
2nd Victoria Chin 4/12/2018 [VIC] EBS LXXVI Smash 4 Singles Bracket Sheik
7th South Australia Taco 1/12/2018 [SA] The Big Cheese SSB for Wii U Singles Wave 2 Sheik
5th Victoria Chin 27/11/2018 [VIC] EBS LXXV Smash 4 Singles Bracket Sheik
1st Queensland Cajeck 17/11/2018 [QLD] Smash by the Beach #11 - Final Smash 4 event Singles Sheik
1st New Zealand KFC 17/11/2018 [NZ] Smash-Web #20 Smash-Web #20: S4 Singles Sheik
13th South Australia Taco 16/11/2018 [SA] EVAC November 2018 EVAC November 2018 Sheik
5th Victoria Trojans 30/10/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #48 Bracket Sheik
3rd Victoria Trojans 21/10/2018 [NSW] Star Forge Underground #5 Singles Top 24 Sheik
2nd Victoria Trojans 21/10/2018 [NSW] Star Forge Underground #5 Singles Bracket Sheik
9th South Australia Taco 14/10/2018 [SA] Revival of SA #4 Revival of SA #4 Sheik
4th South Australia Andre 14/10/2018 [SA] Revival of SA #4 Revival of SA #4 SheikZero Suit Samus
3rd New South Wales Spike 11/10/2018 [NSW] GvP Q3 Episode 14 SM4SH Singles MarioSheik
7th Queensland Cajeck 6/10/2018 [QLD] QUT Smash #9 Pros Sheik
3rd New Zealand cheese 23/09/2018 [NZ] FightZone #21 SM4SH Singles Sheik
2nd New Zealand Simikins 23/09/2018 [NZ] Smash-Net 50 Smash-Net 50 Sheik
7th South Australia Taco 16/09/2018 [SA] Revival of SA #3 Revival of SA #3 Sheik
2nd New Zealand Simikins 16/09/2018 [NZ] WASU #0 WASU #0 Sheik
4th New Zealand cheese 9/09/2018 [NZ] FightZone #20 SM4SH Singles FoxMarthSheik
3rd Victoria Nothing 4/09/2018 [VIC] EBS LXIV wii u singles Sheik
17th Victoria P9 2/09/2018 [VIC] Melbourne E-Sports Open 2018 wii u singles Diddy KongSheikVillager
2nd New Zealand Simikins 1/09/2018 [NZ] Biggie Breezy Biggie Breezy: Smash 4 Top 16 Sheik
9th Victoria Trojans 28/08/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #41 SM4SH Singles Diddy KongSheik
2nd New Zealand Simikins 26/08/2018 [NZ] Smash-Net 49 Smash-Net 49 Sheik
9th Victoria Trojans 21/08/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #40 SM4SH Singles Diddy KongSheik
2nd New Zealand Simikins 19/08/2018 [NZ] ACKO Smash #26 ACKO Smash #26 Sheik
1st New Zealand Simikins 12/08/2018 [NZ] Smash-Net 48 Smash-Net 48 Sheik
5th New South Wales Shmu 11/08/2018 [NSW] Smash Street August WiiU Singles CloudPikachuSheik
17th New South Wales Day 7/08/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #39 Bracket Sheik
9th Victoria Trojans 7/08/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #39 Bracket Sheik
7th New South Wales Shmu 7/08/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #39 Bracket CloudPalutenaPikachuSheik
1st New Zealand Simikins 5/08/2018 [NZ] ACKO Smash #25 ACKO Smash #25 Sheik
17th South Australia Andre 3/08/2018 [WA] Pre-BigWinChampionship Pre-BigWinChampionship Singles SheikZero Suit Samus
9th South Australia Taco 29/07/2018 [SA] Revival of SA #2 Revival of SA #2 Sheik
1st New Zealand Simikins 29/07/2018 [NZ] Smash-Net 47 Smash-Net 47 Sheik
9th South Australia Taco 27/07/2018 [SA] EVAC July 2018 EVAC July 2018 Sheik
13th New South Wales Day 17/07/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #36 Bracket Sheik
7th Victoria Trojans 17/07/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #36 Bracket CloudDiddy KongFoxSheik
2nd New Zealand Simikins 15/07/2018 [NZ] Smash-Net 46 Smash-Net 46 Sheik
17th Queensland Cajeck 14/07/2018 [QLD] QUT Smash #5 Pros Sheik
9th Queensland Cajeck 14/07/2018 [QLD] QUT Smash #5 Amatuers Sheik
4th New South Wales Day 10/07/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #35 Bracket Sheik
5th South Australia Andre 8/07/2018 [SA] Revival of SA Revival of SA Sheik
3rd New Zealand Simikins 8/07/2018 [NZ] Windbox #8 Windbox #8 Sheik
4th New South Wales Day 7/07/2018 [NSW] Newcastle Siege II Amateurs Sheik
7th New South Wales Shmu 3/07/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #34 Bracket PalutenaPikachuSheik
7th New South Wales Day 3/07/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #34 Bracket Sheik
17th New South Wales Day 1/07/2018 [NSW] Star Forge Arcadian Bracket Sheik
17th New South Wales Shmu 1/07/2018 [NSW] Star Forge Arcadian Bracket PalutenaPikachuSheik
7th South Australia Andre 1/07/2018 [SA] Smash @ Pop Club #6 Smash @ Pop Club #6 Sheik
5th Victoria Fortune 29/06/2018 [VIC] Nekocards #16 Wii U singles Captain FalconLucasMarioNessSheikZero Suit Samus
5th Victoria Trojans 26/06/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #33 Bracket CloudDiddy KongFoxLucinaMarioSheik
5th New South Wales Day 26/06/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #33 Bracket Sheik
4th New Zealand Simikins 24/06/2018 [NZ] Crush Counter Capital 2018 Crush Counter Capital 2018 Sheik
17th New South Wales Day 19/06/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #32 Bracket Sheik
7th New South Wales Day 12/06/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #31 Bracket Sheik
9th Victoria Trojans 10/06/2018 [ACT] GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM Smash 4 Singles Bracket Sheik
2nd New Zealand Simikins 10/06/2018 [NZ] ACKO Smash #23 ACKO Smash #23 Sheik
9th New Zealand 0zai 3/06/2018 [NZ] Christchurch Ranbats S1.7 2018 CHCH Ranbats 2018 S1E7 Sheik
2nd New Zealand Simikins 3/06/2018 [NZ] Smash-Net 43 Smash-Net 43 Sheik
4th Victoria Fortune 1/06/2018 [VIC] Nekocards #14 Wii U singles Donkey KongLucasNessSheik
3rd Victoria Trojans 29/05/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #29 Bracket Captain FalconSheik
17th New South Wales Day 21/05/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #28 SM4SH Singles Sheik
49th Victoria Trojans 19/05/2018 [VIC] BAM 10 Wii U singles Sheik
17th New South Wales Day 15/05/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #27 Bracket Sheik
5th Victoria Trojans 15/05/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #27 Bracket CloudFoxSheik
7th Victoria Dampé 14/05/2018 [VIC] Holy Mond4y 5 wii u singles Pikmin & OlimarSheik
1st New Zealand Simikins 13/05/2018 [NZ] ACKO Smash #22 ACKO Smash #22 Sheik
5th Victoria Trojans 12/05/2018 [ACT] FGM May 2018 Fighting Game Monthlies 4 Singles Sheik
9th New South Wales Day 8/05/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #26 Star Forge #26 Sheik
7th Victoria Trojans 8/05/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #26 Star Forge #26 BayonettaFoxSheik
7th Victoria Dampé 8/05/2018 [VIC] EBS XLVII Wii U singles Pikmin & OlimarSheikWario
3rd Victoria Fortune 4/05/2018 [VIC] Nekocards #13 Wii U singles BayonettaCaptain FalconDonkey KongLucasNessSheikZero Suit Samus
17th New South Wales Day 1/05/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #25 Wii U singles Sheik
2nd Victoria Trojans 1/05/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #25 Wii U singles Captain FalconSheik
17th Victoria Trojans 29/04/2018 [NSW] Star Forge: Underground #3 Smash4 Singles Bracket Sheik
1st Victoria Trojans 29/04/2018 [NSW] Star Forge: Underground #3 Smash4 Singles Bracket Sheik
2nd New Zealand Simikins 28/04/2018 [NZ] Windbox #7 Windbox #7 Sheik
13th New South Wales Day 24/04/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #24 Star Forge #24 Sheik
2nd Victoria Trojans 24/04/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #24 Star Forge #24 Sheik
2nd New Zealand Simikins 22/04/2018 [NZ] Smash-net 42 Smash-Net 42 Sheik
7th Victoria Fortune 20/04/2018 [VIC] Nekocards #12 Wii U singles BayonettaNessSheikZero Suit Samus
17th New South Wales Day 17/04/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #23 Star Forge #23 Sheik
4th New Zealand Simikins 15/04/2018 [NZ] ACKO Smash #21 ACKO Smash #21 Sheik
2nd Victoria Trojans 15/04/2018 [NSW] Smash House #3 Smash Wii u Singles CloudDiddy KongDonkey KongFoxSheik
13th New South Wales Day 10/04/2018 [NSW] Star Forge 22 Wii U singles Sheik
3rd Victoria Fortune 10/04/2018 [VIC] EBS XLV Wii U singles BayonettaLucasNessSheikZero Suit Samus
2nd Victoria Trojans 10/04/2018 [NSW] Star Forge 22 Wii U singles Sheik
8th Victoria Trojans 7/04/2018 [NSW] Expand Gong 3 wii u pools Sheik
4th Victoria Trojans 3/04/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #21 Star Forge #21 Captain FalconCloudDiddy KongDonkey KongFoxSheik
2nd Queensland Cajeck 25/03/2018 [QLD] Smash by the Beach #9 Amateur Bracket Sheik
5th Tasmania Sayhnim 24/03/2018 [TAS] Tassie Fighter Con 3 Smash 4 Singles - TFC 3 Top 12 Sheik
2nd Tasmania Sayhnim 24/03/2018 [TAS] Tassie Fighter Con 3 Smash 4 Singles - TFC 3 Bracket Sheik
17th New South Wales Day 13/03/2018 [NSW] Star Forge Fortnightly 9 Star Forge Fortnightly 9 Sheik
9th Victoria Trojans 13/03/2018 [NSW] Star Forge Fortnightly 9 Star Forge Fortnightly 9 Sheik
3rd Western Australia Turn Up 11/03/2018 [WA] PCGA Smashdown 3 March PCGA Smashdown 3 March Singles Sheik
4th South Australia Jon Bombo 7/03/2018 [SA] ESG Weekly #28 ESG Weekly #28 SheikToon Link
9th Western Australia Turn Up 6/03/2018 [WA] BigWinSmash 46 BigWinSmash 46 Singles Sheik
17th New South Wales Day 27/02/2018 [NSW] Star Forge Fortnightly 8 Star Forge Fortnightly 8 Sheik
5th Victoria Trojans 27/02/2018 [NSW] Star Forge Fortnightly 8 Star Forge Fortnightly 8 Sheik
4th Victoria Dampé 27/02/2018 [VIC] EBS XXXIX Wii U redemption RyuSheikWario
7th Queensland Cajeck 25/02/2018 [QLD] Fight For Flight 9 Bracket Sheik
2nd Western Australia Turn Up 24/02/2018 [WA] Rabblemaster Games #10 Rabblemaster Games #10 Singles Sheik
9th Victoria Fortune 23/02/2018 [VIC] Nekocards #9 SM4SH Singles LucasSheik
5th Victoria Trojans 18/02/2018 [NSW] Smash House #2 Bracket FoxSheik
1st Victoria Trojans 18/02/2018 [NSW] Smash House #2 Pools Sheik
3rd Tasmania Sayhnim 17/02/2018 [TAS] Tasmania PR Circuit #4 SM4SH Singles Sheik
1st Tasmania Sayhnim 17/02/2018 [TAS] Tasmania PR Circuit #4 SM4SH Pools Sheik
9th New South Wales Day 13/02/2018 [NSW] Star Forge Fortnightly #7 Bracket Sheik
2nd Victoria Trojans 13/02/2018 [NSW] Star Forge Fortnightly #7 Bracket CloudDiddy KongSheik
9th Victoria Dampé 7/02/2018 [VIC] Guf Geelong 128 Wii U singles Pikmin & OlimarSheikWario
5th Victoria Dampé 6/02/2018 [VIC] EBS XXXVI Wii U singles Pikmin & OlimarSheikWario
2nd Tasmania Sayhnim 3/02/2018 [TAS] Smash 4 at Area 52 Q4 League #5 SM4SH Singles Sheik
5th New South Wales Day 30/01/2018 [NSW] Star Forge Fortnightly #6 Bracket Sheik
2nd Victoria Dampé 30/01/2018 [VIC] EBS XXXV Wii U redemption MarthPikmin & OlimarSheikWario
3rd Western Australia Ttam 24/01/2018 [WA] BigWinSmash 41 BigWinSmash 41 Singles Diddy KongSheik
17th Victoria Chin 17/01/2018 [VIC] Guf Geelong 125 wii u singles Sheik
4th Victoria Chin 16/01/2018 [VIC] EBS XXXIII Wii U singles Sheik
9th Victoria Trojans 14/01/2018 [NSW] Smash Street January 2018 Smash Street 2 Smash 4 FoxSheik
13th Queensland Cajeck 12/01/2018 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 133 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
