
25th New South Wales Yusuke 2/03/2025 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #36 Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Sephiroth
3rd New South Wales Yusuke 2/03/2025 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #36 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
3rd Victoria Pelipper Piccolo 1/03/2025 [VIC] CouchWarriors March Ranbat 2025 Smash Ultimate Singles LuigiMarioMii BrawlerMr. Game and WatchSephiroth
13th New South Wales Yusuke 24/02/2025 [NSW] Offstage #103 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Sephiroth
9th New South Wales Sumi 24/02/2025 [NSW] Offstage #103 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination BylethIncineroarMewtwoMii GunnerSephiroth
5th New South Wales Mike_Kool 24/02/2025 [NSW] Offstage #103 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination LuigiSephiroth
17th New South Wales Yusuke 17/02/2025 [NSW] Offstage #102 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Sephiroth
25th New South Wales Yusuke 4/02/2025 [NSW] Offstage #101 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Sephiroth
2nd New South Wales Mike_Kool 4/02/2025 [NSW] Offstage #101 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination LuigiSephiroth
9th New South Wales Mike_Kool 6/01/2025 [NSW] Offstage 97 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination LuigiSephiroth
9th New South Wales Yusuke 6/01/2025 [NSW] Offstage 97 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Sephiroth
5th New South Wales KingEngine 16/11/2024 [NSW] Storm the Castle #21 Ultimate Singles Top 8 Sephiroth
2nd New South Wales KingEngine 16/11/2024 [NSW] Storm the Castle #21 Ultimate Singles Pools Sephiroth
9th South Australia Whisper 22/10/2024 [SA] Weeklyvac #209 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
17th Western Australia Ant 21/10/2024 [WA] Enigma #130 Ultimate Singles Bracket Donkey KongSephiroth
17th South Australia Whisper 14/10/2024 [SA] Big Cheese 5: South Australian Major Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles Top 24 Sephiroth
3rd South Australia Whisper 14/10/2024 [SA] Big Cheese 5: South Australian Major Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles Pools Sephiroth
7th New Zealand Giantdad 13/10/2024 [NZ] Southern Cross Up 2024 Main Game: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Bracket JokerSephiroth
17th South Australia Whisper 8/10/2024 [SA] Weeklyvac #208 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
13th South Australia Whisper 24/09/2024 [SA] Weeklyvac #206 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
13th South Australia Whisper 17/09/2024 [SA] Weeklyvac #205 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
17th South Australia Whisper 10/09/2024 [SA] WeeklyVac #204 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
9th Victoria Sriks 1/09/2024 [NSW] Floating Point 2024 Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
7th South Australia Yosh4 27/08/2024 [SA] WeeklyVac #203 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
7th New South Wales KingEngine 17/08/2024 [NSW] Storm the Castle #18 Ultimate Singles Top 8 Sephiroth
2nd New South Wales KingEngine 17/08/2024 [NSW] Storm the Castle #18 Ultimate Singles Pools Sephiroth
4th New Zealand HadoukingNZ 7/08/2024 [NZ] Manawatu Iron Smash Tournament #14 Ultimate Singles Round Robin Sephiroth
33rd Australian Capital Territory Benny 31/07/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #200 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
13th South Australia Whisper 23/07/2024 [SA] WeeklyVac #198 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
9th South Australia Whisper 21/07/2024 [SA] Cheese League July 2024 - Ultimate & Melee Smash Ultimate Singles ($5 Entry) Bracket Sephiroth
3rd South Australia Whisper 21/07/2024 [SA] Cheese League July 2024 - Ultimate & Melee Ultimate Redemption Bracket LucarioSephiroth
13th South Australia Whisper 16/07/2024 [SA] WeeklyVac #197 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
4th Australian Capital Territory Benny 10/07/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #198 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
4th Australian Capital Territory Benny 10/07/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #198 Redemption Sephiroth
9th Victoria Sriks 2/06/2024 [VIC] BAM 14 Super Smash Bros Ultimate [BAM 2024] Sephiroth
13th New South Wales Skye May 26/05/2024 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Cat in the Hat does a backflip Ultimate Singles Captain FalconRidleySephiroth
17th South Australia Whisper 30/04/2024 [SA] WeeklyVac #187 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
5th New Zealand Fisic 28/04/2024 [NZ] Ōtautahi Onslaught 2024 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Switch) SephirothSora
13th South Australia Whisper 23/04/2024 [SA] WeeklyVac #186 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
3rd South Australia Whisper 21/04/2024 [SA] Cheese League April 2024 - Ultimate & Melee Smash Ultimate Singles ($5 Entry) Bracket Sephiroth
4th New South Wales KingEngine 20/04/2024 [NSW] Storm the Castle #14 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
13th South Australia Whisper 16/04/2024 [SA] WeeklyVac #185 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
3rd New South Wales Gong | Patch 15/04/2024 [NSW] City Diggers 98 Ultimate Singles Bracket JokerSephiroth
17th New Zealand 8BitGangster 7/04/2024 [NZ] Wellington FGC RANBATS 07/04/2024 Smash Ultimate Bracket Sephiroth
9th New Zealand LunaFrost 27/03/2024 [NZ] Pōneke Popoff #75 - Sign Up for Second Wind Ulti Singles Bracket Sephiroth
17th South Australia Whisper 19/03/2024 [SA] WeeklyVac #181 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
9th South Australia Whisper 12/03/2024 [SA] WeeklyVac #180 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
3rd South Australia Whisper 12/03/2024 [SA] WeeklyVac #180 Redemption Bracket Sephiroth
2nd Victoria Pelipper Piccolo 11/03/2024 [VIC] Pixel Smash #215 Pixel SMASH Bracket Dark SamusLuigiSephiroth
9th South Australia Whisper 10/03/2024 [SA] Big Cheese League March 2024 - Ultimate & Melee Smash Ultimate Singles ($5 Entry) Bracket Sephiroth
9th South Australia Whisper 5/03/2024 [SA] WeeklyVac #179 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
17th Australian Capital Territory Benny 28/02/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #181 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
13th Australian Capital Territory Benny 28/02/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #181 UPOV 181 Redemption Sephiroth
9th South Australia Whisper 27/02/2024 [SA] WeeklyVac #178 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
2nd New South Wales Gong | Patch 19/02/2024 [NSW] City Diggers 91 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
5th South Australia Whisper 13/02/2024 [SA] WeeklyVac #176 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
6th South Australia Whisper 11/02/2024 [SA] Cheese League February 2024 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
4th South Australia Whisper 11/02/2024 [SA] Cheese League February 2024 - Ultimate Smash Singles Redemption Bracket BayonettaSephirothWolf
17th South Australia Whisper 6/02/2024 [SA] WeeklyVac #175 Smash Ultimate Singles Plink Bracket Sephiroth
13th South Australia Whisper 30/01/2024 [SA] WeeklyVac #174 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
17th Australian Capital Territory Benny 24/01/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #176 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
4th Australian Capital Territory Benny 24/01/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #176 Ultimate Pop-Off Village #176 Redemption Sephiroth
13th South Australia Whisper 23/01/2024 [SA] WeeklyVac #173 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
7th New South Wales Gong | Patch 22/01/2024 [NSW] City Diggers 87 Ultimate Singles Bracket JokerSephiroth
7th South Australia Whisper 21/01/2024 [SA] Cheese League January 2024 - Ultimate Smash Singles Redemption Bracket MetaknightSephiroth
