
South Australia Big Cheese 5: South Australian Major 14/10/2024

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Doubles Bracket

GF Jim's Electrical / SebPro101 3 - 2 yellow / The Pathetic Wiggler
W4 Jim's Electrical / SebPro101 3 - 2 HyDro / Pelipper Piccolo
W3 Jim's Electrical / SebPro101 3 - 0 SA Q / Aetos
W2 Jim's Electrical / SebPro101 2 - 0 Jacko / Blu

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles Top 24

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles Pools

W5 Moonlight Simon 2 - 1 Kazuya Ghost
W4 HyDro Terry 2 - 1 Ghost
W3 Ghost 2 - 0 YES👌
W2 Ghost 2 - 0 HoboSam

South Australia WeeklyVac #194 25/06/2024

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

Victoria The Game Expo 2024 24/03/2024

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate - The Game Expo

South Australia Big Cheese League March 2024 - Ultimate & Melee 10/03/2024

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles ($5 Entry) Bracket

Victoria Super Duper Sunshine 11/02/2024

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

South Australia Cheese League January 2024 - Ultimate 21/01/2024

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia WeeklyVac #172 16/01/2024

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia WeeklyVac #171 13/12/2023

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia Cheese League December 2023 - Ultimate 10/12/2023

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia WeeklyVac #170 6/12/2023

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia WeeklyVac #169 29/11/2023

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia WeeklyVac #168 22/11/2023

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia Cheese League November 2023 - Ultimate 12/11/2023

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia Big Cheese 4 15/10/2023

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles Top 48

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles Pools

South Australia The Medium Cheese 2023 12/10/2023

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles

South Australia WeeklyVac: Small Cheese 2023 11/10/2023

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia WeeklyVac #163 4/10/2023

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia Cheese League July 2023 - Ultimate 9/07/2023

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia BonusVac #26 7/07/2023

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket?

South Australia WeeklyVac #151 5/07/2023

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia WeeklyVac #150 28/06/2023

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia WeeklyVac #149 21/06/2023

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia BonusVac #25 16/06/2023

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket?

South Australia WeeklyVac #147 7/06/2023

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia Cheese League June 2023 - Ultimate 4/06/2023

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia WeeklyVac #146 31/05/2023

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia BonusVac #24 26/05/2023

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia Cheese League May 2023 - Ultimate 13/05/2023

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Top 8

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Pools

South Australia WeeklyVac #141 19/04/2023

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia Cheese League April 2023 - Ultimate 15/04/2023

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia WeeklyVac #140 12/04/2023

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia BonusVac #23 7/04/2023

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket

Victoria The Game Expo 12/03/2023

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate - The Game Expo

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles - The Game Expo

L10 Fryd Ryce / Dmo BylethPikachu 3 - 1 ROBSteve SebPro101 / Ghost
W6 RaZe / Dura CloudDark PitPit 3 - 1 ROBSteve SebPro101 / Ghost
W5 SebPro101 / Ghost ROBSteve 3 - 0 BylethPikachu Fryd Ryce / Dmo
W4 SebPro101 / Ghost ROBSteve 3 - 2 PeachSteve Milkshake Reviewer / Jix
W3 SebPro101 / Ghost ROBSteve 2 - 1 Pac-ManSnake Zac / Wash
W2 SebPro101 / Ghost 2 - 0 Gravity / Skinny_Pat

Victoria Wild West Fridays #5 10/03/2023

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

South Australia Cheese League February 2023 - Ultimate 11/02/2023

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia WeeklyVac #129 25/01/2023

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia WeeklyVac #128 18/01/2023

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia WeeklyVac #125 14/12/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia Cheese League December 2022 - Ultimate 11/12/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

GF Q / lyoko 3 - 2 Jonathon Bombathon / BrickEnthusiast
L5 Jonathon Bombathon / BrickEnthusiast 3 - 0 Oscar / Vivi
W3 Q / lyoko 3 - 1 Jonathon Bombathon / BrickEnthusiast
W2 Jonathon Bombathon / BrickEnthusiast 2 - 0 arma / MothPlague
W1 Jonathon Bombathon / BrickEnthusiast 2 - 0 Hades / Dashie

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

Victoria Pixel Smash #148 21/11/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Pixel SMASH Bracket

Victoria CouchWarriors CrossUp 2022 20/11/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bro's Ultimate Doubles Bracket

L7 Malikoff / SebPro101 LuigiMii GunnerROB 4 - 2 NessSteve BrickEnthusiast / Ryzuul
W5 DD / Jdizzle WarioYoung Link 3 - 2 NessSteve BrickEnthusiast / Ryzuul
W4 BrickEnthusiast / Ryzuul 3 - 0 Scobo / Zac
W3 BrickEnthusiast / Ryzuul 2 - 0 P9 / Concorde
W2 BrickEnthusiast / Ryzuul 2 - 1 HiLm / MothCoats

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles [CWC 2022]

South Australia Big Cheese 3 29/10/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Doubles Bracket

L3 Dags / Pram 2 - 1 BrickEnthusiast / SebPro101
L2 BrickEnthusiast / SebPro101 2 - 0 you don't get evangelion / jamwa
W2 Piggins / Nerpna 2 - 0 BrickEnthusiast / SebPro101

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles

South Australia The Medium Cheese 2022 27/10/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles

South Australia WeeklyVac - Small Cheese Edition 2022 26/10/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

South Australia BonusVac #17 21/10/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia WeeklyVac #119 19/10/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia WeeklyVac #118 12/10/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia WeeklyVac #117 5/10/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia WeeklyVac #116 28/09/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia BonusVac #15 23/09/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia WeeklyVac #115 21/09/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia WeeklyVac #114 14/09/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia Cheese League September 2022 - Ultimate 11/09/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia BonusVac #14 9/09/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia WeeklyVac #113 7/09/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

Victoria Dreamhack 2022 4/09/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate - DH Melb - CouchWarriors Stage

South Australia WeeklyVac #112 24/08/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia WeeklyVac #111 17/08/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia Cheese League August 2022 - Ultimate 14/08/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia BonusVac #12 12/08/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia WeeklyVac #110 10/08/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia WeeklyVac #107 20/07/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

New South Wales Phantom 2022 17/07/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Doubles

L8 THE STOCK DESTROYERS 2 - 1 Ghost / SebPro101
L6 Ghost / SebPro101 2 - 0 SadHour /Bro1
L5 Ghost / SebPro101 2 - 0 Adeptus / Joey
W4 Violant 2 - 0 Ghost / SebPro101
W3 Ghost / SebPro101 2 - 0 Chop team
W2 Ghost / SebPro101 ROBSteve 2 - 0 LucinaPalutena 4Raelu

New South Wales Battle Kat Bunker: The Phantom Hour 15/07/2022

New South Wales Super Barista Bros, Ghostly Grind 14/07/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles Bracket