3rd Victoria Chin 12/01/2018 [VIC] Nekocards #7 Wii U singles Sheik
7th Victoria Chin 9/01/2018 [VIC] EBS XXXII Wii U singles Sheik
7th Victoria Trojans 9/01/2018 [NSW] Star Forge Fortnightly #5 Singles CloudSheik
5th Victoria Trojans 7/01/2018 [NSW] Joe's Smash House #1 Singles Sheik
5th South Australia Jon Bombo 3/01/2018 [SA] Esg Weekly #20 ESG Weekly #20 SheikZero Suit Samus
5th Victoria Chin 3/01/2018 [VIC] Guf Geelong 123 Wii U singles Sheik
9th Victoria Chin 29/12/2017 [VIC] Nekocards #6 Wii U singles Sheik
5th Victoria Chin 27/12/2017 [VIC] Guf Geelong 122 Wii U singles Sheik
9th Victoria Dampé 20/12/2017 [VIC] Guf Geelong 121 Wii U singles Pikmin & OlimarSheikWario
4th Victoria Chin 20/12/2017 [VIC] Guf Geelong 121 Wii U singles Sheik
7th Victoria Chin 19/12/2017 [VIC] EBS XXXI Wii U singles Sheik
3rd Victoria Chin 15/12/2017 [VIC] Nekocards #5 Wii U singles Sheik
9th Victoria Chin 13/12/2017 [VIC] Guf Geelong 120 Wii U singles Sheik
4th Victoria Trojans 12/12/2017 [NSW] Star Forge 13 Bracket Sheik
49th Victoria Dampé 9/12/2017 [VIC] CouchWarriors Dec 2017 wii u singles Pikmin & OlimarSheik
17th Victoria Chin 9/12/2017 [VIC] CouchWarriors Dec 2017 wii u singles Sheik
9th Victoria Chin 6/12/2017 [VIC] Guf Geelong 119 Wii U singles Sheik
17th New South Wales Day 5/12/2017 [NSW] Star Forge Fortnightly #4 Bracket Sheik
9th Victoria Chin 5/12/2017 [VIC] EBS XXX wii u singles Sheik
17th Queensland Cajeck 3/12/2017 [QLD] Fight For Flight 6 Pros Sheik
2nd Tasmania Sayhnim 2/12/2017 [TAS] Smash 4 at Area 52 Q4 League #2 Singles Sheik
13th Queensland Cajeck 1/12/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 128 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
13th Victoria Chin 1/12/2017 [VIC] Nekocards #4 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
13th Victoria Chin 29/11/2017 [VIC] Guf Geelong 118 Wii U singles Sheik
13th Queensland Cajeck 24/11/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 127 Smash4 Singles Sheik
3rd Victoria Chin 22/11/2017 [VIC] Guf Geelong 117 Wii U singles Sheik
13th New South Wales Day 21/11/2017 [NSW] Star Forge Fortnightly #3 Bracket Sheik
7th Victoria Chin 21/11/2017 [VIC] EBS XXIX Wii U singles Sheik
9th Victoria Chin 17/11/2017 [VIC] Nekocards 3 Nekocards 3 Sheik
17th Victoria Dampé 12/11/2017 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Nov 2017 Wii U singles Pikmin & OlimarSheikWario
17th Victoria Chin 12/11/2017 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Nov 2017 Wii U singles Sheik
9th Victoria Trojans 12/11/2017 [NSW] Star Forge Underground #1 Smash 4 Singles Pro Bracket CloudSheik
9th Victoria Dampé 12/11/2017 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Nov 2017 wii u amateurs Pikmin & OlimarSheikWario
2nd Victoria Trojans 12/11/2017 [NSW] Star Forge Underground #1 Smash 4 Singles Pools Sheik
1st Victoria Chin 12/11/2017 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Nov 2017 wii u amateurs Sheik
1st Tasmania Sayhnim 11/11/2017 [TAS] Smash 4 at Area 52 Q4 League #1 Singles Sheik
17th New South Wales Day 7/11/2017 [NSW] Star Forge Fortnightly #2 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
5th Victoria Dampé 7/11/2017 [VIC] EBS XXVIII Wii U singles Pikmin & OlimarSheik
4th Victoria Chin 7/11/2017 [VIC] EBS XXVIII Wii U singles Sheik
13th Queensland Cajeck 5/11/2017 [QLD] Fight For Flight 5 Pros Sheik
13th Victoria Chin 28/10/2017 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Oct 2017 wii u pro Sheik
2nd Victoria Trojans 28/10/2017 [ACT] Capital Smash 33 Smash 4 Pools Sheik
2nd Victoria Trojans 28/10/2017 [ACT] Capital Smash 33 Wii U Top 8 Sheik
17th New South Wales Day 25/10/2017 [NSW] Star Forge #9 SMASH Singles Sheik
5th Victoria Trojans 25/10/2017 [NSW] Star Forge #9 SMASH Singles Sheik
9th Victoria Dampé 24/10/2017 [VIC] EBS XXVII Wii U singles Pikmin & OlimarSheik
5th Victoria Dampé 24/10/2017 [VIC] EBS XXVII Wii U redemption Pikmin & OlimarSheik
3rd Western Australia Ttam 21/10/2017 [WA] Rabble Master Games #5 RabbleMaster Singles Diddy KongMarioMarthSheik
13th Victoria Dampé 20/10/2017 [VIC] Nekocards 1 Wii U singles Pikmin & OlimarSheik
5th Victoria Chin 20/10/2017 [VIC] Nekocards 1 Wii U singles Sheik
5th Victoria Chin 18/10/2017 [VIC] Guf Geelong 112 Wii U singles Sheik
17th Victoria Trojans 14/10/2017 [ACT] DEFENCE OF THE ACT Smash 4 Singles Sheik
3rd Tasmania Sayhnim 14/10/2017 [TAS] Tas Circuit 2 Singles Sheik
4th Australian Capital Territory Joey 11/10/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT 52 Singles Sheik
2nd Victoria Trojans 10/10/2017 [NSW] Star Forge #8 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
5th Victoria Chin 8/10/2017 [VIC] Stay Smashed Oct 2017 wii u singles Sheik
4th New South Wales Day 7/10/2017 [NSW] Larry's Blast Zone #10 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
3rd Tasmania Sayhnim 7/10/2017 [TAS] Area 52 Q3 League #7 Smash 4 at Area 52 Q3 League #7 Sheik
13th Victoria Chin 3/10/2017 [VIC] EBS XXV Wii U singles Sheik
17th Queensland Cajeck 1/10/2017 [QLD] Fight For Flight 4 Bracket Sheik
7th Australian Capital Territory Joey 30/09/2017 [ACT] Capital Smash 32 Wii U Pro Bracket Little MacSheik
17th Queensland Cajeck 24/09/2017 [QLD] UQ Smash 36 - September WiiU Bracket Sheik
5th Victoria Trojans 24/09/2017 [QLD] UQ Smash 36 - September WiiU Bracket FoxSheik
1st Victoria Trojans 24/09/2017 [QLD] UQ Smash 36 - September WiiU Pools Sheik
17th Victoria Chin 23/09/2017 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Sep 2017 wii u pro Sheik
2nd Tasmania Sayhnim 23/09/2017 [TAS] Area 52 Q3 League #6 Smash 4 at Area 52 Q3 League #6 Sheik
9th South Australia Taco 20/09/2017 [SA] Esg Weekly #1 Singles Sheik
97th New South Wales Day 16/09/2017 [NSW] OzHadou Nationals 15 WiiU Singles Sheik
49th Victoria Trojans 16/09/2017 [NSW] OzHadou Nationals 15 WiiU Singles FoxSheik
17th Victoria Chin 16/09/2017 [NSW] OzHadou Nationals 15 WiiU Singles Sheik
4th Queensland schooner 14/09/2017 [QLD] Jubilee Thursdays #24 Smash 4 Singles IkeLuigiMarioSheik
5th Victoria Chin 13/09/2017 [VIC] Guf Geelong 107 Wii U singles Sheik
25th New South Wales Day 12/09/2017 [NSW] Star Forge #4 WiiU Singles Sheik
5th Victoria Chin 12/09/2017 [VIC] EBS XXIII wii u singles Sheik
33rd Victoria Dampé 10/09/2017 [VIC] Stay Smashed Sep 2017 wii u singles Sheik
17th Victoria Chin 10/09/2017 [VIC] Stay Smashed Sep 2017 wii u singles Sheik
2nd Victoria Trojans 10/09/2017 [NSW] GvP Volume 8 - HungryLuigi.jpg Singles Diddy KongFoxSheik
3rd Tasmania Sayhnim 9/09/2017 [TAS] Area 52 Q3 League #5 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
2nd New South Wales Day 9/09/2017 [NSW] Hornsby Gametraders 9/09/17 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
1st New Zealand Simikins 3/09/2017 [NZ] Windbox #6 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
4th Victoria Trojans 2/09/2017 [ACT] Capital Smash 31 Wii U Pro Bracket Sheik
4th New South Wales Day 2/09/2017 [NSW] Larry's Blast Zone #9 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
5th South Australia Jon Bombo 1/09/2017 [SA] Evac September 2017 Smash 4 Singles SheikToon Link
5th Australian Capital Territory Joey 30/08/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #46 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
4th Victoria Chin 30/08/2017 [VIC] Guf Geelong 105 wii u singles Sheik
9th Victoria Chin 29/08/2017 [VIC] EBS XXII wii u singles Sheik
1st New Zealand Simikins 27/08/2017 [NZ] ACKO Smash #10 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
9th Australian Capital Territory Joey 23/08/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #45 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
2nd Tasmania Sayhnim 19/08/2017 [TAS] Tasmania PR Circuit #1 Tasmania PR Circuit #1 Sheik
1st Tasmania Sayhnim 19/08/2017 [TAS] Tasmania PR Circuit #1 Tasmania PR Circuit #1 Pools Sheik
9th Victoria Chin 15/08/2017 [VIC] EBS XXI Wii U singles Sheik
5th Victoria Kaito 15/08/2017 [VIC] EBS XXI Wii U singles BayonettaCloudPitSheik
25th New South Wales Day 13/08/2017 [NSW] Newtown Aero Dive #6 WiiU Singles Sheik
9th Victoria Chin 13/08/2017 [VIC] Stay Smashed 5 Wii U singles Sheik
5th Victoria Trojans 13/08/2017 [NSW] Newtown Aero Dive #6 WiiU Singles FoxSheik
2nd New South Wales Day 13/08/2017 [NSW] Newtown Aero Dive #6 WiiU Amateurs Sheik
17th Victoria Chin 12/08/2017 [VIC] Over 9K Smash 4 wii u singles Sheik
5th New South Wales Day 12/08/2017 [NSW] Hornsby Gametraders 12/08/17 SM4SH Singles Sheik
4th New Zealand Simikins 12/08/2017 [NZ] Redzone Rumble II - The Seismic Sequel SM4SH Singles Sheik
17th Queensland Switch 11/08/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 112 Smash4 Singles Diddy KongSheik
17th Australian Capital Territory Joey 9/08/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #43 Smash 4 Singles CloudFoxSheik
5th New South Wales SpacemanBad 6/08/2017 [NSW] GvP Volume 7- Ponies for Pudge Top 8 Sheik
5th Victoria Trojans 6/08/2017 [NSW] GvP Volume 7- Ponies for Pudge Top 8 FoxSheik
2nd Victoria Trojans 6/08/2017 [NSW] GvP Volume 7- Ponies for Pudge Pools Sheik
2nd New Zealand Simikins 6/08/2017 [NZ] Smash-Net 28 SM4SH Singles Sheik
5th New South Wales Day 5/08/2017 [NSW] Larry's Blast Zone #8 WiiU Singles Sheik
4th New South Wales SpacemanBad 3/08/2017 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles Q3 Episode 5 Wii U Pro Bracket Sheik
13th Victoria Chin 1/08/2017 [VIC] EBS XX Wii U singles Sheik
2nd New Zealand Simikins 30/07/2017 [NZ] ACKO Smash #9 Singles Sheik
9th Victoria Chin 29/07/2017 [VIC] Guf Geelong 100 Wii U singles Sheik
4th Victoria Trojans 29/07/2017 [NSW] Gamefest 2017 Top 32 FoxSheik
4th New South Wales SpacemanBad 27/07/2017 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles Q3 Episode 4 Wii U Pro Bracket Sheik
25th Victoria Chin 22/07/2017 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Jul 2017 wii u pro Sheik
5th Victoria Catburger 22/07/2017 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Jul 2017 wii u pools Sheik
25th New South Wales Day 16/07/2017 [NSW] Newtown Aero Dive #5 Wii U Singles Sheik
17th New South Wales SpacemanBad 16/07/2017 [NSW] Newtown Aero Dive #5 Wii U Singles Sheik
9th Victoria Trojans 16/07/2017 [NSW] Newtown Aero Dive #5 Wii U Singles FoxSheik
7th New South Wales Day 16/07/2017 [NSW] Newtown Aero Dive #5 WiiU Amateurs Sheik
25th New South Wales Day 15/07/2017 [NSW] Never Stand Still #4 - The Arcadian Wii U Singles Sheik
7th New South Wales SpacemanBad 15/07/2017 [NSW] Never Stand Still #4 - The Arcadian Wii U Singles Sheik
3rd New Zealand Simikins 15/07/2017 [NZ] SUPER Windbox! Smash4, PM, Melee Top 16 Sheik
2nd Victoria Trojans 15/07/2017 [NSW] Never Stand Still #4 - The Arcadian Wii U Singles FoxSheik
4th New South Wales SpacemanBad 13/07/2017 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles Q3 Episode 2 Smash Wii U Pro Sheik
