn quantum physics and mechanics just so I can travel back in time and stop twitter from ever being made - CryptoBlue
- I mean, what is there to say. - Cheezy_Peazy
- Can't go on X (The everything app) without Drasi - Vi
- What more can be said - Mike_KOOL
- unfollowed out of horror but will often come back - JayBird810
- Drasi twitter - Nichirin
- No shit - SEIHJ
[VIC] Extra
16 votes
(Roosterbugalugs, Aloly, Flow, Smasio, Beet, DD, Pudge, P9, Beefyboi, Nop, Wifike, Slimboy17, Governor, RAMBO, Ravsav, Gravity)
[WA] Milis
8 votes
(LagannXeno, Hoodwink, Amro, YukiDraco, TheZacenater, noot, fuckencunce, Lain)
- only good twitter user - LagannXeno
- Heartily chuckle every time - Hoodwink
- based balatro aficionado - Amro
- I love seeing the occasional Milis tweets - YukiDraco
- only cool queenslander - noot
- Fuck off noot, watch your back next time you're in Queensland fuckhead - fuckencunce
[NZ] miss GayManWatch
7 votes
(IcyK, mojobones, DaWests, Viiv, Widdershin, rhys, Mackarp)
[ACT] ApolloCJ
5 votes
(Gradivus, Toasted_Panini, COpPeR3076, CarSeatus, Swate)
- no. 1 fooler of yanks - Gradivus
- He just never misses - Toasted_Panini
- Goat tricking the Americans - CarSeatus
- only posts winners TBH - Swate
[NSW] Ryan
4 votes
(Maplemage, drasi, Apriicot, Bigman)
[VIC] Mado
4 votes
(MAST, Luma, Hazzacka, Willsword42)
- I try not to think of myself as pretentious, but the level of high brow shitposting this man does is beyond me. Stolen formats, converted meme templates, related to iconic characters of the ausmash scene FORCES me to chuckle every single time. His creative juices are FLOWING. - MAST
- MouseWarriors - Luma
[VIC] Ravsav
4 votes
(Mexi, DragonKnight957, phosphor1111, VTPooks)
- Stats, weekly writeups, upset info for majors, I keep coming back to his twitter - Mexi
- the upset threads and recaps for major tournaments (+ the ravstats!!) on his twitter are so nice to have and he does a great job with them - phosphor1111
- The stats man himself, lovely fella too! - VTPooks
[NSW] Amro
3 votes
(Elliot, Relo, BigRatt)
[NSW] Nichirin
3 votes
(Lukas, Meatlivers, Cookiezac)
- Craziest Isabelle clips ive ever seen - Lukas
- - Meatlivers
- If Rister, Only Mice - Cookiezac
[SA] Coolade
2 votes
(Pinky, Velveteen)
[SA] Yauhyeah
2 votes
(nayf, Allidoisgame1)
- def counts - nayf
- he has the best videos - Allidoisgame1
[NSW] Relo
2 votes
(timtamtatious, K-dawg)
- where do I start? first you want to go to the left, then you want to turn right, wanna argue all day, make love all night - K-dawg
[QLD] Aidento
1 vote
[NSW] Sumi
1 vote
- i don't engage with smashtwt so i'm just gonna cast my vote for Beautiful Women On My TL - Cotton
[VIC] Goodie
1 vote
[VIC] Scobo
1 vote
- I think Scobo has solved the Twitter meta and I think everyone should follow his footsteps - Unfezant
[QLD] mini!
1 vote
[QLD] Dags
1 vote
[ACT] Toasted_Panini
1 vote
[QLD] Coco
1 vote
- Sometimes I open twitter and remember that having eyesight is a curse. - Thracia
[NZ] IcyK
1 vote
Who do you wish would come back tournaments?
9 votes
(Na_an, J-Rods, fuckencunce, BattleDolphin, Jorsa, Smasio, Litty, Swate, JackArc)
- Need him back 🙏 - Na_an
- Would love to see it - J-Rods
- Nah - fuckencunce
- made a young girl cry after beating her in bracket once - BattleDolphin
- He said smash is slop :(( - Jorsa
- I miss if you lose to me you suck. - Smasio
- He loves Ultimate, I've seen him talk about wanting to compete again so much - Litty
- Pincadiagh - Swate
- Lose = u suck - JackArc
[NSW] Merebry
8 votes
(Froggo, Taipan, Hal, Cotton, Pondi, Spike, Lain, JayBird810)
- i know it isnt happening anytime soon but i miss him :(((( - Froggo
- Pls come back :-: - Taipan
- get back here this instant i need to double parry quick attack for set again - Cotton
- Goated at the game, havent had much of a chance to play him - Pondi
- Meby bear - Spike
- ILY MARBEY - JayBird810
[QLD] Lukas
5 votes
(Shyne, Mike_KOOL, Nichirin, Blurry, Alex_)
[NZ] BoBert
4 votes
(IcyK, mojobones, missGayManWatch, Widdershin)
- :sob: - IcyK
- He is the people’s champion - Widdershin
[NSW] Shmu
4 votes
(Elliot, Dmo, Violet, Governor)
[VIC] Personate
3 votes
(Roosterbugalugs, Cookiezac, Mexi)
- The goat - Roosterbugalugs
- Just to prove I can beat this guy - Mexi
[NSW] KathieCutiePie!