L9 Terrarian 3 - 1 Steve Ghost
W5 chizzL Lucario 3 - 2 Steve Ghost
W4 Ghost Steve 2 - 1 ROB SebPro101
W3 Ghost Steve 2 - 0 Peach Xav
W2 Ghost Steve 2 - 0 ROB Radio
W1 Ghost Steve 2 - 0 RTHS | Inferno

South Australia WeeklyVac #106 13/07/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia Cheese League July 2022 - Ultimate 10/07/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia WeeklyVac #105 6/07/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia BonusVac #9 1/07/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia WeeklyVac #104 29/06/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia BonusVac #8 17/06/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia WeeklyVac #101 8/06/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

Victoria BAM 12 15/05/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros Ultimate Doubles [BAM 2022] Bracket

L10 P9 / Insie IkeVillager 3 - 0 Mii BrawlerROB Ghost / SebPro101
L9 Ghost / SebPro101 Mii BrawlerROB 3 - 0 RoyShulkSnake Sriks / Kinaji
L8 Ghost / SebPro101 3 - 1 Fryd Ryce / Dura
L7 Ghost / SebPro101 Mii BrawlerROB 2 - 0 Pokémon TrainerRoy Johto / ~Fez~
W5 Extra / Duon 2 - 0 Ghost / SebPro101
W4 Ghost / SebPro101 2 - 1 SadHour / Nicc
W3 Ghost / SebPro101 2 - 0 Nikes / Naru
W2 Ghost / SebPro101 2 - 0 Grati0: / Plump

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles [BAM 2022]

South Australia WeeklyVac #91 16/03/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #91 (16/03/22)

South Australia Cheese League March 2022 - Ultimate 13/03/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia WeeklyVac #86 2/02/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Weeklyvac #86

South Australia WeeklyVac #85 19/01/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #85 (19/01/22)

South Australia WeeklyVac #84 12/01/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate WEEKLYVAC #84 Final Bracket

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate WEEKLYVAC #84 ROUND ROBIN

South Australia WeeklyVac #83 5/01/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #83 (05/01/22)

Victoria Pixel Smash #105 20/12/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Pixel SMASH Bracket

Victoria CouchWarriors Christmas 2021 19/12/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros Ultimate Bracket

South Australia WeeklyVac #82 15/12/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #82

South Australia Cheese League December 2021 - Ultimate 12/12/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

L4 Googlemaps / Taicho 3 - 2 Ghost / Blu
L3 Ghost / Blu 2 - 0 YaUhYeah / Sloshi
L2 Ghost / Blu 2 - 0 Flow Rats / Dog Fort
W2 Googlemaps / Taicho 2 - 1 Ghost / Blu

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia WeeklyVAC #81 8/12/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #81 (08/12/21)

South Australia WeeklyVAC #80 1/12/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #80 (01/12/21)

South Australia WeeklyVAC #79 24/11/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #79 (24/11/21)

Victoria Pixel Smash #99.2 22/11/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Pixel SMASH Bracket

Victoria Super Sunshine Smash 6 21/11/2021

South Australia Cheese League November 2021 - Ultimate 14/11/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

GF Q / Nikes 3 - 0 Ghost / Googlemaps
GF Q / Nikes 3 - 2 Ghost / Googlemaps
W4 Ghost / Googlemaps 3 - 1 Q / Nikes
W3 Ghost / Googlemaps 2 - 0 goon / Yellow
W2 Ghost / Googlemaps 2 - 1 Lordlewis / Stawz

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia WeeklyVAC #76 3/11/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #76 (03/11/21)

South Australia The Cheese Platter - 24/10/21 24/10/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Squad Strike Bracket

GF Ghost 3 - 2 Q
GF Q 3 - 0 Ghost
W5 Ghost 3 - 1 Q
W4 Ghost 2 - 0 Heaven
W3 Ghost 2 - 1 Dashie
W2 Ghost 2 - 0 Yellow

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Doubles Bracket

L6 MothPlague / arma 3 - 2 Ghost / Googlemaps
W4 Q / Nikes 3 - 0 Ghost / Googlemaps
W3 Ghost / Googlemaps 2 - 1 Jacko / Blu
W2 Ghost / Googlemaps 2 - 0 Sloshi / YaUhYeah

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles Top 16

GF Ghost 3 - 2 Heaven
W4 Ghost Mii Brawler 3 - 1 Greninja Taicho
W3 Ghost 3 - 0 Q
W2 Ghost 3 - 0 Denary | CaptainCoolade
W1 Ghost 3 - 0 StabbyJ

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles Pools

South Australia WeeklyVAC #74 20/10/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #74 (20/10/21)

South Australia WeeklyVAC #73 13/10/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #73 (13/10/21)

South Australia WeeklyVac #72 6/10/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #72 (06/10/21)

South Australia WeeklyVAC #71 29/09/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #71 (29/09/21)

South Australia WeeklyVAC #70 22/09/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #70 (22/09/21)

South Australia WeeklyVAC #69 15/09/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #69 (15/09/21)

South Australia Cheese League September 2021 - Ultimate 12/09/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

L6 lyoko / HTEM 3 - 1 Ghost / Flow Rats
W4 Q / Nikes 3 - 0 Ghost / Flow Rats
W3 Ghost / Flow Rats 2 - 0 Vivi / Oscar
W2 Ghost / Flow Rats 2 - 0 StrawberryMilk / Birdbrain

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia WeeklyVAC #68 8/09/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #68 (18/08/21)

South Australia WeeklyVAC #64 14/07/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #64 (14/07/21)

Victoria BANC 11/07/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros Ultimate Doubles [BANC] Bracket

L7 P9 / Insie IkeVillager 3 - 1 Mii BrawlerROBSteve SebPro101 / Ghost
W5 DD / Jdizzle WarioYoung Link 3 - 0 Mii BrawlerROBSteve SebPro101 / Ghost
W4 SebPro101 / Ghost 3 - 0 Extra / THE GWIF
W3 SebPro101 / Ghost 2 - 0 Danklin / Piski
W2 SebPro101 / Ghost 2 - 0 BigChilli / dunkMATTic

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros Ultimate [BANC] Bracket

Victoria Super Sunshine Smash 5 10/07/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

South Australia WeeklyVAC #63 7/07/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #63 (07/07/21)

South Australia WeeklyVac #62 30/06/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #62 (30/06/21)

South Australia WeeklyVac #59 9/06/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #59 (09/06/21)

South Australia WeeklyVAC #58 2/06/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #58 (02/06/21)

South Australia WeeklyVAC #57 26/05/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #57 (26/05/21)

South Australia Cheese League May 2021 - Ultimate 23/05/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

GF Googlemaps / Ghost 3 - 0 Q / Nikes
GF Googlemaps / Ghost 3 - 1 Q / Nikes
L6 Googlemaps / Ghost 3 - 2 Dog Fort / Flow Rats
W4 Q / Nikes 3 - 0 Googlemaps / Ghost
W3 Googlemaps / Ghost 2 - 1 Blu / Jacko
W2 Googlemaps / Ghost 2 - 0 Nadgey / bonk150
W1 Googlemaps / Ghost 2 - 0 Jaisez / LinkTRS