3rd Victoria Chin 11/07/2017 [VIC] EBS XIX arcadian singles Sheik
25th New South Wales SpacemanBad 7/07/2017 [NSW] Gomaz Vs Pedro Presents, The NewCastle Siege | July 7th - July 9th NCS Singles Sheik
25th Australian Capital Territory Joey 7/07/2017 [NSW] Gomaz Vs Pedro Presents, The NewCastle Siege | July 7th - July 9th NCS Singles FoxLittle MacSheik
17th Victoria Trojans 7/07/2017 [NSW] Gomaz Vs Pedro Presents, The NewCastle Siege | July 7th - July 9th NCS Singles FoxSheik
7th New South Wales SpacemanBad 6/07/2017 [NSW] Gvp Smash 4 Singles Q3 Episode 1 Pro Bracket Sheik
1st Victoria Duon 4/07/2017 [VIC] EBS XVIII Wii U singles Diddy KongFoxLittle MacSamusSheik
9th Victoria Trojans 1/07/2017 [NSW] Final Fight 6 Top 16 FoxSheik
3rd New South Wales Day 1/07/2017 [NSW] Big Z Is Back With Style SM4SH Singles Sheik
2nd New Zealand Simikins 1/07/2017 [NZ] Crush Counter Capital SM4SH Singles Sheik
1st New Zealand eli 1/07/2017 [NZ] Fun Fun Smash #5 SM4SH Singles FoxMarioRandomSheik
17th South Australia Taco 30/06/2017 [SA] Evac June 2017 #2 Singles Sheik
3rd New South Wales SpacemanBad 29/06/2017 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles Q2 Season Finale Pro Bracket Play Offs Sheik
4th New Zealand Simikins 25/06/2017 [NZ] ACKO Smash #8 SM4SH Singles Sheik
7th New Zealand eli 24/06/2017 [NZ] Limit to Win It #8: The Chronicles of Kaowlzu SM4SH Singles CloudFoxSheik
5th Victoria Catburger 24/06/2017 [VIC] CouchWarriors Jun 2017 Wii U wii u pools Sheik
7th New South Wales SpacemanBad 18/06/2017 [NSW] GvP Volume 6 - A Day Late and a Dollar Short Smash Wii U Singles Sheik
4th Victoria Trojans 18/06/2017 [NSW] GvP Volume 6 - A Day Late and a Dollar Short Smash Wii U Singles FoxSheik
1st New Zealand Simikins 18/06/2017 [NZ] Smash-Net 27 SM4SH Singles Sheik
33rd New South Wales Day 11/06/2017 [NSW] Newtown Aero Dive #4 WiiU Singles Sheik
9th Victoria Trojans 11/06/2017 [NSW] Newtown Aero Dive #4 WiiU Singles Sheik
1st New Zealand Simikins 11/06/2017 [NZ] ACKO Smash #7 SM4SH Singles Sheik
3rd Western Australia BigWin | Beer 7/06/2017 [WA] BigWinSmash 9 - Redemption BigWinSmash 9 - Redemption BowserCaptain FalconDuck Hunt DuoNessSheikVillager
7th New Zealand Simikins 4/06/2017 [NZ] Smash-Net 26 SM4SH Singles Sheik
3rd South Australia Jon Bombo 2/06/2017 [SA] Evac June Singles LinkMarioSheikToon Link
7th Western Australia JonCheee 31/05/2017 [WA] BigWinSmash 8 Sm4sh Redemption CloudSheik
1st New Zealand Simikins 28/05/2017 [NZ] ACKO Smash #6 SM4SH Singles Sheik
9th Victoria Trojans 27/05/2017 [NSW] York Street Battles #52 WiiU Singles Sheik
3rd New South Wales SpacemanBad 25/05/2017 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles Q2 Episode 5 Smash Wii U Singles Sheik
9th Victoria Mamba 23/05/2017 [VIC] EBS XV Wii U singles LinkLucinaSheikZero Suit Samus
9th Victoria Trojans 21/05/2017 [NSW] Newtown Aero Dive #3 WiiU Singles FoxSheik
13th New South Wales SpacemanBad 20/05/2017 [NSW] Gomaz Vs Pedro Presents, NSW Smash Circuit #2 Wii U Singles Sheik
33rd Queensland Kitsuno 19/05/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 100 Singles SheikShulkZero Suit Samus
3rd New South Wales SpacemanBad 18/05/2017 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles Q2 Episode 4 Smash Wii U Singles Sheik
1st New Zealand Simikins 14/05/2017 [NZ] ACKO Smash #5 SM4SH Singles Sheik
129th South Australia Taco 12/05/2017 [VIC] BAM #9 WiiU Singles Sheik
65th Victoria Chin 12/05/2017 [VIC] BAM #9 WiiU Singles Sheik
65th Victoria Trojans 12/05/2017 [VIC] BAM #9 WiiU Singles FoxSheik
25th Western Australia KevinNyaa 12/05/2017 [VIC] BAM #9 WiiU Singles MarioSheik
3rd New South Wales SpacemanBad 11/05/2017 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles Q2 Episode 3 GvP Smash 4 Singles Q2 Episode 3 PRO Sheik
25th Victoria Chin 9/05/2017 [VIC] EBS XIV Wii U singles Sheik
1st New Zealand Simikins 7/05/2017 [NZ] Smash-Net 24 SM4SH Singles Sheik
33rd Victoria Trojans 30/04/2017 [NSW] Newtown Aero Dive #2 Wii U Singles CloudFoxSheik
33rd New South Wales SpacemanBad 30/04/2017 [NSW] Newtown Aero Dive #2 Wii U Singles Sheik
17th New South Wales Day 30/04/2017 [NSW] Newtown Aero Dive #2 Wii U Singles Sheik
9th New South Wales SpacemanBad 27/04/2017 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles Q2 Episode 2 Smash Wii U Singles Sheik
17th Victoria Chin 25/04/2017 [VIC] EBS XIII Wii U singles Sheik
7th Victoria Chin 25/04/2017 [VIC] EBS XIII Wii U amateurs Sheik
17th New South Wales Day 22/04/2017 [NSW] York Street Battles #51 Wii U Singles Sheik
2nd New Zealand Simikins 22/04/2017 [NZ] The Windbox #4 SM4SH Singles Sheik
1st Victoria Chin 22/04/2017 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Apr 2017 wii u amateurs Sheik
13th Victoria Chin 18/04/2017 [VIC] EBS XII Wii U singles Sheik
2nd New Zealand Simikins 16/04/2017 [NZ] ACKO Smash #3 SM4SH Singles LinkSheikWario
9th South Australia Taco 15/04/2017 [SA] Smash @ Greenlight #5 Singles Sheik
5th New South Wales Day 15/04/2017 [NSW] Hornsby Gametraders 15/4/17 SM4SH Singles Sheik
4th New South Wales SpacemanBad 13/04/2017 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles Q2 Ep1 Smash Wii U Singles Sheik
9th Victoria Chin 12/04/2017 [VIC] Guf Geelong 84 Singles Sheik
13th Victoria Chin 11/04/2017 [VIC] EBS XI Wii U singles Sheik
7th New South Wales SpacemanBad 9/04/2017 [NSW] GvP Volume 4 - The Smash Combine (Melee + Sm4sh) Smash 4 Pro Sheik
5th Tasmania Sayhnim 9/04/2017 [TAS] Area 52 Smash 4 League #2 SM4SH Singles Sheik
2nd Victoria Trojans 9/04/2017 [NSW] GvP Volume 4 - The Smash Combine (Melee + Sm4sh) Smash 4 Pro FoxSheik
1st New Zealand Simikins 9/04/2017 [NZ] Smash-Net 23 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
5th New South Wales Day 8/04/2017 [NSW] Larry's Blast Zone 4 SM4SH Singles Sheik
17th South Australia Taco 7/04/2017 [SA] Evac April Singles Sheik
25th Victoria Chin 4/04/2017 [VIC] EBS X Wii U singles Sheik
5th New Zealand Simikins 2/04/2017 [NZ] ACKO Smash #2 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
25th New South Wales SpacemanBad 1/04/2017 [NSW] Expand Gong #2 31st March - 2nd April. Top 48 Sheik
25th Victoria Trojans 1/04/2017 [NSW] Expand Gong #2 31st March - 2nd April. Top 48 FoxSheik
17th Victoria Chin 1/04/2017 [NSW] Expand Gong #2 31st March - 2nd April. Expand Gong Amateurs Sheik
13th Victoria Kaito 1/04/2017 [NSW] Expand Gong #2 31st March - 2nd April. Top 48 BayonettaCloudSheik
3rd Victoria Trojans 1/04/2017 [NSW] Expand Gong #2 31st March - 2nd April. Pool A4 Sheik
7th New South Wales SpacemanBad 30/03/2017 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles Q1 Season Finale Smash Wii U Singles Sheik
7th Victoria Chin 29/03/2017 [VIC] Guf Geelong 82 Singles Sheik
5th New Zealand Simikins 26/03/2017 [NZ] Smash-Net 22 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
17th New South Wales Day 25/03/2017 [NSW] York Street Battles #50 WiiU Singles Sheik
5th Victoria Chin 25/03/2017 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Mar 2017 wii u amateur Sheik
13th Queensland Negima 24/03/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 92 Singles Sheik
9th Victoria Chin 21/03/2017 [VIC] EBS IX Wii U singles Sheik
17th Victoria Trojans 19/03/2017 [NSW] Newtown Aero Dive #1 WiiU Singles Sheik
13th New South Wales SpacemanBad 19/03/2017 [NSW] Newtown Aero Dive #1 WiiU Singles Sheik
2nd New Zealand Simikins 19/03/2017 [NZ] ACKO Smash #1 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
9th South Australia Taco 18/03/2017 [SA] Smash @ Greenlight #4 Singles Sheik
17th South Australia Taco 17/03/2017 [SA] Evac March 2017 Singles Sheik
9th New South Wales SpacemanBad 16/03/2017 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles Q1 Episode 8 Smash Wii U Singles Sheik
17th Victoria Chin 12/03/2017 [VIC] Bowl's Club March Wii U singles Captain FalconSheik
2nd New Zealand Simikins 12/03/2017 [NZ] Smash-Net #21 SM4SH Singles Sheik
1st Queensland Crabs 12/03/2017 [QLD] Super Mountain Smash (SUNDAY EVENT) Amateurs CharizardDiddy KongDuck Hunt DuoKing DededeSheikSonic
9th New South Wales SpacemanBad 11/03/2017 [NSW] GvP Volume 3: Zedi's Brittle Teeth (A Fluoride Story) Smash Wii U Pro Bracket Sheik
33rd Victoria Chin 10/03/2017 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #52 Wii U singles Sheik
5th Tasmania Sayhnim 10/03/2017 [TAS] Tassie Fighter Con 2017 10th - 12th Tassie Fighter Con 2 Little MacSheik
17th Victoria Chin 7/03/2017 [VIC] EBS Deez Wii U singles Sheik
33rd New South Wales Day 4/03/2017 [NSW] York Street Battles #49 WiiU Singles Sheik
17th New South Wales SpacemanBad 4/03/2017 [NSW] York Street Battles #49 WiiU Singles Sheik
9th New South Wales SpacemanBad 2/03/2017 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles Q1 Episode 7 Smash Wii U Singles Sheik
9th Western Australia RosalinaSama 1/03/2017 [WA] BigWinBeer's Season Week 7 BWBSE S7 Redemption CharizardSheik
7th New Zealand Simikins 26/02/2017 [NZ] Smash-Net 20 SM4SH singles Sheik
17th Victoria Chin 24/02/2017 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #51 wii u singles Sheik
2nd Western Australia KevinNyaa 22/02/2017 [WA] BWBSE XXIV - Midseason Break BWBSE XXIV Sm4sh Singles MarioSheik
7th Victoria Chin 21/02/2017 [VIC] EBS VIII Wii U singles Sheik
5th New Zealand Simikins 19/02/2017 [NZ] ACKO Smash: #0 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
5th Australian Capital Territory quen 19/02/2017 [ACT] Capital Smash 24 Smash 4 Pro Bracket CloudSheik
13th South Australia Taco 18/02/2017 [SA] Smash @ Greenlight #3 Singles Sheik
17th South Australia Taco 17/02/2017 [SA] Evac Feb 2017 Singles Sheik
17th Victoria Chin 17/02/2017 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #50 Wii U singles Sheik
5th Queensland ClassicJono 17/02/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 87 Smash4 Singles Sheik
5th Australian Capital Territory quen 15/02/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #26 Smash 4 Singles CloudSheik
13th Victoria Chin 12/02/2017 [VIC] Bowl's Club 2 Wii U singles Sheik
9th Victoria Kaito 12/02/2017 [VIC] Bowl's Club 2 Wii U singles BayonettaCloudMarthSheik
25th Victoria Chin 10/02/2017 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #49 Wii U singles Sheik
9th New South Wales SpacemanBad 9/02/2017 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles Q1 Episode 4 Smash Wii U Singles Sheik
7th Australian Capital Territory Joey 8/02/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #25 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
7th Victoria Chin 7/02/2017 [VIC] EBS VII Wii U singles Sheik
5th New South Wales SpacemanBad 5/02/2017 [NSW] GvP Volume 2 - Shoutouts to Zowie and BenQ Double Elim Pool 2 Sheik
25th Victoria Chin 3/02/2017 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #48 Wii U singles Sheik