17th Australian Capital Territory Benny 17/01/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #175 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
7th Australian Capital Territory Benny 17/01/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #175 UPOV #175 Redemption Sephiroth
17th New South Wales Mike_Kool 14/01/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #23 Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
13th Australian Capital Territory Benny 20/12/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #173 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
7th Australian Capital Territory Benny 20/12/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #173 UPOV 173 Redemption Sephiroth
17th Australian Capital Territory Benny 16/12/2023 [ACT] Dancing Blade #38 Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
1st New South Wales Dmo 16/12/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Japan On The Horizon 😍✌️🛫🗾 Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
17th South Australia Whisper 13/12/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #171 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
5th New South Wales Gong | Patch 11/12/2023 [NSW] City Diggers 86 Ultimate Singles Bracket JokerSephiroth
17th South Australia Whisper 10/12/2023 [SA] Cheese League December 2023 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
5th South Australia Whisper 10/12/2023 [SA] Cheese League December 2023 - Ultimate Smash Singles Redemption Bracket Sephiroth
7th New South Wales Mike_Kool 9/12/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #22 Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
17th South Australia Whisper 29/11/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #169 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
6th Australian Capital Territory Benny 29/11/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #170 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
5th Australian Capital Territory Benny 29/11/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #170 Ultimate Singles Redemption Sephiroth
25th Australian Capital Territory Benny 22/11/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #169 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
13th South Australia Whisper 22/11/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #168 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
1st Queensland AlastairBL 22/11/2023 [NZ] Pōneke Popoff #58 - Approved by the Norwegian Consumer Council Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
25th Australian Capital Territory Benny 15/11/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #168 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
9th South Australia Whisper 15/11/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #167 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
5th Australian Capital Territory Benny 15/11/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #168 UPOV 168 Redemption Sephiroth
5th South Australia Whisper 12/11/2023 [SA] Cheese League November 2023 - Ultimate Smash Singles Redemption Bracket CorrinSephiroth
17th New South Wales Mike_Kool 8/10/2023 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #20 Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
17th Australian Capital Territory Benny 27/09/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #161 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
7th Australian Capital Territory Benny 27/09/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #161 UPOV 161 Redemption Sephiroth
17th Australian Capital Territory Benny 23/09/2023 [ACT] Dancing Blade #36 Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
3rd Australian Capital Territory Benny 23/09/2023 [ACT] Dancing Blade #36 Redemmies Sephiroth
17th Australian Capital Territory Benny 20/09/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #160 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
5th Australian Capital Territory Benny 20/09/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #160 UPOV 160 Redemption Sephiroth
17th Australian Capital Territory Benny 6/09/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #158 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
9th Australian Capital Territory Benny 6/09/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #158 UPOV 159 Redemption Sephiroth
17th Australian Capital Territory Benny 30/08/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #157 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
17th New South Wales Mike_Kool 27/08/2023 [NSW] Floating Point Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
5th Victoria Sriks 27/08/2023 [NSW] Floating Point Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
13th South Australia Whisper 23/08/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #158 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket SephirothWolf
4th Australian Capital Territory Benny 23/08/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #156 Ultimate Singles Pools Sephiroth
4th Australian Capital Territory Benny 23/08/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #156 Ultimate Singles Redemption Bracket Sephiroth
1st New Zealand Sayshi 23/08/2023 [NZ] Smash @ Valkyrie #10 Smash @ Valkyrie #10 Sephiroth
17th Australian Capital Territory Benny 19/08/2023 [ACT] Dancing Blade #35 Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
17th Australian Capital Territory Benny 9/08/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #154 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
4th Australian Capital Territory Benny 9/08/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #154 Redemption Bracket Sephiroth
17th Australian Capital Territory Benny 22/07/2023 [ACT] Dancing Blade #34 Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
7th Australian Capital Territory Benny 22/07/2023 [ACT] Dancing Blade #34 Dancing Blade 34 Redemption Sephiroth
13th Australian Capital Territory Benny 19/07/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #151 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
5th Australian Capital Territory Benny 19/07/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #151 UPOV 151 Redemption Sephiroth
17th Australian Capital Territory Benny 12/07/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #150 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
4th Australian Capital Territory Benny 12/07/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #150 UPOV 150 Redemption Sephiroth
25th New South Wales Plum 10/07/2023 [NSW] Offstage #46 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Sephiroth
25th South Australia Whisper 5/07/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #151 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket SephirothWolf
13th Victoria Zekora 5/07/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #151 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket PalutenaPyra / MythraRandomSephiroth
9th Australian Capital Territory Benny 5/07/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #149 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
33rd New Zealand Smashworth 2/07/2023 [NZ] Second Wind Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Sephiroth
7th Australian Capital Territory Benny 28/06/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #148 Ultimate Pop-Off Village #148 Redemption Sephiroth
5th Australian Capital Territory Benny 28/06/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #148 Ultimate Singles Round Robin Pools Sephiroth
13th New Zealand Smashworth 25/06/2023 [NZ] Respawn Platform #47 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
7th New South Wales Plum 24/06/2023 [NSW] Storm The Castle #5 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
17th South Australia Whisper 21/06/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #149 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
17th South Australia Joeyoh 21/06/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #149 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
9th New Zealand Widdershin 21/06/2023 [NZ] Pōneke Popoff #36 - Video Gaming Ultimate Singles Bracket LinkSephiroth
