Also Hydro I feel like 90% of the messages are one of three things
1. Talking about policy lynching day 1 (which we should)
2. Active players voting on inactive players
3. Inactive players making up reasons as to why they're inactive
I was just saying that I'd feel more comfortable with reads and such if we had tangible stuff to work with such as who died and role info. Other players like Aero and Dean seem to be way better at working with nothing (day 1).
If you really want though I'll reread everything and see if something seems off.
01/23/2019 12:57:06
I will reread everything aswell and tell you what i thought was sus from start to finish. Also what happens when someone is modkilled?
01/23/2019 13:13:07
01/23/2019 13:13:07
Wait how did the last game not get this many posts
Its still day 1 and theres basically nothing to talk about wowow
Trying to find a suitable person to lynch day 1 does seem pretty hard, youd have to screw up pretty badly to put a target on your back this early into the game
Varous makes the most sense to me rn because if hes going to maintain this level of activity to quality then hes probably going to do more harm being alive than dead as a townie, as hes not going to contribute to discussion anyway
If hes mafia then obvs thats a win lol
He needs to make another post rly badly lol. Even if hes el retardo if he at least attenlts to contribute then he might have some worth. Unless he le epic memes again
Idk how to play mafia btw but i have a 100% win record so im basically the best
01/23/2019 13:23:01
Its still day 1 and theres basically nothing to talk about wowow
Trying to find a suitable person to lynch day 1 does seem pretty hard, youd have to screw up pretty badly to put a target on your back this early into the game
Varous makes the most sense to me rn because if hes going to maintain this level of activity to quality then hes probably going to do more harm being alive than dead as a townie, as hes not going to contribute to discussion anyway
If hes mafia then obvs thats a win lol
He needs to make another post rly badly lol. Even if hes el retardo if he at least attenlts to contribute then he might have some worth. Unless he le epic memes again
Idk how to play mafia btw but i have a 100% win record so im basically the best
01/23/2019 13:23:01
Boozer using his head? Surely Mafia.
01/23/2019 13:33:28

01/23/2019 13:33:28
Dont bully me :<
01/23/2019 13:38:04
01/23/2019 13:38:04
Hello friends am back from my days of tourneys.
Might post something a bit less rushed tomorrow but from what I've read I think this whole Varous thing is just a big distraction, can't really see him being mafia given he doesn't seem like hes incredibly interested. I am proper not leaving out the idea that theres some dumb troll role in this game like Jester considering there have been dumbshit roles before like a firefighter with no arsonists or making laggy unlynchable I wouldnt be surprised if the mods put in some dumb shit again. Now whether or not hes worth lynching or not is another story, I'd say hes a good last resort if conversation leads nowhere, but I'm sure someone else will say some dumb shit by the time February comes around.
I actually think everyone is generally being pro town so any reads I think of would mainly just be guess work. Not exactly sure if Aeros actually said anything helpful or if hes just kind of posting words every few hours. Atyeo seems to just be flaming people for literally zero reason and dean is just changing his vote every few hours
I'm gonna swap my vote to DD cause he hasn't said much other than his response earlier and it didn't really say anything either
Vote: DD *he didnt say anything meaningful either* lol
01/23/2019 13:48:55
Might post something a bit less rushed tomorrow but from what I've read I think this whole Varous thing is just a big distraction, can't really see him being mafia given he doesn't seem like hes incredibly interested. I am proper not leaving out the idea that theres some dumb troll role in this game like Jester considering there have been dumbshit roles before like a firefighter with no arsonists or making laggy unlynchable I wouldnt be surprised if the mods put in some dumb shit again. Now whether or not hes worth lynching or not is another story, I'd say hes a good last resort if conversation leads nowhere, but I'm sure someone else will say some dumb shit by the time February comes around.