13th New South Wales SpacemanBad 2/02/2017 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles Q1 Episode 3 Smash Wii U Singles Sheik
5th Australian Capital Territory Joey 1/02/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #24 - I, for one, welcome our new TO overlords Smash 4 Singles Little MacSheik
9th Victoria Trojans 30/01/2017 [NSW] Monday Night Fights S6W9 WiiU Sheik
7th New South Wales SpacemanBad 30/01/2017 [NSW] Monday Night Fights S6W9 WiiU Sheik
9th Australian Capital Territory Joey 29/01/2017 [ACT] Capital Smash 23 Wii U Pro Bracket Little MacSheik
33rd New South Wales Day 28/01/2017 [NSW] York Street Battles #48 Singles Sheik
17th Victoria Trojans 28/01/2017 [VIC] CouchWarriors WiiU January 2017 wii u pro Sheik
13th New South Wales SpacemanBad 28/01/2017 [NSW] York Street Battles #48 Singles Sheik
9th Queensland ClassicJono 28/01/2017 [QLD] Smash by the Beach #7 Pro Singles Sheik
7th Victoria Chin 28/01/2017 [VIC] CouchWarriors WiiU January 2017 wii u amateurs Sheik
3rd Tasmania Sayhnim 28/01/2017 [TAS] Smash 4 Summer League #4 Singles Sheik
2nd Victoria Trojans 28/01/2017 [VIC] CouchWarriors WiiU January 2017 wii u pools Sheik
33rd Victoria Chin 27/01/2017 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #47 Wii U singles Sheik
9th Victoria Trojans 27/01/2017 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #47 Wii U singles Sheik
7th New South Wales SpacemanBad 27/01/2017 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles Q1 Episode 2 Smash Wii U Singles Sheik
25th Victoria Chin 24/01/2017 [VIC] EBS Invasion Wii U singles Sheik
2nd New Zealand Simikins 22/01/2017 [NZ] Smash-Net 18 SM4SH Singles Sheik
17th Victoria Trojans 21/01/2017 [NSW] GvP Presents The GvP Invitational: Welcome to the Thunderdome Main Event - Singles Sheik
17th New South Wales SpacemanBad 21/01/2017 [NSW] GvP Presents The GvP Invitational: Welcome to the Thunderdome Main Event - Singles Sheik
9th South Australia Taco 21/01/2017 [SA] Smash @ Greenlight #2 Singles Sheik
3rd Victoria Trojans 21/01/2017 [NSW] GvP Presents The GvP Invitational: Welcome to the Thunderdome Seeded Singles Third Seeds Sheik
9th New South Wales Day 20/01/2017 [NSW] Zoltan's Bad Hair Day SM4SH Singles Sheik
4th Queensland ClassicJono 20/01/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 83 Smash4 Singles PikachuSheik
4th New South Wales SpacemanBad 15/01/2017 [NSW] Great Cave Offensive #5 Amateur Bracket Sheik
1st Victoria Trojans 15/01/2017 [NSW] Great Cave Offensive #5 Pools Sheik
33rd Victoria Chin 13/01/2017 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #46 Wii U singles Sheik
13th Victoria Kaito 13/01/2017 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #46 Wii U singles BayonettaCloudSheik
25th Victoria Chin 10/01/2017 [VIC] EBS VI: Jash Saga Jash Saga Singles Sheik
4th Victoria Chin 10/01/2017 [VIC] EBS VI: Jash Saga Jash Saga Redemption Sheik
25th Victoria Chin 8/01/2017 [VIC] Outback Jamboree 3.5 Outback Jamboree 3.5 Sheik
2nd New Zealand Simikins 8/01/2017 [NZ] Smash-Net 17 SM4SH singles Sheik
7th Queensland MetaBhreat 7/01/2017 [QLD] UQ Smash 27 - January 2017 Not the Pro Sheik
5th Queensland Flutter 7/01/2017 [QLD] UQ Smash 27 - January 2017 Pros BayonettaBowserCaptain FalconDiddy KongDonkey KongFoxGreninjaJigglypuffLittle MacLucinaLuigiMarioMarthMetaknightNessPalutenaRobinRosalina & LumaSamusSheikSonicVillagerZero Suit Samus
3rd Queensland MetaBhreat 7/01/2017 [QLD] UQ Smash 27 - January 2017 Pools Sheik
7th Victoria Chin 4/01/2017 [VIC] Guf Geelong 70 Singles Sheik
2nd Tasmania Sayhnim 31/12/2016 [TAS] Area 52 Summer League 2 WiiU Singles CharizardCorrinSheik
25th Queensland Danzah 30/12/2016 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 80 Smash4 Singles Sheik
25th Queensland Danzah 23/12/2016 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 79 FNS79 MewtwoSheik
9th Queensland Danzah 18/12/2016 [QLD] Level Up Lounge 6 Singles BowserSheik
9th Victoria Chin 18/12/2016 [VIC] Pudge's Playhouse December Wii U singles Sheik
7th Victoria Duon 18/12/2016 [VIC] Pudge's Playhouse December Wii U singles FoxLittle MacSheik
5th New South Wales SpacemanBad 18/12/2016 [NSW] Great Christmas Offensive WiiU Amateur Bracket Sheik
3rd Victoria Trojans 18/12/2016 [NSW] Great Christmas Offensive WiiU Pools Sheik
1st Victoria Trojans 18/12/2016 [NSW] Great Christmas Offensive WiiU Amateur Bracket FoxSheik
13th New South Wales SpacemanBad 17/12/2016 [NSW] GvP Volume 1- The Beginning of Something Awful GvP Volume 1 PRO Sheik
9th Victoria Chin 17/12/2016 [VIC] Digital Bunker 2 Wii U amateurs Sheik
5th Tasmania Sayhnim 17/12/2016 [TAS] Area 52 Summer League 1 SM4SH Singles CorrinSheik
3rd Victoria Trojans 17/12/2016 [NSW] GvP Volume 1- The Beginning of Something Awful GvP Volume 1 PRO Sheik
1st Victoria Trojans 17/12/2016 [NSW] GvP Volume 1- The Beginning of Something Awful Pools Sheik
7th Australian Capital Territory Joey 14/12/2016 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #20 Wii U Singles Sheik
25th Victoria Chin 13/12/2016 [VIC] EBS #5 Wii U singles Sheik
9th Victoria Kaito 13/12/2016 [VIC] EBS #5 Wii U singles BayonettaCloudSheik
5th Victoria Xettman 13/12/2016 [VIC] EBS #5 Wii U singles Sheik
65th Victoria Chin 10/12/2016 [VIC] CouchWarriors December 2016 wii u singles Sheik
65th Victoria Light 10/12/2016 [VIC] CouchWarriors December 2016 wii u singles Sheik
17th Victoria Kaito 10/12/2016 [VIC] CouchWarriors December 2016 wii u singles BayonettaCloudSheik
17th Queensland Danzah 10/12/2016 [QLD] ChriSmash by the Beach (#6) Pro Bracket MewtwoSheik
2nd New South Wales SpacemanBad 10/12/2016 [NSW] Final Fight 5 FF5 Amateur Bracket Sheik
17th Victoria Chin 9/12/2016 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #45 Wii U singles Sheik
9th New South Wales SpacemanBad 8/12/2016 [NSW] GvP Smash4 Singles #1 GvP Smash4 #1 PRO Sheik
4th Australian Capital Territory Joey 7/12/2016 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #19 Wii U Singles Sheik
7th Australian Capital Territory Joey 4/12/2016 [ACT] Capital Smash 21 Wii U Pro Bracket Sheik
1st New Zealand Simikins 4/12/2016 [NZ] Smash-Net Ranbats 4/12/16 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
3rd New Zealand eli 3/12/2016 [NZ] Fun Fun Smash #4 Smash 4 Singles CloudFoxGanondorfSheik
65th South Australia BLU 2/12/2016 [SA] SXC2K16 - Southern Cross Championships 2K16 WiiU Singles Sheik
65th Victoria Chin 2/12/2016 [SA] SXC2K16 - Southern Cross Championships 2K16 WiiU Singles Sheik
33rd South Australia Taco 2/12/2016 [SA] SXC2K16 - Southern Cross Championships 2K16 WiiU Singles Sheik
17th Queensland Danzah 2/12/2016 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 76 Friday Night Smash 76 MewtwoSheik
17th Victoria Light 30/11/2016 [VIC] Digital Bunker wii u singles Sheik
13th Victoria Chin 30/11/2016 [VIC] Digital Bunker wii u singles Sheik
13th Victoria Chin 29/11/2016 [VIC] EBS: Big Vinnie_OC Saga Wii U Singles Sheik
13th Western Australia JonCheee 26/11/2016 [WA] Game City: Smash Club #3 Game City: Smash Club #3 CloudLucinaMarioMarthRoySheikShulk
13th Victoria Chin 26/11/2016 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Nov 2016 Wii u amateurs Sheik
13th Victoria Trojans 26/11/2016 [NSW] York Street Battles #47 WiiU Top 16 Singles Sheik
1st Victoria Trojans 26/11/2016 [NSW] York Street Battles #47 WiiU Pools Sheik
1st Victoria Jdizzle 26/11/2016 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Nov 2016 Wii u amateurs FoxIkeLinkLittle MacMarioMarthMewtwoNessRyuSheik
33rd Victoria Chin 25/11/2016 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #44 Wii U singles Sheik
4th Victoria Kaito 25/11/2016 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #44 Wii U singles BayonettaCloudPitSheik
2nd New South Wales SpacemanBad 24/11/2016 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles - 24/11/2016 GvP Smash 4 Singles - 24/11/2016 PRO Sheik
1st Victoria Trojans 20/11/2016 [NSW] Great Cave Offensive #4 WiiU Pools Sheik
1st Victoria Trojans 20/11/2016 [NSW] Great Cave Offensive #4 WiiU Pros Sheik
1st New Zealand Simikins 20/11/2016 [NZ] Smash Net Ranbats - 20/11/16 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
17th Queensland Danzah 18/11/2016 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 74 SM4SH Singles MarthSheik
25th Victoria Chin 15/11/2016 [VIC] EBS #4 wii u singles Sheik
13th South Australia Taco 13/11/2016 [SA] SAFGC Season 2016 Round 6 Singles Sheik
9th South Australia BLU 13/11/2016 [SA] SAFGC Season 2016 Round 6 Singles Sheik
33rd Victoria Chin 11/11/2016 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #43 Wii U singles Sheik
17th South Australia Taco 11/11/2016 [SA] Evac Smash 4 November Singles Sheik
13th Victoria Piski 11/11/2016 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #43 Wii U singles Diddy KongSheik
9th South Australia BLU 11/11/2016 [SA] Evac Smash 4 November Singles Sheik
4th New South Wales SpacemanBad 10/11/2016 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles - 10/11/2016 GvP Smash 4 Singles - 10/11/2016 Pro Sheik
9th New South Wales Korea 5/11/2016 [NSW] Hornsby Gametraders 5/11/16 WiiU Singles CorrinSheik
5th Queensland Danzah 5/11/2016 [QLD] Smash by the beach #5 Amateur RoySheik
33rd Victoria Chin 4/11/2016 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #42 Wii U singles Sheik
13th New South Wales Buttsy 4/11/2016 [NSW] GvP Pedro's Birthday Smash GvP Pedro's Birthday Sm4sh Sheik
9th Queensland Danzah 4/11/2016 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #72 Singles Sheik
5th Victoria Trojans 4/11/2016 [NSW] Ganon's Final Boss Battle Wii U singles CloudSheik
5th New South Wales SpacemanBad 4/11/2016 [NSW] GvP Pedro's Birthday Smash GvP Pedro's Birthday Sm4sh Sheik
1st Victoria Booper 2/11/2016 [VIC] Geelong Smash 63 Singles BowserRandomSheikShulk
25th Victoria Chin 1/11/2016 [VIC] EBS #3 Wii U singles Sheik
25th Victoria Chin 30/10/2016 [VIC] ack's Playhouse October Wii U singles Sheik
17th New South Wales SpacemanBad 29/10/2016 [NSW] York Street Battles #46 WiiU Singles Sheik
17th Western Australia Smesty 29/10/2016 [WA] Game City: Smash Club #2 Game City: Smash Club #2 Sheik
5th New South Wales SpacemanBad 29/10/2016 [NSW] York Street Battles #46 WiiU Amateurs Sheik
33rd Victoria Chin 28/10/2016 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #41 Wii U singles Sheik
17th Victoria Kaito 28/10/2016 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #41 Wii U singles BayonettaCloudPitSheik
17th Queensland Danzah 28/10/2016 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #71 Singles Sheik
9th Western Australia Smesty 27/10/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Master Sword 13 Smash West Presents: Master Sword 13 Sheik
7th New South Wales SpacemanBad 27/10/2016 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles 27/10/2016 GvP Smash 4 Singles 27/10/2016 PRO Sheik