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

South Australia WeeklyVAC #56 19/05/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #56 (19/05/21)

South Australia WeeklyVAC #55 12/05/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #55 (12/05/21)

South Australia WeeklyVAC #54 5/05/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #54 (05/05/21)

South Australia WeeklyVAC #53 21/04/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #53 (21/04/21)

South Australia WeeklyVAC #52 14/04/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #52 (14/04/21)

South Australia Cheese League April 2021 - Ultimate 11/04/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

GF Q / Nikes 3 - 2 Googlemaps / Ghost
L5 Googlemaps / Ghost 3 - 1 Vivi / Oscar
L4 Googlemaps / Ghost 2 - 0 Jec / Flow Rats
L3 Googlemaps / Ghost 2 - 1 Arma / MothPlague
L2 Googlemaps / Ghost 2 - 0 Aetos / Con
W2 Bonk / Macka 2 - 1 Googlemaps / Ghost

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

South Australia WeeklyVac #51 7/04/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #51 (07/04/21)

South Australia WeeklyVAC #50 31/03/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #50 (31/03/21)

South Australia El Queso League March 28/03/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia WeeklyVAC #49 24/03/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #49 (24/03/21)

South Australia WeeklyVAC #48 17/03/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #48 (17/03/21)

South Australia Cheese League March 2021 - Ultimate 14/03/2021

South Australia WeeklyVAC #47 10/03/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #47 (10/03/21)

South Australia WeeklyVAC #46 3/03/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #46 (03/03/21)

South Australia WeeklyVAC #45 24/02/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #45 (24/02/21)

South Australia WeeklyVAC #44 17/02/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #44 (17/02/21)

South Australia Cheese League February 2021 - Ultimate 14/02/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

GF Nikes / Q 3 - 0 Googlemaps / Ghost
L7 Googlemaps / Ghost 3 - 1 Whissle / Noot
L6 Googlemaps / Ghost 3 - 1 Dog Fort / Flow Rats
L5 Googlemaps / Ghost 2 - 1 Jacko / Blu
L4 Googlemaps / Ghost 2 - 1 Vivi / Oscar
L3 Googlemaps / Ghost 2 - 0 lyoko / HTEM
W3 MothPlague / Arma 2 - 0 Googlemaps / Ghost
W2 Googlemaps / Ghost 2 - 0 sweet / lloydos

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia WeeklyVAC #43 10/02/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #43 (10/02/21)

South Australia WeeklyVAC #42 3/02/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #42 (03/02/21)

South Australia WeeklyVAC #41 27/01/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #41 (27/01/21)

South Australia WeeklyVAC #40 20/01/2021

South Australia WeeklyVAC #39 16/12/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #39 (16/12/20)

South Australia WeeklyVAC #38 9/12/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #38 (09/12/20)

South Australia WeeklyVAC #36 4/11/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #36 (04/11/20)

South Australia Cheese League October 2020 - Ultimate 25/10/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Cheese League October - Ultimate Doubles (25/10/20)

GF Ghost + Jon 3 - 2 Jacko + Blu
W5 Ghost + Jon 3 - 0 Jacko + Blu
W4 Ghost + Jon 2 - 1 Aetos + Con
W3 Ghost + Jon 2 - 1 MothPlague + Arma
W2 Ghost + Jon 2 - 0 Octopily + Bonk

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Cheese League October - Ultimate Singles (25/10/20)

South Australia WeeklyVAC #34 21/10/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #34 (21/10/20)

South Australia WeeklyVAC #33 14/10/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #33 (14/10/20)

South Australia WeeklyVAC #32 7/10/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #32 (07/10/20)

South Australia WeeklyVAC #31 30/09/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #31 (30/09/20)

South Australia WeeklyVAC #30 23/09/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #30 (23/09/20)

South Australia Cheese League March 2020 15/03/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

GF Ghost / Jon 2 - 1 Jacko / BLU
GF Jacko / BLU 2 - 1 Ghost / Jon
W3 Ghost / Jon 2 - 1 Taicho / Spewis
W2 Ghost / Jon 2 - 0 TJ / Q

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

New South Wales Phantom 2020 7/03/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

L11 Dark Wizzy / Corvid 3 - 2 SebPro101 / Ghost
L10 SebPro101 / Ghost 3 - 0 Saber / Ryzuul
L9 SebPro101 / Ghost 3 - 0 Day / Purple~H
W6 Jdizzle / DD 3 - 1 SebPro101 / Ghost
W5 SebPro101 / Ghost 2 - 0 Spammage / Dags
W4 SebPro101 / Ghost 2 - 0 Glace / TurtleCat
W3 SebPro101 / Ghost 2 - 1 P9 / MAST
W2 SebPro101 / Ghost 2 - 0 Adeptus / Danal

New South Wales Star Forge #110 6/03/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Star Forge #110 - Phantom Edition!

South Australia WeeklyVac #28 4/03/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #28 04/03/20

South Australia WeeklyVac #27 26/02/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #27 26/02/20

South Australia Evac February 2020 21/02/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Evac February 21/02/2020

South Australia WeeklyVac #26 19/02/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVAC #26 19/02/2020

Queensland META SHIFT 14/02/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles

South Australia WeeklyVac #25 12/02/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate WeeklyVac #25 (12/02/2020)

South Australia Smash @ UniSA #7 9/02/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles @ UniSA #7 (9/2/20)

South Australia Evac January 2020 24/01/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate EVAC January 24/01/20

South Australia Cheese League January 2020 19/01/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

GF Nikes / Q 3 - 0 Ghost / Taicho
L3 Ghost / Taicho 3 - 0 Whissle / Jimbles
L2 Ghost / Taicho 2 - 0 Con / Andre
W2 Whissle / Jimbles 2 - 1 Ghost / Taicho

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

Victoria Couchwarriors Crossup 2 14/12/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

GF Jdizzle / DD 3 - 2 Ghost / SebPro101
L9 Ghost / SebPro101 3 - 0 Duon / Extra
L8 Ghost / SebPro101 3 - 1 OnePhoAll / Aya
L7 Ghost / SebPro101 3 - 1 Ben Gold / SadHour
L6 Ghost / SebPro101 3 - 0 RaZe / Alpal
L5 Ghost / SebPro101 2 - 0 Doctor A Ness / ZAMBEZIUS
L4 Ghost / SebPro101 2 - 0 cbdkebabs / Flyingcat
L3 Ghost / SebPro101 2 - 0 Murkiri / Insie
L2 Ghost / SebPro101 2 - 1 Raid / B-2
W2 Deku Meister / JOKER 2 - 1 Ghost / SebPro101

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Brothers Ultimate

South Australia Smash 4 @ WeeklyVac 11/12/2019

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SMASH4SUX Tournament

South Australia Big Cheese 2 7/12/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Doubles Bracket