7th New Zealand Smashworth 21/06/2023 [NZ] Pōneke Popoff #36 - Video Gaming Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
13th Australian Capital Territory Benny 19/06/2023 [ACT] The Sauce #57 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
4th Australian Capital Territory Benny 19/06/2023 [ACT] The Sauce #57 The SAUCE #57 Redemption Sephiroth
13th Australian Capital Territory Benny 17/06/2023 [ACT] Dancing Blade #33 Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
7th Australian Capital Territory Benny 17/06/2023 [ACT] Dancing Blade #33 Dancing Blade 33 Redemption Sephiroth
17th Australian Capital Territory Benny 14/06/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #146 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
17th South Australia Whisper 14/06/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #148 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
49th South Australia Joeyoh 12/06/2023 [VIC] Pixel Smash #177 Pixel SMASH Bracket Sephiroth
129th South Australia Joeyoh 11/06/2023 [VIC] BAM 13 Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles [BAM 2023] Sephiroth
9th New Zealand Smashworth 11/06/2023 [NZ] Respawn Platform #46 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
17th Australian Capital Territory Benny 7/06/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #145 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
7th Australian Capital Territory Benny 7/06/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #145 Ultimate Pop-Off Village #145 Redemption Sephiroth
25th South Australia Joeyoh 4/06/2023 [SA] Cheese League June 2023 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
8th New South Wales Plum 3/06/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 17 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
17th Australian Capital Territory Benny 31/05/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #144 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
33rd New South Wales Plum 29/05/2023 [NSW] Offstage #43 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Sephiroth
13th New Zealand Widdershin 28/05/2023 [NZ] Respawn Platform #45 Ultimate Singles Bracket LinkSephiroth
17th Australian Capital Territory Benny 24/05/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #143 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
9th New Zealand Widdershin 24/05/2023 [NZ] Pōneke Popoff #32 - Melee Rising Ultimate Singles Bracket LinkPyra / MythraSephiroth
3rd Australian Capital Territory Benny 24/05/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #143 UPOV 143 Redemption Sephiroth
25th Australian Capital Territory Benny 20/05/2023 [ACT] Dancing Blade #32 Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
9th Australian Capital Territory Benny 20/05/2023 [ACT] Dancing Blade #32 Dancing Blade #32 Redemption Sephiroth
5th New South Wales Plum 20/05/2023 [NSW] Storm the Castle #4 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
13th Australian Capital Territory Benny 17/05/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #142 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
17th Australian Capital Territory Benny 10/05/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #141 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
7th Australian Capital Territory Benny 10/05/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #141 Upov 141 Redemption Sephiroth
13th Australian Capital Territory Benny 3/05/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #140 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
33rd Australian Capital Territory Benny 30/04/2023 [VIC] Dreamhack 2023 Smash Ultimate - DH Melb - CouchWarriors Stage Sephiroth
9th New Zealand Widdershin 30/04/2023 [NZ] Respawn Platform #43 Ultimate Singles Bracket LinkSephiroth
5th South Australia Joeyoh 30/04/2023 [SA] SA Arcadian 3 Ultimate Singles Pools Sephiroth
2nd South Australia Joeyoh 30/04/2023 [SA] SA Arcadian 3 Smash Singles Redemption Bracket Sephiroth
17th Australian Capital Territory Benny 26/04/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #139 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
17th South Australia Joeyoh 26/04/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #142 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
13th New Zealand Smashworth 26/04/2023 [NZ] Pōneke Popoff #28 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
9th New Zealand Widdershin 26/04/2023 [NZ] Pōneke Popoff #28 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
3rd Australian Capital Territory Benny 26/04/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #139 UPOV 139 Redemption Sephiroth
25th South Australia Joeyoh 19/04/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #141 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
17th Australian Capital Territory Benny 19/04/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #138 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
5th Australian Capital Territory Benny 19/04/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #138 Ultimate Pop-Off Village #138 Redemption Sephiroth
7th New South Wales Gong | Patch 18/04/2023 [NSW] City Diggers Esports 54 Ultimate Singles Bracket JokerSephiroth
17th Australian Capital Territory Benny 15/04/2023 [ACT] Dancing Blade #31 Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
4th Australian Capital Territory Benny 15/04/2023 [ACT] Dancing Blade #31 dancing blade 31 redemption Sephiroth
17th Western Australia Nostromo Cult 12/04/2023 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 12/04/2023 Smashfest - 12th April 2023 Bracket Sephiroth
17th Australian Capital Territory Benny 12/04/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #137 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
5th Australian Capital Territory Benny 12/04/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #137 Ultimate Pop-Off Village #137 Redemption Sephiroth
7th New South Wales Gong | Patch 11/04/2023 [NSW] City Diggers Esports #53 Ultimate Singles Bracket JokerSephiroth
5th New South Wales Jam 11/04/2023 [NSW] City Diggers Esports #53 Ultimate Singles Bracket SephirothVillager
3rd New Zealand Phases 8/04/2023 [NZ] Down Underdog Smash Ultimate Amateur Singles Bracket NessSephiroth
17th Australian Capital Territory Benny 5/04/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #136 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
65th New South Wales Plum 2/04/2023 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #15 Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
17th Australian Capital Territory Benny 29/03/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #135 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
17th Western Australia Nostromo Cult 29/03/2023 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 29/03/2023 Smashfest - 29th March 2023 Bracket Sephiroth
2nd Australian Capital Territory Benny 29/03/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #135 UPOV 135 Redemption Sephiroth
17th Australian Capital Territory Benny 25/03/2023 [ACT] Dancing Blade #30 Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
9th Australian Capital Territory Benny 25/03/2023 [ACT] Dancing Blade #30 Dancing Blade 30 Redemption Sephiroth
17th Western Australia Nostromo Cult 22/03/2023 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 22/03/2023 Smashfest - 22nd March 2023 Bracket Sephiroth
13th Australian Capital Territory Benny 22/03/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #134 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
7th Australian Capital Territory Benny 22/03/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #134 Redemption Bracket Sephiroth
5th New South Wales Gong | Patch 21/03/2023 [NSW] City Diggers 50 Ultimate Singles Bracket JokerSephiroth
17th Western Australia Nostromo Cult 15/03/2023 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 15/03/2023 Smashfest - 15th March 2023 Bracket Sephiroth
17th Australian Capital Territory Benny 15/03/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #133 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
1st Australian Capital Territory Benny 15/03/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #133 Redemption Sephiroth