3 votes
(Relo, drasi, CryptoBlue)
[NZ] Ichigo
3 votes
(timtamtatious, Viiv, Mire)
2 votes
(Freeze, KathieCutiePie)
- society if twirly game back - Freeze
- tbh i just want to see him more <33 - KathieCutiePie
2 votes
(Aloly, Nop)
[NSW] Unfezant
2 votes
(Lukas, SEIHJ)
[VIC] Insie
2 votes
(Flow, P9)
[QLD] Aidento
1 vote
[SA] Octopily
1 vote
[QLD] DogMan
1 vote
1 vote
[NSW] Cyctorn
1 vote
- Hate this guy, he could so easily be the goat but he’s too busy swagging out in tekken. - Lonk
[ACT] Waveguider
1 vote
[VIC] Naru
1 vote
[NSW] Coleman
1 vote
[NSW] Dark Jesus
1 vote
[NSW] meepAsAur
1 vote
- Stop being good at card games and instead play a game I can win - Unfezant
[QLD] GrindGod
1 vote
- i'm sorry for what i did pre pandemic please forgive me it haunts me - Yean
[VIC] Radio
1 vote
[NSW] Abakids
1 vote
[NSW] Revan
1 vote
- Funniest dude on the planet, sometimes you just need two men - TurtleCat
1 vote
[VIC] Murke
1 vote
- One of the biggest chillers that would always brighten my day when I get to see him. I know hes got big boy life things on, but legit was some of the best company. Got to see him in Japan for a day, but would love to see him more often - MAST
[NSW] HomerTime
1 vote
- I need you for the Cheeseburgers and Fries. Please come back. - Cheezy_Peazy
[VIC] Dura
1 vote
[VIC] homer
1 vote
- Haven't seen him at all during the second half of the year he's so fun to play against - Beefyboi
[VIC] rebs
1 vote
[VIC] BeastAmp
1 vote
- i miss them so much man, i just want my favorite wario DK to come back - Daaronaaronax
[VIC] Lokh_ND
1 vote
[VIC] Nerpna
1 vote
- None of the other Palu's just jump and back air in the corner for 7 minutes :( - Wifike
1 vote
- Got me into playing at a competitive level. Him getting addicted to Overwatch was the route cause of me starting to show up to tourneys. Catch a ranbat sometime. - Thracia
[QLD] Genesis
1 vote
[NZ] Zingar
1 vote
[VIC] Shen
1 vote
- seeing him at end of an era was such a throwback, may the smash bug have bitten him again lol - RAMBO
[NZ] AlastairBL
1 vote
[VIC] WeToxicFew
1 vote
[VIC] HotHeadJabs
1 vote
- Dude got married so i guess thats ok to not show up but we miss you man - VTPooks
Who is your rival?
[NSW] Nichirin WINNER
5 votes
(Lukas, Meatlivers, Mike_KOOL, SEIHJ, Alex_)
- Attacks me in doubles while on my team - Lukas
- for next year - Meatlivers
- My luigi cooks - Mike_KOOL
- Inkling mains - SEIHJ
- NaseemWeen - Alex_
4 votes
(Freeze, ETrinh, drasi, Vologa)
[VIC] Aloly
4 votes
(LimeFlurry, RAMBO, Willsword42, Gravity)
- here comes swordie #86987 - LimeFlurry
- still won 12 in a row buster enjoy your 2 petty wins - RAMBO
- Crazy how this guy won by a landslide last year and is barely voted for this year. I didn’t vote for him last year, but this year things have changed. His improvement rate is a benchmark for how fast I want to improve, so now he gets my vote. - Gravity
[NSW] Violet
3 votes
(Froggo, roboticjo, Nichirin)
[VIC] P9
3 votes
(Flow, MAST, FroggSocks)
- He think he's solved me lol - Flow
- Ik hes my current rival when I hate to put him down. It's undeniable that Tom's be the ever so slowly imprioving fella that he's now 50/50ing me. and I HATE losing to tom, because I always feel like i've figured it out, only for him to comeback with some new stuff. - MAST
- Fuck your billion lions - FroggSocks
[QLD] HeaL
2 votes
(Gradivus, Lain)
[SA] Nayf
2 votes
(yauhyeah, Allidoisgame1)
- yeah i said it :/ you're done champion... its either nayf or sloshi if he rocks up - yauhyeah
- his results are way better than me but we go even in bracket - Allidoisgame1
[NSW] Lonk
2 votes
(bonsaii, BigRatt)
2 votes
(JadLad, Hoodwink)
- Told him I'd retire the day I lost to him, and I kept my word - Hoodwink
[NSW] JayBird
2 votes
(Taipan, Hal)
[QLD] Litty
2 votes
(Coco, J-Rods)
[SA] Yauhyeah
2 votes
(nayf, Kaitoblaze)
- breaking the 50-50 next time and thats frfr - nayf
- Someone I want to strive to beat. He's too good. - Kaitoblaze
[NSW] Yine
2 votes
(DarkKuriboh, Wifike)
- Idk if rival, but def a big reason I try so hard and want to improve. A constant source of mutual lets lock the f*ck in - DarkKuriboh
[NSW] TurtleCat
2 votes
(Kitt, Cheezy_Peazy)
- You make me fear cloud. How dare you. - Cheezy_Peazy
[NSW] BigRatt
2 votes
(Apriicot, CryptoBlue)
- I swear we’re even - Apriicot