I actually think everyone is generally being pro town so any reads I think of would mainly just be guess work. Not exactly sure if Aeros actually said anything helpful or if hes just kind of posting words every few hours. Atyeo seems to just be flaming people for literally zero reason and dean is just changing his vote every few hours
I'm gonna swap my vote to DD cause he hasn't said much other than his response earlier and it didn't really say anything either
Vote: DD *he didnt say anything meaningful either* lol
01/23/2019 13:48:55
Player Announcement:
Maribro had a bit of a medical emergency and will try and catch up tomorrow
01/23/2019 13:50:20
Maribro had a bit of a medical emergency and will try and catch up tomorrow
01/23/2019 13:50:20
BattleDolphin said:
Player Announcement:
Maribro had a bit of a medical emergency and will try and catch up tomorrow
after the soup incident, im not sure what to believe anymore. but hopefully he is alright
01/23/2019 13:57:02
okay so I've read all the way up to page 7 so far, but I'll admit to getting sidetracked tonight
I don't wanna post anything until I'm all caught up, but rest assured that I have n o t e s and that I'll post my thoughts on the game thus far once I can catch up
also should apologise for not being here the past few days, work randomly picked up outta nowhere so I've got significantly less free time than I'm used to, but once I've caught up I'll be posting regularly again, although at this rate that's looking to happen around the start of the weekend
also I don't think I ever took my vote off of MrL, but seeing that I'm not doing anything else currently and I find it funny, Vote: MrL
catch y'all eventually :v
01/23/2019 14:03:13
okay so I've read all the way up to page 7 so far, but I'll admit to getting sidetracked tonight
I don't wanna post anything until I'm all caught up, but rest assured that I have n o t e s and that I'll post my thoughts on the game thus far once I can catch up
also should apologise for not being here the past few days, work randomly picked up outta nowhere so I've got significantly less free time than I'm used to, but once I've caught up I'll be posting regularly again, although at this rate that's looking to happen around the start of the weekend
also I don't think I ever took my vote off of MrL, but seeing that I'm not doing anything else currently and I find it funny, Vote: MrL
catch y'all eventually :v
01/23/2019 14:03:13
EIS-DUON said:Atyeo seems to just be flaming people for literally zero reason
my reason is PTSD from all past games I have been involved in which reflects my greater PTSD from having lived too many years on this planet
The last game started with the least active player being lynched, that player was town, and town won that game, so unless someone slips up this is probably the best course we can take.
01/23/2019 14:17:35
Vote: Duon
01/23/2019 22:52:54
01/23/2019 22:52:54
OK so forgive me if the quotes don't look quite right, but here's why I voted Extra last night (and why Extra is Dean's scum-of-the-hour):
I can gather two things from this post:
1. This is a very soft post; I think he's trying to stay in the background by commenting on only the two topical players at the moment (and not giving strong opinions on them while doing so)
2. It's possible he's in league with MrL, and by extremely subtly swaying us towards Laggy like this he's trying to save one of his own (because Laggy is a very soft target so won't draw suspicion, and because of the weak language in the post)
A few posts that don't really say anything? Calling out inactives is like THE way to pretend to be contributing and blend into town. The two quotes above that are just answering questions which also makes it look like you're "contributing" without really pushing the game forward. Answering questions, in a vacuum, is fine, but when it's your core contribution to the game so far...
Also don't like this post; he's called out two players that I'm reading town in Laggy and Boozer, which is OK, but then suggests lynching Varous, who Extra seems to be reading town on judging by this post? It is not our job to lynch townies.
His activity in general is also very low? I'd have thought he'd be more involved than this. He may have rolled mafia for like the fifth time in a row and grown apathetic towards the game because of it.
Thanks for reading Dean's scum-of-the-hour; if I've convinced you that Extra's scum make sure to leave a Like, comment and subscribe, and tune in tomorrow for another episode.
01/23/2019 23:35:37
Extra said:
i have no strong opinion of who to lynch day 1 but my gut says mr L is more likely to be useful than laggy
I can gather two things from this post:
1. This is a very soft post; I think he's trying to stay in the background by commenting on only the two topical players at the moment (and not giving strong opinions on them while doing so)
2. It's possible he's in league with MrL, and by extremely subtly swaying us towards Laggy like this he's trying to save one of his own (because Laggy is a very soft target so won't draw suspicion, and because of the weak language in the post)
Extra said:
probably a reference to this video
Extra said:
im fairly sure dean is pulling my leg but for reference voltz = crimson (comet) who was i think a top 10 qld player at the end of smash 4 and part of 411 so ye i'd imagine it's feasible that he's sussed the vid i linked at some point considering it features multiple queenslanders in 411
Extra said:
we have like 3-4 people who have said nothing btw
blaze/varous/dd pls talk
not sure joncheee has said anything either?
