
1st Australian Capital Territory Kite 19/02/2025 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #227 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
33rd New South Wales TurtleCat 17/02/2025 [NSW] Offstage #102 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
9th New South Wales Guts_LP 17/02/2025 [NSW] Offstage #102 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
3rd Australian Capital Territory Kite 15/02/2025 [ACT] Dancing Blade #52 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
5th Australian Capital Territory Kite 12/02/2025 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #226 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
3rd Australian Capital Territory Kite 5/02/2025 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #225 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
9th New South Wales Guts_LP 4/02/2025 [NSW] Offstage #101 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
9th New South Wales Fai 4/02/2025 [NSW] Offstage #101 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination BylethCloudDiddy KongSteveWario
9th New South Wales TurtleCat 4/02/2025 [NSW] Offstage #101 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
2nd Australian Capital Territory Kite 29/01/2025 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #224 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
13th New South Wales Guts_LP 25/01/2025 [NSW] Offstage #100 Ultimate Singles Cloud
2nd Australian Capital Territory Kite 22/01/2025 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #223 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
13th New South Wales Guts_LP 20/01/2025 [NSW] Offstage #99 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
2nd New South Wales Guts_LP 18/01/2025 [NSW] Storm the Castle #22 Ultimate Singles Top 8 Cloud
2nd Australian Capital Territory Kite 18/01/2025 [ACT] Dancing Blade 51 Ultimate Singles Top 6 Cloud
1st Australian Capital Territory Kite 18/01/2025 [ACT] Dancing Blade 51 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
1st New South Wales Guts_LP 18/01/2025 [NSW] Storm the Castle #22 Ultimate Singles Pools Cloud
25th New South Wales Kuriboh 15/01/2025 [NSW] OffStage #98 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
17th New South Wales Guts_LP 15/01/2025 [NSW] OffStage #98 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
17th New South Wales Guts_LP 12/01/2025 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #34 Ultimate Singles Cloud
17th New South Wales Kuriboh 6/01/2025 [NSW] Offstage 97 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
13th New South Wales TurtleCat 6/01/2025 [NSW] Offstage 97 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
7th New South Wales Guts_LP 6/01/2025 [NSW] Offstage 97 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
17th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 23/12/2024 [VIC] Pixel Smash #256 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
7th New South Wales Guts_LP 23/12/2024 [NSW] Offstage #96 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
9th Australian Capital Territory Kite 21/12/2024 [ACT] Dancing Blade #50 Ultimate Singles Cloud
4th Australian Capital Territory Kite 18/12/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #220 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
17th New South Wales Guts_LP 16/12/2024 [NSW] Offstage 95 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
13th New South Wales Guts_LP 14/12/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #33 Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Cloud
3rd New South Wales Guts_LP 14/12/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #33 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
5th Australian Capital Territory Kite 13/12/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #219 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
4th Victoria Aloly 11/12/2024 [VIC] Temple Smash #144 Ultimate Singles gaming Cloud
5th South Australia pinky 10/12/2024 [SA] WeeklyVac #216 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudMii BrawlerRandomWolf
13th Victoria Aloly 9/12/2024 [VIC] Pixel Smash #254 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
7th New South Wales Guts_LP 9/12/2024 [NSW] Offstage #94 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
25th New South Wales Kuriboh 8/12/2024 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Neighbourhood watch Ultimate Singles CloudPokémon Trainer
4th Australian Capital Territory Kite 4/12/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #218 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
17th New South Wales Kuriboh 24/11/2024 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, We're Pissmas Boys, Of Course We Lost All Our Pissc Ultimate Singles Cloud
4th Australian Capital Territory Kite 23/11/2024 [ACT] Dancing Blade #49 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
3rd Australian Capital Territory Kite 20/11/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #216 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
13th New South Wales Fai 18/11/2024 [NSW] Offstage 93 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination CloudDaisyKing DededePalutenaRobin
13th New South Wales Kuriboh 17/11/2024 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Big rizzaaaaa Ultimate Singles Cloud
9th New Zealand AlienMalakai 16/11/2024 [NZ] Hambats Mighty Monthly November 2024 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 1v1 Bracket Cloud
1st Australian Capital Territory Kite 13/11/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #215 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
33rd New South Wales AndrewSSB 10/11/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #32 Ultimate Singles CloudInkling
33rd New South Wales Kuriboh 10/11/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #32 Ultimate Singles Cloud
25th New South Wales TurtleCat 10/11/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #32 Ultimate Singles Cloud
25th New South Wales MilkyLeo 10/11/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #32 Ultimate Singles Cloud
17th New South Wales Fai 10/11/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #32 Ultimate Singles CloudCorrinROBRoy
17th New South Wales Guts_LP 10/11/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #32 Ultimate Singles Cloud
4th Australian Capital Territory Kite 6/11/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #214 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
25th New South Wales Guts_LP 30/10/2024 [NSW] Offstage #90 - Halloween Edition Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
9th New South Wales TurtleCat 30/10/2024 [NSW] Offstage #90 - Halloween Edition Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
2nd Australian Capital Territory Kite 30/10/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #213 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
9th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 28/10/2024 [VIC] Pixel Smash #248 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
5th Australian Capital Territory Kite 23/10/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #212 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
5th Australian Capital Territory Kite 19/10/2024 [ACT] Dancing Blade #48 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
5th New Zealand Zai 19/10/2024 [NZ] Hambats Mighty Monthly October 2024 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 1v1 Bracket Cloud
13th New South Wales Kuriboh 18/10/2024 [NSW] SmashSoc Tourney #1 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudPokémon Trainer
7th New South Wales Fai 18/10/2024 [NSW] SmashSoc Tourney #1 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Banjo & KazooieCloudHeroSonicWii Fit Trainer
3rd Australian Capital Territory Kite 17/10/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #211 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
17th New South Wales Kuriboh 12/10/2024 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Nunu at Worlds 🥺🥺 Ultimate Singles Cloud
3rd Australian Capital Territory Kite 9/10/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #210 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
33rd New South Wales TurtleCat 8/10/2024 [NSW] Offstage 89 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
25th New South Wales Inferno 8/10/2024 [NSW] Offstage 89 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination CloudIke
17th New South Wales Guts_LP 8/10/2024 [NSW] Offstage 89 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
13th New South Wales Fai 8/10/2024 [NSW] Offstage 89 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination CloudDr. MarioIsabelleRoyZelda
25th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 7/10/2024 [VIC] Pixel Smash #245 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
4th New South Wales Kuriboh 5/10/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 31 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudPokémon Trainer
4th Australian Capital Territory Kite 2/10/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #209 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
3rd Australian Capital Territory Kite 25/09/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #208 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
33rd New South Wales Inferno 22/09/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #30 Ultimate Singles Cloud
33rd New South Wales jasmine 22/09/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #30 Ultimate Singles CloudMin MinPeachPikmin & OlimarRichter
13th New South Wales Kuriboh 22/09/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #30 Ultimate Singles CloudPokémon Trainer
3rd Australian Capital Territory Kite 21/09/2024 [ACT] Dancing Blade #47 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
3rd Australian Capital Territory Kite 18/09/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #207 Ultimate Singles Top 6 Cloud
1st Australian Capital Territory Kite 18/09/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #207 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
7th New Zealand Zai 14/09/2024 [NZ] Hambats Mighty Monthly September 2024 Bracket Cloud
5th New Zealand Zai 14/09/2024 [NZ] Hambats Mighty Monthly September 2024 Finals Cloud
4th Australian Capital Territory Kite 11/09/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #206 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
33rd New South Wales Inferno 9/09/2024 [NSW] Offstage 87 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
13th New South Wales Guts_LP 9/09/2024 [NSW] Offstage 87 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
2nd New Zealand iDeeKay 8/09/2024 [NZ] Meepleopolis Tournament Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
25th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 7/09/2024 [VIC] VIC Arcadian 4 VIC Arcadian Singles Cloud
5th New Zealand EESAN 4/09/2024 [NZ] Manawatu Iron Smash Tournament #16 Ultimate Singles Final Bracket Cloud
65th New South Wales Kuriboh 1/09/2024 [NSW] Floating Point 2024 Ultimate Singles CloudPokémon Trainer
33rd New South Wales Guts_LP 29/08/2024 [NSW] Offstage Floating Point Edition Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
4th Australian Capital Territory Kite 28/08/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #204 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
17th South Australia Whisper 27/08/2024 [SA] WeeklyVac #203 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
25th New South Wales jasmine 26/08/2024 [NSW] Offstage 86 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination CloudNessPac-ManRichter
5th New South Wales Guts_LP 25/08/2024 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Reviving tote is next week Ultimate Singles Cloud
7th Australian Capital Territory Kite 21/08/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #203 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
1st Australian Capital Territory Kite 21/08/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #203 UPOV 203 Redemption CloudPyra / Mythra
3rd New South Wales Dmo 19/08/2024 [NSW] Offstage #85 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination BylethCloudJoker
13th South Australia Whisper 18/08/2024 [SA] Cheese League August 2024 - Ultimate & Melee Smash Ultimate Singles ($5 Entry) Bracket Cloud
3rd New South Wales Inferno 17/08/2024 [NSW] Storm the Castle #18 Ultimate Singles Pools CloudIke
5th Australian Capital Territory Kite 14/08/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #202 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
9th South Australia Whisper 13/08/2024 [SA] WeeklyVac #201 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
33rd New South Wales Kuriboh 11/08/2024 [NSW] Epping Arcadian 3 Smash Ultimate Arcadian CloudPokémon Trainer
5th Australian Capital Territory Kite 7/08/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #201 Ultimate Singles Top 6 Cloud
2nd Australian Capital Territory Kite 7/08/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #201 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
17th South Australia Whisper 6/08/2024 [SA] WeeklyVac #200 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
49th Queensland M4TCH 4/08/2024 [QLD] Sunny Side Up 2 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles Cloud
9th Australian Capital Territory Kite 31/07/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #200 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
17th South Australia Whisper 30/07/2024 [SA] WeeklyVac #199 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
5th New South Wales Guts_LP 29/07/2024 [NSW] Offstage 83 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
5th New South Wales Inferno 29/07/2024 [NSW] City Diggers 113 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudIke
9th Australian Capital Territory Kite 27/07/2024 [ACT] Victory Road 8 Ultimate Bracket Cloud
17th New South Wales Inferno 23/07/2024 [NSW] Offstage 82 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
9th New South Wales Kuriboh 21/07/2024 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Sign Up For Floating Point Ultimate Singles Cloud
7th Australian Capital Territory Kite 20/07/2024 [ACT] Dancing Blade #45 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
5th Australian Capital Territory Kite 17/07/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #199 Ultimate Singles Top 6 Cloud