17th New Zealand Patrickbatman 12/03/2023 [NZ] Wellington FGC Ranbats March 12th Smash Ultimate Bracket Sephiroth
17th Western Australia Nostromo Cult 8/03/2023 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 08/03/2023 Smashfest - 8th March 2023 Bracket Sephiroth
13th New Zealand Patrickbatman 8/03/2023 [NZ] Pōneke Popoff #21 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
13th Australian Capital Territory Benny 8/03/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #132 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
9th Australian Capital Territory Benny 6/03/2023 [ACT] The Sauce #51 Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
2nd Australian Capital Territory Benny 6/03/2023 [ACT] The Sauce #51 SAUCE 51 Redemption Sephiroth
25th New South Wales Mike_Kool 5/03/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #14 Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
17th South Australia Whisper 1/03/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #134 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket BylethSephiroth
17th Western Australia Nostromo Cult 1/03/2023 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 01/03/2023 Smashfest - 1st March 2023 Bracket Sephiroth
9th New South Wales Gong | Patch 28/02/2023 [NSW] City Diggers Esports 47 Ultimate Singles Bracket JokerSephiroth
33rd Western Australia Nostromo Cult 26/02/2023 [WA] KnockOut Series: Monthly #2 Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
25th Australian Capital Territory Benny 25/02/2023 [ACT] Victory Road 5 Ultimate Bracket Sephiroth
6th South Australia Yosh4 24/02/2023 [SA] BonusVac #21 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
17th Western Australia Nostromo Cult 22/02/2023 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 22/02/2023 Smashfest - 22nd February 2023 Bracket Sephiroth
13th South Australia Whisper 22/02/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #133 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
4th Australian Capital Territory Benny 22/02/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #130 UPOV 130 Redemption Sephiroth
17th Australian Capital Territory Benny 15/02/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #129 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
13th South Australia Whisper 15/02/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #132 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
13th Western Australia Nostromo Cult 15/02/2023 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 15/02/2023 Smashfest - 15th February 2023 Bracket Sephiroth
4th Australian Capital Territory Benny 15/02/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #129 Ultimate Pop-Off Village #129 Redemption Sephiroth
17th South Australia Whisper 11/02/2023 [SA] Cheese League February 2023 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
3rd South Australia Whisper 11/02/2023 [SA] Cheese League February 2023 - Ultimate Smash Singles Redemption Bracket Sephiroth
25th Western Australia Nostromo Cult 8/02/2023 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 08/02/2023 Smashfest - 8th February 2023 Bracket Sephiroth
17th South Australia Whisper 8/02/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #131 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
17th Australian Capital Territory Benny 8/02/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #128 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
3rd Australian Capital Territory Benny 8/02/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #128 Ultimate Pop-Off Village #128 Redemption Sephiroth
5th Australian Capital Territory Benny 6/02/2023 [ACT] The Sauce #49 — The Return The SAUCE #49 Redemption Sephiroth
17th New South Wales Mike_Kool 4/02/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #13 Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
25th Western Australia Nostromo Cult 1/02/2023 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 01/02/2023 Smashfest - 1st February 2023 Bracket Sephiroth
9th South Australia Whisper 1/02/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #130 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
2nd Australian Capital Territory Joey 1/02/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village 127 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudSephirothSheikWolf
13th New Zealand Smashworth 22/01/2023 [NZ] Respawn Platform #36 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
1st Victoria Sriks 22/01/2023 [ACT] The Action Smash Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
49th Australian Capital Territory Benny 19/01/2023 [ACT] The Special Sauce Ultimate Singles SephirothWolf
13th Australian Capital Territory Benny 19/01/2023 [ACT] The Special Sauce The Special Sauce Redemption Sephiroth
7th South Australia Goon 18/01/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #128 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket RidleySephiroth
13th New Zealand Smashworth 15/01/2023 [NZ] Wellington FGC Ranbats January 15th Smash Ultimate Bracket Sephiroth
13th New Zealand Smashworth 8/01/2023 [NZ] Respawn Platform #35 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
13th South Australia Whisper 21/12/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #126 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
17th South Australia Whisper 14/12/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #125 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
17th South Australia Whisper 11/12/2022 [SA] Cheese League December 2022 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
17th South Australia Whisper 7/12/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #124 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
13th South Australia Whisper 30/11/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #123 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket FoxSephiroth
5th New South Wales Inferno 24/11/2022 [NSW] C''Town Beat Down #18 Ultimate Singles Main Bracket IkeSephiroth
6th Victoria Zekora 18/11/2022 [SA] BonusVac #18 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket PalutenaRoySephirothSonicTerry
25th South Australia Whisper 16/11/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #121 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
17th South Australia Whisper 9/11/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #120 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
2nd Victoria Sriks 6/11/2022 [VIC] Super Sunshine Smash November 2022 Smash Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
65th South Australia Whisper 29/10/2022 [SA] Big Cheese 3 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
49th Victoria Zekora 29/10/2022 [SA] Big Cheese 3 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles PalutenaSephirothTerry
33rd South Australia Whisper 29/10/2022 [SA] Big Cheese 3 Big Cheese 3 - Ultimate Redemption Bracket Sephiroth
65th South Australia Whisper 27/10/2022 [SA] The Medium Cheese 2022 Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
65th Victoria Zekora 27/10/2022 [SA] The Medium Cheese 2022 Ultimate Singles SephirothTerry
49th South Australia Whisper 26/10/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac - Small Cheese Edition 2022 Smash Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
25th Victoria Zekora 26/10/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac - Small Cheese Edition 2022 Smash Ultimate Singles CorrinSephirothTerry
25th South Australia Whisper 19/10/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #119 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket FoxSephiroth
4th Victoria Zekora 14/10/2022 [SA] Secret Round Robin Evac Secret BonusVac RR B - 14/10/22 KazuyaMin MinPalutenaSephirothTerry
25th South Australia Whisper 12/10/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #118 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
25th South Australia Whisper 9/10/2022 [SA] Cheese League October 2022 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
13th South Australia Whisper 9/10/2022 [SA] Cheese League October 2022 - Ultimate Smash Singles Redemption Bracket FoxSephiroth