- My most played competitor by far and this guy pushes me to get better after every set because I hate losing to Fox - CryptoBlue
[VIC] TonkaDonka
2 votes
(Mexi, Bigman)
[VIC] Jdizzle
2 votes
(Pudge, Governor)
- He turned down my very extensive CV and contract application for a 3v3 crew at pissmas. You've made an enemy for life Jonathan. - Governor
[VIC] Mexi
2 votes
(Daaronaaronax, phosphor1111)
- they call me Daaron "pacman slayer" Aaronax for a reason - Daaronaaronax
[QLD] Aidento
1 vote
[NSW] Ryan
1 vote
[ACT] Charjo
1 vote
[NSW] Dugongs
1 vote
- Always a strong challenge - we’ve gone back and forth since arriving in Sydney, traded grands sets & he’s forced me to always keep improving! - Relo
[SA] Nadgey
1 vote
- my drive and soul i rocked up to at least like 2 brackets this year with the sole purpose of beating his ass - Pinky
[NZ] Aluf
1 vote
[NZ] RenSoul
1 vote
[NZ] IcyK
1 vote
[ACT] Kinaji
1 vote
- You may be a top 5 player in Australia but I am still 10 wins above you (: - Maplemage
[SA] Jamie
1 vote
[NSW] Kuriboh
1 vote
[NSW] Wolf
1 vote
- My best mate a practise partner we've been going back and fourth for years - RoyinoZ
[WA] EdenBean
1 vote
- It's always been close every single time in bracket. I'll get her soon - YukiDraco
[WA] Sharnypooza
1 vote
- He plays Banjo so therefore I hate playing against him (sarcasm) - TheZacenater
[SA] Q
1 vote
- We trade sets every season but every time Q wins it feels much more one-sided - Jamie
[VIC] Candles
1 vote
1 vote
- Making strides in this one, broke his win streak and got 2 in a row myself : D - Aloly
[NSW] Guts_LP
1 vote
- nothing about the sets we played we're just rivals in name and blood i think - Shyne
[QLD] Buttsubushi
1 vote
- 2025 i will stop getting hit by down b (thats a THE RAT guarantee) - Jorsa
[NSW] Relo
1 vote
- He innovates every week and squeezes the most he can out of a off-meta character. Its always a blessing - Dugongs22
[WA] Zelda
1 vote
[NSW] Paristhecoolbat
1 vote
- maybe playing luigi will get you to win against me consistently haha you should try that i think rofl - germanpogostick
[NSW] Glace
1 vote
- Glace taught me a ton about the game so he knows exactly how to smack me for being a dumbass - TurtleCat
[NSW] Roboticjo
1 vote
- He might be best player world, no one motivates me to improve more - Violet
[QLD] Thracia
1 vote
- I'm not going to let him shake me down for all of my elo - BrainPower
[VIC] Beefy
1 vote
- Pushes me to get better and better every day, great end of a wifi bracket is to play him in a hype g10 set. - Smasio
[VIC] mire
1 vote
[QLD] Smasio
1 vote
- We play a ton in wifi brackets, its always great to see him in winners finals/grands and also agonizing sometimes to play him lololol - Beefyboi
[QLD] wata
1 vote
[VIC] Skinny_Pat
1 vote
[QLD] Brain Power
1 vote
- Probably the highest ranked player I have more than one win on. Aiming to shake him down for elo more often. - Thracia
[NSW] Pondi
1 vote
- I want to end it all every time he wins but unfortunately he's the only player that we keep going back n forth - JayBird810
[QLD] J-Rods
1 vote
- I feel like we trade sets all the time, he's def better but I wish I could rival his results - Litty
[QLD] Joser
1 vote
- many people i've considered rivals over the last 6 years have moved on, but not this guy - Swate
[VIC] Daaronaaronax
1 vote
- cant let him over take me until the day i die, or get arthritis - VTPooks
Who is the best new or up and coming player?
[VIC] TonkaDonka WINNER
21 votes
(LimeFlurry, Grati0, Iceman, MAST, Beet, Cookiezac, Luma, Hazzacka, Mexi, Pudge, Beefyboi, w00tkins, Nop, Bigman, DragonKnight957, phosphor1111, Willsword42, Ravsav, Zekora, VTPooks, Gravity)
- Most tense Ammies grands set I've ever had - LimeFlurry
- I fear the man who secretly grids, more than the man who states they are gonna make it. He wants it, and has the passion, I am a believer. - MAST
- goat - Luma
- “I FUCKING HATE TONKADONKA” - Bigman 2024 - Mexi
- Won rising star for a reason - Beefyboi
- Bro went to 38/44 tourneys in the Autumn season - Nop
- #macka up - VTPooks
- When you beat me, you know you’ve made it. - Gravity
[NSW] Sage
17 votes
(bonsaii, Elliot, Morgone, Relo, Ryan, Freeze, Amro, Kite, Unfezant, Shyne, roboticjo, drasi, Violet, Mike_KOOL, RAMBO, Mire, Nichirin)