3rd Australian Capital Territory Kite 17/07/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #199 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
25th New South Wales Kuriboh 14/07/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 29 Ultimate Singles CloudPokémon Trainer
17th New Zealand iDeeKay 14/07/2024 [NZ] Second Wind 2024 Main Game: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Cloud
9th New South Wales AndrewSSB 14/07/2024 [NZ] Second Wind 2024 Main Game: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Cloud
9th New South Wales Guts_LP 14/07/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 29 Ultimate Singles Cloud
3rd Australian Capital Territory Kite 10/07/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #198 Ultimate Singles Top 8 Cloud
2nd Australian Capital Territory Kite 10/07/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #198 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
33rd New South Wales Guts_LP 7/07/2024 [VIC] Phantom 2024 Ultimate Singles Cloud
9th Australian Capital Territory Kite 3/07/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #197 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudPyra / Mythra
1st Australian Capital Territory Kite 3/07/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #197 UPOV197 Redemption CloudPiranha PlantPyra / Mythra
25th New South Wales Inferno 1/07/2024 [NSW] Offstage #79 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
17th New Zealand yungasian 30/06/2024 [NZ] WellingtonFGC Ranbats 30/06/2024 Smash Ultimate Bracket Cloud
4th Australian Capital Territory Kite 26/06/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #196 Ultimate Singles Top 4 Cloud
1st Australian Capital Territory Kite 26/06/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #196 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
3rd Australian Capital Territory Kite 22/06/2024 [ACT] Dancing Blade #44 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
5th Australian Capital Territory Kite 19/06/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #195 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
25th New South Wales Inferno 17/06/2024 [NSW] Offstage #77 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
13th New South Wales TurtleCat 17/06/2024 [NSW] Offstage #77 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
9th New South Wales Guts_LP 17/06/2024 [NSW] Offstage #77 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination CloudJoker
5th New South Wales Kuriboh 9/06/2024 [NSW] MegaLAN T2: Steampunk Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
13th New South Wales Guts_LP 8/06/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 28 Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Cloud
5th New South Wales Inferno 8/06/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 28 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
4th New South Wales Kuriboh 8/06/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 28 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
2nd New South Wales Guts_LP 8/06/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 28 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
1st New South Wales TurtleCat 8/06/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 28 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
17th New South Wales Inferno 3/06/2024 [NSW] Offstage 76 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
97th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 2/06/2024 [VIC] BAM 14 Super Smash Bros Ultimate [BAM 2024] Cloud
65th New South Wales Guts_LP 2/06/2024 [VIC] BAM 14 Super Smash Bros Ultimate [BAM 2024] Cloud
49th Victoria MilkMeme 2/06/2024 [VIC] BAM 14 Super Smash Bros Ultimate [BAM 2024] Cloud
17th New South Wales AT LOWES 2/06/2024 [VIC] BAM 14 Super Smash Bros Ultimate [BAM 2024] CloudWolf
17th New South Wales Guts_LP 30/05/2024 [VIC] The Bashtion #4 Ulti Singles Bracket Cloud
9th Australian Capital Territory Kite 29/05/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #193 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
7th New South Wales Guts_LP 27/05/2024 [NSW] Offstage 75 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
17th New South Wales Kuriboh 26/05/2024 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Cat in the Hat does a backflip Ultimate Singles Cloud
17th Queensland M4TCH 22/05/2024 [QLD] Pincadia Pummel 9 Ultimate Singles Cloud
13th Australian Capital Territory Kite 22/05/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #192 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
9th New South Wales Guts_LP 20/05/2024 [NSW] Offstage 74 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
7th New South Wales Guts_LP 19/05/2024 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Give me back lethal tempo Ultimate Singles Cloud
7th Australian Capital Territory Kite 18/05/2024 [ACT] Dancing Blade #43 Ultimate Singles Cloud
3rd Australian Capital Territory Kite 15/05/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #191 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
17th New South Wales TurtleCat 13/05/2024 [NSW] Offstage 73 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
3rd New South Wales Dmo 13/05/2024 [NSW] Offstage 73 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination BylethCloudJoker
5th New South Wales Guts_LP 11/05/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 27 Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Cloud
2nd New South Wales Guts_LP 11/05/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 27 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
1st Australian Capital Territory Kite 8/05/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #190 UPOV 190 Redemption Cloud
17th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 6/05/2024 [VIC] Pixel Smash #223 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
13th New South Wales TurtleCat 6/05/2024 [NSW] Offstage #72 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
5th New South Wales Kuriboh 4/05/2024 [NSW] P.O.G #9 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
1st New South Wales Fai 4/05/2024 [NSW] P.O.G #9 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudIncineroarPyra / MythraYoshi
13th New South Wales TurtleCat 29/04/2024 [NSW] Offstage 71 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
7th New South Wales Guts_LP 29/04/2024 [NSW] Offstage 71 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
7th Australian Capital Territory Kite 27/04/2024 [ACT] Dancing Blade 42 Ultimate Singles Cloud
13th New Zealand JoyKong 24/04/2024 [NZ] Pōneke Popoff #79 - Ōtautahi Onslaught Pre-Local Ulti Singles Bracket Cloud
9th Australian Capital Territory Kite 24/04/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #188 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
5th New South Wales Kuriboh 20/04/2024 [NSW] Storm the Castle #14 Ultimate Singles Top 12 CloudRosalina & Luma
5th New South Wales BigMrAMan 20/04/2024 [NSW] Storm the Castle #14 Ultimate Singles Top 12 CloudPyra / Mythra
3rd New South Wales BigMrAMan 20/04/2024 [NSW] Storm the Castle #14 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudPyra / Mythra
2nd New South Wales Kuriboh 20/04/2024 [NSW] Storm the Castle #14 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
1st New South Wales Fai 20/04/2024 [NSW] Storm the Castle #14 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudJokerLucarioROB
13th Victoria Aloly 19/04/2024 [VIC] The Stomping Ground #43 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
9th New Zealand JoyKong 17/04/2024 [NZ] Pōneke Popoff #78 - Bundun 1 Million Celebration Pre-Local Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
9th Queensland M4TCH 17/04/2024 [QLD] Pincadia Pummel 4 Ultimate Singles Cloud
4th Australian Capital Territory Kite 17/04/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #187 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
13th South Australia pinky 16/04/2024 [SA] WeeklyVac #185 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
9th New South Wales Guts_LP 15/04/2024 [NSW] Offstage 70 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
9th New South Wales TurtleCat 15/04/2024 [NSW] Offstage 70 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
13th New South Wales Guts_LP 13/04/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #26 Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Cloud
13th New South Wales TurtleCat 13/04/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #26 Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Cloud
3rd New South Wales TurtleCat 13/04/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #26 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
2nd New South Wales Guts_LP 13/04/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #26 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
17th Queensland M4TCH 10/04/2024 [QLD] Pincadia Pummel 3 Ultimate Singles Cloud
49th Australian Capital Territory Kite 7/04/2024 [ACT] The Action 2: Action Replay Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
33rd New South Wales TurtleCat 7/04/2024 [ACT] The Action 2: Action Replay Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
9th Australian Capital Territory Kite 7/04/2024 [ACT] The Action 2: Action Replay Action 2 Silver Ammies Cloud
3rd South Australia pinky 5/04/2024 [SA] BonusVac #40 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
17th Australian Capital Territory Kite 4/04/2024 [ACT] The Special Sauce 2 Ultimate Singles Cloud
2nd Australian Capital Territory Kite 4/04/2024 [ACT] The Special Sauce 2 Special Sauce 2 Ammies Cloud
7th Australian Capital Territory Kite 3/04/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #186: Pre-Action Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
4th South Australia pinky 2/04/2024 [SA] WeeklyVac #183 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
7th Australian Capital Territory Kite 27/03/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #185 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
17th South Australia Whisper 26/03/2024 [SA] WeeklyVac #182 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
5th New South Wales Guts_LP 25/03/2024 [NSW] OffStage #68 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
13th New Zealand 8BitGangster 24/03/2024 [NZ] Wellington FGC RANBATS 24/03/2024 Smash Ultimate Bracket Cloud
7th Australian Capital Territory Kite 23/03/2024 [ACT] Dancing Blade #41 Ultimate Singles Cloud
9th Australian Capital Territory Kite 20/03/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #184 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudPiranha PlantPyra / Mythra
2nd Australian Capital Territory Kite 20/03/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #184 UPOV 184 Redemption CloudPiranha Plant
9th New South Wales Guts_LP 18/03/2024 [NSW] Offstage 67 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
1st Victoria Pelipper Piccolo 18/03/2024 [VIC] Pixel Smash #216 Pixel SMASH Bracket CloudLuigiMario
4th New South Wales Merebry 14/03/2024 [NSW] Castle Smashers 56 Ultimate singles Bracket Cloud
9th Australian Capital Territory Kite 13/03/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #183 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
2nd Australian Capital Territory Kite 13/03/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #183 UPOV 183 Redemption CloudPiranha PlantPyra / Mythra
13th New South Wales Mr.ET 11/03/2024 [NSW] City Diggers 94 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudPyra / Mythra
9th New South Wales Guts_LP 9/03/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #25 Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Cloud
4th New South Wales Kuriboh 9/03/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #25 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudRosalina & Luma
2nd New South Wales Guts_LP 9/03/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #25 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
13th Queensland M4TCH 7/03/2024 [QLD] Easy Time Outs 7 Ultimate Singles Cloud
5th Australian Capital Territory Kite 6/03/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #182 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
9th New South Wales Mr.ET 4/03/2024 [NSW] City Diggers #93 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudPyra / Mythra
13th Australian Capital Territory Kite 28/02/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #181 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
25th New South Wales Kuriboh 26/02/2024 [NSW] OffStage #66 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
9th New South Wales Guts_LP 26/02/2024 [NSW] OffStage #66 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
9th New South Wales MilkyLeo 26/02/2024 [NSW] OffStage #66 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
7th Australian Capital Territory Kite 24/02/2024 [ACT] Victory Road 7 Ultimate Bracket Cloud
7th Australian Capital Territory Kite 21/02/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #180 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
17th New South Wales TurtleCat 19/02/2024 [NSW] Offstage #65 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
5th New South Wales Mr.ET 19/02/2024 [NSW] City Diggers 91 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
2nd New South Wales Dmo 19/02/2024 [NSW] Offstage #65 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination BylethCloud
5th Australian Capital Territory Kite 17/02/2024 [ACT] Dancing Blade #40 Ultimate Singles Cloud
7th Australian Capital Territory Kite 14/02/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #179 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
4th New South Wales Dmo 12/02/2024 [NSW] Offstage #64 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
49th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 11/02/2024 [VIC] Super Duper Sunshine Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
13th Queensland M4TCH 7/02/2024 [QLD] Easy Time Outs 4 Ultimate Singles Cloud
5th Australian Capital Territory Kite 7/02/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #178 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
17th New South Wales Guts_LP 5/02/2024 [NSW] OffStage #63 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination CloudCorrin
1st New South Wales Dmo 5/02/2024 [NSW] OffStage #63 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
17th Queensland M4TCH 31/01/2024 [QLD] Easy Time Outs 3 Ultimate Singles Cloud