9th Victoria Zekora 9/10/2022 [SA] Cheese League October 2022 - Ultimate Smash Singles Redemption Bracket CorrinRoySephirothWolf
17th South Australia Whisper 7/10/2022 [SA] BonusVac #16 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
7th New Zealand Viiv 7/10/2022 [NZ] Southern Cross Up 2022 Main Game: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
3rd New Zealand Giantdad 7/10/2022 [NZ] Southern Cross Up 2022 Main Game: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles Bracket JokerSephiroth
17th South Australia Whisper 5/10/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #117 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
25th South Australia Whisper 28/09/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #116 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
9th Victoria Zekora 23/09/2022 [SA] BonusVac #15 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket CorrinSephirothTerry
6th New South Wales CloudyOCE 15/09/2022 [NSW] C’Town Beatdown #13 Ultimate Singles Pools Pokémon TrainerSephiroth
9th South Australia Yosh4 7/09/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #113 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
17th South Australia Whisper 26/08/2022 [SA] BonusVac #13 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
13th Victoria Zekora 26/08/2022 [SA] BonusVac #13 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket PalutenaSephirothTerry
17th South Australia Whisper 24/08/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #112 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
13th New South Wales Gong | Patch 16/08/2022 [NSW] City Diggers 30 Ultimate Singles Bracket JokerSephiroth
7th New South Wales Skye May 16/08/2022 [NSW] City Diggers 30 Ultimate Singles Bracket SephirothSnake
25th Victoria Zekora 14/08/2022 [SA] Cheese League August 2022 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Min MinPalutenaSephirothTerry
17th South Australia Whisper 14/08/2022 [SA] Cheese League August 2022 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
13th Victoria Zekora 14/08/2022 [SA] Cheese League August 2022 - Ultimate Smash Singles Redemption Bracket SephirothShulk
9th South Australia Whisper 14/08/2022 [SA] Cheese League August 2022 - Ultimate Smash Singles Redemption Bracket Sephiroth
17th South Australia Whisper 12/08/2022 [SA] BonusVac #12 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
25th South Australia Whisper 10/08/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #110 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket RoySephiroth
13th South Australia Whisper 3/08/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #109 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
13th South Australia Whisper 29/07/2022 [SA] BonusVac #11 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
25th South Australia Whisper 27/07/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #108 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
17th Queensland 4Morant 22/07/2022 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 310 Smash Ultimate Singles Diddy KongSephiroth
17th South Australia Whisper 20/07/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #107 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket RoySephiroth
9th Western Australia Temper 20/07/2022 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 20/07/22 Smashfest - 20th July 2022 Bracket Piranha PlantSephiroth
4th Victoria Sriks 17/07/2022 [NSW] Phantom 2022 Ultimate singles RoySephiroth
17th South Australia Whisper 15/07/2022 [SA] BonusVac #10 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
25th South Australia Whisper 13/07/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #106 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket RoySephiroth
25th South Australia Whisper 10/07/2022 [SA] Cheese League July 2022 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
9th South Australia Whisper 10/07/2022 [SA] Cheese League July 2022 - Ultimate Smash Singles Redemption Bracket Sephiroth
25th South Australia Whisper 6/07/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #105 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
13th South Australia Whisper 1/07/2022 [SA] BonusVac #9 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
25th Western Australia Temper 29/06/2022 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 29/06/22 Smashfest - 29th June 2022 Bracket Donkey KongHeroRidleySephirothWolf
17th Western Australia YukiDraco 29/06/2022 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 29/06/22 Smashfest - 29th June 2022 Bracket CloudSephiroth
13th South Australia Whisper 29/06/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #104 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
9th South Australia Yosh4 29/06/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #104 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
25th Western Australia YukiDraco 22/06/2022 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 22/06/2022 Smashfest - 22nd June 2022 Bracket CloudJokerSephiroth
13th South Australia Whisper 22/06/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #103 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
1st Queensland YoursTruly 18/06/2022 [QLD] Smash @ The Goblin 7 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket RyuSephirothTerry
17th South Australia Whisper 17/06/2022 [SA] BonusVac #8 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
13th Victoria Zekora 17/06/2022 [SA] BonusVac #8 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket MarthPalutenaSephirothTerry
25th Western Australia YukiDraco 15/06/2022 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 15/06/22 Smashfest - 15th June 2022 Bracket Sephiroth
17th South Australia Whisper 15/06/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #102 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
4th Western Australia YukiDraco 13/06/2022 [WA] Enigma #53 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
25th South Australia Whisper 12/06/2022 [SA] Cheese League June 2022 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
13th South Australia Whisper 12/06/2022 [SA] Cheese League June 2022 - Ultimate Smash Singles Redemption Bracket Sephiroth
13th Victoria Zekora 12/06/2022 [SA] Cheese League June 2022 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket MarthPalutenaSephirothTerry
9th Victoria Zekora 12/06/2022 [SA] Cheese League June 2022 - Ultimate Smash Singles Redemption Bracket BylethPalutenaSephirothTerry
4th South Australia Goon 12/06/2022 [SA] Cheese League June 2022 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket RidleySephiroth
9th Victoria dunkMATTic 9/06/2022 [VIC] Sunshine Smash #91 Smash Ultimate Bracket Sephiroth
13th New South Wales Johto 3/06/2022 [NSW] StarForge #117 Ultimate Singles Double Elim Sephiroth
5th New South Wales Johto 17/05/2022 [VIC] Post-BAM Mini EBS Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
2nd Victoria Sriks 7/05/2022 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 6 Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket RoySephiroth
1st Victoria Sriks 7/05/2022 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 6 Ultimate Singles Bracket RoySephiroth
1st Victoria Sriks 6/05/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Double Dash Super Barista Bros, Double Dash RoySephiroth
9th New South Wales Mike_Kool 24/04/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Sonics Chili Dog Fiasco: Night at the Casino Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
25th South Australia Joeyoh 20/04/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #96 Ultimate WeeklyVac #96 (20/04/22) Sephiroth
4th Victoria Zekora 13/04/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #95 Ultimate WeeklyVac #95 (13/04/22) PalutenaRoySephirothTerry
17th New South Wales Mike_Kool 10/04/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, The Rise of the Lasagna Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
13th New South Wales Mike_Kool 20/03/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, The Golden Age Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