- Such a great presence at tournaments and a fucking fun at the game - bonsaii
- Best DK Aus - Morgone
- Deepest bags in Aus, also the fundies 🐐 - Relo
- bro is nerfed by his twitter handle but other than that hes insane at the game - Freeze
- One of the new age wifi to offline threats and has improved drastically - Unfezant
- run off zair - roboticjo
- We WILL be seeing him on the pr - drasi
- The actual goat, ctown is blessed to have him - Violet
- He's getting too strong - Mike_KOOL
- I would've voted for TonkaDonka but he lost to my kirby so - RAMBO
- One year offline and is already a huge threat - Nichirin
[QLD] Metalotl
17 votes
(Benthoven, Yean, J-Rods, Lukas, fuckencunce, BattleDolphin, smol, Jorsa, BrainPower, Smasio, Lain, Thracia, salmongain, Litty, Swate, Blurry, Shitashi)
- The future of QLD Smash. - Benthoven
- while not new, he's definitely gotten heaps better within the past little while, and his showing at Piss - Yean
- Trust me I'm not bad he's legit just kicking my ass - J-Rods
- On the up - Lukas
- Also good taste in music - fuckencunce
- Good kid with a heart of gold. also made qld win a lot of pisscoin - smol
- My 🐐 - Jorsa
- Really impressive stuff coming out from him this year for sure, excited to see him keep rising - Smasio
- In his contract to win against a top player every other week. Kid is crazy with it. - Thracia
- He's like this state's Sparg0, I love watching his improvement and he plays a unique character, it'd be terrible if an upcoming player played Mario or something we already have lol He's hype!! - Litty
- the right mindset and infinite potential. - Swate
- He's gonna get there soon. - Blurry
- Pretty sick M2 - Shitashi
[NZ] Cipherus
5 votes
(IcyK, mojobones, K-dawg, missGayManWatch, Widdershin)
- normal ppl don't get a mackarp win in their first year of competing - IcyK
[NSW] RoseCB
5 votes
(Hal, Lonk, Apriicot, BigRatt, Vi)
[WA] Joe McXenoblade
4 votes
(LagannXeno, Hoodwink, YukiDraco, Alex_)
- my smash bros son - LagannXeno
- I can see him popping off super hard given the chance - Hoodwink
- He kinda got good fast, very happy for him - YukiDraco
- I love this guy - Alex_
[NSW] Yine
4 votes
(Froggo, DarkKuriboh, metagh0st, germanpogostick)
- El Juego is my goat - Froggo
- feels nice seeing a sentiment about a player being insane at the game becoming more widespread - germanpogostick
[VIC] Beefy
4 votes
(Roosterbugalugs, Aloly, Flow, FroggSocks)
- Future Aus Pr - Roosterbugalugs
- Cunt just beat jdizzle - Aloly
- Stop beating me in game 5s with brawler cheese thanks - Flow
- Kid's gonna top 8 a major within 2 years - FroggSocks
[SA] Allidoisgame1
3 votes
(yauhyeah, Pinky, nayf)
[ACT] Toasted_Panini
3 votes
(ApolloCJ, Pondi, stormtwoopaa)
- They're going to beat your favorite player with some stupid mickey mouse sora combo and you can't do anything about it - ApolloCJ
- Watching him get double 3 stocked into a reverse 3-0 at Phantom was mad. He will become top 10 AU. - Pondi
- ACT top-3 incoming! - stormtwoopaa
[NSW] Meshuga
3 votes
(Dugongs22, haz, punchpluto)
- Meshy has had a great tail end of the year & is progressing quickly... even if he goes for clips at the worst times. - Dugongs22
- king - haz
- MAF ON TOP - punchpluto
[SA] Ghost
2 votes
(l3ss0n, CaptainCoolade)
2 votes
(JadLad, TheZacenater)
2 votes
(Versky, Kaitoblaze)
- He's improved a lot since he first came to weeklies. - Kaitoblaze
[ACT] Stormtwoopaa
2 votes
(COpPeR3076, CarSeatus)
- If you played cloud you would be pr #buffshotos - CarSeatus
[QLD] Thracia
2 votes
(Coco, Jane)
[QLD] Aidento
1 vote
[QLD] Coco
1 vote
[NSW] Nichirin
1 vote
[NZ] Aluf
1 vote
[NSW] goober
1 vote
- Started as an online only player but has made waves at offline tourneys - RoyinoZ
[NSW] Cheezy
1 vote
- Cheezy has shown so much growth over the last year its insane - TurtleCat
[NSW] Jump91
1 vote
- The Inkling has been cooking a lot the past year. I see em going far very soon. - Cheezy_Peazy
[VIC] mire
1 vote
[QLD] Brain Power
1 vote
[VIC] phosphor1111
1 vote
- once he drops puff down to a secondary and goes all in on minmin he will cook - Daaronaaronax
[VIC] FroggSocks
1 vote
- They have been improving so much the past few weeks it's insane! - Wifike
[NSW] salt_LJ
1 vote
- I now cannot beat him, nor can I take games off Dmo. Wtf. - Governor
[NZ] Neoideaxd
1 vote
Who is the best overall player?