9th Australian Capital Territory Kite 31/01/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #177 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
2nd Australian Capital Territory Kite 31/01/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #177 UPOV 177 Redemption Cloud
1st New South Wales Dmo 29/01/2024 [NSW] Offstage #62 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
9th New South Wales BigMrAMan 28/01/2024 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Guess Who’s Back? Ultimate Singles CloudWolf
2nd New South Wales BigMrAMan 27/01/2024 [NSW] WSU OMEGA Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudLuigiPyra / Mythra
13th Australian Capital Territory Kite 24/01/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #176 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
1st Australian Capital Territory Kite 24/01/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #176 Ultimate Pop-Off Village #176 Redemption Cloud
1st Queensland AlastairBL 24/01/2024 [NZ] Pōneke Popoff #66 - The Crayon Knight Rises Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
17th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 22/01/2024 [VIC] Pixel Smash #208 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
13th New South Wales TurtleCat 22/01/2024 [NSW] Offstage #61 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
2nd New South Wales Dmo 22/01/2024 [NSW] Offstage #61 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
9th Australian Capital Territory Kite 20/01/2024 [ACT] Dancing Blade #39 Ultimate Singles Cloud
25th Queensland M4TCH 17/01/2024 [QLD] Easy Time Outs Ultimate Singles Cloud
9th Australian Capital Territory Kite 17/01/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #175 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudPyra / Mythra
49th New South Wales Guts_LP 14/01/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #23 Ultimate Singles Cloud
33rd New South Wales Kuriboh 14/01/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #23 Ultimate Singles Cloud
33rd New South Wales TurtleCat 14/01/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #23 Ultimate Singles Cloud
25th New South Wales BigMrAMan 14/01/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #23 Ultimate Singles CloudPyra / Mythra
17th New Zealand Captain Skelly 14/01/2024 [NZ] Wellington FGC RANBATS 14/01/2024 Smash Ultimate Bracket Cloud
9th Australian Capital Territory Kite 20/12/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #173 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
1st Australian Capital Territory Kite 20/12/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #173 UPOV 173 Redemption Cloud
9th New South Wales Ang00se 18/12/2023 [NSW] City Diggers Christmas 2023 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudHero
5th New South Wales Guts_LP 18/12/2023 [NSW] OffStage #59 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
7th New South Wales Guts_LP 16/12/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Japan On The Horizon 😍✌️🛫🗾 Ultimate Singles Cloud
5th Australian Capital Territory Kite 16/12/2023 [ACT] Dancing Blade #38 Ultimate Singles Cloud
7th Australian Capital Territory Kite 13/12/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #172 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
25th New South Wales BigMrAMan 9/12/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #22 Ultimate Singles Cloud
25th New South Wales Kuriboh 9/12/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #22 Ultimate Singles Cloud
17th New South Wales TurtleCat 9/12/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #22 Ultimate Singles Cloud
9th Australian Capital Territory Kite 6/12/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #171 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudPyra / Mythra
3rd Australian Capital Territory Kite 6/12/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #171 UPOV 171 Redemption CloudPyra / Mythra
97th Queensland M4TCH 3/12/2023 [QLD] Pissmas 4 Ultimate Singles Cloud
33rd New South Wales Guts_LP 3/12/2023 [QLD] Pissmas 4 Ultimate Singles Cloud
33rd New South Wales Guts_LP 30/11/2023 [QLD] Smash by the Bar Ultimate singles Cloud
33rd Queensland M4TCH 30/11/2023 [QLD] Smash by the Bar Ultimate singles Cloud
4th Australian Capital Territory Kite 29/11/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #170 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudPyra / Mythra
1st Australian Capital Territory Kite 29/11/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #170 Ultimate Singles Redemption CloudMr. Game and WatchPyra / Mythra
7th New South Wales Guts_LP 27/11/2023 [NSW] OffStage #58 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
4th Victoria Slash 25/11/2023 [NSW] OHN Nationals #17 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudSnake
5th New South Wales Ang00se 23/11/2023 [NSW] City Diggers 83 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudHero
17th Australian Capital Territory Kite 22/11/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #169 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudPyra / Mythra
1st Australian Capital Territory Kite 22/11/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #169 UPOV 169 Redemption CloudMr. Game and WatchPyra / Mythra
4th New South Wales Guts_LP 19/11/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, 2nd Last SBB For The Year Ultimate Singles Cloud
17th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 17/11/2023 [VIC] The Stomping Ground #26 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
9th Australian Capital Territory Kite 15/11/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #168 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
49th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 12/11/2023 [VIC] Pixel Smash #200 Pixel SMASH Ultimate (Main Bracket) Cloud
5th Australian Capital Territory Kite 8/11/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #167 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
1st Queensland AlastairBL 8/11/2023 [NZ] Pōneke Popoff #56 - Illuminating DullBulb's Secrets Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
13th New South Wales Guts_LP 5/11/2023 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #21 Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Cloud
3rd New South Wales Guts_LP 5/11/2023 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #21 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
2nd Australian Capital Territory Kite 1/11/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #166 UPOV 166 Redemption CloudPyra / Mythra
5th Australian Capital Territory Kite 25/10/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #165 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
17th New Zealand Avarich 22/10/2023 [NZ] Down Underdog II Ultimate Amateur Singles Bracket Cloud
9th New Zealand Lord GrasW 22/10/2023 [NZ] Down Underdog II Ultimate Amateur Singles Bracket Cloud
9th Australian Capital Territory Kite 21/10/2023 [ACT] Dancing Blade #37 Ultimate Singles Cloud
1st Australian Capital Territory Kite 21/10/2023 [ACT] Dancing Blade #37 Dancing Blade 37 Redemption Cloud
9th Australian Capital Territory Kite 18/10/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #164 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
13th New South Wales TurtleCat 16/10/2023 [NSW] Offstage 54 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
9th New South Wales shun 16/10/2023 [NSW] Offstage 54 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination CloudJoker
4th New South Wales Dmo 15/10/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, there's always a bigger cheese Ultimate Singles BylethCloudJoker
5th Australian Capital Territory Kite 14/10/2023 [ACT] The SAUCE: Double Trouble Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
5th Australian Capital Territory Kite 11/10/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #163 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
33rd New South Wales Guts_LP 8/10/2023 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #20 Ultimate Singles Cloud
33rd New South Wales Kuriboh 8/10/2023 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #20 Ultimate Singles Cloud
25th New South Wales MilkyLeo 8/10/2023 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #20 Ultimate Singles Cloud
7th New Zealand DaWests 8/10/2023 [NZ] Southern Cross Up 2023 Main Game: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles Bracket Final Bracket CloudDaisyDuck Hunt DuoSonic
2nd New Zealand Giantdad 8/10/2023 [NZ] Southern Cross Up 2023 Main Game: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles Bracket Final Bracket CloudJoker
5th New South Wales Pondi 5/10/2023 [NSW] Castle Smashers 33 Ultimate singles Bracket Cloud
3rd Australian Capital Territory Kite 4/10/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #162 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
9th New South Wales Guts_LP 2/10/2023 [NSW] Offstage 52 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
1st New South Wales Dmo 1/10/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros - the vertigo incident Ultimate Singles BylethCloudGreninjaMewtwoPyra / Mythra
5th New South Wales Pondi 30/09/2023 [NSW] Storm the Castle #8 Ultimate Singles Top 12 CloudYoung Link
4th Australian Capital Territory Kite 30/09/2023 [ACT] The SAUCE Strikes Back Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
2nd New South Wales Pondi 30/09/2023 [NSW] Storm the Castle #8 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudYoung Link
7th New South Wales Pondi 28/09/2023 [NSW] Castle Smashers 32 Ultimate singles Bracket CloudYoung Link
13th Australian Capital Territory Kite 27/09/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #161 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
1st Australian Capital Territory Kite 27/09/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #161 UPOV 161 Redemption Cloud
7th New South Wales BigMrAMan 24/09/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Time to Rob a Bank Ultimate Singles CloudWolf
7th Victoria Zekora 22/09/2023 [SA] BonusVac #30 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket BylethCloudJokerWii Fit Trainer
13th Australian Capital Territory Kite 20/09/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #160 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
1st Australian Capital Territory Kite 20/09/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #160 UPOV 160 Redemption Cloud
17th Australian Capital Territory Kite 13/09/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #159 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
5th Australian Capital Territory Kite 13/09/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #159 Ultimate Pop-Off Village #159 Redemption Cloud
17th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 11/09/2023 [VIC] Pixel Smash #191 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
1st Victoria Zekora 10/09/2023 [SA] Cheese League September 2023 - Ultimate Smash Singles Redemption Bracket CloudRoy
13th Australian Capital Territory Kite 6/09/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #158 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
9th New South Wales Ang00se 4/09/2023 [NSW] City Diggers 73 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudHero
49th Australian Capital Territory Joey 27/08/2023 [NSW] Floating Point Ultimate Singles CloudSheik
2nd Victoria Dura 27/08/2023 [NSW] Floating Point Ultimate Singles Cloud
33rd New South Wales Guts_LP 24/08/2023 [NSW] Pre-point offstage Ultimate Singles Cloud
17th New South Wales MilkyLeo 23/08/2023 [NSW] C’town Floating Down Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
9th New South Wales Guts_LP 23/08/2023 [NSW] C’town Floating Down Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
4th New Zealand Epo 23/08/2023 [NZ] Smash @ Valkyrie #10 Smash @ Valkyrie #10 CloudSora
17th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 21/08/2023 [VIC] Pixel Smash #188 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
9th New South Wales Guts_LP 20/08/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Floating Point is next week Ultimate Singles Cloud
9th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 20/08/2023 [VIC] Pixel Arcadian Super Smash Bro's Utimate Singles Pools Cloud
1st Victoria Derris-Kharlan 20/08/2023 [VIC] Pixel Arcadian Super Smash Bro's Utimate Singles Bronze Bracket Cloud
2nd United Kingdom Dull_Bulb 16/08/2023 [NZ] Pōneke Popoff #44 - You Know The Vibes Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
4th United Kingdom Dull_Bulb 13/08/2023 [NZ] Wellington Ranbats 13/08/2023 Smash Ultimate Bracket Cloud
33rd New South Wales Pondi 12/08/2023 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping Arcadian #2 Arcadian Ultimate Singles CloudSamus
17th Queensland salmongain 12/08/2023 [QLD] FILTHY 7 Smash Ultimate Singles CloudCorrinDonkey KongPac-Man
17th Queensland M4TCH 12/08/2023 [QLD] FILTHY 7 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
4th New South Wales Pondi 10/08/2023 [NSW] Castle Smashers 24 Ultimate singles Bracket CloudSamus
17th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 7/08/2023 [VIC] Pixel Smash #185 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
33rd Victoria Derris-Kharlan 5/08/2023 [VIC] CouchWarriors August Ranbat 2023 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
33rd Queensland M4TCH 29/07/2023 [QLD] CWQLD | July Ranbat 2023 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
17th Australian Capital Territory Kite 29/07/2023 [ACT] Victory Road 6 Ultimate Bracket Cloud
9th Queensland M4TCH 29/07/2023 [QLD] CWQLD | July Ranbat 2023 CW QLD July Ranbat Redemption Bronze Cloud
9th New South Wales Ang00se 24/07/2023 [NSW] City Diggers #67 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
25th New South Wales Guts_LP 22/07/2023 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #18 Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Cloud
5th New Zealand Giantdad 22/07/2023 [NZ] 350 Free For All #20 Ultimate Singles 1v1 Pools Cloud
3rd New South Wales Guts_LP 22/07/2023 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #18 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
25th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 17/07/2023 [VIC] Pixel Smash #182 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
9th New South Wales BigMrAMan 15/07/2023 [NSW] Storm the Castle #6 Ultimate Singles Top 8 Cloud