7th Victoria Pazx 26/10/2016 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #18 "Redemption" Bracket Dr. MarioGanondorfLucinaMr. Game and WatchSheik
65th New South Wales Korea 23/10/2016 [NSW] Great Cave Offensive #3 WiiU Singles Sheik
33rd New South Wales SpacemanBad 23/10/2016 [NSW] Great Cave Offensive #3 WiiU Singles Sheik
25th New South Wales Korea 23/10/2016 [NSW] Great Cave Offensive #3 WiiU Amateurs FalcoSheik
9th South Australia BLU 23/10/2016 [SA] SAFGC Season 2016 Round 5 Singles Sheik
7th Western Australia Smesty 23/10/2016 [WA] Stratagem Smash Bros. 19 Stratagem Smash Bros. 19 Sheik
25th Victoria Chin 22/10/2016 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Oct 2016 amateur Sheik
13th New South Wales Korea 22/10/2016 [NSW] Hornsby Gametraders 22/10/16 WiiU Singles Sheik
33rd Victoria Chin 21/10/2016 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #40 wii u singles Sheik
25th Queensland Danzah 21/10/2016 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #70 Singles Sheik
3rd Western Australia Smesty 19/10/2016 [WA] BigWinBeer's Smash Extravaganza XVII BWBSE XVIII - Redemption Sheik
25th Victoria Chin 18/10/2016 [VIC] EBS #2 Wii U singles Sheik
9th New Zealand Crunkle 16/10/2016 [NZ] Smash Net Ranbats 16/10/16 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
4th Queensland Danzah 15/10/2016 [QLD] Level Up Lounge 5 Main Bracket MewtwoSheik
49th Victoria Chin 14/10/2016 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #39 Wii U singles Sheik
17th Queensland Danzah 14/10/2016 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #69 Singles Diddy KongMewtwoSheik
9th Western Australia Smesty 14/10/2016 [WA] Cameron Hall Smash Tournament Cameron Hall Smash Sheik
9th South Australia BLU 14/10/2016 [SA] Evac Smash 4 October Singles Sheik
33rd Victoria Chin 8/10/2016 [VIC] Over9k 3 Wii U singles Sheik
33rd Victoria Chin 7/10/2016 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #38 Smash @ Swanston #38 Sheik
17th Queensland Danzah 7/10/2016 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #68 Smash 4 Singles MewtwoSheik
17th Victoria Chin 4/10/2016 [VIC] EBS Fortnightly #1: CrimeDog Saga EBS Fortnightly #1: CrimeDog Saga Sheik
17th Victoria Light 4/10/2016 [VIC] EBS Fortnightly #1: CrimeDog Saga EBS Fortnightly #1: CrimeDog Saga Sheik
9th New Zealand Simikins 1/10/2016 [NZ] Southern Cross Up 2016 Smash 4 Top 16 Sheik
7th South Australia BLU 1/10/2016 [SA] Street Geek X Street Geek X 2016 Sheik
25th Western Australia BigWin | Beer 29/09/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Master Sword 11 Smash West Presents: Master Sword 11 Duck Hunt DuoSheik
25th Victoria Light 25/09/2016 [VIC] Pudge's Playhouse 3 wii u singles Sheik
13th Victoria Conan 25/09/2016 [VIC] Pudge's Playhouse 3 wii u singles CorrinSheik
13th South Australia Taco 25/09/2016 [SA] SAFGC Season 2016 Round 4 SAFGC R4 Smash 4 Sheik
9th South Australia BLU 25/09/2016 [SA] SAFGC Season 2016 Round 4 SAFGC R4 Smash 4 Sheik
5th Queensland Flutter 25/09/2016 [QLD] Sandbag's Revenge Vol. 3 Sandbag's Revenge 3 Singles FoxMetaknightSheik
4th Queensland Danzah 25/09/2016 [QLD] Level Up Lounge Season 2 Final Smash League 2 Finals Diddy KongSheik
5th New South Wales SpacemanBad 24/09/2016 [NSW] York Street Battles #45 WiiU Amateurs Sheik
65th Victoria Chin 23/09/2016 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #37 wii u singles Sheik
5th Victoria Trojans 23/09/2016 [NSW] Ganon's Boss Battle 14 Wii U singles Sheik
17th Victoria Trojans 18/09/2016 [NSW] Great Cave Offensive 2 - Smash 4 Edition Wii U singles Sheik
17th New South Wales SpacemanBad 18/09/2016 [NSW] Great Cave Offensive 2 - Smash 4 Edition Wii U singles Sheik
3rd Victoria Trojans 18/09/2016 [NSW] Great Cave Offensive 2 - Smash 4 Edition Pool 10 Sheik
3rd New Zealand Simikins 18/09/2016 [NZ] Smash Net Ranbats 18/9/16 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
17th Queensland Danzah 17/09/2016 [QLD] Stacked 6 Bottom 18 - Amateur Sheik
13th New South Wales SpacemanBad 17/09/2016 [NSW] Final Fight 4 Wii U singles Sheik
49th Victoria Chin 16/09/2016 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #36 Smash @ Swanston #36 Sheik
13th South Australia BLU 16/09/2016 [SA] Evac Smash 4 September 16/09/16 Evac September Smash 4 Sheik
5th New South Wales SpacemanBad 15/09/2016 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles - 15/09/2016 GvP Smash 4 Singles - 15/09/2016 PRO Sheik
3rd Victoria Duon 7/09/2016 [WA] BigWinBeer's Smash Extravaganza XIV BigWinBeer's Smash Extravaganza XIV FoxLittle MacMarthRyuSheik
25th Victoria Light 4/09/2016 [VIC] EBS DIAD2 Donation Drive EBS DIAD2 Donation Drive Sheik
17th Western Australia JonCheee 4/09/2016 [WA] Smash 4 Singles September @ Myriade 2016 [LAST] Smash 4 Singles September @ Myriade 2016 [LAST] CloudCorrinDark PitFoxMarioMarthMewtwoRoySheik
49th Victoria Light 2/09/2016 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #35 Smash @ Swanston #35 Sheik
33rd Victoria Chin 2/09/2016 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #35 Smash @ Swanston #35 Sheik
33rd Victoria Chin 27/08/2016 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Aug 2016 Wii U amateur bracket Sheik
9th Victoria Kaito 27/08/2016 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Aug 2016 wii u pro bracket BayonettaCloudSheik
1st New Zealand Simikins 27/08/2016 [NZ] The Windbox #3 Smash 4 Top 8 Sheik
65th New South Wales SpacemanBad 26/08/2016 [NSW] OzHadou Nationals 14: 26th - 28th August WiiU Singles Sheik
25th Victoria Trojans 26/08/2016 [NSW] OzHadou Nationals 14: 26th - 28th August WiiU Singles Sheik
17th Queensland Danzah 26/08/2016 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #62 - I'm gone baby Singles Sheik
5th New South Wales SpacemanBad 25/08/2016 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles 25/08/2016 GvP Smash 4 Singles - 25/08/2016 (Amateur Bracket) Sheik
2nd New South Wales G-man 25/08/2016 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles 25/08/2016 GvP Smash 4 Singles - 25/08/2016 (Pro Bracket) Captain FalconLittle MacSheik
2nd Queensland Danzah 20/08/2016 [QLD] Casualty Fortnightly #10 Smash 4 Singles Diddy KongSheik
1st Queensland Flutter 20/08/2016 [QLD] UQ Smash 22 Amateurs Diddy KongFoxLucarioNessPeachRandomSheik
25th Western Australia JonCheee 18/08/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Master Sword 9 Smash West Presents: Master Sword 9 Sheik
9th New South Wales SpacemanBad 18/08/2016 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles - 18/08/2016 GvP Smash 4 Singles - 18/08/2016 PRO Sheik
9th New South Wales Buttsy 18/08/2016 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles - 18/08/2016 GvP Smash 4 Singles - 18/08/2016 AMATEUR CloudMetaknightSheik
5th New South Wales G-man 18/08/2016 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles - 18/08/2016 GvP Smash 4 Singles - 18/08/2016 PRO Captain FalconLittle MacSheik
17th New South Wales G-man 14/08/2016 [NSW] Great Cave Offensive - Smash 4 & N64 WiiU Top 32 Captain FalconSheik
65th Victoria Chin 12/08/2016 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #34 Singles Sheik
13th Victoria Kaito 12/08/2016 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #34 Singles BayonettaCloudSheikWii Fit Trainer
9th New South Wales SpacemanBad 6/08/2016 [NSW] Gamefest2016 Gamefest 2016 Sheik
33rd Queensland Danzah 5/08/2016 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #59 - Midlife Crisis Singles Sheik
9th Western Australia KevinNyaa 4/08/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Master Sword 8 Smash West Presents: Master Sword 8 Sheik
17th Victoria Mamba 31/07/2016 [VIC] Pudge's Play House #1 Pudge's Play House #1 MarthSheik
13th Victoria Piski 31/07/2016 [VIC] Pudge's Play House #1 Pudge's Play House #1 Diddy KongSheik
9th New South Wales SpacemanBad 28/07/2016 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles (PRO BRACKET) - 28/07/2016 GvP Smash 4 Singles (PRO BRACKET) - 28/07/2016 SamusSheik
1st New South Wales G-man 28/07/2016 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles (PRO BRACKET) - 28/07/2016 GvP Smash 4 Singles (PRO BRACKET) - 28/07/2016 Captain FalconLittle MacSheik
9th Victoria Flex 23/07/2016 [QLD] Stacked 4 Pros MetaknightSheik
17th Queensland Danzah 15/07/2016 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #56 Singles Sheik
17th Queensland Danzah 9/07/2016 [QLD] UQ Smash - Final Destination 2016 - 9th + 10th of July Wii U Amateur Singles Sheik
7th Queensland Flutter 9/07/2016 [QLD] UQ Smash - Final Destination 2016 - 9th + 10th of July UQ FD Smash 4 Top 32 Donkey KongFoxPalutenaSheik
13th Queensland Danzah 8/07/2016 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #55 - The one where I am back Singles Sheik
9th New South Wales SpacemanBad 7/07/2016 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles - 7/7/2016 Pro Bracket SamusSheik
9th Western Australia JonCheee 6/07/2016 [WA] BigWinBeer's Smash Extravaganza IX BigWinBeer's Smash Extravaganza IX Secondary Bracket CloudDuck Hunt DuoIkeLittle MacMr. Game and WatchSheik
17th Western Australia JonCheee 30/06/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Master Sword 7 Smash West Presents: Master Sword 7 PikachuSheik
4th Western Australia JonCheee 30/06/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Master Sword 7 Smash West Presents: Master Sword 7 Secondary Bracket Captain FalconCloudCorrinDr. MarioFoxLittle MacMarioMarthRoySheikToon LinkZelda
33rd Victoria Light 25/06/2016 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Jun 2016 wii u amateur Sheik
25th Queensland Danzah 24/06/2016 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #53 - Seriously why hasn't anyone killed me? Singles Sheik
13th South Australia Taco 24/06/2016 [SA] EVAC June 2016 Wii U singles Sheik
9th Western Australia KevinNyaa 22/06/2016 [WA] BigWinBeer's Smash Extravaganza VIII BigWinBeer's Smash Extravaganza VIII MarioSheik
17th Victoria Light 21/06/2016 [VIC] Guf Werribee weekly 1 Wii U singles Sheik
33rd Queensland Danzah 17/06/2016 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #52 - A whole year? Kill me Singles Sheik
17th South Australia Taco 12/06/2016 [SA] Zesty Tourney @ Cons Zesty Tourney @ Cons Sheik
1st New Zealand Simikins 12/06/2016 [NZ] Smash-Net Ranbats 12/6/16 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
13th Victoria Yellow 11/06/2016 [VIC] MilTim 4 wii u singles FoxMega ManSheik
9th Queensland Danzah 11/06/2016 [QLD] Smash Exodus - Chapter Two Singles Sheik
9th Victoria Trojans 7/06/2016 [NSW] UTS Tuesday Smash 6 WiiU Singles Sheik
33rd Victoria Light 4/06/2016 [VIC] Over9k 2 Wii U singles Sheik
9th South Australia Taco 4/06/2016 [SA] StreetGeek 16.6 Wii U singles Sheik