43 votes
(Gradivus, Toasted_Panini, ApolloCJ, bonsaii, Froggo, Hal, Roosterbugalugs, COpPeR3076, CarSeatus, Pondi, K-dawg, Hoodwink, LimeFlurry, Velveteen, Benthoven, TheZacenater, noot, Saratoga, Yean, Widdershin, Artrix, Lukas, smol, Grati0, Iceman, Apriicot, germanpogostick, BigRatt, Smasio, Beet, Cookiezac, Hazzacka, DD, phosphor1111, Lain, stormtwoopaa, Mike_KOOL, Governor, JayBird810, Redninja, Swate, Zekora, JackArc)
- Bro like who else - Toasted_Panini
- Phantom 2024 grands game 5 never forget - bonsaii
- i could beat him - Froggo
- Oh yeah, now it's Reyn time! - Hal
- Somehow he got good at dubs - CarSeatus
- No words, numbers speak for themselves - Pondi
- This guy don't lose. - Benthoven
- shulk nation leader - noot
- the fair nair nair fair dair at phantom made rooßer cry - Saratoga
- i have no clue who the fuck this is i'm just going with the popular vote - Yean
- Second Wind 2024 Champion! - Widdershin
- 🫡 - Artrix
- Too strong kinaji - Lukas
- what a goat - smol
- yeah - BigRatt
- I mean yeah of course - Smasio
- Cheater - Beet
- I don’t like your characters - Cookiezac
- Zac's a noob - DD
- #146 lumirank let's go - phosphor1111
- No#1 in Australia - stormtwoopaa
- kinajikinajihahaha - Mike_KOOL
- first aus player in a while to be able to get (more than any others) consistent global pr wins - JayBird810
- Somehow wins with Shulk - Redninja
- i mean it's gotta be kinaji right now. - Swate
- Shulk :) - JackArc
[NSW] Unfezant
17 votes
(Elliot, Morgone, Relo, Ryan, Dmo, DarkKuriboh, Kite, Shyne, Meatlivers, Kitt, Dugongs22, Meshuga, smit, CryptoBlue, Violet, Nop, SEIHJ)
[VIC] Zac!
11 votes
(HyDro, Unfezant, metagh0st, Aloly, Luma, P9, Beefyboi, Bigman, Ravsav, Mire, Nichirin)
[NSW] Relo
6 votes
(Taipan, timtamtatious, roboticjo, TurtleCat, Cheezy_Peazy, Vi)
- Shuriken - Taipan
- stab city - timtamtatious
- bro really went from the screen to the ring to the pen to the fein fein fein fein fein fein - roboticjo
- The goat in smash and mario kart, and a lovely and humble dude to top ot off. - TurtleCat
- You have made Mii Swordfighter a genuine threat. Plus you can beat me in Mario Kart. And that terrifies me. - Cheezy_Peazy
[VIC] Jdizzle
6 votes
(MAST, Joz, Litty, Willsword42, FroggSocks, Blurry)
- Saw that no one put his name down, and thought i'd give the legend some respect. You all forget all long Jono has really been the best at it, consistently showing up is insnaley impressive in the strongest region. Still has it to contend with zac/kinaji, w/ a bit of dog left too. - MAST
- Pissmas 5 just happened, dude didn't even look stressed while playing - Litty
- The 🐐 since launch and is still winning Majors, like c'mon - FroggSocks
- Just when you think he's out... - Blurry
[QLD] Dags
4 votes
(fuckencunce, Jorsa, BrainPower, Shitashi)
- 3rd in ult and 4th in Roa2 at Pissmas 5, pretty nuts tbh - fuckencunce
- Nair usmash - Jorsa
- Other players are cool but can they TO and top 3? - Shitashi
[VIC] Beet
4 votes
(Mexi, w00tkins, Wifike, VTPooks)
[VIC] Ryzuul
3 votes
(Na_an, RoyinoZ, jetfantastic)
- He's just the best gamer in aus man - RoyinoZ
- jacob ryzuul goat - jetfantastic
[JPN] Neo
2 votes
(Coco, drasi)
[QLD] Smasio
2 votes
(J-Rods, salmongain)
- I still haven't recovered after you took 7 stocks in one of our Crew Battle sets - J-Rods
[VIC] Zac
2 votes
(Flow, DragonKnight957)
- Consistently attends locals and higher peaks still to come trust - Flow
[NSW] Nichirin
2 votes
(Slimboy17, Alex_)
[QLD] Aidento
1 vote
[QLD] J-Rods
1 vote
[SA] Moonlight
1 vote
- holding it down as both a TO and a competitor - CaptainCoolade
[VIC] Sriks
1 vote
- He's definitely the goat, you'd find him atop a mountain as some kind of wise old man someday who can answer your 3 smash bros questions - Maplemage
[WA] EdenBean
1 vote
- Huge motivator, practice partner, regularly encourages me to look at vods and so much more. She has a love just for playing the game and having fun that I don't see in others - YukiDraco
[VIC] Extra
1 vote
[VIC] SebPro101
1 vote
- he was robbed at pixel 250, normally he is the one that does the robbing - Daaronaaronax
Who is your favourite person who helps organise tournaments?