2nd New South Wales BigMrAMan 15/07/2023 [NSW] Storm the Castle #6 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
17th Queensland M4TCH 14/07/2023 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 356 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
13th South Australia Joeyoh 12/07/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #152 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
17th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 10/07/2023 [VIC] Pixel Smash #181 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
9th New South Wales AndrewSSB 10/07/2023 [NSW] Offstage #46 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination CloudInkling
17th Queensland M4TCH 8/07/2023 [QLD] FILTHY 6 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
5th Victoria Zekora 7/07/2023 [SA] BonusVac #26 Smash Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket? CloudCorrinFalcoPyra / Mythra
7th New South Wales Guts_LP 6/07/2023 [NSW] Castle Smashers #20 Ultimate singles Bracket Cloud
17th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 3/07/2023 [VIC] Pixel Smash #180 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
5th Australian Capital Territory Kite 3/07/2023 [ACT] The SAUCE #58 Ultimate Singles Pools Cloud
3rd Australian Capital Territory Kite 3/07/2023 [ACT] The SAUCE #58 The SAUCE #58 Redemption Cloud
13th New Zealand Fisic 2/07/2023 [NZ] Second Wind Super Smash Bros. Ultimate CloudSora
33rd Victoria Derris-Kharlan 1/07/2023 [VIC] CouchWarriors July Ranbat 2023 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
25th Queensland M4TCH 24/06/2023 [QLD] CWQLD | June Ranbat 2023 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
5th New Zealand Giantdad 24/06/2023 [NZ] SeaSideSmash #26 Smash Ultimate 1v1 Top 8 CloudJoker
4th New South Wales BigMrAMan 24/06/2023 [NSW] Storm The Castle #5 Ultimate Singles Top 8 Cloud
3rd New South Wales Guts_LP 24/06/2023 [NSW] Storm The Castle #5 Ultimate Singles Top 8 Cloud
3rd Queensland M4TCH 24/06/2023 [QLD] CWQLD | June Ranbat 2023 CW QLD June Ranbat Redemption Bronze Cloud
2nd New South Wales Guts_LP 24/06/2023 [NSW] Storm The Castle #5 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
1st New South Wales BigMrAMan 24/06/2023 [NSW] Storm The Castle #5 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
1st New South Wales Fai 20/06/2023 [NSW] City Diggers 62 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudLucasRobin
7th Australian Capital Territory Kite 19/06/2023 [ACT] The Sauce #57 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
7th New South Wales Guts_LP 19/06/2023 [NSW] Offstage #44 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
7th Australian Capital Territory Kite 14/06/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #146 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
33rd Victoria Derris-Kharlan 12/06/2023 [VIC] Pixel Smash #177 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
129th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 11/06/2023 [VIC] BAM 13 Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles [BAM 2023] Cloud
129th Queensland M4TCH 11/06/2023 [VIC] BAM 13 Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles [BAM 2023] Cloud
65th Queensland M4TCH 8/06/2023 [VIC] BAM 13 Salty Suite Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
9th South Australia pinky 7/06/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #147 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket BylethCloudGreninjaJokerRandom
33rd Victoria Derris-Kharlan 5/06/2023 [VIC] Pixel Smash #176 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
9th New South Wales Ginger 5/06/2023 [NSW] City Diggers #60 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
17th New South Wales salt_LJ 4/06/2023 [NSW] MegaLAN T2 - Atlantis Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Bracket Cloud
13th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 4/06/2023 [VIC] RMIT Tournament Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
13th New South Wales Guts_LP 3/06/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 17 Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Cloud
13th New South Wales BigMrAMan 3/06/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 17 Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Cloud
3rd New South Wales BigMrAMan 3/06/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 17 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudWolf
2nd New South Wales Guts_LP 3/06/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 17 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudPalutena
17th Queensland M4TCH 2/06/2023 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 352 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
9th New South Wales Guts_LP 29/05/2023 [NSW] Offstage #43 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
13th New South Wales BigMrAMan 28/05/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros: Moey’s Trade Offer Ultimate Singles Cloud
7th New South Wales Guts_LP 28/05/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros: Moey’s Trade Offer Ultimate Singles Cloud
25th Queensland M4TCH 27/05/2023 [QLD] CWQLD | May Ranbat 2023 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
5th Queensland M4TCH 27/05/2023 [QLD] CWQLD | May Ranbat 2023 CW QLD May Ranbat Redemption Bronze Cloud
2nd New South Wales Pondi 25/05/2023 [NSW] Castle Smashers 14.8 (Off Week) Ultimate singles Bracket CloudSamus
2nd New South Wales Pondi 25/05/2023 [NSW] Castle Smashers 14.8 (Off Week) Ultimate singles Top 4 CloudSamus
17th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 22/05/2023 [VIC] Pixel Smash #174 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
2nd New South Wales Fai 22/05/2023 [NSW] City Diggers #58 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudDark SamusFoxKing K. RoolZelda
25th Queensland M4TCH 19/05/2023 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 350 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
13th New South Wales Ginger 15/05/2023 [NSW] City Diggers 57 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
9th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 15/05/2023 [VIC] Pixel Smash #173 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
9th New South Wales Ang00se 15/05/2023 [NSW] City Diggers 57 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
17th Queensland M4TCH 13/05/2023 [QLD] FILTHY 4 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
25th Western Australia MANGOTANGO 10/05/2023 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 10/05/2023 Smashfest - 10th May 2023 Bracket Cloud
13th Western Australia SUGAR 10/05/2023 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 10/05/2023 Smashfest - 10th May 2023 Bracket Cloud
17th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 8/05/2023 [VIC] Pixel Smash #172 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
13th Western Australia MANGOTANGO 8/05/2023 [WA] Enigma #93 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
4th Western Australia SUGAR 8/05/2023 [WA] Enigma #93 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
33rd Victoria Derris-Kharlan 6/05/2023 [VIC] CouchWarriors May Ranbat 2023 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
7th New South Wales Guts_LP 6/05/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 16 Ultimate Singles Cloud
25th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 1/05/2023 [VIC] Pixel Smash #171 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
5th Australian Capital Territory Kite 1/05/2023 [ACT] The Sauce #55 Ultimate Singles Pools Cloud
5th New South Wales Guts_LP 1/05/2023 [NSW] Offstage #42 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
1st Australian Capital Territory Kite 1/05/2023 [ACT] The Sauce #55 The SAUCE #55 Redemption Cloud
49th New South Wales salt_LJ 30/04/2023 [VIC] Dreamhack 2023 Smash Ultimate - DH Melb - CouchWarriors Stage Cloud
5th New South Wales Guts_LP 30/04/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, the Woolies run Ultimate Singles Cloud
33rd Queensland M4TCH 29/04/2023 [QLD] CWQLD | April Ranbat 2023 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
13th Queensland Geats 29/04/2023 [QLD] CWQLD | April Ranbat 2023 CW QLD April Ranbat Redemption Bronze CloudDark SamusJoker
9th Queensland M4TCH 29/04/2023 [QLD] CWQLD | April Ranbat 2023 CW QLD April Ranbat Redemption Bronze Cloud
25th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 24/04/2023 [VIC] Pixel Smash #170 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
7th New Zealand DaWests 22/04/2023 [NZ] SeaSideSmash #25 Smash Ultimate 1v1 Top 8 CloudDaisySteve
5th New Zealand Giantdad 22/04/2023 [NZ] SeaSideSmash #25 Smash Ultimate 1v1 Top 8 Cloud
17th Queensland M4TCH 21/04/2023 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 347 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
1st New South Wales Fai 20/04/2023 [NSW] CTown Beatdown #27 Ultimate Singles Round Robin Banjo & KazooieCloudRobin
13th New South Wales Ang00se 18/04/2023 [NSW] City Diggers Esports 54 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
25th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 17/04/2023 [VIC] Pixel Smash #169 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
5th Australian Capital Territory Kite 17/04/2023 [ACT] The SAUCE #54 Ultimate Singles Top 6 Cloud
3rd Australian Capital Territory Kite 17/04/2023 [ACT] The SAUCE #54 Ultimate Singles Pools Cloud
9th New South Wales Ang00se 11/04/2023 [NSW] City Diggers Esports #53 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudHero
33rd Victoria Derris-Kharlan 10/04/2023 [VIC] Pixel Smash #168 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
33rd Victoria Derris-Kharlan 3/04/2023 [VIC] Pixel Smash #167 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
33rd New South Wales Kuriboh 2/04/2023 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #15 Ultimate Singles Cloud
33rd New South Wales BigMrAMan 2/04/2023 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #15 Ultimate Singles Cloud
33rd Victoria Derris-Kharlan 1/04/2023 [VIC] CouchWarriors April Ranbat 2023 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
49th Queensland M4TCH 31/03/2023 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 346 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
1st New South Wales Guts_LP 30/03/2023 [NSW] Castle Smashers 7 Ultimate singles Bracket Cloud
17th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 27/03/2023 [VIC] Pixel Smash #166 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
25th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 20/03/2023 [VIC] Pixel Smash #165 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
3rd Australian Capital Territory Kite 20/03/2023 [ACT] The Sauce #52 Ultimate Singles - Pools Cloud
2nd Australian Capital Territory Kite 20/03/2023 [ACT] The Sauce #52 Ultimate Singles - Redemption Bracket Cloud
7th Australian Capital Territory Kite 18/03/2023 [NSW] Goulburn eSports Cup 2023 Goulburn SSBU Cup 23 recreation Cloud
2nd Western Australia Ttam 15/03/2023 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 15/03/2023 Smashfest - 15th March 2023 Bracket CloudPyra / Mythra
25th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 13/03/2023 [VIC] Pixel Smash #164 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
1st New South Wales metagh0st20XX 12/03/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Bye Bye Bihate Ultimate Singles CloudFalco
7th New South Wales Kuriboh 11/03/2023 [NSW] AEL Newcastle Cup March 2023 Ultimate Singles Cloud
7th Australian Capital Territory Kite 6/03/2023 [ACT] The Sauce #51 Ultimate Singles Cloud
33rd New South Wales Guts_LP 5/03/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #14 Ultimate Singles CloudFalco
33rd New South Wales metagh0st20XX 5/03/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #14 Ultimate Singles CloudFalco
25th New South Wales TurtleCat 5/03/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #14 Ultimate Singles Cloud
25th Queensland M4TCH 3/03/2023 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 342 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
17th New South Wales TurtleCat 27/02/2023 [NSW] Offstage #36 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
13th New South Wales Guts_LP 27/02/2023 [NSW] Offstage #36 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
13th Australian Capital Territory Kite 25/02/2023 [ACT] Victory Road 5 Ultimate Bracket Cloud
7th New South Wales Guts_LP 18/02/2023 [NSW] Storm the Castle #1 Ultimate singles Bracket Cloud
33rd Victoria Derris-Kharlan 13/02/2023 [VIC] Pixel Smash #159 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
33rd Queensland M4TCH 11/02/2023 [QLD] FILTHY Ultimate Singles Cloud
5th New Zealand BRudeNot2 8/02/2023 [NZ] Pōneke Popoff #17 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudWolf
25th New South Wales TurtleCat 4/02/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #13 Ultimate Singles Cloud
17th New South Wales Guts_LP 4/02/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #13 Ultimate Singles CloudJoker
2nd Australian Capital Territory Joey 1/02/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village 127 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudSephirothSheikWolf
25th New South Wales BigMrAMan 29/01/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Friendship With Ben Ended, Mike_Kool Is My New Bestfriend Ultimate Singles CloudWolf
9th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 23/01/2023 [VIC] Pixel Smash #156 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
49th New South Wales Guts_LP 22/01/2023 [ACT] The Action Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
33rd Victoria Jet 22/01/2023 [ACT] The Action Smash Ultimate Singles CloudJoker
33rd Queensland M4TCH 20/01/2023 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 336 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
3rd New South Wales Guts_LP 19/01/2023 [ACT] The Special Sauce The Special Sauce Redemption Cloud
25th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 16/01/2023 [VIC] Pixel Smash #155 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
33rd New South Wales BigMrAMan 14/01/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #12 Ultimate Singles CloudWolf
9th New South Wales Guts_LP 9/01/2023 [NSW] Offstage #30 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