A few posts that don't really say anything? Calling out inactives is like THE way to pretend to be contributing and blend into town. The two quotes above that are just answering questions which also makes it look like you're "contributing" without really pushing the game forward. Answering questions, in a vacuum, is fine, but when it's your core contribution to the game so far...
Extra said:
jester is a shit role and i would hope that the moderators have the sense to not include it. imo it should just be assumed it doesnt exist bc every instance of shit play being responded to with 'what if he is jester' is lame
i have some very soft reads but they dont amount to much. laggy seeming to actually try and say stuff is freaking me out, but hes probably matured over the past couple yrs. does boozer always play like this? i dont think ive been in a game with him.
i am fine with killing varous because ppl who don't care to play will be kept around by mafia and are pretty much awful to have around in the late game.
Also don't like this post; he's called out two players that I'm reading town in Laggy and Boozer, which is OK, but then suggests lynching Varous, who Extra seems to be reading town on judging by this post? It is not our job to lynch townies.
His activity in general is also very low? I'd have thought he'd be more involved than this. He may have rolled mafia for like the fifth time in a row and grown apathetic towards the game because of it.
Thanks for reading Dean's scum-of-the-hour; if I've convinced you that Extra's scum make sure to leave a Like, comment and subscribe, and tune in tomorrow for another episode.
Aerodrome said:Is this OMGUS or can you explain a little
Vote: Duon
01/23/2019 23:35:37
I just didn't like his comment about me.
Anyway Dean you've thoroughly convinced me I vote extrasensory now
Vote: Extra
01/24/2019 00:26:43

Vote: Extra
01/24/2019 00:26:43
deans post is very valid as my activity has been on the low side this game and i havent been nearly as wordy as i usually am. unfortunately for him i won't allow myself to be lynched day 1 so here we go.
playing as a mafia member is very easy. you essentially have a cheat sheet in the form of knowing that everyone besides the people you know (mafia traitors and SKs excepted, of course) are town. as such, it's extremely simple to side with the players who 'make sense' and win them over. it also allows you to target the people who may have been a little inactive, who aren't really sure what's going on, and pick apart their posts to make them look guilty - guilt free! (am i throwing shade on dean here? up to your interpretation i guess aha)
unfortunately, this game i don't have that kind of miraculous cheat sheet and as such don't actually know what i am doing! furthermore i am busier than i was in the past games most notably because of tournaments and smash ultimate draining a lot of my focus. i will try and be more active as hopefully the game becomes more interesting. i have been pretty consistently refreshing this thread, but there's enough good players keeping the thread going that i haven't felt the need to post too much.
so am i not contributing or am i contributing? yes i have no strong opinions on who to lynch day 1; am i supposed to? doesn't seem like anyone else does either with all the votes flying around. granted, i have been playing fairly non-committal this game.
my posts 'dont say anything' in a vacuum but within context of the thread they're all supplying information relevant to the discussion. again, i don't know anything in this game - you might have been tricked into thinking i'm a better town player than i am (especially on day 1) because i came across as a smart townie in previous games where i was actually mafia. my contributions were all made to contribute to discussion and whether or not "fake contributing" is basically just your opinion.
i think boozer is playing weird because he was memeing the whole early game and then as soon as a vote got dropped on him (even if it was a meme vote by varous) he instantly started playing more 'serious'. gave me vibes from when spacejam was mafia with me. like i said, i haven't played with him. the laggy thing was not really a callout, merely me saying i wasn't used to him actually saying things.
if we don't have any good choices on who is mafia, i would rather kill people who are actively negative utility day 1. varous right now is negative utility, so i'm fine with killing him. notice i didn't vote for him.
all credit to dean cos i learned a lot from his post i think. this is somehow my first time playing as town from the start so i think people might have gotten the wrong impression from me *pretending* to be a good town player when i was mafia. i'm going to go have a shower and head out now, will post later if i have the chance
01/24/2019 00:39:11
playing as a mafia member is very easy. you essentially have a cheat sheet in the form of knowing that everyone besides the people you know (mafia traitors and SKs excepted, of course) are town. as such, it's extremely simple to side with the players who 'make sense' and win them over. it also allows you to target the people who may have been a little inactive, who aren't really sure what's going on, and pick apart their posts to make them look guilty - guilt free! (am i throwing shade on dean here? up to your interpretation i guess aha)
unfortunately, this game i don't have that kind of miraculous cheat sheet and as such don't actually know what i am doing! furthermore i am busier than i was in the past games most notably because of tournaments and smash ultimate draining a lot of my focus. i will try and be more active as hopefully the game becomes more interesting. i have been pretty consistently refreshing this thread, but there's enough good players keeping the thread going that i haven't felt the need to post too much.