25 votes
(bonsaii, Taipan, SoloGayBowser, Rebs, Ryan, KathieCutiePie, metagh0st, Shyne, Dugongs22, Meshuga, smit, oberon, roboticjo, Apriicot, germanpogostick, TurtleCat, CryptoBlue, Violet, Smasio, Cheezy_Peazy, Vi, Mike_KOOL, Governor, Nichirin, SEIHJ)
- Duh - bonsaii
- Makes everything possible - Taipan
- awesomesauce - SoloGayBowser
- Floating point 2024 - Rebs
- He does a lot for NSW & goes way beyond his obligation. - Dugongs22
- goat - roboticjo
- Kitt (sydney smash) miller - Apriicot
- oh yeah! - germanpogostick
- Floating point, epping and offstage are achievements in their own right, we are so lucky to have someone so motivated to help the scene thrive. - TurtleCat
- Puts in so much work for the community and makes every event a treat to attend - CryptoBlue
- The absolute G.O.A.T. - Cheezy_Peazy
- Wouldn't have the chance to have the wonderful friends I have without him - Vi
- He is actually the goat - Mike_KOOL
- 🐐 - SEIHJ
[VIC] P9
13 votes
(Roosterbugalugs, LimeFlurry, Iceman, Mexi, Beefyboi, Nop, Daaronaaronax, Bigman, RAMBO, Willsword42, Mire, Gravity, FroggSocks)
- My TO - LimeFlurry
- Under-appreciated af - Mexi
- I mean come on - Beefyboi
- the dedication to still organise and attend pixel even when he couldnt play is admirable, his seeding however... - Daaronaaronax
- SAY THE LINE P9 - Bigman
- Officially the people’s 2nd favourite TO. - Gravity
- Pixel, my beloved - FroggSocks
[QLD] BattleDolphin
11 votes
(Milis, Gradivus, Benthoven, J-Rods, Lukas, fuckencunce, Joz, Lain, Jane, Thracia, JackArc)
- Gonna miss this guy a lot. Nuff said. - Benthoven
- Funny guy - J-Rods
- Couldn’t ask for a better TO over the years - Lukas
- If I was him I would've cracked open some skulls by now but he's still a chill dude who won't do that - fuckencunce
- Not only a good TO but just a good guy in general. Friendly to everyone, really smart and always gives good advice. - Jane
- 🐬 - Thracia
- Dr Tournament - JackArc
[QLD] Blurry
8 votes
(BattleDolphin, smol, Kitt, BigRatt, Jett, salmongain, Swate, Shitashi)
[ACT] Yamba
7 votes
(Toasted_Panini, ApolloCJ, COpPeR3076, CarSeatus, Maplemage, Saratoga, stormtwoopaa)
- Doing a stoic job trying to fill the infinitely big shoes left by Josh - Toasted_Panini
- When he remembers to reseed the bracket - CarSeatus
- Cool and chill nice guy (: - Maplemage
- bring back the naughty & nice list pls! - stormtwoopaa
[VIC] Beet
7 votes
(Aloly, MAST, Cookiezac, Hazzacka, DD, DragonKnight957, Slimboy17)
[SA] pinky
5 votes
(l3ss0n, HyDro, CaptainCoolade, Velveteen, Allidoisgame1)
- stands shoulder to shoulder with all the previous SA TO's at this point - CaptainCoolade
[NSW] Spike
5 votes
(Froggo, Hal, Cotton, Pondi, JayBird810)
- for someone that hates the game so much he's really good at running tournaments for them - Froggo
- Comes and runs smash tournaments instead of pursuing his true passion: staring at DK's ass for hours straight - Hal
- ty for like singlehandedly keeping the newy scene alive on multiple occasions <3 - Cotton
- Says he hates game, plays DK Rando all the time. Still kicks ass and runs some damn good brackets. Love the guy - Pondi
- homeground bias - JayBird810
[QLD] buttons
5 votes
(Coco, Jorsa, BrainPower, Litty, Blurry)
[NZ] Unladen
4 votes
(IcyK, missGayManWatch, ss23, Widdershin)
[SA] Moonlight
3 votes
(yauhyeah, Pinky, nayf)
[NSW] AboRoza
3 votes
(Morgone, Amro, Unfezant)
[NSW] maspenguin
3 votes
(Relo, Lonk, drasi)
[WA] Jafar
2 votes
(LagannXeno, noot)
- goat - LagannXeno
- she college on my dropout til i planet royale - noot
[VIC] Amph
2 votes
(Na_an, RoyinoZ)
[WA] Keutz
2 votes
(Hoodwink, Alex_)
[WA] The Stinja
2 votes
(YukiDraco, TheZacenater)
- He's a busy fuck but he cares so much for his work with pride in it - YukiDraco
- A hard working man who organises our weeklies. Your efforts in doing so are truly amazing. I thank you deeply for doing so. - TheZacenater
2 votes
(Grati0, Pudge)
[VIC] MothCoats
2 votes
(phosphor1111, Ravsav)
- dude he organises s@s and rmit games day at the same time and does them both so well how could it not be him - phosphor1111
- I am a big S@S fan and I'm an even bigger Mothcoats fan. Runs the best local. - Ravsav
[NSW] Bonsai
1 vote
[NZ] DaWests
1 vote
[NSW] Dugongs
1 vote
[VIC] MasterofDisaster
1 vote
Who is the most valuable community member?