L8 Day / Purple~H PikachuWolf 3 - 1 Dark PitMii Brawler Ghost / RaZe
W5 Extra / Duon GreninjaMr. Game and Watch 3 - 0 Dark PitJokerMii Brawler Ghost / RaZe
W4 Ghost / RaZe Dark PitMii Brawler 2 - 0 Banjo & KazooieLuigi smesty / Luma
W3 Ghost / RaZe Dark PitMii Brawler 2 - 0 LucinaYoshi Nikes / Q
W2 Ghost / RaZe 2 - 0 F1ERCE / Lunchy

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles

South Australia Smaller Cheese 2019 5/12/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Big Cheese 2: Smaller Cheese

South Australia WeeklyVAC #20 27/11/2019

South Australia WeeklyVAC #19 20/11/2019

South Australia Cheese League November 2019 17/11/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

GF BLU / Ghost 3 - 0 Nikes / Q
W3 BLU / Ghost 3 - 2 Nikes / Q
W2 BLU / Ghost 2 - 0 Oscar / Vivi

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia EVAC November 2019 15/11/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate EVAC November (15/11)

South Australia WeeklyVAC #18 13/11/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Weekly #18 (13/11/19)

South Australia WeeklyVAC #17 6/11/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Weekly #17 (6/11/2019)

South Australia Smash @ UniSA #6 3/11/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate @ UniSA #6 3/11

Victoria Couchwarriors October Ranbat 2019 26/10/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

GF DD / Jdizzle 3 - 1 Ghost / SebPro101
L8 Ghost / SebPro101 3 - 1 P9 / Insie
L7 Ghost / SebPro101 3 - 0 Duon / Extra
L6 Ghost / SebPro101 3 - 0 ReRaze / Alpal
W4 DD / Jdizzle 3 - 1 Ghost / SebPro101
W3 Ghost / SebPro101 2 - 0 Saber / Corvid
W2 Ghost / SebPro101 2 - 0 Skitter / sim

South Australia WeeklyVAC #15 23/10/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate WeeklyVAC #15

South Australia Cheese League Round 10 20/10/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

L5 Nikes / Q 3 - 1 Andre / Ghost
W4 Taicho / Spewis 3 - 2 Andre / Ghost
W3 Andre / Ghost 2 - 0 Macka / Con
W2 Andre / Ghost 2 - 0 Stawz / Htem

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia Evac October 2019 18/10/2019

South Australia WeeklyVAC #14 16/10/2019

South Australia WeeklyVAC #13 9/10/2019

South Australia Smash @ UniSA #5 6/10/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate @ UniSA #5

South Australia WeeklyVAC #12 2/10/2019

South Australia WeeklyVAC #11 25/09/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate WeeklyVac #11 25/09/19

New South Wales OzHadou Nationals 16 21/09/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Doubles Bracket

L9 Pazx / Luma 3 - 2 Sriks / Ghost
W5 Corvid / ReRaze 3 - 0 Sriks / Ghost
W4 Sriks / Ghost 3 - 2 Pazx / Luma
W3 Sriks / Ghost 2 - 0 smesty / Bjschoey
W2 Sriks / Ghost 2 - 1 Glace / TurtleCat
W1 Sriks / Ghost 2 - 0 Corg / Beet

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

South Australia WeeklyVac #10 18/09/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Weekly #10

South Australia Cheese League Round 9 15/09/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

GF Taicho / Ghost 3 - 0 Jacko / Taco
GF Jacko / Taco 3 - 2 Taicho / Ghost
W3 Taicho / Ghost 3 - 0 Jacko / Taco
W2 Taicho / Ghost 2 - 0 Aetos / Con

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia Smash @ UniSA #4 8/09/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate @ UniSA #4

South Australia WeeklyVac #8 4/09/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate WeeklyVac #8 04/09/19

Victoria Melbourne Esports Open 2019 1/09/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate MEO Smash Ultimate Bracket

South Australia EVAC August 2019 23/08/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Evac August 2019

South Australia WeeklyVAC #6 21/08/2019

South Australia Cheese League Round 8 18/08/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

GF Ghost / Andre 3 - 1 BLU / Jacko
GF Ghost / Andre 3 - 0 BLU / Jacko
L5 Ghost / Andre 3 - 1 StabbyJ / Con
L4 Ghost / Andre 2 - 0 Nikes / Q
L3 Ghost / Andre 2 - 0 Odyssey / Christolaki
W3 StabbyJ / Con 2 - 0 Ghost / Andre
W2 Ghost / Andre 2 - 0 Fenno / TJ

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia Brawl @ Evac 1 16/08/2019

Super Smash Bros. Brawl Brawl at EVAC

Queensland Sunny Side Up 10/08/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros Ultimate Doubles Bracket

L7 Dvojak / Extra 3 - 1 Ghost / SebPro101
L6 Ghost / SebPro101 2 - 0 gus / AT LOWES
W4 Flex / Crimson 2 - 0 Ghost / SebPro101
W3 Ghost / SebPro101 2 - 0 Robit / Booper
W2 Ghost / SebPro101 2 - 0 Lunchy / Loki

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles

Queensland Friday Night Smash 213 9/08/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Friday Night Smash 213 (SSU)

South Australia WeeklyVAC #4 7/08/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate WeeklyVAC #4

South Australia Smash Ultimate @ UniSA #3 4/08/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate @ UniSA #3

South Australia WeeklyVAC #3 31/07/2019

South Australia EVAC July 2019 26/07/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate SMASH ULTIMATE EVAC JULY

South Australia WeeklyVAC #2 24/07/2019

South Australia WeeklyVAC #1 17/07/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate WeeklyVAC #1

South Australia Cheese League Round 7 14/07/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

GF BLU / Ghost 2 - 0 Nikes / Q
W4 BLU / Ghost 2 - 0 Nikes / Q
W3 BLU / Ghost 2 - 1 Jon / Andre
W2 BLU / Ghost 2 - 0 faelyon / Sloshi

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

Western Australia BigWinChampionship 2 6/07/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles Top 64

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles Pools

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Doubles

L11 Jdizzle / DD 3 - 0 Ghost / Doctor A Ness
W6 Insie / P9 3 - 2 Ghost / Doctor A Ness
W5 Ghost / Doctor A Ness 3 - 0 Jdizzle / DD
W4 Ghost / Doctor A Ness 2 - 1 Luco / Fortune
W3 Ghost / Doctor A Ness 2 - 0 SiqNiq / Iroh
W2 Ghost / Doctor A Ness 2 - 0 Orion / Thrash

Western Australia Stratagem's Mid Week Smash 26 5/07/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros Ultimate Tournament Bracket

South Australia Smash Ultimate @ UniSA #2 23/06/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate @ UniSA #2

Victoria Couchwarriors June Ranbat 2019 22/06/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

GF SebPro101 / Ghost 3 - 0 Insie / P9
GF Insie / P9 3 - 2 SebPro101 / Ghost
W5 SebPro101 / Ghost 3 - 2 DD / Super King
W4 SebPro101 / Ghost 3 - 0 Jdizzle / Dvojak
W3 SebPro101 / Ghost 2 - 0 Saber / Skitter
W2 SebPro101 / Ghost 2 - 1 Dr omega / Mar
W1 SebPro101 / Ghost 2 - 0 stoddy / Xambie