so am i not contributing or am i contributing? yes i have no strong opinions on who to lynch day 1; am i supposed to? doesn't seem like anyone else does either with all the votes flying around. granted, i have been playing fairly non-committal this game.
my posts 'dont say anything' in a vacuum but within context of the thread they're all supplying information relevant to the discussion. again, i don't know anything in this game - you might have been tricked into thinking i'm a better town player than i am (especially on day 1) because i came across as a smart townie in previous games where i was actually mafia. my contributions were all made to contribute to discussion and whether or not "fake contributing" is basically just your opinion.
i think boozer is playing weird because he was memeing the whole early game and then as soon as a vote got dropped on him (even if it was a meme vote by varous) he instantly started playing more 'serious'. gave me vibes from when spacejam was mafia with me. like i said, i haven't played with him. the laggy thing was not really a callout, merely me saying i wasn't used to him actually saying things.
if we don't have any good choices on who is mafia, i would rather kill people who are actively negative utility day 1. varous right now is negative utility, so i'm fine with killing him. notice i didn't vote for him.
all credit to dean cos i learned a lot from his post i think. this is somehow my first time playing as town from the start so i think people might have gotten the wrong impression from me *pretending* to be a good town player when i was mafia. i'm going to go have a shower and head out now, will post later if i have the chance
01/24/2019 00:39:11
Hey guys, I've woken up and am feeling okay today. I want to post my thoughts on everything properly so I'm gonna go back through the whole thread and pull out anything I've found suspicious or weird. Sorry I've been so inactive recently but I just haven't been well
01/24/2019 00:58:03
01/24/2019 00:58:03
That's fine mate, hope you feel better soon. I just want to point out how hard dean has been pushing extra this game.
It could be a coincidence but to me, it seems like he has a bias towards extra. There are a few things I think this could mean:
a) he has some beef with extra and just wants him gone.
b) he is trying to distance himself from extra because they are both mafia
c) absolutely nothing
01/24/2019 01:29:52
dean said:It's worth noting that this was dean's first post before extra said anything.
So why should we vote for Extra? Well, the main thing is that he has like a 0% win record, which tells us two things:
1. Because we've usually been policy lynching on Day 1, it makes sense to get rid of the weakest players, and it's hard to get much weaker than 0%.
2. Because he has 0%, it means it's statistically impossible for him to ever win (you can trust me, I finished high school), so by voting him out early we can establish which team's going to win. This is useful information!
VOTE: Extra; he'd vote for you.
It could be a coincidence but to me, it seems like he has a bias towards extra. There are a few things I think this could mean:
a) he has some beef with extra and just wants him gone.
b) he is trying to distance himself from extra because they are both mafia
c) absolutely nothing
01/24/2019 01:29:52
Dean literally just throws votes out to see how people react. As he said in one of his earlier posts, the only tools we have to work with are votes and brains.
Having votes on Varous appears to not be accomplishing anything at all so I'm going to move off that for now and work out what direction I want to move in after work.
Vote: unvote
01/24/2019 02:56:17
Having votes on Varous appears to not be accomplishing anything at all so I'm going to move off that for now and work out what direction I want to move in after work.
Vote: unvote
01/24/2019 02:56:17
Dean and Extra doing big brained mafia plays
General thoughts I’d imagine mafia composition would be one person leading discussion, one person who’d follow discussion trends and a third who’d generally try to blend in with other players who aren’t particularly active.
I also think the very likely serial killer would also likely be amongst the less active group to let things play out and not draw attention to themselves. i.e potentially windkeeper, dd, duon, maribro (albeit out of action for a bit) group
It’s all assumptions though but they’re my thoughts on how mafia would approach a large game like this.
It’s probably apprent and also been addressed by Dean himself but Invisi’s also on the right track of not necessarily trusting him despite his pro-town behaviour and leading of discussion. For all we know the exchange between him and Extra could be crafted, although its not out of the norm necessarily like bijou said.