21 votes
(bonsaii, Morgone, Hal, SoloGayBowser, Relo, Ryan, Lonk, DarkKuriboh, KathieCutiePie, Kite, Unfezant, Shyne, roboticjo, drasi, TurtleCat, Violet, Cheezy_Peazy, Mike_KOOL, JayBird810, Nichirin, SEIHJ)
- Does even more behind the scenes than most realise, actual GOAT - bonsaii
- Trading card PR genuinely one of the dumbest/most fun tourneys I've been to - Hal
- super awesomesauce - SoloGayBowser
- Kitt’s amount of effort towards the scene is unmatched - carries Sydney on his back fr - Relo
- Ofc. - Lonk
- There is no SydSmash without Kitt. Thank you so much - DarkKuriboh
- poured new lifeblood into the sydney scene - roboticjo
- I can only vote for him now because he's playing less falco again - drasi
- OH YEAAAAH I LIKE IT Kitts dedication to providing a tournament that doesnt just allow newcomers to sign up, but ensures they have an amazing experience is a large part of why sydney has such a wonderful and friendly scene. - TurtleCat
- Everything he touches is gold. Sydney is so blessed, we appreciate you - Violet
- How many events would we not have if it wasn't for the time and effort Mr. Miller puts in for us? Exactly. - Cheezy_Peazy
- He's more valuable than my life savings - Mike_KOOL
- hard worker for us, shoutouts the insane FP production - JayBird810
- Card showcase went hard - Nichirin
- He never forgets to remind us why it's called offstage - SEIHJ
[QLD] Shitashi
14 votes
(rat, ApolloCJ, Pondi, missGayManWatch, LimeFlurry, Widdershin, J-Rods, fuckencunce, BattleDolphin, Iceman, Smasio, Thracia, JackArc, Blurry)
- ausmash - rat
- Years later Ausmash remains an invaluable community asset - ApolloCJ
- wouldnt be here without you. ARM couldnt exist without all your help behind the scenes. - Pondi
- The founding father of ausmash - LimeFlurry
- Soz for knocking you out of Pissmas - J-Rods
- Means friend in Nihongo - fuckencunce
- - Smasio
- Casting my vote for Shitashi, as the founding father intended. - Thracia
- Free - JackArc
- This should just be the default answer to this question every year... - Blurry
[NSW] Dugongs
12 votes
(Elliot, Dmo, Freeze, Kitt, haz, Meshuga, smit, oberon, Apriicot, BigRatt, Slimboy17, Governor)
- Dugongs has done a lot for the NSW scene for the low-mid level of players and also just the community as a whole. It should be worth a mention that this scene wouldnt be the same without this guy. - Freeze
- Bro carries the NSW vibe singlehandedly - Kitt
- love this guy, he has really helped me and the rest of the maf guys get better at the game - Meshuga
- Chill af - Apriicot
- anyone new to the scene should have a chat with this guy, super friendly and welcoming - BigRatt
- actually carries that scene so fucking much - Slimboy17
- I straight up would not be playing the game if it wasn't for him, I think many others could probably say the same. - Governor
[VIC] Ravsav
7 votes
(Coco, Nop, Daaronaaronax, DragonKnight957, phosphor1111, RAMBO, FroggSocks)
- I literally live for the ravstats - Daaronaaronax
- ravstats keep me going - phosphor1111
- still yet to post a real upset - RAMBO
- Where TF would Smash be without the Ravstats??? How would we know about the SPR?? - FroggSocks
[QLD] Blurry
6 votes
(Gradivus, Benthoven, Yean, Joz, Lain, Litty)
[WA] Keutz
6 votes
(Hoodwink, YukiDraco, TheZacenater, noot, DD, Gravity)
[ACT] Joey
5 votes
(Toasted_Panini, COpPeR3076, CarSeatus, Maplemage, stormtwoopaa)
- From coaching to stream running to being smart and hilarious bro has it all - Toasted_Panini
- The sage of the act - CarSeatus
- Coolest guy ever! - Maplemage
- stream setup, great advice and always helping with TOing - stormtwoopaa
[VIC] Duon
5 votes
(MAST, Luma, Hazzacka, Pudge, Wifike)
- It is hard to state how much of an impact Jason has left on Victoria and the wider scene with the ending of VicHub. In totality, there is some world firsts in production, creative vision and passion this man has put into some lil rankings & memoriabilia that is once in a life. - MAST
- RIP vichub, shouotout lalaland - Luma
- Insane that he only has two votes rn - Hazzacka
- Who else could it really be in Vic? - Wifike
[QLD] BattleDolphin
4 votes
(Artrix, smol, Jett, salmongain)
- does a lot of shit for our community o7 - smol
[NSW] Lonk
4 votes
(Dugongs22, punchpluto, germanpogostick, Vi)
- an incredibly zany individual who has spent hours & hours drawing top 2 photos out of love. - Dugongs22
- such amazing art that captures the life and love of the community - punchpluto
- many an occasion i've gone "yo check this out" and shown his drawings to non-smashers. you offer the scene a veneer of respectability, can not overstate how hard that is to pull off - germanpogostick
[SA] Tacotician
3 votes
(l3ss0n, Pinky, Velveteen)
- countless nights spent packing up stream, provides 2 whole setups, insane amount of hours spent making the music pack that all the modded setups here run. easily our strongest soldier - Pinky
[NZ] miss GayManWatch
2 votes
(IcyK, Shitashi)
[NSW] Hal
2 votes
(Froggo, Cotton)
[VIC] Amph
2 votes
(Na_an, RoyinoZ)
[VIC] rebs
2 votes
(Aloly, Cookiezac)
[NSW] Nichirin
2 votes
(Lukas, Alex_)
[NSW] Ryan
1 vote
[WA] Jafar
1 vote
[NZ] Unladen
1 vote
[NZ] IcyK
1 vote
[NZ] DaWests
1 vote
[QLD] Dags
1 vote
[VIC] Slimboy17
1 vote
- He's a very caring and compassionate person who I've personally witnessed be very welcoming to new players, it's clear how much he loves the scene. - P9
[VIC] Static
1 vote
[VIC] Wash
1 vote
1 vote
[NSW] Pondi
1 vote
[QLD] buttons
1 vote
- sarah is an angel for the QLD scene, she might end up overshadowed in votes in some of the other categories here but she deserves a lot of acknowledgement for her role in contemporary QLD smash as a TO and a likea of da kirby - Swate
1 vote
[VIC] MothCoats
1 vote
Who is your favourite player, for any reason?