33rd New South Wales Guts_LP 8/01/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, An Average Bracket Ultimate Singles Cloud
25th New South Wales BigMrAMan 8/01/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, An Average Bracket Ultimate Singles CloudCorrin
33rd Queensland M4TCH 30/12/2022 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 333 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
17th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 19/12/2022 [VIC] Pixel Smash #152 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
7th New South Wales Guts_LP 19/12/2022 [NSW] Offstage #29 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
33rd New South Wales BigMrAMan 18/12/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros. A Very Meowy Christmas Ultimate Singles Cloud
13th New South Wales Guts_LP 18/12/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros. A Very Meowy Christmas Ultimate Singles Cloud
7th South Australia pinky 14/12/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #125 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudJoker
49th New South Wales BigMrAMan 11/12/2022 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #11 Ultimate Singles CloudPyra / Mythra
25th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 11/12/2022 [VIC] Pixel Smash #150 Pixel SMASH Ultimate (Main Bracket) Cloud
7th South Australia pinky 11/12/2022 [SA] Cheese League December 2022 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
3rd Queensland AlastairBL 7/12/2022 [NZ] Pōneke Popoff #10 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudPyra / Mythra
129th Queensland M4TCH 4/12/2022 [QLD] Pissmas 3 Ultimate Singles Cloud
13th New South Wales BigMrAMan 27/11/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, SIUUUUUU!!! Ultimate Singles Cloud
17th South Australia Whisper 23/11/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #122 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudFox
25th Queensland M4TCH 18/11/2022 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 327 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
17th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 14/11/2022 [VIC] Pixel Smash #147 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
33rd New South Wales BigMrAMan 12/11/2022 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #10 Ultimate Singles Cloud
17th Queensland M4TCH 5/11/2022 [QLD] Flip the 'Swich 17 Ultimate Singles Cloud
5th New South Wales TurtleCat 5/11/2022 [NSW] Smash on the Hill Ultimate singles Bracket Cloud
129th Queensland M4TCH 29/10/2022 [SA] Big Cheese 3 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles Cloud
65th South Australia BLU 29/10/2022 [SA] Big Cheese 3 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles Cloud
33rd Queensland M4TCH 29/10/2022 [SA] Big Cheese 3 Big Cheese 3 - Ultimate Redemption Bracket Cloud
3rd South Australia BLU 29/10/2022 [SA] Big Cheese 3 Big Cheese 3 - Ultimate Redemption Bracket Cloud
65th Queensland M4TCH 27/10/2022 [SA] The Medium Cheese 2022 Ultimate Singles Cloud
49th Queensland M4TCH 26/10/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac - Small Cheese Edition 2022 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
13th Western Australia MANGOTANGO 23/10/2022 [WA] Sundays @ Subi #8 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
25th Queensland M4TCH 21/10/2022 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 323 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
33rd Queensland M4TCH 14/10/2022 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 322 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
17th New South Wales BigMrAMan 9/10/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, I’m not gonna sugarcoat it Ultimate Singles Cloud
13th Western Australia MANGOTANGO 9/10/2022 [WA] Sundays @ Subi #7 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
7th Western Australia SUGAR 9/10/2022 [WA] Sundays @ Subi #7 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
25th New South Wales BigMrAMan 2/10/2022 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #9 Ultimate Singles Cloud
33rd Queensland M4TCH 1/10/2022 [QLD] Flip The 'Swich #16 Ultimate Singles Cloud
5th New South Wales Guts_LP 19/09/2022 [NSW] Offstage #20 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
33rd Queensland M4TCH 16/09/2022 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 318 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
25th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 12/09/2022 [VIC] Pixel Smash #138 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
9th New South Wales Guts_LP 12/09/2022 [NSW] OffStage #19 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
9th South Australia pinky 11/09/2022 [SA] Cheese League September 2022 - Ultimate Smash Singles Redemption Bracket CloudJoker
7th Victoria MilkMeme 10/09/2022 [VIC] Vic Arcadian 2 VIC Arcadian Singles Cloud
25th Queensland M4TCH 9/09/2022 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 317 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
1st New South Wales Guts_LP 8/09/2022 [NSW] SmashOP #22 Ultimate singles Bracket Cloud
17th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 5/09/2022 [VIC] Pixel Smash #137 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
17th Queensland M4TCH 3/09/2022 [QLD] Flip The 'Swich #15 Ultimate Singles Cloud
7th New South Wales Guts_LP 3/09/2022 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #8 Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Cloud
5th New South Wales BigMrAMan 3/09/2022 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #8 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudPyra / Mythra
2nd New South Wales Guts_LP 3/09/2022 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #8 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
1st Tasmania Sayhnim 27/08/2022 [TAS] TFC Locals - Event #26 Ultimate Singles RR CloudFalco
1st Tasmania Sayhnim 27/08/2022 [TAS] TFC Locals - Event #26 Ultimate Singles Top 3 CloudFalco
33rd Queensland M4TCH 26/08/2022 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 315 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
13th South Australia pinky 24/08/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #112 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudJokerMr. Game and WatchSheikWolf
17th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 22/08/2022 [VIC] Pixel Smash #135 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
9th South Australia pinky 17/08/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #111 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
17th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 15/08/2022 [VIC] Pixel Smash #134 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
49th New South Wales BigMrAMan 14/08/2022 [NSW] Okay this is Epping Arcadian Ultimate Singles Cloud
13th New South Wales Guts_LP 14/08/2022 [NSW] Okay this is Epping Arcadian Ultimate Singles Cloud
1st Tasmania Sayhnim 13/08/2022 [TAS] TFC Locals - Event #25 Ultimate Singles RR Pools Cloud
1st Tasmania Sayhnim 13/08/2022 [TAS] TFC Locals - Event #25 Ultimate Singles Top 4 Cloud
25th Queensland M4TCH 12/08/2022 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 313 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
17th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 8/08/2022 [VIC] Pixel Smash #133 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
9th New South Wales TurtleCat 8/08/2022 [NSW] OffStage #16 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Cloud
33rd Queensland M4TCH 7/08/2022 [QLD] Flip The 'Swich #14 Ultimate Singles Cloud
33rd Queensland M4TCH 5/08/2022 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 312 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
17th Australian Capital Territory Kite 3/08/2022 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village 104 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
2nd Australian Capital Territory Kite 3/08/2022 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village 104 Redemption Cloud
33rd Queensland M4TCH 29/07/2022 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 311 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
33rd New South Wales TurtleCat 17/07/2022 [NSW] Phantom 2022 Ultimate singles Cloud
17th Victoria Dura 17/07/2022 [NSW] Phantom 2022 Ultimate singles Cloud
17th Queensland M4TCH 15/07/2022 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 309 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
9th Western Australia YukiDraco 13/07/2022 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 13/07/2022 Smashfest - 13th July 2022 Bracket CloudJoker
33rd Queensland M4TCH 8/07/2022 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 308 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
13th New South Wales jasmine 8/07/2022 [NSW] StarForge #121 Ultimate Singles Main Bracket BowserCloudDark PitPac-ManSheik
2nd New South Wales AndrewSSB 8/07/2022 [NZ] Crush Counter Capital 2022 Main Game: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate CloudInkling
9th Victoria MilkMeme 5/07/2022 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #99 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudMii Brawler
25th Queensland M4TCH 2/07/2022 [QLD] Flip The 'Swich #13 Ultimate Singles Cloud
17th Victoria MilkMeme 2/07/2022 [VIC] CouchWarriors July Ranbat 2022 Smash Ultimate Singles CloudMii Swordfighter
33rd Queensland M4TCH 1/07/2022 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 307 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
17th Western Australia YukiDraco 29/06/2022 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 29/06/22 Smashfest - 29th June 2022 Bracket CloudSephiroth
33rd Queensland M4TCH 24/06/2022 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 306 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
7th New South Wales TurtleCat 24/06/2022 [NSW] StarForge #119 Ultimate Singles Main Bracket Cloud
5th New South Wales jasmine 24/06/2022 [NSW] StarForge #119 Ultimate Singles Main Bracket CloudPac-ManPokémon TrainerVillagerWolf
25th Western Australia YukiDraco 22/06/2022 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 22/06/2022 Smashfest - 22nd June 2022 Bracket CloudJokerSephiroth
17th Queensland M4TCH 19/06/2022 [QLD] Smash at JoJo's #2 Ultimate Singles Cloud
17th New South Wales BigMrAMan 19/06/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, What Am I Doughing Here Ultimate Singles CloudWolf
25th Queensland M4TCH 17/06/2022 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 305 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
33rd Queensland M4TCH 10/06/2022 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 304 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
13th Western Australia YukiDraco 8/06/2022 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 08/06/22 Smashfest - 8th June 2022 Bracket Cloud
5th Victoria MilkMeme 7/06/2022 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #96 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudJigglypuff
3rd Queensland M4TCH 6/06/2022 [QLD] Save Point Smash 9 - Ranked Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
3rd Western Australia YukiDraco 5/06/2022 [WA] Enigma #52 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudKazuya
13th Queensland M4TCH 4/06/2022 [QLD] Flip The 'Swich #12 Ultimate Singles Cloud
13th Victoria MilkMeme 4/06/2022 [VIC] CouchWarriors June Ranbat 2022 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
7th Queensland M4TCH 4/06/2022 [QLD] Flip The 'Swich #12 Flip the 'Swich 12 Ammies Cloud
7th New South Wales BigMrAMan 4/06/2022 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 7 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudWolf
7th New South Wales Guts_LP 4/06/2022 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 7 Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Cloud
33rd Queensland M4TCH 3/06/2022 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 303 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
33rd Queensland M4TCH 27/05/2022 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 302 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
49th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 16/05/2022 [VIC] Pixel Smash #122 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
17th Victoria MilkMeme 15/05/2022 [VIC] BAM 12 Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles [BAM 2022] Cloud
5th Queensland JoshUR 13/05/2022 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 301 Smash Ultimate Singles CloudRidley
33rd Victoria Derris-Kharlan 9/05/2022 [VIC] Pixel Smash #120 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
9th New South Wales TurtleCat 7/05/2022 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 6 Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Cloud
7th New South Wales Guts_LP 7/05/2022 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 6 Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Cloud
2nd New South Wales Guts_LP 7/05/2022 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 6 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
2nd New South Wales TurtleCat 7/05/2022 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 6 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
13th New South Wales Guts_LP 6/05/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Double Dash Super Barista Bros, Double Dash Cloud
9th Victoria MilkMeme 3/05/2022 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #93 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
25th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 2/05/2022 [VIC] Pixel Smash #119 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
25th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 25/04/2022 [VIC] Pixel Smash #118 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
25th New South Wales ipewu 24/04/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Sonics Chili Dog Fiasco: Night at the Casino Ultimate Singles Cloud
9th Victoria MilkMeme 23/04/2022 [VIC] CouchWarriors April Ranbat 2022 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
17th New South Wales Guts_LP 22/04/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Green Hill Zone Super Barista Bros, Green Hill Zone Cloud
9th New South Wales Guts_LP 21/04/2022 [NSW] C’town Beat Down #1 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
25th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 18/04/2022 [VIC] Pixel Smash #117 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