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

Victoria BAM 11 18/05/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

L7 Leak / Luco 3 - 2 Ghost / Galacticus
L6 Ghost / Galacticus 3 - 0 Ignis / VineGreen
L5 Ghost / Galacticus 2 - 1 Rog / chipotle
W4 DD / Googers 2 - 1 Ghost / Galacticus
W3 Ghost / Galacticus 2 - 1 Ari / Joz.
W2 Ghost / Galacticus 2 - 0 Lewwy / Zedd

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

Victoria BAM11 Salty Suite 16/05/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia EVAC May 2019 10/05/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate EVAC May 2019

South Australia The Edsta 4/05/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

GF Jon / Ghost 3 - 2 Nikes / Q
GF Jon / Ghost 3 - 0 Nikes / Q
L5 Jon / Ghost 3 - 1 Jacko / StabbyJ
W4 Nikes / Q 3 - 2 Jon / Ghost
W3 Jon / Ghost 2 - 0 Jacko / StabbyJ
W2 Jon / Ghost 2 - 0 Mash / Royboy

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

Victoria Smash @ Bunjil Place 28/04/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles Bracket

Victoria Couchwarriors April Ranbat 2019 27/04/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

L3 Googers / DefectiveDagger 3 - 2 Luma / Ghost
W3 ReRaze / Seum Dwa 3 - 0 Luma / Ghost
W2 Luma / Ghost 2 - 0 B-2 / Raid

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

South Australia EVAC April 2019 5/04/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate EVAC April 2019

South Australia Smash @ UniSA #1 31/03/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles @ UniSA #1

GF Ghost + Andre 2 - 1 Taicho + Blu
GF Taicho + Blu 3 - 2 Ghost + Andre
W4 Ghost + Andre 3 - 0 im23bro + Jon
W3 Ghost + Andre 2 - 1 Stabby + Jacko
W2 Ghost + Andre 2 - 0 L33 + Sloshi

Victoria Couchwarriors Ranbat March 2019 23/03/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

L5 Fortune / Saber 3 - 2 bebop / Ghost
L4 bebop / Ghost 2 - 0 Clam Crab Cuckold Cowrie / KmS
W3 Extra / Dvojak 2 - 0 bebop / Ghost
W2 bebop / Ghost 2 - 1 Booper / Leisha
W1 bebop / Ghost 2 - 1 Techless / Falchion

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

Victoria Nekocards Ultimate #8 22/03/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Nekocards #7

South Australia Cheese League Round 3 17/03/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

GF Rust / Ghost 3 - 2 Andre / Spewis
GF Rust / Ghost 3 - 2 Andre / Spewis
L5 Rust / Ghost 3 - 0 Jacko / StabbyJ
W4 Andre / Spewis 3 - 2 Rust / Ghost
W3 Rust / Ghost 2 - 0 Dashie / Q
W2 Rust / Ghost 2 - 0 Macka / Dubs

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia EVAC March 2019 8/03/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate EVAC March 2019

New South Wales Phantom 2019 2/03/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

L9 SebPro101 / Lumidyne 3 - 1 Ghost / Rust
L8 Ghost / Rust 3 - 2 Galacticus / Jon
W5 Dvojak / Extra 3 - 0 Ghost / Rust
W4 Ghost / Rust 2 - 0 NINjA / bounsies
W3 Ghost / Rust 2 - 0 Enn / EmanSaur
W2 Ghost / Rust 2 - 1 AT LOWES / Naomi Campbelltown

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

South Australia Cheese League #2 24/02/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

GF Rust / Ghost 3 - 1 Taicho / BLU
GF Rust / Ghost 3 - 1 Taicho / BLU
L6 Rust / Ghost 3 - 2 RAHsputin / Q
W4 Taicho / BLU 3 - 1 Rust / Ghost
W3 Rust / Ghost 2 - 1 Con / Jon
W2 Rust / Ghost 2 - 0 Dubs / Macka

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

Victoria Couchwarriors February 2019 23/02/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

L8 Seum and Reraze 3 - 2 ghost /luma
L7 ghost /luma 3 - 1 Jailbait (ryzull + Tyler)
L6 ghost /luma 3 - 1 Kevvlar + Dr. Omega
L5 ghost /luma 2 - 0 Nicks / Earlx
L4 ghost /luma 2 - 0 Booper / Leisha
L3 ghost /luma 2 - 0 Cag + oni
W2 Star / Amph 2 - 1 ghost /luma
W1 ghost /luma 2 - 0 P8sucks(Littlemarc + jaypam)

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

L10 SebPro101 ROB 3 - 2 DaisyPeach Ghost
W6 DD Wario 3 - 2 Daisy Ghost
W5 Ghost Daisy 2 - 1 Ness Ryzuul
W4 Ghost Daisy 2 - 1 Pokémon Trainer Dr Omega
W3 Ghost Daisy 2 - 0 Amaterasu
W2 Ghost Daisy 2 - 0 George Squashington

Victoria Nekocards Ultimate #6 22/02/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Nekocards #5

South Australia Smash @ Popclub #10 10/02/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia EVAC February 2019 1/02/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate EVAC 1/02/2019

Victoria Couchwarriors Jan 2019 27/01/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

L8 DefectiveDagger / Googers LucinaWario 3 - 0 ChromDaisy bebop / Ghost
L7 bebop / Ghost ChromDaisy 3 - 2 Pac-ManPalutena Ignis and vine
L6 bebop / Ghost 3 - 2 Insie / JEANS
L5 bebop / Ghost 3 - 2 Deez / Jdizzle
L4 bebop / Ghost 2 - 0 Splice / RatGod
W3 Fortune / Saber CloudWolf 2 - 1 ChromDaisy bebop / Ghost
W2 bebop / Ghost 2 - 0 Eternal / Drak
W1 bebop / Ghost 2 - 0 Timic83 / Milun

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

Victoria Nekocards Ultimate #4 25/01/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Nekocards #3

South Australia Cheese League #1 20/01/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

GF Nikes / Q 3 - 1 Ghost / Rust
GF Ghost / Rust 3 - 1 Nikes / Q
L6 Ghost / Rust 3 - 1 Andre / Spewis
L5 Ghost / Rust 2 - 1 BLU / Taicho
L4 Ghost / Rust 2 - 0 Jon / Con
W3 Nikes / Q 2 - 1 Ghost / Rust
W2 Ghost / Rust 2 - 0 Sloshi / L33

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

South Australia EVAC January 2019 4/01/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate EVAC January Smash Ultimate

Victoria CouchWarriors Crossup 15/12/2018

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

L4 Swithi / Duon 2 - 0 haiku / Ghost
L3 haiku / Ghost 2 - 0 raechu / Hoppalot22
W3 Jei / Viva 2 - 0 haiku / Ghost
W2 haiku / Ghost 2 - 1 Amph / Naga

