Also presumably the reason for the long twilight is because someone has twilight powers?
Who's not active at the moment? Hmm. Maybe the govenor is odd day?
02/10/2019 06:56:50
I would've thought governor is 1shot and it was Insie so he saved himself cuz he had to. But yea, dunno what else could be dragging out the twilight...
02/10/2019 07:00:35
02/10/2019 07:00:35
well asa if you have any info now would be the time to give it
02/10/2019 07:01:27
02/10/2019 07:01:27
It looks to me like the only people who aren't here at the moment are Blaze, DD, Voltz and Atyeo so one of them is probably the governor assuming that's what is holding us in Twilight.
02/10/2019 07:01:47
02/10/2019 07:01:47
Blaze seems to the only person who hasn't posted recently, the next would be voltz 3 hours ago if that means anything.
02/10/2019 07:02:37
02/10/2019 07:02:37
Invisi said:
Yes that was the point. Because Atyeo is already on the train, so if the hammerer activates then it means Asa is the hammerer and kills himself. Which is why Bijou started the train.
actually I started the train, just saying
02/10/2019 07:03:06
I N T E R E S T I N G. Well Atyeo is here now so if the twilight keeps dragging on it's probably not him either.
02/10/2019 07:04:07
02/10/2019 07:04:07
02/10/2019 07:08:01
02/10/2019 07:08:01
The day was short?
Idk how days shorten but it happened.
Some meta gamers about and a seemingly fool proof plan in front of them a decision was made. Quite quickly too.
Twilight dragged on and people got suspicious. What could it mean!?!
Find out next time in Drago- Smash Ultimate Mafia.
Asa - Mafia Game & Watch has been lynched!
Night 3 will now begin!
Send in your actions ASAP. Also it's only 48 hours this time.
12/02 6:00pm Deadline.
02/10/2019 07:12:33
The day was short?
Idk how days shorten but it happened.
Some meta gamers about and a seemingly fool proof plan in front of them a decision was made. Quite quickly too.
Twilight dragged on and people got suspicious. What could it mean!?!
Find out next time in Drago- Smash Ultimate Mafia.
Asa - Mafia Game & Watch has been lynched!
Night 3 will now begin!
Send in your actions ASAP. Also it's only 48 hours this time.
12/02 6:00pm Deadline.
02/10/2019 07:12:33
Night 3
The night was also short??
The town slept wearily thinking about the seemingly unkillable man among them.
But then in the distance a faint voice could be heard
"Fuck you Aero" bang
All the while deep shrieking can be heard from a burning building in the village.
Aerodrome - Town-aligned Isabelle has been shot to death!
Dean - Mafia-aligned Piranha Plant has been burnt to death!
With 12 alive it takes 7 to lynch!
02/11/2019 07:13:31
The night was also short??
The town slept wearily thinking about the seemingly unkillable man among them.
But then in the distance a faint voice could be heard
"Fuck you Aero" bang
All the while deep shrieking can be heard from a burning building in the village.
Aerodrome - Town-aligned Isabelle has been shot to death!
Dean - Mafia-aligned Piranha Plant has been burnt to death!
With 12 alive it takes 7 to lynch!
02/11/2019 07:13:31
hmm hmmm dean very sneaky going for insie and bussin'.
so if the math is correct we have one mafia and one arso left to get. unsure if its safe to say that dd is the mafia remaining, but its a relatively safe play, supposedly.
what if by some whacky imagination boozer is bowser and is the arso??
vote: boozer
02/11/2019 07:16:03
so if the math is correct we have one mafia and one arso left to get. unsure if its safe to say that dd is the mafia remaining, but its a relatively safe play, supposedly.
what if by some whacky imagination boozer is bowser and is the arso??
vote: boozer
02/11/2019 07:16:03
Those two deaths are a pretty significantly high amount of posts we're not going to get anymore. lol.
I'm actually not surprised Dean was mafia, he was pretty much controlling the pace of the game.
02/11/2019 07:19:09
I'm actually not surprised Dean was mafia, he was pretty much controlling the pace of the game.
02/11/2019 07:19:09

Dean was mafia the whole time? fucken mastermind w0w. good on you arsonist town probs never wouldve got that. in hindsight was a bit sus he hadnt died at night yet despite being like 50% of all posts. oh well.
probably dd is the last mafia idk ill have to look through posts again and see how hard insie dean and asa were pushing him.
02/11/2019 07:22:31
I really wanted to suggest if dean was maf earlier in the game but was afraid he would flip it onto me
02/11/2019 07:22:33
02/11/2019 07:22:33
Incidentally the other last person Dean was suspicious of was Blaze. What do you reckon the chances of him bussing his entire team would be? Assuming there were only 4 mafia members of course. Oh hey just a reminder that we no longer need to worry about the hammerer either. Thought it would have been Dedede but I suppose Game and Watch is a good choice too.