4th Victoria Dura 18/04/2022 [VIC] Pixel Smash #117 Pixel SMASH Bracket BylethCloud
17th Australian Capital Territory Kite 11/04/2022 [ACT] The Sauce #42 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
13th Victoria MilkMeme 8/04/2022 [VIC] Temple Smash #19 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
4th New South Wales Guts_LP 2/04/2022 [NSW] Okay This is Epping 5 Smash Ultimate Singles Pools Cloud
3rd New South Wales TurtleCat 2/04/2022 [NSW] Okay This is Epping 5 Smash Ultimate Singles Pools Cloud
9th New South Wales Guts_LP 31/03/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, The Moldy Half Eaten Sandwich Super Barista Bros, The Moldy Half Eaten Sandwich Cloud
5th Victoria MilkMeme 22/03/2022 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #87 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
25th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 21/03/2022 [VIC] Pixel Smash #113 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
9th New South Wales Guts_LP 20/03/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, The Golden Age Ultimate Singles Cloud
3rd Queensland KayJay 19/03/2022 [QLD] Smash @ The Goblin 4 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudWolf
9th New South Wales Guts_LP 17/03/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Triple Shot Long Black with some Honey Super Barista Bros, Triple Shot Long Black With Some Honey Cloud
5th Victoria MilkMeme 8/03/2022 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #85 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudMii Swordfighter
25th Western Australia Temper 27/02/2022 [WA] Murdoch Monthly - February 2022 (KOS) Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudIncineroar
13th New South Wales CORG 24/02/2022 [NSW] GVP Thursday Throwdowns 27 SSBU - Singles Bracket Cloud
17th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 14/02/2022 [VIC] Pixel Smash #108 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
9th Tasmania Diesel Booster 10/02/2022 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #86 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
4th Victoria sadlife 10/02/2022 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #86 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudIke
9th Victoria MilkMeme 4/02/2022 [VIC] Temple Smash #12 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
9th New Zealand Giantdad 4/02/2022 [NZ] Docked & Loaded 2 Ultimate 1v1 CloudJoker
33rd Western Australia Beesches 2/02/2022 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 02/12/22 Smashfest - 2nd February 2022 Bracket CloudSephiroth
9th Western Australia YukiDraco 31/01/2022 [WA] Enigma #38 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudJoker
17th Victoria MilkMeme 28/01/2022 [VIC] Temple Smash #11 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
7th Tasmania Diesel Booster 27/01/2022 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #85 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
5th Victoria sadlife 27/01/2022 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #85 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudIke
13th Western Australia YukiDraco 24/01/2022 [WA] Enigma #37 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudJoker
1st Queensland Nitzayra 22/01/2022 [QLD] Smash @ The Goblin 2 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudCorrin
5th Tasmania Diesel Booster 13/01/2022 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #84 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
4th Tasmania Diesel Booster 6/01/2022 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #83 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
3rd Tasmania Diesel Booster 30/12/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #82 Ultimate Singles Round Robin Cloud
3rd Tasmania Diesel Booster 30/12/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #82 Ultimate Singles Finals Cloud
33rd Victoria Derris-Kharlan 20/12/2021 [VIC] Pixel Smash #105 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
13th Australian Capital Territory Kite 20/12/2021 [ACT] The Sauce #32 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
4th Australian Capital Territory Kite 20/12/2021 [ACT] The Sauce #32 The SAUCE #32 Redemption Cloud
4th Queensland Nitzayra 18/12/2021 [QLD] Smash @ The Goblin 1 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudCorrin
5th Tasmania Diesel Booster 16/12/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #80 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
4th Victoria MilkMeme 14/12/2021 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #84 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
33rd Victoria Derris-Kharlan 13/12/2021 [VIC] Pixel Smash #101 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
9th Victoria Luma 8/12/2021 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 08/12/21 Smashfest - 8th December 2021 Bracket Cloud
4th Western Australia Ttam 8/12/2021 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 08/12/21 Smashfest - 8th December 2021 Bracket CloudPyra / MythraRoyVillager
7th Victoria MilkMeme 7/12/2021 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #83 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
65th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 5/12/2021 [VIC] Pixel Smash #100 Pixel SMASH Ultimate (Main Bracket) Cloud
9th Victoria MilkMeme 3/12/2021 [VIC] Temple Smash #8 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
17th Australian Capital Territory Kite 1/12/2021 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village 77 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
33rd Victoria Derris-Kharlan 29/11/2021 [VIC] Pixel Smash #99.9 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
5th New South Wales Dmo 29/11/2021 [NSW] Central Sydney Skirmish 18 Central Sydney Skirmish 18 CloudJoker
5th Tasmania Diesel Booster 25/11/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #77 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
25th Victoria Derris-Kharlan 22/11/2021 [VIC] Pixel Smash #99.2 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
5th Western Australia Jazz 22/11/2021 [WA] Enigma #30 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
7th Tasmania Diesel Booster 18/11/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #76 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudMr. Game and WatchZero Suit Samus
17th Victoria MilkMeme 9/11/2021 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #79 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
13th Victoria MilkMeme 6/11/2021 [VIC] Temple Smash #6 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
7th Tasmania Diesel Booster 28/10/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #73 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudMr. Game and WatchZero Suit Samus
7th Tasmania Diesel Booster 21/10/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #72 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudMr. Game and WatchZero Suit Samus
2nd Tasmania Trucks 15/10/2021 [TAS] North Tas Monthly - October Ultimate Singles Top 4 Cloud
5th Tasmania Diesel Booster 30/09/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #70 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudPikachuZero Suit Samus
3rd Victoria sadlife 16/09/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #68 Ultimate Singles Top 4 CloudIkeShulk
2nd Victoria sadlife 16/09/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #68 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudIkeShulk
5th Tasmania Diesel Booster 2/09/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #66 Ultimate Singles Bracket Captain FalconCloudZero Suit Samus
4th Tasmania Diesel Booster 26/08/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #65 Ultimate Singles Bracket Captain FalconCloudZero Suit Samus
7th Tasmania Diesel Booster 19/08/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #64 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudZero Suit Samus
5th Tasmania Diesel Booster 12/08/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #63 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudZero Suit Samus
5th Victoria sadlife 12/08/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #63 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudIke
9th Tasmania Diesel Booster 5/08/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #62 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudZero Suit Samus
7th Victoria sadlife 5/08/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #62 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudIke
7th Tasmania Diesel Booster 29/07/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #61 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudFalcoZero Suit Samus
5th Tasmania Diesel Booster 24/07/2021 [TAS] North Tas Monthly - July Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudZero Suit Samus
7th Tasmania Diesel Booster 22/07/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #60 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudZero Suit Samus
9th Australian Capital Territory Kite 19/07/2021 [ACT] The Sauce #27 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
3rd Australian Capital Territory Kite 19/07/2021 [ACT] The Sauce #27 The SAUCE #27 Redemption Cloud
7th New Zealand Aluf 17/07/2021 [NZ] SeaSideSmash #19 Smash Ultimate 1v1 Pools CloudMarioSheik
7th New Zealand Aluf 17/07/2021 [NZ] SeaSideSmash #19 Smash Ultimate 1v1 Top 16 CloudMario
9th Tasmania Diesel Booster 15/07/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #59 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
17th Victoria Zekora 14/07/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #64 Ultimate WeeklyVac #64 (14/07/21) BylethCloudPalutenaPyra / Mythra
33rd Victoria Luggy 11/07/2021 [VIC] BANC Super Smash Bros Ultimate [BANC] Bracket Cloud
33rd Victoria MilkMeme 10/07/2021 [VIC] Super Sunshine Smash 5 Smash Ultimate Singles CloudPit
33rd Victoria Luggy 10/07/2021 [VIC] Super Sunshine Smash 5 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
25th Victoria MilkMeme 9/07/2021 [VIC] Temple Smash #4 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudDark Pit
5th Tasmania Diesel Booster 8/07/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #58 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
17th Victoria Luggy 6/07/2021 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #77 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
9th Victoria MilkMeme 3/07/2021 [VIC] Temple Smash #3 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
9th Tasmania Diesel Booster 1/07/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #57 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
4th Tasmania Jinjo 1/07/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #57 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
5th New South Wales CORG 24/06/2021 [NSW] GVP Thursday Night Throwdowns #8 SSBU - Singles Bracket Cloud
4th Tasmania Diesel Booster 24/06/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #56 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
7th Tasmania Diesel Booster 19/06/2021 [TAS] North Tas Monthly - June Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
7th Tasmania Diesel Booster 17/06/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #55 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
2nd Victoria Mik15 12/06/2021 [VIC] Temple Smash #2 Ultimate Singles Main Bracket Cloud
9th Tasmania Diesel Booster 10/06/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #54 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
1st Victoria Noot 4/06/2021 [TAS] TFC Locals - Weekly #7 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
5th Tasmania Diesel Booster 3/06/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #53 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
33rd New South Wales Jump91 29/05/2021 [NSW] Don't Get Bit #7 Ultimate Singles Cloud
13th New South Wales Jump91 29/05/2021 [NSW] Don't Get Bit #7 Don't Get Bit #7 Redemption Bracket Cloud
4th Tasmania Diesel Booster 27/05/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #52 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
17th Victoria MilkMeme 22/05/2021 [VIC] CouchWarriors May Ranbat 2021 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
5th Tasmania Diesel Booster 20/05/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #51 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
7th New South Wales Vic 17/05/2021 [NSW] Central Sydney Skirmish 13 CSS 13 Ammies CloudPokémon TrainerSephiroth
13th Australian Capital Territory Kite 19/04/2021 [ACT] The Sauce #17 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
3rd Australian Capital Territory Kite 19/04/2021 [ACT] The Sauce #17 The Sauce #17 Redemption Cloud
17th Victoria MilkMeme 13/04/2021 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #70 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
9th Victoria Mik15 8/04/2021 [VIC] Sunshine Smash #68 Smash Ultimate Bracket Cloud
3rd New South Wales Fai 8/04/2021 [NSW] GVP FGC Thursday Night Battles #41 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Singles Bracket CloudCorrinRobin
9th Victoria MilkMeme 6/04/2021 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #69 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
25th South Australia Andre 28/03/2021 [SA] El Queso League March Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
4th South Australia Andre 28/03/2021 [SA] El Queso League March El Queso League Redemption March 21 CloudGanondorf
49th Victoria MilkMeme 27/03/2021 [VIC] Couchwarriors March Ranbat 2021 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
5th Tasmania Diesel Booster 20/03/2021 [TAS] North Tas Monthly - March Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
9th Queensland 4Morant 14/03/2021 [QLD] Redland Rumble 3 Redland Rumble 3 Redemption CloudDiddy Kong
25th Queensland 4Morant 12/03/2021 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 252 Smash Ultimate Singles BylethCaptain FalconCloudDiddy KongPalutena
25th Victoria Luggy 7/03/2021 [VIC] Super Sunshine Smash 2 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
17th Victoria MilkMeme 2/03/2021 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #64 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
33rd New South Wales metagh0st20XX 26/02/2021 [NSW] Star Forge #112 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudFalco
