Australian Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS Online Wifi Thread 5
This thread is where you can find Australian Super Smash Bros for Wii U and 3DS players online. Connect with players by trading Miiverse usernames, find players who are currently online and discuss matches you have had online with users of QLD Smash.
ggs danO, I'm starting to drop off so I'll prolly take a break.
It's great playing against a player who's much better than me like yourself, as it gives me a really good opportunity to learn from my mistakes and improve my play. The Sheik vs Diddy MU is also something I need to learn deeply as I feel it will be one of the most played MUs as the meta progresses.
Your Sheik is hella scary man, and your Jiggs is also pretty good. Thanks for the games.
03/04/2015 11:35:02
Thanks, JLo. :) thanks for the games. I really needed that Diddy practise. I need to work on my DI. I couldn't DI Diddy's down throw at all. I kept DI'ing the wrong way. :P
But, yeah, not many Diddy players here. Hopefully we can play again another time.
Good games Renegadez, definitely one of the best Peach and Link players I've seen, you seemed to get more and more difficult to play every match
03/04/2015 14:06:18