I also can’t put my finger on it but I think? Exist is playing a bit differently this game but I’d have to read back through this and last game again, could imply a change of role
01/24/2019 03:12:22
General thoughts I’d imagine mafia composition would be one person leading discussion, one person who’d follow discussion trends and a third who’d generally try to blend in with other players who aren’t particularly active.
I also think the very likely serial killer would also likely be amongst the less active group to let things play out and not draw attention to themselves. i.e potentially windkeeper, dd, duon, maribro (albeit out of action for a bit) group
It’s all assumptions though but they’re my thoughts on how mafia would approach a large game like this.
It’s probably apprent and also been addressed by Dean himself but Invisi’s also on the right track of not necessarily trusting him despite his pro-town behaviour and leading of discussion. For all we know the exchange between him and Extra could be crafted, although its not out of the norm necessarily like bijou said.
I also can’t put my finger on it but I think? Exist is playing a bit differently this game but I’d have to read back through this and last game again, could imply a change of role
01/24/2019 03:12:22
I definitely am playing a bit differently this game. I'm a bit more confident this time around. Last game almost everything I did was met with "He's a new player making mistakes, I can't possibly see him being mafia." and I was. This time around, I have a little bit more experience and there's just a lot more to talk about in general. While I'm no that note, last game, my posts looked a fair bit like DD's this game which is why I don't think he's scum at this point.
01/24/2019 03:28:17
01/24/2019 03:28:17
i'm feeling a lil suss on DD rn after re-reading some stuff. excuse the formatting if i fucked it up
initially saying no lynch. somewhat clears it up later saying he hasnt done the math. wanting it to go to night which is can be dangerous for town because if we get no lynch theres still no information to go off on day 2, i think similarly like the unlynchable laggy situation iirc.
its easy to bandwagon on an afk player to say you're around and active.
once again this post feels like a "i'm here i'm active" post and pretty much stating the obvious.
vote: DD
01/24/2019 04:26:00
DD said:
I've not played forum mafia so i'm not fully acquainted with every role people may have but like some people said I think there's very little reason to vote day 1. We have absolutely no data to take from to accuse with and with all this firefighter stuff i'm assuming there are more unique roles im not aware of i'm more in favour of letting the night just go and getting leads before we accidentally kill something useful.
initially saying no lynch. somewhat clears it up later saying he hasnt done the math. wanting it to go to night which is can be dangerous for town because if we get no lynch theres still no information to go off on day 2, i think similarly like the unlynchable laggy situation iirc.
DD said:
Vote: Varous
Bandwagon time
its easy to bandwagon on an afk player to say you're around and active.
DD said:
Maybe its because people were sus on me cause i haven't talk and now i have talked they're sus on other people who haven't talked
once again this post feels like a "i'm here i'm active" post and pretty much stating the obvious.
vote: DD
01/24/2019 04:26:00
Right now I think Extra is town because I can relate to his essay but I do appreciate Dean making a valid attempt at getting info even I still can't take this guy seriously because he's a living meme.
Still suss on DD from earlier and now that Varous has a bit less votes on him i'll chuck mine on so that it doesn't look like he's off the hook
Vote: Varous
01/24/2019 07:10:43
Still suss on DD from earlier and now that Varous has a bit less votes on him i'll chuck mine on so that it doesn't look like he's off the hook
Vote: Varous
01/24/2019 07:10:43
i think its better to pressure other people while keeping votes on varous. if we stop votes on varous, he might think he is off pressure, meaning he can still be inactive/major lurker.
01/24/2019 07:50:17
01/24/2019 07:50:17
Alrighty. I'm interested to see what everyone's thoughts on this will be.
Vote: ThatLaggyPerson
Man I get that he's older now and that's a really convenient excuse for suddenly contributing useful posts out of nowhere but the last person who showed sudden improvement was Spacejam in a previous game. In that game he went from literally memeing to posting quality content and discussion.
When I called this out he basically made me feel like trash because he said he was trying really hard to turn over a new leaf and be an asset to town for a change. And that he had some sort of medical issues or something like that. Anyway tldr is that he made me feel bad for voting for him.
Hey guess what? He turned out to be mafia.
The other thing I find unusual is that Laggy is usually like the go-to person to lynch day 1 and nobody is going here whatsoever. I get that we have some interesting new policy lynch options like Varous, MrL and DD but somehow everyone seems to have forgotten laggy because he's suddenly doing things.