13th Victoria JEANS 14/03/2022 [VIC] Pixel Smash #112 Pixel SMASH Bracket Sephiroth
17th Victoria Zekora 9/03/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #90 Ultimate WeeklyVac #90 (09/03/22) Pyra / MythraSephirothTerry
3rd Australian Capital Territory Miss Inputs 28/02/2022 [ACT] The Sauce #37 The SAUCE #37 Redemption JigglypuffMii BrawlerRidleySephirothSora
9th Queensland Mint 26/02/2022 [QLD] CouchWarriors QLD February Ranbat 2022 CW QLD February Ranbat 2022 Amateurs Sephiroth
17th Queensland Mint 25/02/2022 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 290 Smash Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
1st Victoria Sriks 24/02/2022 [NSW] GVP Thursday Throwdowns 27 SSBU - Singles Bracket Sephiroth
4th Queensland Mint 22/02/2022 [QLD] Gold Coast Fight Club 44 GC Fight Club 44 Sephiroth
5th Queensland KayJay 19/02/2022 [QLD] Smash @ The Goblin 3 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket LucinaSephiroth
25th Queensland Mint 18/02/2022 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 289 Smash Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
7th Queensland Mint 8/02/2022 [QLD] Gold Coast Fight Club #42 GC Fight Club 42 Sephiroth
1st Queensland Mint 8/02/2022 [QLD] Gold Coast Fight Club #42 Gold Coast Fight Club 42 Ammies Sephiroth
5th Queensland AlastairBL 4/02/2022 [NZ] Docked & Loaded 2 Ultimate 1v1 SephirothSora
33rd Western Australia Beesches 2/02/2022 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 02/12/22 Smashfest - 2nd February 2022 Bracket CloudSephiroth
7th Queensland Mint 1/02/2022 [QLD] GC Fight Club 41 GC Fight Club 41 Sephiroth
5th Queensland KayJay 22/01/2022 [QLD] Smash @ The Goblin 2 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Pyra / MythraSephiroth
2nd Queensland AlastairBL 5/01/2022 [NZ] Love To See It: Offline Edition #6 Ultimate Singles Bracket SephirothSora
5th Queensland Mint 28/12/2021 [QLD] GC Fight Club 40 GC Fight Club 40 Sephiroth
13th New South Wales Johto 21/12/2021 [NSW] OffStage 1 OffStage 1 Sephiroth
9th Queensland Mint 21/12/2021 [QLD] GC Fight Club 39 GC Fight Club #39 Sephiroth
25th South Australia Whisper 15/12/2021 [SA] WeeklyVac #82 Ultimate WeeklyVac #82 Sephiroth
7th Queensland Mint 14/12/2021 [QLD] GC Fight Club 38 GC Fight Club 38 Sephiroth
5th New South Wales Mukora 13/12/2021 [NSW] Central Sydney Skirmish 20 Central Sydney Skirmish 20 Sephiroth
25th South Australia Joeyoh 12/12/2021 [SA] Cheese League December 2021 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
17th South Australia Whisper 12/12/2021 [SA] Cheese League December 2021 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
9th Victoria Zekora 12/12/2021 [SA] Cheese League December 2021 - Ultimate Cheese League December 2021 - Ultimate Redemption PalutenaRyuSephirothTerry
7th South Australia Whisper 12/12/2021 [SA] Cheese League December 2021 - Ultimate Cheese League December 2021 - Ultimate Redemption Sephiroth
25th Victoria Zekora 8/12/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #81 Ultimate WeeklyVac #81 (08/12/21) SephirothTerry
17th South Australia Whisper 8/12/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #81 Ultimate WeeklyVac #81 (08/12/21) Sephiroth
4th Queensland Mint 7/12/2021 [QLD] GC Fight Club 37 GC Fight Club #37 Sephiroth
33rd South Australia Whisper 1/12/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #80 Ultimate WeeklyVac #80 (01/12/21) Sephiroth
9th Victoria Zekora 1/12/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #80 Ultimate WeeklyVac #80 (01/12/21) SephirothTerry
7th Queensland Mint 30/11/2021 [QLD] GC Fight Club 36 GC Fight Club 36 Sephiroth
33rd Queensland Mint 26/11/2021 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 285 Smash Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
17th South Australia Whisper 24/11/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #79 Ultimate WeeklyVac #79 (24/11/21) Sephiroth
7th Queensland Mint 20/11/2021 [QLD] Bullsharks Battle Arena 3 Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
2nd Tasmania Trucks 18/11/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #76 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
25th South Australia Whisper 17/11/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #78 Ultimate WeeklyVac #78 (17/11/21) Sephiroth
17th Victoria Zekora 17/11/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #78 Ultimate WeeklyVac #78 (17/11/21) SephirothTerry
7th Queensland Mint 16/11/2021 [QLD] GC Fight Club 35 GC Fight Club 35 Sephiroth
25th South Australia Whisper 14/11/2021 [SA] Cheese League November 2021 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
25th South Australia Joeyoh 14/11/2021 [SA] Cheese League November 2021 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
17th Victoria Zekora 14/11/2021 [SA] Cheese League November 2021 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket SephirothTerry
13th South Australia Whisper 14/11/2021 [SA] Cheese League November 2021 - Ultimate Cheese League November 2021 - Ultimate Redemption (14/11/21) Sephiroth
2nd Victoria Zekora 14/11/2021 [SA] Cheese League November 2021 - Ultimate Cheese League November 2021 - Ultimate Redemption (14/11/21) PalutenaPyra / MythraSephirothTerry
25th Queensland Mint 12/11/2021 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 283 Smash Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
17th South Australia Whisper 10/11/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #77 Ultimate WeeklyVac #77 (10/11/21) Sephiroth
13th Victoria Zekora 10/11/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #77 Ultimate WeeklyVac #77 (10/11/21) Pyra / MythraRoySephirothTerry
7th South Australia BLU 10/11/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #77 Ultimate WeeklyVac #77 (10/11/21) Sephiroth
9th Queensland Mint 9/11/2021 [QLD] GC Fight Club 34 GC Fight Club 34 Sephiroth
17th Queensland Mint 6/11/2021 [QLD] Flip The 'Swich #7 Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
9th Queensland Mint 6/11/2021 [QLD] Flip The 'Swich #7 FTS #7 Amateurs Sephiroth
17th South Australia Whisper 3/11/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #76 Ultimate WeeklyVac #76 (03/11/21) Sephiroth
5th Queensland Mint 2/11/2021 [QLD] GC Fight Club 33 GC Fight Club #33 Sephiroth
13th New South Wales Johto 31/10/2021 [NSW] Super Barista Bros Super Barista Bros Sephiroth
17th South Australia Whisper 27/10/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #75 Ultimate WeeklyVac #75 (27/10/21) Sephiroth
25th South Australia Whisper 24/10/2021 [SA] The Cheese Platter - 24/10/21 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Squad Strike Bracket Sephiroth
13th South Australia Whisper 24/10/2021 [SA] The Cheese Platter - 24/10/21 Cheese Platter Ultimate Redemption (24/10/21) Sephiroth
4th South Australia Whisper 24/10/2021 [SA] The Cheese Platter - 24/10/21 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles Pools Sephiroth
17th Queensland Mint 22/10/2021 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 280 Smash Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
25th South Australia Whisper 20/10/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #74 Ultimate WeeklyVac #74 (20/10/21) Sephiroth
9th Queensland Mint 19/10/2021 [QLD] GC Fight Club 32 GC Fight Club #32 Sephiroth
17th Queensland Mint 16/10/2021 [QLD] Bullsharks Battle Arena #2 Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
25th Queensland Ham 15/10/2021 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 279 Smash Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
13th Queensland Mint 15/10/2021 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 279 Smash Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
17th South Australia Whisper 13/10/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #73 Ultimate WeeklyVac #73 (13/10/21) Sephiroth
5th Queensland Mint 12/10/2021 [QLD] GC Fight Club 31 GC Fight Club #31 Sephiroth
25th Queensland Ham 8/10/2021 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 278 Smash Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