9th Western Australia KevinNyaa 2/06/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Master Sword 5 Smash West Presents: Master Sword 5 Sheik
1st New Zealand Simikins 29/05/2016 [NZ] Smash-Net Ranbats 29/5/16 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
13th New South Wales Kira 28/05/2016 [NSW] York Street Battles May 2016 Wii U singles Sheik
9th Queensland Danzah 28/05/2016 [QLD] Stacked 2 Amatuers Sheik
4th New South Wales Kira 24/05/2016 [NSW] UTS Tuesday Smash 4 Wii U singles Sheik
9th Victoria Trojans 22/05/2016 [NSW] Smashing Good Time S2 E11 Wii U singles Sheik
7th New South Wales Kira 22/05/2016 [NSW] Smashing Good Time S2 E11 Wii U singles Sheik
3rd New South Wales Snackurai 22/05/2016 [NSW] Smashing Good Time S2 E11 Wii U Amateur singles Sheik
2nd Victoria Trojans 22/05/2016 [NSW] Smashing Good Time S2 E11 Wii U Pools 1-8 Sheik
17th Queensland Danzah 21/05/2016 [QLD] UQ Smash 20 Not The Pros U Sheik
2nd New Zealand Simikins 21/05/2016 [NZ] The Windbox #1 21/5/16 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
17th Queensland Danzah 20/05/2016 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash 48 Singles Sheik
9th New South Wales Kira 20/05/2016 [NSW] Ganon's Boss Battle 5 Wii U singles Sheik
9th Victoria Light 18/05/2016 [VIC] Guf Geelong 41 Singles Sheik
2nd New Zealand Simikins 15/05/2016 [NZ] Smash-Net Ranbats 15/5/16 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
181st Victoria Light 13/05/2016 [VIC] BAM 8 - 13-15th May Wii U Singles (BIG BRACKET) Sheik
123rd New South Wales Urisk 13/05/2016 [VIC] BAM 8 - 13-15th May Wii U Singles (BIG BRACKET) Sheik
65th Victoria Trojans 13/05/2016 [VIC] BAM 8 - 13-15th May Wii U Singles (BIG BRACKET) Sheik
17th Queensland Danzah 13/05/2016 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #47 Singles (#Cap is best QLD TO) Sheik
5th South Australia Ghost 13/05/2016 [VIC] BAM 8 - 13-15th May Wii U Singles (BIG BRACKET) BayonettaFoxMetaknightSheik
13th Queensland Danzah 6/05/2016 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #46 Singles Sheik
9th Victoria Xettman 4/05/2016 [VIC] Guf Geelong 39 Singles MewtwoSheik
9th Queensland Danzah 30/04/2016 [QLD] Smash Exodus - Chapter One SM4SH Singles Sheik
25th Queensland Danzah 29/04/2016 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #45 FNS 45 Sheik
46th Victoria Light 23/04/2016 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Apr 2016 Wii U singles Sheik
13th Queensland Flutter 23/04/2016 [QLD] UQ Smash 19 - ANZAC Smash Pro FoxSheik
9th Queensland Danzah 23/04/2016 [QLD] Level Up Lounge #3 Singles Sheik
5th Victoria Xettman 20/04/2016 [VIC] Guf Geelong 37 Singles MewtwoSheik
2nd New Zealand Simikins 16/04/2016 [NZ] Yosh Land 2 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
33rd Queensland Danzah 15/04/2016 [QLD] UQ Smash Friday's #1 Singles Sheik
2nd Western Australia cmk 10/04/2016 [WA] Strategem's Smash Bros. 6 Strategem's Smash Bros. Tournament April Captain FalconSheik
9th Queensland Danzah 9/04/2016 [QLD] Sandbag's Revenge Vol. 2 SM4SH Non Pro Singles Sheik
9th Victoria Xettman 9/04/2016 [VIC] Over9k 1 Wii U singles Sheik
2nd New Zealand Simikins 3/04/2016 [NZ] Smash-Net Ranbats 3/4/16 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
5th Queensland Lando 2/04/2016 [QLD] Casualty Fortnightly #1 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
2nd Victoria Xettman 30/03/2016 [VIC] Guf Geelong 34 Singles Sheik
17th Victoria Xettman 26/03/2016 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Mar 2016 wii u pro bracket Sheik
17th Victoria Trojans 26/03/2016 [QLD] UQ Smash 18 - Easter Smash Pro U CloudSheik
9th New Zealand Simikins 26/03/2016 [NZ] First Blood VI (feat. JEZMO and AERODROME) Singles Pro Sheik
5th Queensland Danzah 26/03/2016 [QLD] UQ Smash 18 - Easter Smash Rookies Sheik
1st Victoria Trojans 26/03/2016 [QLD] UQ Smash 18 - Easter Smash Pools Sheik
3rd Western Australia KevinNyaa 24/03/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Master Sword 4 Smash West Presents: Master Sword 4 Sheik
2nd Western Australia cmk 24/03/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Master Sword 4 Smash West Presents: Master Sword 4 Sheik
1st New Zealand Simikins 22/03/2016 [NZ] Skynet Ranbats 20/03/16 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
7th Western Australia Charles 18/03/2016 [SA] EVAC March 2016 Smash 4 Tournament EVAC March 2016 Smash 4 Tournament Captain FalconLucarioSheik
5th Queensland Danzah 13/03/2016 [QLD] Smash Exodus - Chapter Zero Singles Sheik
1st New Zealand Simikins 12/03/2016 [NZ] Yosh Land Smash 1 Yosh Land Smash SSB4 1 Sheik
2nd Western Australia cmk 10/03/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Master Sword 3 Smash West Presents: Master Sword 3 Sheik
3rd New Zealand Simikins 6/03/2016 [NZ] Skynet Ranbats 06/03/16 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
13th Victoria Krasic 2/03/2016 [VIC] Guf Geelong 30 Singles Sheik
4th New Zealand Simikins 28/02/2016 [NZ] Skynet Ranbats 28/02/16 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
17th Queensland Shuffle 27/02/2016 [QLD] UQ Smash 17 Non Pro Little MacSheik
13th Queensland Danzah 27/02/2016 [QLD] UQ Smash 17 Rookies Sheik
13th New Zealand Currypuffs 27/02/2016 [NZ] More Forward Smash #13 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
7th Western Australia KevinNyaa 25/02/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Master Sword 2 Smash West Presents: Master Sword 2 Sheik
2nd Western Australia cmk 25/02/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Master Sword 2 Smash West Presents: Master Sword 2 Sheik
9th Victoria Trojans 21/02/2016 [NSW] Smashing Good Time S2 E5 Wii U Top 26 MetaknightSheik
33rd Victoria JEANS 20/02/2016 [VIC] CouchWarriors Feb 2016 Wii U singles BowserSheik
17th Victoria Kaito 20/02/2016 [VIC] CouchWarriors Feb 2016 Wii U singles Sheik
3rd Victoria Xettman 20/02/2016 [VIC] CouchWarriors Feb 2016 Wii U singles Sheik
3rd New Zealand Simikins 20/02/2016 [NZ] The Windbox #0 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
17th New South Wales SpacemanBad 18/02/2016 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles - 18/02/2016 GvP Smash 4 Singles - 18/02/2016 Sheik
25th Victoria JEANS 13/02/2016 [VIC] S@S February Extravaganza Wii U singles PikachuSheik
25th Western Australia Kai_ 13/02/2016 [WA] Pixel Expo Smash For Wii U Season 1.01 Pixel Expo Smash For Wii U Season 1.01 Sheik
9th Victoria Xettman 13/02/2016 [VIC] S@S February Extravaganza Wii U singles RoySheik
3rd Western Australia cmk 13/02/2016 [WA] Pixel Expo Smash For Wii U Season 1.01 Pixel Expo Smash For Wii U Season 1.01 Sheik
33rd Queensland Danzah 12/02/2016 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #35 Singles Sheik
25th New South Wales Urisk 12/02/2016 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #35 Singles Sheik
4th Western Australia cmk 11/02/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Master Sword 1 Master Sword 1 Sheik
25th Western Australia Charles 6/02/2016 [SA] StreetGeek 6/2/16 Singles LucarioSheik
9th New South Wales TurtleCat 6/02/2016 [NSW] Final Fight 2 Wii U Singles Top 18 Sheik
9th New Zealand Simikins 6/02/2016 [NZ] Petone Ranbats February 2016 Final Smash Smash 4 Singles Sheik
25th Queensland Danzah 5/02/2016 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #34 Singles Sheik
9th Victoria JEANS 30/01/2016 [VIC] Googers' Outback Jamboree II Singles BowserDonkey KongSheik
9th Victoria Xettman 30/01/2016 [VIC] Googers' Outback Jamboree II Singles RoySheik
17th Queensland Danzah 29/01/2016 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #33 Singles Sheik
97th Victoria Light 23/01/2016 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Jan 2016 Wii U singles Sheik
13th Victoria Xettman 23/01/2016 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Jan 2016 Wii U singles Sheik
7th Queensland Flutter 23/01/2016 [QLD] UQ Smash 16 Singles Pro Sheik
5th Queensland Shuffle 23/01/2016 [QLD] UQ Smash 16 Non Pro Little MacSheik
5th Victoria Eternal 23/01/2016 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Jan 2016 Wii U singles Sheik
4th Western Australia cmk 23/01/2016 [WA] PRIME II - 23rd-24th Jan Prime 2: Smash 4 Top 32 Sheik
2nd Western Australia KevinNyaa 23/01/2016 [WA] PRIME II - 23rd-24th Jan Prime 2: Smash 4 Top 32 Sheik
25th Queensland Danzah 22/01/2016 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #32 Singles Sheik
49th Western Australia BigWin | Beer 21/01/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Curtin Smashfest: Project M & Smash 4 Thursday! 21st Jan Smash 4 (109) Duck Hunt DuoSheikVillager
25th Western Australia Kai_ 21/01/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Curtin Smashfest: Project M & Smash 4 Thursday! 21st Jan Smash 4 (109) Sheik
17th New South Wales SpacemanBad 21/01/2016 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles - 21/01/2016 GvP Smash 4 Singles - 21/01/2016 Sheik
5th Western Australia cmk 21/01/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Curtin Smashfest: Project M & Smash 4 Thursday! 21st Jan Smash 4 (109) Sheik
2nd Western Australia KevinNyaa 21/01/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Curtin Smashfest: Project M & Smash 4 Thursday! 21st Jan Smash 4 (109) Sheik
13th Queensland Vasi 15/01/2016 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #31 Singles Mii BrawlerSheik
17th Western Australia BigWin | Beer 14/01/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Curtin Smashfest: Project M & Smash 4 Thursday! 14th Jan Curtin Smashfest No. 105: Smash 4 Duck Hunt DuoSheikVillager
5th Western Australia cmk 14/01/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Curtin Smashfest: Project M & Smash 4 Thursday! 14th Jan Curtin Smashfest No. 105: Smash 4 Sheik
4th Western Australia KevinNyaa 14/01/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Curtin Smashfest: Project M & Smash 4 Thursday! 14th Jan Curtin Smashfest No. 105: Smash 4 Sheik
5th Victoria Kaito 13/01/2016 [VIC] Guf Geelong 23 Guf Geelong 23 Dark PitSheik
17th Western Australia Charles 9/01/2016 [QLD] Smashbox V SM4SH Singles LucarioSheik
17th Victoria Trojans 9/01/2016 [QLD] Smashbox V SM4SH Singles Sheik
4th Victoria Trojans 9/01/2016 [QLD] Smashbox V SM4SH Pools Sheik
17th Western Australia BigWin | Beer 7/01/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Curtin Smashfest: Project M & Smash 4 Thursday! Curtin Smashfest No. 102: Smash 4 Duck Hunt DuoMetaknightSheikVillager
5th Western Australia cmk 7/01/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Curtin Smashfest: Project M & Smash 4 Thursday! Curtin Smashfest No. 102: Smash 4 Captain FalconSheik
17th New South Wales Urisk 3/01/2016 [QLD] Sandbag's Revenge Vol. 1 Pro Bracket Sheik
7th Victoria Trojans 3/01/2016 [QLD] Sandbag's Revenge Vol. 1 Pro Bracket Sheik
2nd Victoria Trojans 3/01/2016 [QLD] Sandbag's Revenge Vol. 1 Pools Sheik