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Brothers Ultimate

South Australia The Big Cheese 1/12/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SSB for Wii U Doubles Bracket

GF Duon / Extra FoxMr. Game and Watch 3 - 0 BayonettaMetaknight Rust / Ghost
L5 Rust / Ghost BayonettaMetaknight 3 - 1 IkeLucinaMewtwo Taicho / BLU
L4 Rust / Ghost BayonettaMetaknight 3 - 1 CorrinDiddy KongFox Galacticus / Spewis
L3 Rust / Ghost BayonettaMetaknight 3 - 2 LucinaYoshi Q / Nikes
W3 Taicho / BLU IkeMewtwo 3 - 1 BayonettaMetaknight Rust / Ghost
W2 Rust / Ghost BayonettaMetaknight 3 - 1 MetaknightZero Suit Samus The Grime / Andre

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SSB for Wii U Singles Bracket

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SSB for Wii U Singles Wave 1

South Australia Revival of SA #5 11/11/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Revival of SA #5

South Australia EVAC October 2018 19/10/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U EVAC October 2018

South Australia Revival of SA #4 14/10/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Revival of SA #4

South Australia Smash @ Pop Club #9 7/10/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash @ Pop Club #9

South Australia StreetGeek 2018 29/09/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U StreetGeek 2018

South Australia EVAC September 2018 21/09/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U EVAC September 2018

South Australia Revival of SA #3 16/09/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Revival of SA #3

South Australia Smash @ Pop Club #8 9/09/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash @ Pop Club #8

Victoria Melbourne E-Sports Open 2018 2/09/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u singles

South Australia EVAC August 2018 24/08/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U EVAC August 2018

South Australia Smash @ Pop Club #7 19/08/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash @ Pop Club #7

South Australia ESG Smash 4 Stock Showdown #4 12/08/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U ESG Smash 4 Stock Showdown #4

South Australia Revival of SA #2 29/07/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Revival of SA #2

South Australia ESG Smash 4 Stock Showdown #3 15/07/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U ESG Smash 4 Stock Showdown #3

South Australia Smash @ Pop Club #6 1/07/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash @ Pop Club #6

Victoria CouchWarriors Jun 2018 Wii U 23/06/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L4 Extra + Duon 3 - 0 Ghost + Saber
W3 DefectiveDagger + Corvid 2 - 0 Ghost + Saber
W2 Ghost + Saber 2 - 0 Ignis + Pudge
W1 Ghost + Saber 2 - 0 T-Bone + Darkness

South Australia Smash @ Pop Club #5 3/06/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash @ Pop Club #5

Victoria BAM 10 19/05/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U Doubles Bracket

L11 Corvid / DefectiveDagger BowserCorrin 3 - 2 CloudZero Suit Samus Rust / Ghost
L10 Rust / Ghost Cloud 3 - 1 BayonettaCloudNess Linoone / Trunkle
L9 Rust / Ghost Cloud 3 - 0 CloudLucasNess Saber / PS!
L8 Rust / Ghost 3 - 2 The Grime / Nature Boy
L7 Rust / Ghost 3 - 1 TurtleCat / Luco
W4 Corvid / DefectiveDagger 3 - 1 Rust / Ghost
W3 Rust / Ghost 2 - 0 deez / Curtain
W2 Rust / Ghost 2 - 0 Toonie / Sayhnim
W1 Rust / Ghost 2 - 0 P9 / Maccamuffin

South Australia SA BAM10 Warm Up 14/05/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SA BAM Warm Up

South Australia Smash @ Pop Club #4 29/04/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash @ Pop Club #4

South Australia ESG weekly #31 18/04/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U ESG weekly #31

South Australia ESG Smash 4 Stock Showdown #2 15/04/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U ESG Smash 4 Stock Showdown #2

New South Wales Expand Gong 3 7/04/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U EG3 Sm4sh Doubles Bracket

L9 MishMash 3 - 1 Ban Cloud
L8 Ban Cloud 3 - 0 jeese / Killy
W5 ridiculously overqualified 3 - 1 Ban Cloud
W4 Ban Cloud 2 - 1 dimboola 3
W3 Ban Cloud 2 - 0 Damn Dirty Apes
W2 Ban Cloud 2 - 0 CavdoG

Victoria CouchWarriors Mar 2018 Wii U 24/03/2018

South Australia ESG Weekly #29 21/03/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U ESG Weekly #29

South Australia Smash @ Pop Club #3 18/03/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash @ Pop Club #3

South Australia ESG Weekly #28 7/03/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U ESG Weekly #28

South Australia ESG Smash 4 Stock Showdown #1 4/03/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U ESG Smash 4 Stock Showdown #1

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Feb 2018 24/02/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L8 Duon + Extra 3 - 2 Ghost + haiku
L7 Ghost + haiku 3 - 0 DefectiveDagger + Corvid
L6 Ghost + haiku 3 - 0 Revax + Mar
L5 Ghost + haiku 3 - 1 Skitter + Ignis
L4 Ghost + haiku 2 - 0 Eternal + Drak
W3 DefectiveDagger + Corvid 2 - 1 Ghost + haiku
W2 Ghost + haiku 2 - 1 Murkiri + InsertName

South Australia ESG Weekly #27 22/02/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U ESG Weekly #27

South Australia Evac Feb 2018 17/02/2018

South Australia ESG Weekly #25 7/02/2018

South Australia Smash @ Pop Club #2 4/02/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash @ Pop Club #2

South Australia ESG Weekly #23 24/01/2018

South Australia Smash at the Pop Club 14/01/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SM4SH Singles

Victoria Stay Smashed Dec 2017 10/12/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria CouchWarriors Dec 2017 9/12/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L4 Attila + Tibs 2 - 0 Invisi + Ghost
L3 Invisi + Ghost 2 - 0 Krasic + ViVa
W2 Nothing + Dr omega 2 - 0 Invisi + Ghost
W1 Invisi + Ghost 2 - 0 Mamba + KmS

South Australia SXC2K17 - Southern Cross Championships 2K17 25/11/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SM4SH Pools

P1 Ghost Bayonetta 2 - 1 MarthRobin Finn
P1 Ghost Bayonetta 2 - 0 ShadowBrute
P1 Ghost Bayonetta 2 - 0 Dubs
P1 Ghost Bayonetta 2 - 0 GreninjaLucario Spicy
P1 Ghost Bayonetta 2 - 0 StabbyJ
P1 Ghost BayonettaCloud 2 - 1 Rosalina & Luma Invisi
P1 Saber Cloud 2 - 0 BayonettaDonkey Kong Ghost

South Australia Esg Weekly #9 22/11/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash 4 Singles

GF Ghost 3 - 1 Mario Rust
GF Rust Mario 3 - 1 Ghost
W5 Ghost 3 - 2 Diddy KongFox Duon
W4 Ghost 2 - 0 Zero Suit Samus Andre
W3 Ghost 2 - 1 StabbyJ

South Australia SAFGC Spring Season R3 18/11/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash 4 Singles