25th New South Wales Vic 26/02/2021 [NSW] Star Forge #112 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudPokémon TrainerYoung Link
17th Western Australia Nostromo Cult 24/02/2021 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 24/02/21 Smashfest - 24th February 2021 Bracket CloudMario
17th Western Australia Milis 19/02/2021 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 249 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
9th South Australia BLU 17/02/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #44 Ultimate WeeklyVac #44 (17/02/21) Cloud
9th Western Australia YukiDraco 17/02/2021 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 17/02/21 Smashfest - 17th February 2021 Bracket CloudRandom
25th New South Wales Jump91 8/02/2021 [NSW] Central Sydney Skirmish #1 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
13th Victoria Mik15 1/02/2021 [VIC] Smash @ Sunshine #60 SunshineSmash Bracket Cloud
9th Victoria MilkMeme 1/02/2021 [VIC] Smash @ Sunshine #60 SunshineSmash Bracket Cloud
25th Western Australia Milis 29/01/2021 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 246 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
9th Victoria Mik15 18/01/2021 [VIC] Smash @ Sunshine #59 SunshineSmash Bracket Cloud
17th Victoria Luggy 10/01/2021 [VIC] Super Sunshine Smash Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
9th Victoria Mik15 4/01/2021 [VIC] Smash @ Sunshine #58 SunshineSmash Bracket Cloud
65th Western Australia Milis 20/12/2020 [QLD] Pissmas 2 Ultimate Singles Cloud
5th Victoria Luggy 13/12/2020 [VIC] Pixel Perfect 1 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
9th South Australia BLU 12/12/2020 [SA] Cheese League December 2020 - Ultimate Cheese League December - Ultimate Singles (12/12/20) Cloud
5th Tasmania Diesel Booster 5/12/2020 [TAS] TFC Locals Event #3 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
33rd Western Australia Nostromo Cult 25/11/2020 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 25/11 Smashfest - 25th November Bracket CloudMario
5th New Zealand Giantdad 20/11/2020 [NZ] Docked & Loaded Ultimate Singles CloudJokerMr. Game and Watch
25th Western Australia Nostromo Cult 18/11/2020 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 18/11 Smashfest - 18th November Bracket CloudMario
9th New South Wales jasmine 16/11/2020 [ACT] The Sauce #2 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudDiddy KongDr. Mario
17th Western Australia Nostromo Cult 11/11/2020 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 10/11 Smashfest - 11th November Bracket CloudMario
33rd Western Australia Nostromo Cult 4/11/2020 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 05/11 Smashfest - 4th November Bracket CloudMario
9th New South Wales jasmine 4/11/2020 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village 39 Ultimate Singles Bracket BowserCloudDark PitDr. MarioSnake
7th New South Wales CORG 29/10/2020 [NSW] GVP FGC Thursday Night Battles #18 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Singles Bracket Cloud
33rd Western Australia Nostromo Cult 28/10/2020 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 28/10 Smashfest - 28th October Bracket CloudMario
9th South Australia BLU 28/10/2020 [SA] WeeklyVAC #35 Ultimate WeeklyVac #35 (28/10/20) Cloud
9th South Australia BLU 25/10/2020 [SA] Cheese League October 2020 - Ultimate Cheese League October - Ultimate Singles (25/10/20) Cloud
4th Tasmania Diesel Booster 24/10/2020 [TAS] North Tas Monthly Smash Ultimate - October North Tas Monthly Smash Ultimate - October CloudZero Suit Samus
17th Western Australia Nostromo Cult 21/10/2020 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 22/10 Smashfest - 21st October Bracket CloudMario
25th Western Australia Nostromo Cult 14/10/2020 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 14/10 Smashfest - 14th October Bracket CloudMario
25th Western Australia Nostromo Cult 7/10/2020 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 07/10 Curtin Smashfest - 7th October Bracket CloudMario
5th South Australia BLU 7/10/2020 [SA] WeeklyVAC #32 Ultimate WeeklyVac #32 (07/10/20) Cloud
49th Western Australia Nostromo Cult 30/09/2020 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 30/09 Curtin Smashfest - 30th September Bracket CloudMario
4th South Australia BLU 30/09/2020 [SA] WeeklyVAC #31 Ultimate WeeklyVac #31 (30/09/20) Cloud
25th Western Australia Nostromo Cult 23/09/2020 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 23/09 Curtin Smashfest - 23rd September Bracket CloudMario
33rd Western Australia Nostromo Cult 16/09/2020 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 16/09 Curtin Smashfest - 16th September Bracket CloudMario
5th New South Wales Guts_LP 10/09/2020 [NSW] GVP FGC Thursday Night Battles #11 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Singles Bracket Cloud
25th Western Australia Nostromo Cult 9/09/2020 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 09/09 Curtin Smashfest - 9th September Bracket CloudMario
13th New South Wales CORG 27/08/2020 [NSW] GVP FGC Thursday Night Battles #9 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Singles Bracket Cloud
5th New South Wales CORG 30/07/2020 [NSW] GVP FGC Thursday Night Battles #5 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Singles Bracket Cloud
4th New South Wales CORG 23/07/2020 [NSW] GVP FGC Thursday Night Battles #4 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Singles Bracket Cloud
7th New South Wales CORG 16/07/2020 [NSW] GVP FGC Thursday Night Battles #3 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Singles Bracket Cloud
9th New South Wales CORG 9/07/2020 [NSW] GVP FGC Thursday Night Battles #2 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Singles Bracket Cloud
13th New South Wales CORG 2/07/2020 [NSW] GVP FGC Thursday Night Battles #1 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Singles Bracket Cloud
9th New Zealand eli 27/06/2020 [NZ] SeaSideSmash #11 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
5th New Zealand eli 27/06/2020 [NZ] SeaSideSmash #11 Ultimate Singles Top 32 Cloud
3rd Queensland Nitzayra 19/03/2020 [QLD] Smash @ The Jack 32 Smash @ The Jack 32 Cloud
7th South Australia BLU 15/03/2020 [SA] Cheese League March 2020 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
17th New South Wales jasmine 11/03/2020 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village 37 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudDark PitSheik
1st South Australia BLU 11/03/2020 [SA] WeeklyVac #29 Ultimate WeeklyVac #29 11/03/20 (Quarantine Edition) Cloud
129th New Zealand Jarcino 7/03/2020 [NSW] Phantom 2020 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
97th Victoria Luggy 7/03/2020 [NSW] Phantom 2020 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
65th South Australia BLU 7/03/2020 [NSW] Phantom 2020 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
7th South Australia BLU 7/03/2020 [NSW] Phantom 2020 Phantom Redemption bracket Cloud
9th South Australia BLU 6/03/2020 [NSW] Star Forge #110 Star Forge #110 - Phantom Edition! Cloud
2nd Queensland Nitzayra 5/03/2020 [QLD] Smash @ The Jack 31 Smash @ The Jack 31 Cloud
25th Victoria Luggy 3/03/2020 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #59 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
25th New South Wales Jump91 1/03/2020 [NSW] BKB SMUSH SUNDAY SEASON 1 WEEK 9 Dup bracket 9 Cloud
1st Queensland PillowTalk Thee Stallion 25/02/2020 [NSW] AEL Open 2020 2 - Lismore Workers Club Smash Bros. Bracket BayonettaBylethCloudCorrin
65th New South Wales Jump91 23/02/2020 [NSW] Starforge: Underground 18 Ultimate Singles Cloud
33rd Victoria Fidilduck 22/02/2020 [VIC] Couchwarriors Feburary Ranbat 2020 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
7th New South Wales Merdeka! 22/02/2020 [NSW] PCSoc HyperLAN Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
33rd Victoria Fidilduck 21/02/2020 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston Ultimate 9 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
13th Victoria Luggy 21/02/2020 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston Ultimate 9 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
3rd Queensland Nitzayra 20/02/2020 [QLD] Smash @ The Jack 30 Smash @ The Jack 30 Cloud
33rd New South Wales Vic 18/02/2020 [NSW] Star Forge #109 Star Forge 109 Cloud
13th Queensland Joe Fast 7/02/2020 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 239 Friday Night Smash 239 CloudSonicTerryZero Suit Samus
25th New South Wales Vic 4/02/2020 [NSW] Star Forge #107 Star Forge #107 CloudPokémon Trainer
5th South Australia BLU 29/01/2020 [SA] WeeklyVac #23 Ultimate WeeklyVac #23 (29/01/2020) Cloud
3rd Queensland td 25/01/2020 [QLD] QUTies' Super Showdown #5 Smash Ultimate Singles Pools Cloud
9th Victoria Aya 24/01/2020 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston Ultimate 5 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudMega ManWolf
25th New South Wales Vic 21/01/2020 [NSW] Star Forge #105 Star Forge #105 CloudLinkLucinaPokémon Trainer
33rd Victoria Luggy 18/01/2020 [QLD] Queensland Arcadian: Mid-Level Madness Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
5th Victoria Slash 16/01/2020 [NSW] Super Smashin Thursdays 63 Super Smashin Thursdays #63 - SSBUltimate (Playoffs) Cloud
5th Victoria Luggy 15/01/2020 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #55 Geelong Smash Ultimate #54 Cloud
33rd New South Wales Vic 14/01/2020 [NSW] Star Forge #104 Star Forge #104 CloudYoung Link
4th Victoria Aya 13/01/2020 [VIC] Pixel Smash #48 Pixel SMASH CloudMega Man
49th Victoria Luggy 11/01/2020 [VIC] Couchwarriors January Ranbat 2020 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
13th Victoria Aya 11/01/2020 [VIC] Couchwarriors January Ranbat 2020 Smash Ultimate Singles CloudMega Man
33rd Victoria Luggy 10/01/2020 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston Ultimate 3 (Unfinished) Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
5th Queensland Nitzayra 9/01/2020 [QLD] Smash @ The Jack 28 Smash @ The Jack 28 Cloud
7th Victoria Luggy 8/01/2020 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #54 Geelong Smash Ultimate #53 Cloud
25th Queensland Nitzayra 3/01/2020 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 234 Friday Night Smash 234 Cloud
4th Queensland Nitzayra 3/01/2020 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 234 Friday Night Smash 234 Amateurs Cloud
7th Victoria Aya 30/12/2019 [VIC] Pixel Smash #46 Pixel SMASH CloudMega Man
25th Queensland Nitzayra 27/12/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 233 Friday Night Smash 233 Cloud
3rd Queensland Nitzayra 27/12/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 233 Friday Night Smash 233 Amateurs Cloud
4th Victoria Aya 23/12/2019 [VIC] Pixel Smash #45 Pixel SMASH Bracket CloudMega Man
2nd New Zealand Jarcino 15/12/2019 [NZ] Super Smash Shed Super Smash Shed Bracket Cloud
17th New Zealand Jarcino 14/12/2019 [NZ] SeaSideSmash #6 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
17th New Zealand Jarcino 14/12/2019 [NZ] SeaSideSmash #6 Ultimate Singles Top 24 Cloud
9th Victoria Aya 10/12/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #49 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudMega Man
5th Queensland Nitzayra 23/11/2019 [QLD] Smash @ The Boatshed 5 Smash @ The Boatshed 5 Cloud
9th Victoria Luggy 20/11/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #49 Geelong Smash Ultimate #48 Cloud
25th Victoria Luggy 19/11/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #46 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
17th Victoria Arnie 19/11/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #46 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
9th Victoria Aya 19/11/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #46 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudMega Man
4th New South Wales Ryan 18/11/2019 [NSW] AGS Ultimate Showdown AGS 18.11.12 CloudDiddy KongDonkey KongJigglypuffSheik
3rd Victoria Aya 18/11/2019 [VIC] Pixel Smash #40 Pixel SMASH CloudMega Man
5th Victoria Aya 16/11/2019 [VIC] GGEZ Smash Bash November 2019 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudMega Man
2nd Queensland Nitzayra 14/11/2019 [QLD] Smash @ The Jack 26 Smash @ the Jack 26 Cloud
49th Victoria Luggy 10/11/2019 [VIC] Victorian Arcadian 2019: Best Of The Average VIC Arcadian Singles Cloud
4th Victoria Luggy 6/11/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #47 Geelong Smash Ultimate #46 Cloud
9th Victoria Aya 4/11/2019 [VIC] Pixel Smash #38 Pixel SMASH CloudMega Man
4th Queensland Nitzayra 31/10/2019 [QLD] Smash @ The Jack 25 Smash @ the Jack 25 Cloud
5th Victoria Luggy 30/10/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #46 Geelong Smash Ultimate #45 Cloud
13th Victoria Aya 29/10/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #44 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudMega Man
9th Victoria Arnie 29/10/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #44 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
5th Victoria Aya 28/10/2019 [VIC] Pixel Smash #37 Pixel SMASH CloudMega Man
25th Victoria Aya 26/10/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors October Ranbat 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles CloudMega Man
3rd Queensland Nitzayra 26/10/2019 [QLD] Smash @ The Boatshed 3 Smash @ the Boatshed 3 Cloud
9th Victoria Aya 22/10/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #43 Ultimate Singles CloudMega Man
17th Victoria Aya 15/10/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #42 Ultimate Singles CloudMega ManWolf
9th Victoria Aya 14/10/2019 [VIC] Pixel Smash #35 Pixel SMASH Bracket CloudMega ManWolf
9th Queensland Nitzayra 12/10/2019 [QLD] Smash @ the Boatshed 2 Smash @ the Boatshed 2 Cloud
17th Victoria Aya 8/10/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #41 Ultimate Singles CloudMega Man
13th Victoria Arnie 8/10/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #41 Ultimate Singles Cloud
17th Victoria Unreal Sora 7/10/2019 [VIC] Pixel Smash #34 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
5th Victoria Luggy 2/10/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #42 Geelong Smash Ultimate #41 Cloud
33rd Victoria Unreal Sora 1/10/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #40 Ultimate Singles Cloud
97th New South Wales Jump91 29/09/2019 [NSW] Star Forge Underground #14 Ultimate Singles Cloud