9th Victoria Xettman 2/01/2016 [VIC] MilTim III S4Singles Sheik
2nd Victoria Xettman 30/12/2015 [VIC] Guf Geelong 21 Guf Geelong 21 Sheik
5th Victoria Trojans 19/12/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 15 Singles Pro Sheik
1st Victoria Trojans 19/12/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 15 Wii U Pools Sheik
33rd Western Australia Kai_ 18/12/2015 [WA] Pixel Expo Smash 4 Preseason event Smash 4 Singles Sheik
17th New South Wales Urisk 18/12/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #29 Singles Sheik
1st South Australia Ghost 15/12/2015 [SA] StreetGeek 15.12 StreetGeek 15.12 Diddy KongMetaknightSheik
13th Victoria Xettman 12/12/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors Dec 2015 Wii U singles Sheik
13th Victoria JEANS 12/12/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors Dec 2015 Wii U singles Donkey KongSheik
3rd Victoria Eternal 12/12/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors Dec 2015 Wii U singles Sheik
13th New South Wales Urisk 11/12/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #28 Singles Sheik
2nd Western Australia KevinNyaa 10/12/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays Dec 10th Curtin Smashfest No 96: Smash 4 Sheik
5th Victoria Xettman 9/12/2015 [VIC] Guf Geelong 18 Guf Geelong 18 Sheik
7th Victoria Trojans 5/12/2015 [QLD] BIG GUF SMASH - Mission 50% Compree - FNS Pros Sheik
1st Victoria Trojans 5/12/2015 [QLD] BIG GUF SMASH - Mission 50% Compree - FNS Pools Sheik
5th Western Australia KevinNyaa 29/11/2015 [WA] Smash 4 Singles November @ Myriade 2 Smash 4 Singles November @ Myriade 2 MarioSheik
1st South Australia Ghost 28/11/2015 [SA] SXC2K15 - Southern Cross Championships 2K15 SM4SH Top 32 Diddy KongMetaknightSheik
7th Western Australia cmk 26/11/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 26th Nov Curtin Smashfest No 88: Smash 4 Sheik
33rd Victoria JEANS 22/11/2015 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston's End of Year EXTRAvaganza Wii U singles Donkey KongPikachuSheik
17th Victoria Trojans 21/11/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 14 Pro Bracket Sheik
17th New South Wales Urisk 21/11/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 14 Pro Bracket Sheik
1st Victoria Trojans 21/11/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 14 Pools Sheik
25th New South Wales Urisk 20/11/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #26 Singles Sheik
25th Western Australia Kai_ 19/11/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 19th Nov Curtin Smashfest No 85: Smash 4 Sheik
9th Western Australia cmk 19/11/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 19th Nov Curtin Smashfest No 85: Smash 4 Sheik
13th Victoria Trojans 14/11/2015 [QLD] Smashbox IV SM4SH Pro Bracket Sheik
5th Victoria JEANS 14/11/2015 [VIC] MilTim II Wii U singles Donkey KongSheik
2nd Victoria Trojans 14/11/2015 [QLD] Smashbox IV SM4SH Pools Sheik
13th Western Australia Charles 13/11/2015 [SA] EVAC November Smash 4 EVAC November Smash 4 LucarioSheik
17th Western Australia Kai_ 12/11/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 12th Nov Curtin Smashfest No 81: Smash 4 Sheik
25th Victoria Kaito 8/11/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Nov 2015 Wii U pro bracket PitSheik
9th Victoria JEANS 8/11/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Nov 2015 Wii U amateur Sheik
17th New South Wales Urisk 6/11/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #24 Singles Sheik
7th Australian Capital Territory Kevin 1/11/2015 [ACT] Capital Smash 8 Wii U Pro Singles Sheik
17th New South Wales Urisk 30/10/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #23 Singles Sheik
25th Western Australia WhizzyG 24/10/2015 [WA] PRIME: A Perth Smash BiMonthly #1 PRIME 1: Smash 4 Sheik
7th Western Australia cmk 24/10/2015 [WA] PRIME: A Perth Smash BiMonthly #1 PRIME 1: Smash 4 Sheik
3rd Western Australia KevinNyaa 24/10/2015 [WA] PRIME: A Perth Smash BiMonthly #1 PRIME 1: Smash 4 Sheik
33rd Queensland Switch 23/10/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #22 Singles SheikWario
25th New South Wales Urisk 23/10/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #22 Singles Sheik
7th New South Wales TurtleCat 23/10/2015 [NSW] Ganon Boss Battle 2 Wii U Top 16 Sheik
2nd Western Australia cmk 22/10/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 22nd Oct Curtin Smashfest No 75: Smash 4 Sheik
1st Western Australia KevinNyaa 22/10/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 22nd Oct Curtin Smashfest No 75: Smash 4 MarioSheik
2nd Victoria Duon 21/10/2015 [VIC] Guf Geelong 11 Guf Geelong 11 Donkey KongLittle MacLucasSheik
33rd Victoria JEANS 18/10/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Oct 2015 Wii U singles Sheik
7th South Australia Ghost 18/10/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Oct 2015 Wii U singles MetaknightSheik
5th Victoria Eternal 18/10/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Oct 2015 Wii U singles Sheik
13th New South Wales Urisk 16/10/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #21 Singles Sheik
2nd Western Australia KevinNyaa 15/10/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 15th Oct Curtin Smashfest No 71: Smash 4 Sheik
2nd Victoria Duon 14/10/2015 [VIC] Guf Geelong 10 Guf Geelong 10 FoxLittle MacSheik
9th Victoria Trojans 10/10/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 13 Pro Bracket Diddy KongSheik
4th Queensland Lando 10/10/2015 [QLD] Casualty #02 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
2nd Victoria Trojans 10/10/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 13 Pools Sheik
25th New South Wales Urisk 9/10/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #20 Singles Sheik
13th Queensland NC~ 9/10/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #20 Singles Sheik
1st Western Australia KevinNyaa 8/10/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays! Curtin Smashfest No 67: Smash 4 Sheik
9th New South Wales TurtleCat 4/10/2015 [NSW] SGT. Sunday Smash | Melee | Wii U | PM | 64 | 3DS | RoA SGT. Wii U Top 16 Sheik
7th Western Australia cmk 4/10/2015 [WA] Smash 4 Singles October @ Myriade Cafe Myriade Smash 4 Singles - October Sheik
2nd New South Wales Mr Leak 4/10/2015 [NSW] SGT. Sunday Smash | Melee | Wii U | PM | 64 | 3DS | RoA SGT. Wii U Top 16 BowserBowser Jr.Captain FalconDark PitFoxGreninjaKing DededeLinkLucasLuigiMarioMetaknightMii BrawlerMr. Game and WatchNessPalutenaPikmin & OlimarPitROBRosalina & LumaRoyRyuSheikSonicToon LinkZero Suit Samus
1st South Australia Ghost 3/10/2015 [SA] StreetGeek 15.10 SM4SH Singles RyuSheik
25th New South Wales Urisk 2/10/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #19 Singles Sheik
3rd Western Australia Charles 2/10/2015 [SA] EVAC 2015 October SM4SH SM4SH Singles LucarioSheik
1st South Australia Ghost 2/10/2015 [SA] EVAC 2015 October SM4SH SM4SH Singles Diddy KongFoxSheik
3rd Western Australia KevinNyaa 1/10/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 1st Oct Sm4sh Sheik
33rd Victoria JEANS 26/09/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Sep 2015 Wii U singles Mii BrawlerSheik
25th New South Wales Urisk 25/09/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #18 Singles Sheik
17th Western Australia cmk 24/09/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Sm4sh and Project M Thursday Sept 24 Sm4sh Sheik
3rd Western Australia KevinNyaa 24/09/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Sm4sh and Project M Thursday Sept 24 Sm4sh MarioSheik
13th New South Wales TurtleCat 20/09/2015 [NSW] SGT. Smash Sunday Weekly | Wii U | Melee | N64 | 3DS | PM Wii U Top 16 Sheik
9th Queensland Sifo1 19/09/2015 [QLD] Smashbox III Singles Pro Captain FalconSheikZero Suit Samus
7th New South Wales Urisk 19/09/2015 [QLD] Smashbox III Singles Amateur Sheik
25th New South Wales Urisk 18/09/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #17 Singles Sheik
25th Western Australia Maribro 17/09/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 17th Sept Curtin Smashfest No. 57: Smash 4 Mii BrawlerSheik
3rd Western Australia KevinNyaa 17/09/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 17th Sept Curtin Smashfest No. 57: Smash 4 Sheik
5th Western Australia cmk 13/09/2015 [WA] Smash 4 Singles September @ Myriade Smash 4 Singles September @ Myriade Sheik
2nd Western Australia KevinNyaa 13/09/2015 [WA] Smash 4 Singles September @ Myriade Smash 4 Singles September @ Myriade MarioSheik
17th New South Wales Urisk 12/09/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 12 Singles Pro Sheik
13th Queensland ClassicJono 12/09/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 12 Singles Pro IkePikachuSheik
9th New South Wales TurtleCat 12/09/2015 [NSW] Never Stand Still #3 - UNSW Smash Brothers Society Tournament Smash 4 bracket PikachuSheik
9th New South Wales Snackurai 12/09/2015 [NSW] Never Stand Still #3 - UNSW Smash Brothers Society Tournament Smash 4 bracket Sheik
25th New South Wales Urisk 11/09/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #16 Singles Sheik
7th Queensland Sifo1 11/09/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #16 Singles Captain FalconSheikSonicZero Suit Samus
1st South Australia Ghost 11/09/2015 [SA] EVAC September Smash 4 Fundraiser Tournament EVAC September Smash 4 Fundraiser Tournament Diddy KongSheik
1st Western Australia KevinNyaa 10/09/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 10th Sept Smashfest 54: Smash 4 MarioSheik
9th New South Wales Tame 5/09/2015 [NSW] SGT. Saturday Underground Smash | Wii U | Melee | N64 SGT. Wii U Top 16 Sheik
7th Queensland Gosu 5/09/2015 [QLD] Casualty #01 Smash 4 Amateur Sheik
2nd Queensland Lando 5/09/2015 [QLD] Casualty #01 Smash 4 Amateur Sheik
25th New South Wales Urisk 4/09/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #15 Singles Sheik
17th Queensland Vasi 4/09/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #15 Singles Captain FalconSheik
25th New South Wales Urisk 28/08/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #14 Singles Sheik
13th Queensland NC~ 28/08/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #14 Singles Sheik
9th Western Australia KevinNyaa 28/08/2015 [WA] DI Another Day DI Another Day: Super Smash Bros. For Wii U Top 32 Sheik
49th Victoria JEANS 22/08/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors August 2015 Wii U singles Sheik
17th Queensland NC~ 22/08/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 11 Singles Pro Sheik
9th Queensland Vasi 22/08/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 11 Singles Pro Captain FalconSheik
9th New South Wales Scarpian 22/08/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors August 2015 Wii U singles Captain FalconSheik