9th Queensland Mint 8/10/2021 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 278 Smash Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
25th South Australia Whisper 6/10/2021 [SA] WeeklyVac #72 Ultimate WeeklyVac #72 (06/10/21) Sephiroth
25th South Australia Whisper 29/09/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #71 Ultimate WeeklyVac #71 (29/09/21) Sephiroth
5th Queensland Mint 28/09/2021 [QLD] GC Fight Club 30 GC Fight Club #30 Sephiroth
33rd Queensland Mint 25/09/2021 [QLD] CouchWarriors QLD September Ranbat 2021 Smash Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
9th Queensland Mint 25/09/2021 [QLD] CouchWarriors QLD September Ranbat 2021 CWQLD September Ranbat 2021 Ult Ammies Sephiroth
17th Victoria Zekora 22/09/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #70 Ultimate WeeklyVac #70 (22/09/21) BylethCorrinPalutenaSephirothTerry
17th South Australia Whisper 22/09/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #70 Ultimate WeeklyVac #70 (22/09/21) Sephiroth
5th Queensland Mint 21/09/2021 [QLD] GC Fight Club 29 GC Fight Club #29 Sephiroth
13th Queensland Mint 19/09/2021 [QLD] Bullsharks Battle Arena #1 Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
5th Queensland Mint 19/09/2021 [QLD] Bullsharks Battle Arena #1 BBA Bronze Sephiroth
25th South Australia Whisper 15/09/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #69 Ultimate WeeklyVac #69 (15/09/21) Sephiroth
25th South Australia Joeyoh 15/09/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #69 Ultimate WeeklyVac #69 (15/09/21) Sephiroth
9th Queensland Mint 14/09/2021 [QLD] GC Fight Club 28 GC Fight Club 28 Sephiroth
25th South Australia Whisper 12/09/2021 [SA] Cheese League September 2021 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
13th South Australia Whisper 12/09/2021 [SA] Cheese League September 2021 - Ultimate Cheese League Septembe 2021 - Ultimate Redemption (12/09/21) Sephiroth
17th South Australia Whisper 8/09/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #68 Ultimate WeeklyVac #68 (18/08/21) Sephiroth
5th Queensland Mint 7/09/2021 [QLD] GC Fight Club 27 GC Fight Club #27 Sephiroth
25th Queensland Mint 4/09/2021 [QLD] Flip The 'Swich #5 Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
13th Queensland Mint 4/09/2021 [QLD] Flip The 'Swich #5 FTS#5 Redemption Sephiroth
25th Queensland Mint 3/09/2021 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 273 Smash Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
9th Tasmania NZMgow 2/09/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #66 Ultimate Singles Bracket IkeSephiroth
25th Western Australia Futurecow 1/09/2021 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 1/09/21 Smashfest - 1st September 2021 Bracket Diddy KongSephiroth
7th Queensland Mint 31/08/2021 [QLD] GC Fight Club 26 GC Fight Club #26 Sephiroth
2nd Queensland Mint 31/08/2021 [QLD] GC Fight Club 26 GC Fight Club #26 Amateurs Sephiroth
17th Queensland Mint 27/08/2021 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 272 Smash Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
7th Tasmania NZMgow 26/08/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #65 Ultimate Singles Bracket BylethSephirothSnake
5th Queensland Mint 24/08/2021 [QLD] GC Fight Club 25 GC Fight Club #25 Sephiroth
4th Queensland Mint 24/08/2021 [QLD] GC Fight Club 25 GCFC 25 Ammies Sephiroth
17th Queensland Mint 20/08/2021 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 271 Smash Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
13th Western Australia Futurecow 18/08/2021 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 18/08/21 Smashfest - 18th August 2021 Bracket Sephiroth
13th Tasmania Disappointment 22/07/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #60 Ultimate Singles Bracket Little MacSephiroth
7th Queensland Mint 20/07/2021 [QLD] GC Fight Club 24 GC Fight Club #24 Sephiroth
9th South Australia Andre 14/07/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #64 Ultimate WeeklyVac #64 (14/07/21) Sephiroth
13th Queensland Mint 13/07/2021 [QLD] GC Fight Club 23 GC Fight Club 23 Sephiroth
2nd Queensland Mint 13/07/2021 [QLD] GC Fight Club 23 GCFC 23 Ammies Sephiroth
49th South Australia Andre 11/07/2021 [VIC] BANC Super Smash Bros Ultimate [BANC] Bracket Sephiroth
17th South Australia Andre 10/07/2021 [VIC] Super Sunshine Smash 5 Smash Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
13th Victoria Leshy 9/07/2021 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 267 Smash Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
13th Tasmania Disappointment 8/07/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #58 Ultimate Singles Bracket Little MacSephiroth
7th Queensland Mint 6/07/2021 [QLD] GC Fight Club 22 GC Fight Club #22 Sephiroth
5th Victoria Saber 5/07/2021 [VIC] Pixel Smash #94 Pixel SMASH Bracket Sephiroth
9th South Australia Andre 30/06/2021 [SA] WeeklyVac #62 Ultimate WeeklyVac #62 (30/06/21) Sephiroth
17th South Australia Andre 27/06/2021 [SA] Cheese League June 2021 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
13th Victoria Zekora 27/06/2021 [SA] Cheese League June 2021 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles PalutenaPitSephiroth
9th South Australia Andre 27/06/2021 [SA] Cheese League June 2021 - Ultimate Cheese League June 2021 - Ultimate Redemption (27/06/21) Sephiroth
17th Tasmania Disappointment 24/06/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #56 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
2nd Tasmania Gerald 24/06/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #56 Ultimate Singles Bracket ChromSephiroth
5th South Australia Andre 23/06/2021 [SA] WeeklyVac #61 Ultimate WeeklyVac #61 (23/06/21) Sephiroth
4th Queensland Mint 22/06/2021 [QLD] GC Fight Club 21 GC Fight Club 21 Sephiroth
2nd Tasmania Gerald 19/06/2021 [TAS] North Tas Monthly - June Ultimate Singles Bracket ChromSephiroth
17th Tasmania Disappointment 17/06/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #55 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
4th Queensland Mint 15/06/2021 [QLD] GC Fight Club 20 GC Fight Club 20 Sephiroth
1st Victoria Corvid 12/06/2021 [VIC] Temple Smash #2 Ultimate Singles Main Bracket Pokémon TrainerPyra / MythraRichterSephiroth
13th Tasmania Disappointment 10/06/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #54 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
13th Victoria Zekora 9/06/2021 [SA] WeeklyVac #59 Ultimate WeeklyVac #59 (09/06/21) PalutenaPyra / MythraSephiroth
9th South Australia Andre 9/06/2021 [SA] WeeklyVac #59 Ultimate WeeklyVac #59 (09/06/21) Sephiroth
2nd Tasmania Gerald 3/06/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #53 Ultimate Singles Bracket ChromSephiroth
17th Victoria Zekora 2/06/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #58 Ultimate WeeklyVac #58 (02/06/21) PalutenaPyra / MythraSephiroth
13th Queensland Mint 1/06/2021 [QLD] GC Fight Club 18 GC Fight Club 18 Sephiroth
1st Queensland Mint 1/06/2021 [QLD] GC Fight Club 18 GC Fight Club #18 Ammies Sephiroth
7th Tasmania Disappointment 27/05/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #52 Ultimate Singles Bracket Mr. Game and WatchSephiroth
13th South Australia Andre 26/05/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #57 Ultimate WeeklyVac #57 (26/05/21) Sephiroth
3rd New South Wales Johto 24/05/2021 [NSW] Central Sydney Skirmish 14 CSS 14 Ammies Sephiroth
5th South Australia Aetos 23/05/2021 [SA] Cheese League May 2021 - Ultimate Cheese League May Redemption Sephiroth
3rd Victoria Dura 20/05/2021 [VIC] Sunshine Smash #74 Smash Ultimate Bracket Sephiroth
7th New South Wales Vic 17/05/2021 [NSW] Central Sydney Skirmish 13 CSS 13 Ammies CloudPokémon TrainerSephiroth
9th Victoria Zekora 12/05/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #55 Ultimate WeeklyVac #55 (12/05/21) BylethPalutenaPyra / MythraSephiroth
9th South Australia Andre 12/05/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #55 Ultimate WeeklyVac #55 (12/05/21) Sephiroth
33rd Victoria dunkMATTic 11/05/2021 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #74 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