65th Victoria Luggy 29/09/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors September Ranbat 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
9th Queensland Nitzayra 28/09/2019 [QLD] Smash @ the Boatshed Smash @ the Boatshed Cloud
17th Victoria Aya 24/09/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #39 Ultimate Singles CloudMega Man
33rd Australian Capital Territory Kinaji 21/09/2019 [NSW] OzHadou Nationals 16 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Cloud
17th Queensland td 20/09/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 219 Friday Night Smash 219 Cloud
7th Queensland td 20/09/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 219 Friday Night Smash 219 Redemption Cloud
5th Victoria Luggy 18/09/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #40 Geelong Smash Ultimate #39 Cloud
11th Queensland td 14/09/2019 [QLD] AEL Open 2019 Gold Coast Regional Smash Bros. CloudNess
9th Victoria Luggy 11/09/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #39 Geelong Smash Ultimate #39 Cloud
17th Victoria Aya 10/09/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #37 Ultimate Singles CloudMega Man
5th Victoria Aya 9/09/2019 [VIC] Pixel Smash #30 Pixel SMASH Bracket CloudMega Man
13th Victoria Aya 8/09/2019 [VIC] Stay Smashed September 2019 Stay Smashed September 2019 Singles CloudMega ManWolf
9th South Australia Taco 8/09/2019 [SA] Smash @ UniSA #4 Smash Ultimate @ UniSA #4 CloudLink
25th Western Australia jyetheguy 5/09/2019 [WA] Good Games Cannington #4 Cannington GGs Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
33rd New South Wales Vic 3/09/2019 [NSW] Star Forge #89 Star Forge #89 CloudHeroPokémon Trainer
49th Victoria kaotic 1/09/2019 [VIC] Melbourne Esports Open 2019 MEO Smash Ultimate Bracket Cloud
17th Western Australia jyetheguy 29/08/2019 [WA] Good Games Cannington #3 Cannington GG Smash Singles Bracket Cloud
97th New South Wales Jump91 25/08/2019 [NSW] Star Forge Underground #13 Ultimate Singles Cloud
33rd Victoria Luggy 24/08/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors August Ranbat 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
33rd Victoria Aya 24/08/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors August Ranbat 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles CloudMega Man
7th Victoria Luggy 21/08/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #36 Geelong Smash Ultimate #35 Cloud
33rd Victoria Aya 20/08/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #34 Ultimate Singles CloudMega Man
9th Victoria Aya 17/08/2019 [VIC] Ultimate Smash Bash #6 @GGEZ Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudMega ManWolf
5th Queensland td 16/08/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 214 Friday Night Smash 214 CloudNessYoung Link
25th Western Australia jyetheguy 14/08/2019 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 14/08/19 EP 14/08 COPY Cloud
13th Victoria Luggy 14/08/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #35 Guf Geelong #34 Cloud
3rd Victoria Arnie 13/08/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #33 Ultimate Singles CloudRoy
5th Victoria Aya 12/08/2019 [VIC] Pixel Smash #26 Pixel SMASH Bracket CloudKing DededeMega ManWolf
7th Victoria Luggy 7/08/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #34 Geelong Smash Ultimate #33 Cloud
49th Victoria Unreal Sora 6/08/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #32 Ultimate Singles Cloud
25th Victoria Aya 6/08/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #32 Ultimate Singles CloudMega Man
17th Victoria Unreal Sora 5/08/2019 [VIC] Pixel Smash #25 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
13th Queensland Joe Fast 4/08/2019 [QLD] QUTies' Super Showdown #1 Amateurs CloudSonic
33rd Victoria Unreal Sora 30/07/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #31 Ultimate Singles Cloud
17th Victoria Unreal Sora 29/07/2019 [VIC] Pixel Smash #24 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
65th New South Wales Jump91 28/07/2019 [NSW] Star Forge Underground #12 Ultimate Singles Cloud
65th Victoria Luggy 27/07/2019 [VIC] Couch Warriors Ranbat July 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
49th Victoria Unreal Sora 27/07/2019 [VIC] Couch Warriors Ranbat July 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
9th Victoria Luggy 24/07/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #32 Geelong Smash Ultimate #31 Cloud
33rd Victoria Aya 23/07/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #30 Ultimate Singles CloudMega ManWolf
33rd Victoria Unreal Sora 23/07/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #30 Ultimate Singles Cloud
25th Victoria Arnie 23/07/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #30 Ultimate Singles CloudIke
17th Victoria Unreal Sora 22/07/2019 [VIC] Pixel Smash #23 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
17th Victoria Luggy 17/07/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #31 Geelong Smash Ultimate #30 Cloud
33rd Victoria Unreal Sora 16/07/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #29 Ultimate Singles Cloud
13th Victoria Unreal Sora 15/07/2019 [VIC] Pixel Smash #22 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
33rd Victoria Unreal Sora 14/07/2019 [VIC] Stay Smashed July 2019 Stay Smashed Singles - July 2019 Cloud
25th Western Australia jyetheguy 10/07/2019 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 10/07/2019 Curtin Smashfest 10th July Cloud
9th Victoria Luggy 10/07/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #30 Geelong Smash Ultimate #29 Cloud
65th New South Wales Jump91 9/07/2019 [NSW] Star Forge #81 Star Forge 81 Cloud
9th Victoria Unreal Sora 8/07/2019 [VIC] Pixel Smash #21 Pixel SMASH Bracket Cloud
33rd Western Australia Sundowns 6/07/2019 [WA] BigWinChampionship 2 Ultimate Singles Top 64 Cloud
17th Western Australia jyetheguy 6/07/2019 [WA] BigWinChampionship 2 Ultimate Singles Gold Cup Cloud
4th Western Australia jyetheguy 6/07/2019 [WA] BigWinChampionship 2 Ultimate Singles Pools Cloud
2nd New South Wales EmanSaur 2/07/2019 [NSW] Star Forge #80 Star Forge #80 CloudYoshi
7th New South Wales EmanSaur 30/06/2019 [NSW] Star Forge Underground #11 Ultimate Singles CloudYoshi
25th Western Australia jyetheguy 26/06/2019 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 26/06/2019 Curtin Smashfest 26th June Cloud
65th Victoria The Crynek 22/06/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors June Ranbat 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
25th Victoria Arnie 22/06/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors June Ranbat 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
9th Victoria Aya 10/06/2019 [VIC] Pixel Smash #17 Pixel SMASH Bracket CloudMega ManWolf
17th Victoria Aya 28/05/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #22 Ultimate Singles CloudWolf
65th New South Wales Jump91 26/05/2019 [NSW] Star Forge Underground #10 Ultimate Singles Cloud
33rd Western Australia SpiltSpaghetti 22/05/2019 [WA] Stratagem's Mid Week Smash 20 Strats Mid Week smash Bracket Cloud
129th Victoria Aya 18/05/2019 [VIC] BAM 11 Smash Ultimate Singles CloudWolf
65th Western Australia Sundowns 18/05/2019 [VIC] BAM 11 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
25th Western Australia SpiltSpaghetti 15/05/2019 [WA] Stratagem's Mid Week Smash 19 Strats Mid Week smash Bracket Cloud
33rd Victoria Aya 14/05/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #20 Ultimate Singles CloudWolf
9th Victoria Aya 13/05/2019 [VIC] Pixel Smash #13 Pixel Smash Bracket CloudWolf
1st Victoria Corvid 13/05/2019 [VIC] Smash @ Sunshine #14 TDG Ultimate Singles 13-05-19 Bracket CloudFalcoInklingPokémon TrainerWolf
25th Victoria Aya 7/05/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #19 Ultimate Singles CloudWolf
9th Victoria Aya 6/05/2019 [VIC] Pixel Smash #12 Pixel Smash Bracket CloudWolf
9th Western Australia Sundowns 4/05/2019 [WA] BigWinSmash: Ultimate Showdown #5 Ultimate Singles Cloud
9th Victoria Aya 29/04/2019 [VIC] Pixel Smash #11 Pixel Smash Bracket CloudKing Dedede
33rd Victoria Aya 28/04/2019 [VIC] Smash @ Bunjil Place Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudKing Dedede
49th Victoria Aya 27/04/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors April Ranbat 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
65th New South Wales Jump91 23/04/2019 [NSW] Star Forge #72 Star Forge #72 Cloud
17th Victoria Aya 23/04/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #17 Ultimate EBS x Zen gaming #17 Cloud
7th Western Australia SpiltSpaghetti 22/04/2019 [WA] Good Games Rockingham: Easter Monday Super Smash Bros Ultimate Easter Monday Super Smash Bros Ultimate Cloud
13th Victoria Aya 20/04/2019 [VIC] Ultimate Smash Bash #4 @GGEZ The Ultimate Smash Bash #4 Cloud
9th Victoria Aya 19/04/2019 [VIC] Nekocards Ultimate #9 Ultimate Nekocards #8 Cloud
65th New South Wales Jump91 16/04/2019 [NSW] Star Forge #71 Star Forge #71 Cloud
33rd Victoria Aya 16/04/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #16 Ultimate Singles Cloud
33rd New South Wales EmanSaur 16/04/2019 [NSW] Star Forge #71 Star Forge #71 CloudYoshi
17th Victoria Jules 14/04/2019 [VIC] Stay Smashed April 2019 Stay Smashed April 2019 Singles Cloud
5th Victoria Arnie 14/04/2019 [VIC] Stay Smashed April 2019 Stay Smashed April 2019 Singles CloudIke
33rd Queensland Joe Fast 12/04/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 196 Friday Night Smash 196 CloudSonic
33rd Victoria Aya 9/04/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #15 Ultimate Singles CloudKing Dedede
13th South Australia Ninhon 7/04/2019 [SA] Cheese League Round 4 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudShulk
33rd Victoria Aya 2/04/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #14 Ultimate Singles Cloud
25th Victoria Aya 26/03/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #13 Ultimate Singles Cloud
33rd Victoria Arnie 23/03/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors Ranbat March 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
17th Victoria Jules 23/03/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors Ranbat March 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles CloudIke
9th Victoria Arnie 22/03/2019 [VIC] Nekocards Ultimate #8 Ultimate Nekocards #7 Cloud
17th Victoria Aya 19/03/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #12 Ultimate Ebs x Zen Gaming #12 sign ups Cloud
13th Victoria Jules 17/03/2019 [VIC] Stay Smashed March 2019 Stay Smashed March 2019 - Singles CloudIke
5th Victoria Arnie 16/03/2019 [VIC] Ultimate Smash Bash #3 @GGEZ Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
17th Victoria Aya 12/03/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #11 Ultimate Singles CloudWolf
49th Australian Capital Territory Avongarde 1/03/2019 [NSW] Star Forge #63: Phantom Edition Star Forge 63: Phantom Edition CloudPalutena
17th Victoria Aya 26/02/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #10 Ultimate Singles CloudKing Dedede
25th New South Wales Invisi 24/02/2019 [NSW] Star Forge Underground #7 Singles CloudSimon
17th Victoria Jules 23/02/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors February 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles CloudIke
25th Victoria Aya 19/02/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #9 Ultimate Singles CloudKing Dedede
13th Victoria Jules 17/02/2019 [VIC] Stay Smashed Feburary 2019 Stay Smashed February Singles 2019 CloudIkeRichter
33rd Victoria Aya 12/02/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #8 Ultimate Singles Cloud
1st New South Wales Invisi 9/02/2019 [ACT] FGM February Ultimate Redemption Bracket CloudJigglypuffLittle MacRosalina & LumaSimon
49th New South Wales WhitePointer 5/02/2019 [NSW] Star Forge #60 Star Forge 60 CloudDark SamusKing Dedede
33rd Victoria Aya 5/02/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #7 Ultimate Singles Cloud
25th Victoria Snoc 5/02/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #7 Ultimate Singles Cloud
33rd Victoria Jules 27/01/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors Jan 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles CloudMewtwo
33rd Victoria The Crynek 27/01/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors Jan 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles Cloud
25th Victoria Arnie 27/01/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors Jan 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles CloudPichu
13th Victoria Saber 27/01/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors Jan 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles ChromCloud
1st Queensland Toketchan 24/01/2019 [QLD] Smash @ the Jack 5 Smash @ the Jack 5 CloudIkeInklingMr. Game and WatchPikachu
9th Victoria Jollus 19/01/2019 [VIC] GGEZ Smash Bash #1 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudGanondorf
25th Victoria Snoc 15/01/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #4 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
17th Victoria Jules 13/01/2019 [VIC] Stay Smashed January 2019 Stayed Smashed January 2019 Singles Cloud
13th Victoria Jollus 13/01/2019 [VIC] Stay Smashed January 2019 Stayed Smashed January 2019 Singles CloudGanondorf
9th Victoria Arnie 13/01/2019 [VIC] Stay Smashed January 2019 Stayed Smashed January 2019 Singles CloudPichu
9th New South Wales Truth 13/01/2019 [NSW] Star Forge Overground Singles Bracket Captain FalconCloudWolf
9th Victoria Arnie 11/01/2019 [VIC] Nekocards Ultimate #3 Ultimate Nekocards #3 CloudPichu
33rd Victoria Snoc 8/01/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #3 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud
33rd Victoria MAMP 6/01/2019 [ACT] FGM January 2019 FGM January Smash Ultimate Singles Bowser Jr.CloudLucas
10th Queensland Toketchan 5/01/2019 [WA] BigWinSmash: Ultimate Showdown Ultimate Singles Pools CloudIkeInklingRoyYoung Link
9th Western Australia jyetheguy 5/01/2019 [WA] BigWinSmash: Ultimate Showdown Ultimate Singles Pools Cloud
33rd Victoria Nicks 29/12/2018 [VIC] Milaga II Milaga II - Ultimate Singles CloudYoshi
1st Queensland Toketchan 27/12/2018 [QLD] Smash @ The Jack 3 Smash @ the Jack ChromCloudIncineroarInklingSnake
9th Queensland Cajeck 22/12/2018 [QLD] Couchwarriors QLD December Ranbat Smash Ultimate Singles Pros Cloud
5th Victoria The Hog 14/12/2018 [VIC] Nekocards Ultimate 1 Ultimate Nekocards #1 CloudPokémon Trainer
25th Victoria Arnie 11/12/2018 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #1 Ultimate Singles Bracket Cloud