13 votes
(Froggo, Hal, Cotton, Pondi, MTH1602, Smasio, Spike, Jane, Bilby, JayBird810, maGs, JackArc, SEIHJ)
[NSW] Shyne
10 votes
(HyDro, Morgone, Unfezant, MemeGod, Lukas, Meatlivers, Cookiezac, Mike_KOOL, Nichirin, Alex_)
- AMQ later? - HyDro
- can never see patrick star the same way - Morgone
- This guy is too good at trivia and is also carried by patrick star - Unfezant
- orcane goes kinda crazy - MemeGod
- Unlimited friendlies - Lukas
- not nichirin - Meatlivers
- Pondi runner up - Cookiezac
- Hey man - Mike_KOOL
- orcane nerfs 🔥 - Nichirin
- I haven’t actually played his Patrick but it’s probably lame - Alex_
[NSW] Relo
9 votes
(bonsaii, timtamtatious, Ryan, KathieCutiePie, smit, Flow, drasi, CryptoBlue, Violet)
- stab city - timtamtatious
- He killed my voice twice at the action and at floating point :(( - KathieCutiePie
- The positive attitude, the passion for the game, the swag, plays a funny low tier and the only person to ever compliment me on my tweets. HMs to seb, raze and ezycole - Flow
- Incredible guy. Always willing to give advice and help others, and his genuine passion for the game is infectious. - drasi
- Unless it’s Joey then no one gets the crowd cheering like Relo does, gone from wifi to offline PR the story that this man brings to his events, upsetting DD and going game 5 with Neo at floating point with god damn Mii swordfighter, just my goat - CryptoBlue
- Coolest top player around. Gives the best advice and always lifts my mood seeing him at tournaments 🐐 Love seeing him succeed - Violet
[VIC] HDMagic
4 votes
(Roosterbugalugs, Grati0, Nop, Mire)
- Yes Will, we are winning today - Roosterbugalugs
[VIC] Lime
3 votes
(Iceman, Mexi, Beefyboi)
[VIC] rebs
3 votes
(Slimboy17, VTPooks, Gravity)
[SA] Con
2 votes
(yauhyeah, Allidoisgame1)
[ACT] CarSeatus
2 votes
(Toasted_Panini, COpPeR3076)
- Bro has the right kind of freak - Toasted_Panini
- bro sus - COpPeR3076
[NZ] timtam
2 votes
(Relo, DaWests)
- Owe all my results to this 🐐 Great mentor & even better person #StickToThePlan - Relo
[NSW] MilkyLeo
2 votes
(Po0P, Benthoven)
[ACT] Kinaji
2 votes
(Hoodwink, Swate)
[NSW] Joey don't Worry
2 votes
(Lonk, metagh0st)
[VIC] Iceman
2 votes
(LimeFlurry, Sm-voilet)
- Oh that's another ranked player getting pkt2'd in neutral - LimeFlurry
- Vary cool player to watch - Sm-voilet
[VIC] Beefy
2 votes
(Saratoga, Aloly)
[VIC] Flow
2 votes
(smol, phosphor1111)
- Inkling bias comes in strong - smol
- he's so good at this damn game, also real funny - phosphor1111
[NSW] Morgone
2 votes
(Dugongs22, Redninja)
- Morgs is a great competitor, hes nice to the TO's & brings a positive contribution to the atmosphere every week. - Dugongs22
[NSW] Floppydsk
2 votes
(punchpluto, oberon)
- best yoshi at pissmas 5 - punchpluto
- Yoshi fella. - oberon
[VIC] Roosterbugalugs
2 votes
(RAMBO, Ravsav)
[QLD] Bro1
2 votes
(Litty, Blurry)
[WA] Saige
1 vote
[NSW] Dmo
1 vote
[QLD] Coco
1 vote
[ACT] Kadius
1 vote
[SA] HTem
1 vote
1 vote
[NZ] DaWests
1 vote
[NSW] Violet
1 vote
- dude is an amazing player to watch, makes the game faster with his levels of approach and neutral, i love it - Freeze
[NZ] mojobones
1 vote
[SA] Coolade
1 vote
[NSW] ethan kick ya teeth in
1 vote
[NSW] Wolf
1 vote
- He's been my best friend since day 1. I want nothing but him to succeed - RoyinoZ
[QLD] Spectre
1 vote
- Why can't I pick more than one person this is bullshit. Shoutouts to Artrix - J-Rods
[NSW] Roboticjo
1 vote
- like 90% of the time i see his gameplay I turn to the nearest person to talk about how handsomely he plays - germanpogostick
[NSW] BloodMoon
1 vote
- This dude makes zelda terrifying, his grasp of the fundamentals on such a unorthodox character is super impressive - TurtleCat
[VIC] Luma
1 vote
- Actually the most raw player to ever do it. Combos so creative I don't get how she can think of it all. Everytime I watch her its a joy, and my passion for the game is re-ignited. - MAST
[NSW] TurtleCat
1 vote
- Since I can't vote for myself, I guess you'll have to do. Also I'm biased, whaddya want from me. - Cheezy_Peazy
[ACT] Atyeo
1 vote
[QLD] Sifo1
1 vote
1 vote
- the of the few people who come to tournaments for pure vibes and is always 100% of the time without fail a joy to talk to - Daaronaaronax
[VIC] Ezycole
1 vote
1 vote
- Always great to have around, I really appreciate what he brings to the scene! - Wifike
[ACT] Benny
1 vote
[VIC] Piggins
1 vote
[VIC] SebPro101
1 vote