9th Queensland Joe Fast 7/05/2021 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 259 Smash Ultimate Singles SephirothSonic
9th South Australia Andre 5/05/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #54 Ultimate WeeklyVac #54 (05/05/21) Sephiroth
17th Victoria dunkMATTic 29/04/2021 [VIC] Sunshine Smash #71 Smash Ultimate Bracket Sephiroth
33rd Victoria dunkMATTic 24/04/2021 [VIC] Couchwarriors April Ranbat 2021 Smash Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
17th Victoria dunkMATTic 22/04/2021 [VIC] Sunshine Smash #70 Smash Ultimate Bracket Sephiroth
17th South Australia Andre 21/04/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #53 Ultimate WeeklyVac #53 (21/04/21) Sephiroth
13th Victoria dunkMATTic 15/04/2021 [VIC] Sunshine Smash #69 Smash Ultimate Bracket Sephiroth
7th New South Wales Guts_LP 15/04/2021 [NSW] GVP FGC Thursday Night Battles #42 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Singles Bracket Sephiroth
5th Tasmania Gerald 15/04/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #46 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
17th South Australia Andre 14/04/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #52 Ultimate WeeklyVac #52 (14/04/21) Sephiroth
49th Victoria dunkMATTic 11/04/2021 [VIC] Super Sunshine Smash #3 Smash Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
25th Victoria Zekora 11/04/2021 [SA] Cheese League April 2021 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles JokerPalutenaPichuRoySephiroth
25th South Australia Andre 11/04/2021 [SA] Cheese League April 2021 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
9th Victoria dunkMATTic 8/04/2021 [VIC] Sunshine Smash #68 Smash Ultimate Bracket Sephiroth
1st Victoria Extra 8/04/2021 [VIC] Sunshine Smash #68 Smash Ultimate Bracket Sephiroth
17th Victoria Zekora 7/04/2021 [SA] WeeklyVac #51 Ultimate WeeklyVac #51 (07/04/21) PalutenaSephiroth
13th South Australia Andre 7/04/2021 [SA] WeeklyVac #51 Ultimate WeeklyVac #51 (07/04/21) Sephiroth
5th Victoria Extra 1/04/2021 [VIC] Sunshine Smash #67 Smash Ultimate Bracket Sephiroth
2nd Tasmania Gerald 1/04/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #45 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
7th Victoria Zekora 28/03/2021 [SA] El Queso League March El Queso League Redemption March 21 JokerPalutenaSephiroth
33rd Victoria dunkMATTic 27/03/2021 [VIC] Couchwarriors March Ranbat 2021 Smash Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
25th New South Wales Scarpian 26/03/2021 [NSW] Star Forge 114 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
1st Tasmania Gerald 25/03/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #44 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
4th Tasmania Gerald 20/03/2021 [TAS] North Tas Monthly - March Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
9th Queensland Mint 16/03/2021 [QLD] Gold Coast Fight Club #9 GC Fight Club #9 Sephiroth
1st Queensland Mint 16/03/2021 [QLD] Gold Coast Fight Club #9 GCFC #9 Amateurs Sephiroth
17th Victoria dunkMATTic 15/03/2021 [VIC] Smash @ Sunshine #65 SunshineSmash Bracket Sephiroth
25th Victoria Zekora 14/03/2021 [SA] Cheese League March 2021 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket PalutenaSephiroth
9th Victoria Zekora 14/03/2021 [SA] Cheese League March 2021 - Ultimate Cheese League March Ultimate Redemption PalutenaSephiroth
33rd Victoria Catburger 7/03/2021 [VIC] Super Sunshine Smash 2 Smash Ultimate Singles Pyra / MythraSephiroth
25th Victoria dunkMATTic 7/03/2021 [VIC] Super Sunshine Smash 2 Smash Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
17th Victoria Zekora 3/03/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #46 Ultimate WeeklyVac #46 (03/03/21) PalutenaSephiroth
17th Victoria Catburger 1/03/2021 [VIC] Pixel Smash #78 Pixel SMASH Bracket Sephiroth
4th Victoria dunkMATTic 1/03/2021 [VIC] Smash @ Sunshine #63 SunshineSmash Bracket Sephiroth
4th Tasmania Gerald 27/02/2021 [TAS] North Tas Monthly - February Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
17th Victoria Zekora 24/02/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #45 Ultimate WeeklyVac #45 (24/02/21) PalutenaSephiroth
17th New South Wales Johto 22/02/2021 [NSW] Central Sydney Skirmish #3 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
13th Victoria Catburger 22/02/2021 [VIC] Pixel Smash #77 Pixel SMASH Bracket Sephiroth
5th Victoria dunkMATTic 22/02/2021 [VIC] Smash @ Sunshine #62 SunshineSmash Bracket Sephiroth
17th Victoria Zekora 17/02/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #44 Ultimate WeeklyVac #44 (17/02/21) PalutenaSephiroth
9th Victoria Zekora 14/02/2021 [SA] Cheese League February 2021 - Ultimate Cheese League February 2021 - Ultimate Redemption ChromPalutenaSephiroth
17th New South Wales Johto 9/02/2021 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #62 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
17th Victoria Catburger 8/02/2021 [VIC] Pixel Smash #76 Pixel SMASH Bracket Sephiroth
9th Victoria dunkMATTic 8/02/2021 [VIC] Smash @ Sunshine #61 SunshineSmash Bracket Sephiroth
25th New Zealand Puffer McSparkleFace 5/02/2021 [NZ] Biggie III Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
7th Queensland AlastairBL 5/02/2021 [NZ] Biggie III Ultimate Singles JokerSephirothZero Suit Samus
9th New South Wales Johto 4/02/2021 [NSW] AEL Clubs 2021 Wollongong February 4 Smash Bros. Bracket Sephiroth
7th Victoria dunkMATTic 1/02/2021 [VIC] Smash @ Sunshine #60 SunshineSmash Bracket Sephiroth
17th New Zealand Puffer McSparkleFace 30/01/2021 [NZ] Hit the Lab #1 Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
25th Victoria Zekora 27/01/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #41 Ultimate WeeklyVac #41 (27/01/21) PalutenaSephiroth
5th Tasmania Gerald 21/01/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #35 Ultimate Singles Bracket Sephiroth
3rd New South Wales Johto 21/01/2021 [NSW] AEL Clubs 2020 Wollongong January 21 Smash Bros. Bracket Sephiroth
25th Western Australia YukiDraco 20/01/2021 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 20/01 Smashfest - 20th January Bracket JokerPichuSephiroth
17th Western Australia Temper 20/01/2021 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 20/01 Smashfest - 20th January Bracket Sephiroth
13th Victoria Zekora 20/01/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #40 Ultimate WeeklyVac #40 (20/01/21) ChromPalutenaSephiroth
17th Victoria Catburger 19/01/2021 [VIC] Pixel Smash #73 Pixel SMASH Bracket Sephiroth
17th Victoria Neoblade 18/01/2021 [VIC] Smash @ Sunshine #59 SunshineSmash Bracket Sephiroth
13th Australian Capital Territory Miss Inputs 18/01/2021 [ACT] The Sauce #6 Ultimate Singles Bracket JigglypuffMii GunnerSephiroth
4th Australian Capital Territory Miss Inputs 18/01/2021 [ACT] The Sauce #6 The SAUCE #6 Redemption JigglypuffMii GunnerSephiroth
9th Western Australia YukiDraco 16/01/2021 [WA] UWAnime 16/1/2021 UWAnime 2021 Tournament JokerSephiroth
25th Western Australia YukiDraco 13/01/2021 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 13/01 Smashfest - 13th January Bracket JokerSephiroth
13th Australian Capital Territory Miss Inputs 13/01/2021 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village 46 Ultimate Singles Bracket JigglypuffMii GunnerSephiroth
13th Western Australia Temper 13/01/2021 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 13/01 Smashfest - 13th January Bracket PalutenaPiranha PlantSephiroth
17th Victoria Catburger 12/01/2021 [VIC] Pixel Smash #72 Pixel SMASH Bracket Sephiroth
17th Victoria dunkMATTic 10/01/2021 [VIC] Super Sunshine Smash Smash Ultimate Singles Sephiroth
17th Victoria dunkMATTic 4/01/2021 [VIC] Smash @ Sunshine #58 SunshineSmash Bracket Sephiroth
13th Victoria Mar 29/12/2020 [VIC] Pixel Smash #70 Pixel SMASH Bracket Sephiroth
3rd New Zealand Bozzie 22/12/2020 [NZ] Built to Smash #11 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 1v1 Double Elimination Sephiroth
9th Victoria Neoblade 21/12/2020 [VIC] Smash @ Sunshine 57 SunshineSmash Bracket Sephiroth
7th Victoria dunkMATTic 21/12/2020 [VIC] Smash @ Sunshine 57 SunshineSmash Bracket Sephiroth