South Australia SAFGC Spring Season R2 22/10/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash 4 Singles

South Australia Esg Weekly #1 20/09/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Singles

New South Wales OzHadou Nationals 15 16/09/2017

Super Smash Bros. Brawl Brawl Singles

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U WiiU Doubles

L9 Snugs + Jdizzle 3 - 0 aha + Ghost
L8 aha + Ghost 3 - 2 MM + Jeese
L7 aha + Ghost 3 - 2 Pazx + Sriks
L6 aha + Ghost 2 - 0 Pudge + Ignis
W4 Invisi + Dr. Ainuss 2 - 0 aha + Ghost
W3 aha + Ghost 2 - 0 Kristoph + Buster
W2 aha + Ghost 2 - 0 Lanatra + Trojans

South Australia Evac June 2017 #2 30/06/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Singles

South Australia Evac June 2/06/2017

Victoria BAM #9 12/05/2017

Super Smash Bros. Brawl Brawl Singles

Victoria Guf Geelong 89 - Big Pre BAM 10/05/2017

South Australia ESG Smash Tournament | $500 Pot Bonus! 25/03/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Pool 1

W3 Ghost Bayonetta 2 - 0 King
W2 Ghost Bayonetta 2 - 0 Ryu Macka
W1 Ghost - Bye 2

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Top 8

South Australia Evac March 2017 17/03/2017

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Feb 2017 25/02/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L6 InsertName71 + Haiku 3 - 2 Rhyno + Ghostbone
W4 Extra + Duon 3 - 0 Rhyno + Ghostbone
W3 Rhyno + Ghostbone 2 - 0 Mar + Revax
W2 Rhyno + Ghostbone 2 - 1 Piski + CHiNReeZ

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u pools

Victoria Smash @ Swanston #51 24/02/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u singles

Victoria CouchWarriors WiiU January 2017 28/01/2017

Victoria Smash @ Swanston #47 27/01/2017

Victoria Pudge's Playhouse December 18/12/2016

Victoria Digital Bunker 2 17/12/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

GF Extra + Duon 3 - 1 Jon Bombo + Ghost
GF Jon Bombo + Ghost 3 - 2 Extra + Duon
L6 Jon Bombo + Ghost 3 - 2 Xettman + Jdizzle
W4 Extra + Duon 3 - 0 Jon Bombo + Ghost
W3 Jon Bombo + Ghost 3 - 0 Swithi + Ignis
W2 Jon Bombo + Ghost 2 - 0 React.TM + Revax

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u pools

Victoria EBS #5 13/12/2016

Victoria CouchWarriors December 2016 10/12/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L7 Revax + Mar 3 - 1 Astra + Ghost
L6 Astra + Ghost 2 - 0 Hero + SKG
W4 Duon + Extra 2 - 1 Astra + Ghost
W3 Astra + Ghost 2 - 0 Xettman + MAT2
W2 Astra + Ghost 2 - 0 Palirock + Corvid

Victoria Smash @ Swanston #45 9/12/2016

South Australia SXC2K16 - Southern Cross Championships 2K16 2/12/2016

South Australia SAFGC Season 2016 Finals 27/11/2016

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Nov 2016 26/11/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L8 Revax + Mar 3 - 1 Astra + Ghostbone
L7 Astra + Ghostbone 3 - 0 Villyness + Sindocus
L6 Astra + Ghostbone 2 - 0 Leisha + Boozer
L5 Astra + Ghostbone 2 - 1 Iyavana1 + ConnorZam
L4 Astra + Ghostbone 2 - 0 Murkiri + DefectiveDagger
W3 KuroganeHammer + Rhyno 2 - 1 Astra + Ghostbone
W2 Astra + Ghostbone 2 - 0 Alpal + Saber

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u pro bracket

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u pools

Victoria Smash @ Swanston #44 25/11/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

South Australia SAFGC Season 2016 Round 6 13/11/2016

South Australia Evac Smash 4 November 11/11/2016

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Oct 2016 22/10/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L8 Duon + Extra 3 - 0 Ghostbone + Jei
L7 Ghostbone + Jei 3 - 1 BIGBOSS + tibs7
L6 Ghostbone + Jei 2 - 1 Xettman + MAT2
W4 Haiku + InsertName71 2 - 0 Ghostbone + Jei
W3 Ghostbone + Jei 2 - 0 YOSH + SAT
W2 Ghostbone + Jei 2 - 0 Alpal + Arc

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u pro bracket

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u pools

Victoria Smash @ Swanston #40 21/10/2016

South Australia Evac Smash 4 October 14/10/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Singles

New South Wales eSports Arena at EB Expo 1/10/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U WiiU Pool C2

South Australia Evac Smash 4 September 16/09/16 16/09/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Evac September Smash 4

Western Australia DI Another Day 2: 9 -11 September 9/09/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U DI Another Day 2: Wii U Top 32

South Australia SAFGC Season 2016 Round 3 4/09/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SAFGC R3 Smash 4

New South Wales OzHadou Nationals 14: 26th - 28th August 26/08/2016

South Australia SAFGC Season 2016 Round 2 31/07/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SAFGC R2 Smash 4

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U July 2016 30/07/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u pool 1

W3 Ghost 2 - 0 Yosh
W2 Ghost 2 - 0 Dran

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u pro bracket

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

GF Extra + Duon Little MacMr. Game and Watch 3 - 0 CloudFoxMetaknight Con + Ghostbone
GF Extra + Duon Little MacMr. Game and Watch 3 - 0 CloudFox Con + Ghostbone
W6 Con + Ghostbone CloudFox 3 - 2 Little MacMr. Game and Watch Extra + Duon
W5 Con + Ghostbone 3 - 0 Nicks + Earl
W4 Con + Ghostbone CloudFox 2 - 0 CorrinMarioRosalina & Luma Astra + Ignis
W3 Con + Ghostbone 2 - 0 KiDD + Tempra
W2 Con + Ghostbone 2 - 0 Saber + Aquaclaw

Queensland Stacked 4 23/07/2016

South Australia Zesty Tourney @ Cons 12/06/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Zesty Tourney @ Cons

South Australia StreetGeek 16.6 4/06/2016

South Australia SAFGC Season 2016 Round 1 29/05/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SAFGC 2016 R1 Wii U Singles

Victoria BAM 8 - 13-15th May 13/05/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L9 PS! + Jdizzle 3 - 0 Ghost + Deez
L8 Ghost + Deez LucarioMetaknight 2 - 0 PeachVillager Gords + Umeki
W5 Dr Ainuss + TurtleCat CloudFox 2 - 1 CloudLucarioMetaknight Ghost + Deez
W4 Ghost + Deez 2 - 0 Earl + Nicks
W3 Ghost + Deez 2 - 0 Dashie + Bijou
W2 Ghost + Deez 2 - 0 Joe + Adam

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles 5th place tiebreaker

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U Singles (BIG BRACKET)

Victoria Guf Geelong 40 (The Stacked Geelong) 11/05/2016

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Apr 2016 23/04/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U doubles