Typically the day 1 lynch is usually going to result in a town player dying. Why? Because the mafia are in a team and they can subtly dictate who they want to cause a vote train on by leading discussion away from the players they know are mafia and pushing discussion onto a player they know is town. It's day 1, most people just agree we need a policy lynch and go along with it. Has a mafia player ever been lynched day 1? I can't recall this ever happening.
Anyway the point of the above sentence is any early vote trains on laggy quickly died off in favour of other players and I found this unusual.
No, I think your gut feeling on this is very much a good thing Extra. I was thinking the same thing. Your thoughts on Boozer suddenly playing more seriously after being called out was also something I had not noticed until you mentioned it. I agree with you, this has historically been a sign that a player is anti-town.
Which is why I find Dean's post very interesting.
What makes you think these guys are town exactly? This might be a shocking development, but did you know that players who are anti-town are actually going to try to pretend to be town aligned? Unless you have some sort of basis other than 'they are contributing to town' as a read for them being town aligned then I find it unusual you'd call out a valid point from extra on this. Particularly from a player as strong as yourself.
01/24/2019 10:10:35
Vote: ThatLaggyPerson
Man I get that he's older now and that's a really convenient excuse for suddenly contributing useful posts out of nowhere but the last person who showed sudden improvement was Spacejam in a previous game. In that game he went from literally memeing to posting quality content and discussion.
When I called this out he basically made me feel like trash because he said he was trying really hard to turn over a new leaf and be an asset to town for a change. And that he had some sort of medical issues or something like that. Anyway tldr is that he made me feel bad for voting for him.
Hey guess what? He turned out to be mafia.
The other thing I find unusual is that Laggy is usually like the go-to person to lynch day 1 and nobody is going here whatsoever. I get that we have some interesting new policy lynch options like Varous, MrL and DD but somehow everyone seems to have forgotten laggy because he's suddenly doing things.
Typically the day 1 lynch is usually going to result in a town player dying. Why? Because the mafia are in a team and they can subtly dictate who they want to cause a vote train on by leading discussion away from the players they know are mafia and pushing discussion onto a player they know is town. It's day 1, most people just agree we need a policy lynch and go along with it. Has a mafia player ever been lynched day 1? I can't recall this ever happening.
Anyway the point of the above sentence is any early vote trains on laggy quickly died off in favour of other players and I found this unusual.
Extra said:
i have some very soft reads but they dont amount to much. laggy seeming to actually try and say stuff is freaking me out, but hes probably matured over the past couple yrs. does boozer always play like this? i dont think ive been in a game with him.
Extra said:
i think boozer is playing weird because he was memeing the whole early game and then as soon as a vote got dropped on him (even if it was a meme vote by varous) he instantly started playing more 'serious'. gave me vibes from when spacejam was mafia with me. like i said, i haven't played with him. the laggy thing was not really a callout, merely me saying i wasn't used to him actually saying things.
No, I think your gut feeling on this is very much a good thing Extra. I was thinking the same thing. Your thoughts on Boozer suddenly playing more seriously after being called out was also something I had not noticed until you mentioned it. I agree with you, this has historically been a sign that a player is anti-town.
Which is why I find Dean's post very interesting.
dean said:
Also don't like this post; he's called out two players that I'm reading town in Laggy and Boozer
What makes you think these guys are town exactly? This might be a shocking development, but did you know that players who are anti-town are actually going to try to pretend to be town aligned? Unless you have some sort of basis other than 'they are contributing to town' as a read for them being town aligned then I find it unusual you'd call out a valid point from extra on this. Particularly from a player as strong as yourself.
01/24/2019 10:10:35
I'm not going to lie, you've convinced me. I know at some point in the game, someone is going to make a comment about me throwing votes around, but this is the best reasoning I've read in all 11 pages of this discussion. We don't have a lot to go off of on day 1 but given the information we do have, this seems to make by far the most sense.
Vote: ThatLaggyPerson
01/24/2019 10:38:50
Vote: ThatLaggyPerson
01/24/2019 10:38:50
I don't think dean defending Laggy and Boozer means he's mafia with them.
But I like voting for laggy regardless.
Vote: ThatLaggyPerson
01/24/2019 10:41:07
But I like voting for laggy regardless.
Vote: ThatLaggyPerson
01/24/2019 10:41:07