02/11/2019 07:27:23
02/11/2019 07:27:23
That post makes no sense, if dean was maf and i was maf, why would he be sus of me Ohhhh dean bussing his entire team, gotcha
02/11/2019 07:28:17
02/11/2019 07:28:17
Blaze said:
That post makes no sense, if dean was maf and i was maf, why would he be sus of me Ohhhh dean bussing his entire team, gotcha
Hahaha yeah he was already heavily involved in two mafia kills so maybe he would have gone all the way.
02/11/2019 07:32:26
hmm youre right, but what potential role couldve dean had that couldve won him the game?
02/11/2019 07:35:57
02/11/2019 07:35:57
Blaze said:
hmm youre right, but what potential role couldve dean had that couldve won him the game?
Whatever role he had wouldn't have won him the game, it just would have been insanely difficult to convince everyone to start a lynch train against him when he could use his assistance in killing two mafia as evidence for being town.
You need a majority to lynch and I feel like getting a majority against Dean would have been very difficult. Fortunately this is not a problem anymore. So can we talk about why the twilight phase lasted so long yesterday?
The only roles I've been able to find that require a Twilight Phase are Governor and Vengeful. Clearly vengeful wasn't a thing otherwise they would have killed someone on the way out.
We know there is a Governor due to them using their power day 1 to save Insie. He was pretty much confirmed anti town when the existence of a hammerer was discovered to be true.
However for whatever reason, the Governor did not save Asa who was pretty much confirmed to be the hammerer (and thus anti town).
I don't understand the logic of saving one mafia player and not the other if it was a Governor holding us in Twilight. So unless there is another Twilight power I am not aware of then it seems more likely to me that the Governor is town aligned and made a mistake with their day 1 play.
The thread was very active at the time we entered Twilight. The two main players who were absent for yesterday's speed train were Blaze, Voltz and DD. To a lesser degree, Atyeo showed up late and Twilight ended within maybe 10 mins of him posting so he's a possibility but less likely.
Would one of Blaze / Voltz / DD care to explain what your power is and how it involves the Twilight phase?
Bijou said:
The two main players who were absent for yesterday's speed train were Blaze, Voltz and DD.
*the three main players. I forgot about DD when I was originally writing this up and added him later but forgot to edit the number. lol.
02/11/2019 09:04:26
I was inactive most of the day Saturday because i had BD over for almost the whole day and we were hacking my ds and playing smash, and sunday we got up early, went to sbtb was there the whole day, then basically came home and went to bed Smash By The Beach btw
02/11/2019 09:11:10
02/11/2019 09:11:10
Blaze said:
I was inactive most of the day Saturday because i had BD over for almost the whole day and we were hacking my ds and playing smash, and sunday we got up early, went to sbtb was there the whole day, then basically came home and went to bed Smash By The Beach btw
So you're saying you aren't the one that held the game in Twilight?
02/11/2019 09:13:34
Nope, i was probs commentating/talking to people at sbtb then bd came to me and said "Have you checked mafia, the day is over"
02/11/2019 09:14:54
02/11/2019 09:14:54
VOTE: Ateyo
see ya later, scum. or atyeo whatever
point still stands
02/11/2019 09:17:58
see ya later, scum. or atyeo whatever
point still stands
02/11/2019 09:17:58
ThatLaggyPerson said:
VOTE: Ateyo
see ya later, scum. or atyeo whatever
point still stands
Any chance you'd mind justifying why you think he's scum? I appreciate the enthusiasm though lol
02/11/2019 09:25:41
Sweet, thank you mods for the 48 hour limit.
I did not see the dean mafia flip coming. The aero kill was a little more obvious after the randy role reveal. Unkillable seemed a little unbelievable.
I still think DD is the safe vote from previous discussions. And if he's the only mafia left then we only have to deal with is the arsonist which is one potential kill a night and gives us more time.
What do we think Piranah plant was? Governor potentially or would that be like Isabelle or something?
Vote: DD
02/11/2019 09:30:13
I did not see the dean mafia flip coming. The aero kill was a little more obvious after the randy role reveal. Unkillable seemed a little unbelievable.
I still think DD is the safe vote from previous discussions. And if he's the only mafia left then we only have to deal with is the arsonist which is one potential kill a night and gives us more time.
What do we think Piranah plant was? Governor potentially or would that be like Isabelle or something?
Vote: DD
02/11/2019 09:30:13