L7 Duon + Extra 3 - 1 Ghost + Jei
L6 Ghost + Jei 3 - 1 Nicks + Earl
L5 Ghost + Jei 2 - 0 dean + Rhyno
L4 Ghost + Jei 2 - 0 Majora + Tibs
W3 Invisi + MM JigglypuffPalutena 2 - 0 CloudMetaknightYoshi Ghost + Jei
W2 Ghost + Jei CloudYoshi 2 - 0 CorrinGanondorf Hyes + MGK

Victoria Guf Geelong 37 20/04/2016

South Australia Evac Smash 4 april 15/04/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Evac Smash 4 april

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Mar 2016 26/03/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U singles pool 1

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

GF Ghost + Jei 3 - 1 Extra + Duon
W5 Ghost + Jei 3 - 0 Attila + Astra
W4 Ghost + Jei 3 - 2 Extra + Duon
W3 Ghost + Jei 2 - 0 Ignis + Mar
W2 Ghost + Jei 2 - 0 Yehya + Echo

South Australia EVAC March 2016 Smash 4 Tournament 18/03/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U EVAC March 2016 Smash 4 Tournament

South Australia EVAC BAM 8 SM4SH Fundraiser 5/03/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SM4SH singles

South Australia SAFGC (Arena Test Tourney) 28/02/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SM4SH singles

Victoria CouchWarriors Feb 2016 20/02/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U doubles

L8 Earl + Nicks - Ghost + Jei
L7 Ghost + Jei - Extra + Duon
L6 Ghost + Jei - Xettman + Mat2
L5 Ghost + Jei - Dean + Googers
L4 Ghost + Jei - PS! + Yosh
W3 Revax + Mar - Ghost + Jei
W2 Ghost + Jei - Majora + KiDD
W1 Ghost + Jei - Murkiri + Insertname71

South Australia StreetGeek 6/2/16 6/02/2016

South Australia StreetGeek 15.12 15/12/2015

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee singles

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U StreetGeek 15.12

South Australia SXC2K15 - Southern Cross Championships 2K15 28/11/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SM4SH Pool C

Super Smash Bros. Brawl Brawl Singles

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U Doubles

GF Ghost / Nikes 3 - 2 Deez / Jaice
GF Deez / Jaice 3 - 1 Ghost / Nikes
W5 Ghost / Nikes 3 - 2 MM / Kira
W4 Ghost / Nikes 3 - 1 Nicks / Earl
W3 Ghost / Nikes 2 - 1 Deez / Jaice
W2 Ghost / Nikes 2 - 0 Hopedealer / Flex

South Australia EVAC November Smash 4 13/11/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U EVAC November Smash 4

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Oct 2015 18/10/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

GF Jei + Ghostbone MetaknightYoshiZero Suit Samus - Captain FalconDuck Hunt DuoKing DededeRoyVillager Rhyno + Dean
W5 Jei + Ghostbone MetaknightYoshi - Little MacMr. Game and Watch Extra + Duon
W4 Jei + Ghostbone - Tibs + Mozart
W3 Jei + Ghostbone MetaknightYoshi - BowserBowser Jr. Boozer + Bijou
W2 Jei + Ghostbone MetaknightYoshi - FoxMario Hotpockets + Pudge

South Australia SAFGC Finals 10/10/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

South Australia StreetGeek 15.10 3/10/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SM4SH Singles

South Australia EVAC 2015 October SM4SH 2/10/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SM4SH Singles

South Australia SAFGC R6 20/09/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SM4SH Singles

South Australia EVAC September Smash 4 Fundraiser Tournament 11/09/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U EVAC September Smash 4 Fundraiser Tournament

South Australia SAFGC R5 23/08/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SM4SH Singles

South Australia EVAC 2015 August SM4SH 21/08/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SM4SH Singles

South Australia EVAC 2015 August Melee 7/08/2015

Super Smash Bros. Melee EVAC 2015 August Melee

South Australia StreetGeek 15.08 7/08/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U StreetGeek 15.08

South Australia SAFGC R4 26/07/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SM4SH Singles

South Australia AVCon 2015 18/07/2015

Super Smash Bros. Melee AVCon 2015 Super Smash Bros. Melee

South Australia EVAC 2015 July SM4SH 10/07/2015

South Australia EVAC 2015 June Melee 26/06/2015

South Australia SAFGC R3 14/06/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

South Australia StreetGeek 15.06 12/06/2015

South Australia EVAC 2015 May SM4SH 29/05/2015

Victoria BAM 7 23/05/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wiiu doubles

L7 Nikes + Allens - Ghost + Flow Rats
L6 Ghost + Flow Rats - Ignis + Astra
L5 Ghost + Flow Rats - Boozer + Aerodrome (Boozer Sucks Aerodrome)
L4 Ghost + Flow Rats - Wacan + NintendPhunk
W3 Nicks + Earl - Ghost + Flow Rats
W2 Ghost + Flow Rats - Gords + Zorsy

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SM4SH Singles

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SM4SH Pools D

Victoria Project Melbourne 22/05/2015

Project M pm doubles

L5 Noied + Beans - Nikes + Ghost
W3 S.D + Splice - Nikes + Ghost
W2 Nikes + Ghost - Aerodrome + Boozer

South Australia SAFGC R2 17/05/2015

South Australia EVAC 2015 April Project M 24/04/2015

Project M Project M Singles

South Australia SAFGC R1 19/04/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U Singles

L5 Shakyy Sonic 2 - 1 Diddy KongNess Ghost
L4 Ghost Captain FalconDiddy Kong 2 - 1 Pikachu Dashie
W3 Flow Rats Palutena 2 - 1 Captain Falcon Ghost
W2 Ghost 2 - 0 Katherine

South Australia EVAC 2015 April SM4SH 10/04/2015

South Australia SXC2K14 - Southern Cross Championships 2K14 6/12/2014

Project M PM Doubles

L4 Dreadtech + Jamwa - Ghost + Nikes
L3 Ghost + Nikes - Nick + Pugnator
L2 Ghost + Nikes - Oli + Ivan
L1 Ghost + Nikes - Pen Ninja + Weng
W1 Dreadtech + Jamwa - Ghost + Nikes

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Doubles

L2 Flow Rats + Muscat - Ghost + Ace
L1 Ghost + Ace - Milk + Chicken
W1 Dreadtech + Jamwa - Ghost + Ace

South Australia EVAC SXC Fundraiser 7/11/2014

Project M Project M Singles

South Australia EVAC 2014 August Melee 22/08/2014

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Singles

Victoria Shadowloo Showdown 2013 12/10/2013

Super Smash Bros. Brawl Brawl Teams

L1 Tux + Dean (Australia's Nicks Top Model) - Nikes and Ghost
W1 Sebby and Billy - Nikes and Ghost

Super Smash Bros. Brawl Brawl pools

P1 Ghost 2 - 0 Tux
P1 BIGBOSS 2 - 1 Ghost
P1 Ghost 2 - 0 Hadi
P1 Ghost 2 - 0 Ranmasama