17th New South Wales Urisk 21/08/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #13 Singles Sheik
5th Queensland Vasi 21/08/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #13 Singles Captain FalconSheik
25th Western Australia cmk 20/08/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 20th Aug Curtin Smashfest No 51: Smash 4 Sheik
13th Western Australia Kai_ 20/08/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 20th Aug Curtin Smashfest No 51: Smash 4 Sheik
1st Western Australia KevinNyaa 20/08/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 20th Aug Curtin Smashfest No 51: Smash 4 Sheik
9th New South Wales Nuffball 16/08/2015 [NSW] SGT. Sunday Smash | Doubles & Singles | Melee | Wii U | PM | N64 SGT. Wii U Top 16 FalcoSheikWii Fit Trainer
9th New South Wales G-man 16/08/2015 [NSW] SGT. Sunday Smash | Doubles & Singles | Melee | Wii U | PM | N64 SGT. Wii U Top 16 SheikYoshi
33rd Queensland Ahhmeyy 14/08/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #12 Singles Sheik
17th Western Australia Kai_ 13/08/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 13th Aug Curtin Smashfest No 49: Smash 4 Sheik
25th Western Australia cmk 9/08/2015 [WA] Smash 4 Singles August @ Myriade Smash 4 Singles August @ Myriade Sheik
1st Western Australia KevinNyaa 9/08/2015 [WA] Smash 4 Singles August @ Myriade Smash 4 Singles August @ Myriade Sheik
25th Queensland NC~ 7/08/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #11 Singles - Pro Sheik
17th Western Australia cmk 6/08/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 6th Aug Curtin Smashfest No 45: Smash 4 Sheik
13th New South Wales Snackurai 2/08/2015 [NSW] SGT. @ The Undergound | PM | Wii U | Melee | N64 SGT. Wii U Top 16 Rosalina & LumaSheik
25th Queensland Perkins 31/07/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #10 Singles FoxSheik
2nd Queensland Archaze 31/07/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #10 Singles Captain FalconLuigiRobinSheik
9th Western Australia cmk 30/07/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays Curtin Smashfest No. 42: Smash 4 Sheik
5th Western Australia KevinNyaa 30/07/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays Curtin Smashfest No. 42: Smash 4 FoxSheik
49th Victoria JEANS 25/07/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors July 2015 Wii U singles Sheik
2nd Queensland Archaze 24/07/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #9 Singles LuigiSheik
17th Western Australia cmk 23/07/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 39: Smash 4 Sm4sh Singles Sheik
1st Western Australia KevinNyaa 23/07/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 39: Smash 4 Sm4sh Singles Sheik
33rd Western Australia Kai_ 12/07/2015 [WA] July Myriade Smash 4 Singles July Myriade Smash 4 Singles Sheik
25th Western Australia cmk 12/07/2015 [WA] July Myriade Smash 4 Singles July Myriade Smash 4 Singles Sheik
13th Western Australia Barramundi 12/07/2015 [WA] July Myriade Smash 4 Singles July Myriade Smash 4 Singles Sheik
2nd Western Australia KevinNyaa 12/07/2015 [WA] July Myriade Smash 4 Singles July Myriade Smash 4 Singles Sheik
5th Queensland ClassicJono 10/07/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #7 Singles IkePikachuSheik
3rd Queensland Aura 10/07/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #7 Singles ROBSheik
25th Western Australia Kai_ 9/07/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 34: Smash 4 Curtin Smashfest Smash 4 Sheik
5th Western Australia KevinNyaa 9/07/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 34: Smash 4 Curtin Smashfest Smash 4 FoxMarioSheik
9th Queensland Gosu 4/07/2015 [QLD] Super Scrub Bros 3.6 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
2nd Queensland Kura 4/07/2015 [QLD] Super Scrub Bros 3.6 Smash 4 Singles RoySheik
25th Western Australia Saige 29/06/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 30: Smash 4 Smfoursh NessPalutenaSheik
25th Western Australia Behross 29/06/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 30: Smash 4 Smfoursh Sheik
5th Western Australia KevinNyaa 29/06/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 30: Smash 4 Smfoursh Sheik
33rd Western Australia Barramundi 28/06/2015 [WA] Myriade June Smash 4 Singles Smash 4 Singles Sheik
17th Western Australia cmk 28/06/2015 [WA] Myriade June Smash 4 Singles Smash 4 Singles Sheik
13th Western Australia Sable 28/06/2015 [WA] Myriade June Smash 4 Singles Smash 4 Singles Donkey KongSheik
1st Western Australia KevinNyaa 28/06/2015 [WA] Myriade June Smash 4 Singles Smash 4 Singles Sheik
9th New South Wales Nuffball 14/06/2015 [NSW] SGT - Leaderboards SGT. Wii U Sheik
13th Queensland Kura 13/06/2015 [QLD] Super Scrub Bros 3 Smash 4 Singles SheikZero Suit Samus
13th Queensland Lando 13/06/2015 [QLD] Super Scrub Bros 3 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
5th Queensland Gosu 13/06/2015 [QLD] Super Scrub Bros 3 Smash 4 Singles Sheik
7th Queensland Sifo1 12/06/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #3 Singles SheikZero Suit Samus
9th Western Australia cmk 7/06/2015 [WA] Myriade Smash 4 Amateur Tournament Smash 4 Amateur Sheik
9th Queensland Sifo1 6/06/2015 [QLD] Smashbox II SM4SH Single Pro SheikZero Suit Samus
17th Victoria Ledge 23/05/2015 [VIC] BAM 7 SM4SH Singles Sheik
33rd Western Australia Kai_ 17/05/2015 [WA] Myriade May Smash 4 Singles 2 SM4SH Singles Sheik
25th Western Australia Sable 17/05/2015 [WA] Myriade May Smash 4 Singles 2 SM4SH Singles Sheik
5th Western Australia davinchau 17/05/2015 [WA] Myriade May Smash 4 Singles 2 SM4SH Singles FoxNessSheik
5th Western Australia KevinNyaa 17/05/2015 [WA] Myriade May Smash 4 Singles 2 SM4SH Singles Sheik
17th Queensland Rhastingo 16/05/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 8 SM4SH Pro Singles LinkSheik
13th Queensland Aero 16/05/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 8 SM4SH Pro Singles Sheik
9th Queensland Aero 9/05/2015 [QLD] Smashbox I SM4SH Pro Singles Sheik
1st Queensland Aura 9/05/2015 [QLD] Smashbox I SM4SH Amateur Singles ROBSheik
25th Western Australia Kai_ 3/05/2015 [WA] Myriade May Smash 4 Singles Smash 4 Singles Sheik
9th Western Australia KevinNyaa 3/05/2015 [WA] Myriade May Smash 4 Singles Smash 4 Singles Sheik
4th Queensland Aero 19/04/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 7 SM4SH Pro Bracket Sheik
3rd Queensland HopeDealer 19/04/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 7 SM4SH Pro Bracket FalcoFoxGreninjaSheikZero Suit Samus
65th Victoria Xettman 18/04/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors April 2015 wii u singles Sheik
7th Victoria Ledge 18/04/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors April 2015 wii u singles Sheik
13th Queensland HopeDealer 11/04/2015 [QLD] AutumnSmash 2015 Singles Pro FalcoSheik
13th Queensland Aero 11/04/2015 [QLD] AutumnSmash 2015 Singles Pro BowserSheik
2nd Western Australia KevinNyaa 5/04/2015 [WA] April Smash Singles at Cafe Myriade wii u singles Sheik
49th Western Australia FM Marty 29/03/2015 [WA] Cafe Myriade March 2015 Wii U Singles wii u singles Sheik
25th Western Australia cmk 29/03/2015 [WA] Cafe Myriade March 2015 Wii U Singles wii u singles Sheik
2nd Queensland Lando 22/03/2015 [QLD] TownSmash 2 SM4SH Wii U Sheik
1st New South Wales Shaya 22/03/2015 [NSW] Sm4shing Good Time's Tournament MMXV wii u pro bracket MarthSheikZero Suit Samus
5th Victoria Ignis 21/03/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors March 2015 wii u singles MarioSheik
13th Queensland Aero 15/03/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 6 Wii U Pro Bracket CharizardSheik
7th Australian Capital Territory Dave& 15/03/2015 [ACT] ACT Arena 2 Wii U Pro Singles Sheik
5th Queensland HopeDealer 15/03/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 6 Wii U Pro Bracket Sheik
33rd Western Australia iSonic 8/03/2015 [WA] Myridae Wii U March 2015 wii u Sheik
25th Western Australia cmk 8/03/2015 [WA] Myridae Wii U March 2015 wii u Sheik
25th Western Australia Jaymez 8/03/2015 [WA] Myridae Wii U March 2015 wii u PeachSheik
17th Western Australia KevinNyaa 8/03/2015 [WA] Myridae Wii U March 2015 wii u Sheik
5th Western Australia davinchau 8/03/2015 [WA] Myridae Wii U March 2015 wii u NessSheik
9th Victoria Dreadtech 28/02/2015 [QLD] ButtonSmash Issue Three Smash WIi U Singles Sheik
7th Queensland HopeDealer 28/02/2015 [QLD] ButtonSmash Issue Three Smash WIi U Singles FoxSheik
33rd Queensland Scrail 21/02/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 5 Wii U Novice MarthSheik
25th Victoria Kaito 21/02/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors February 2015 wii u singles SheikWii Fit Trainer
13th Victoria Ledge 21/02/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors February 2015 wii u singles Sheik
13th Queensland HopeDealer 21/02/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 5 Wii U Singles FoxSheik
9th New South Wales Nuffball 21/02/2015 [NSW] Smash City 5 - Wii U Wii U singles pro Sheik
9th Queensland Aero 21/02/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 5 Wii U Singles BowserSheik
3rd Victoria Rhyno 21/02/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors February 2015 wii u singles Captain FalconSheik
9th Western Australia cmk 8/02/2015 [WA] Smash Wii U Singles at Cafe Myriade - February 8th Wii U Singles Sheik
2nd Western Australia davinchau 8/02/2015 [WA] Smash Wii U Singles at Cafe Myriade - February 8th Wii U Singles NessSheik
5th Victoria Ledge 6/02/2015 [VIC] Shadowloo Showdown VI Wii U singles pro Sheik
17th Western Australia cmk 25/01/2015 [WA] Myriade Wii U Singles Jan 2015 wiiu singles Sheik
17th Victoria Ledge 24/01/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors January 2015 wiiu singles Sheik
49th Queensland LiFT 17/01/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 4 Wii U Singles Sheik
33rd Queensland Jasm0 17/01/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 4 Wii U Singles Sheik
5th Queensland Aero 17/01/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 4 Wii U Singles BowserSheik
17th Victoria Dreadtech 3/01/2015 [VIC] Miles' Warehouse 2 Wii U singles Sheik
9th Victoria Ledge 3/01/2015 [VIC] Miles' Warehouse 2 Wii U singles Sheik
17th Western Australia cmk 23/12/2014 [WA] Myridae - Wii U Christmas 2014 Wii U singles Sheik
3rd Western Australia Derek 23/12/2014 [WA] Myridae - Wii U Christmas 2014 Wii U singles Rosalina & LumaSheik
25th Victoria Jax 14/12/2014 [VIC] CouchWarriors December 2014 WiiU singles Sheik
4th Victoria Ledge 14/12/2014 [VIC] CouchWarriors December 2014 WiiU singles Sheik
13th Queensland Sloth 13/12/2014 [QLD] UQ Smash 3 Wii U Singles Sheik
7th Victoria Dreadtech 13/12/2014 [ACT] ZEAL Wii U singles Sheik
2nd Western Australia Sundowns 3/12/2014 [WA] Myridae - Wii U Dec 2014 Wii U singles PeachSheik