Good morning! Just posting because someone has to be the first of the day.
By the way, can we get an update on the inactive players? There's a few people I haven't seen in a while.
02/04/2019 22:32:33
Atyeo, Glace and Asa need to get on the vote train.
DD needs to get off the vote train.
DD being mafia is almost confirmed at this point since he refuses to get off the train.
Tl;dr for those joining, we're going to find out who the hammerer really is using this process. Finding 2 mafia in one day from Insie's terrible play is neat I guess.
02/04/2019 22:45:12
DD needs to get off the vote train.
DD being mafia is almost confirmed at this point since he refuses to get off the train.
Tl;dr for those joining, we're going to find out who the hammerer really is using this process. Finding 2 mafia in one day from Insie's terrible play is neat I guess.
02/04/2019 22:45:12
Yeah can we actually get an update on Atyeo? He hasn't posted in the last ~109 hours of thread uptime.
I think the main thing was that by doing the Insie-votes-for-himself method we prevented him from hammering himself if he WAS town hammerer. But I think we've convinced ourselves that this isn't the case.
And now if we test Insie first, if there WAS a doublevoter-esque hammerer at least we're not falsely accusing one of our own (but we should still treat L-2 as the new L-1 for the next day's lynch).
02/04/2019 22:53:16
Blaze said:Yes, I suppose it would be.
@dean Wouldnt that be a better way to do it? then thered be no risk of insie being a double voter?
I think the main thing was that by doing the Insie-votes-for-himself method we prevented him from hammering himself if he WAS town hammerer. But I think we've convinced ourselves that this isn't the case.
And now if we test Insie first, if there WAS a doublevoter-esque hammerer at least we're not falsely accusing one of our own (but we should still treat L-2 as the new L-1 for the next day's lynch).
02/04/2019 22:53:16
It's also worth noting that it's very likely that most, if not all of the mafia are in the group of people that weren't on the Insie train. Because what mafia member is going to hit one of their own day 1. Which means that probably close to half of that group could be mafia.
02/05/2019 02:27:30
02/05/2019 02:27:30
does that mean one of us would be the governer aswell?
02/05/2019 02:34:09
02/05/2019 02:34:09
Seems pretty likely to me. I don't know why a governor would stop a train that they were a part of.
02/05/2019 02:35:12
02/05/2019 02:35:12
Personally I think if the mafia could have prevented hammering Insie yesterday then they would have done so. Therefore the people who weren't on the vote train should still be treated as suspicious, but I'd recommend against tunnelling on it. Let's see what happens with this experiment first though.
02/05/2019 02:45:32
02/05/2019 02:45:32
So we're waiting on:
Atyeo (113 hours of inactivity)
Glace (42 hours of inactivity and has asked to be replaced)
Insie (40 hours of inactivity)
asa (64 hours of inactivity)
DD (50 hours of inactivity)
So while I'm bored waiting for these five rude players, although it seems pretty cut-and-dry what to do today (and potentially day 3 depending on how today goes) I thought I'd post what we should look to do in future days incase I'm cruelly killed at night.
Here are Boozer's five posts at the start of Day 2 (Sunday):
I think it's possible that mafia brainstormed some ideas during the night phase to give him some topics to post about and contribute. Quote #5 in particular stands out to me.
It kind of reminds me of the kinds of things JonCheee would say in the Fire Emblem game where Bijou and Maribro were feeding him ideas. Shane / Jon what are your thoughts on this?
Confirmed townies (Extra and Maribro) both also had him on the scummier side of things when they were alive. They're opinions weren't any more informed than ours but at least we know that these two weren't trying to deceive us.
He also joined the Insie train very late which is something mafia can do to try and blend into town, when they've given up on trying to save the player, similar to when Aerodrome voted for ThatLaggyPerson / LEF when he was mafia with them.
(yes I'm aware that Boozer has been accused of being mafia for both using his brain and not using his brain in the same game now).
There are a couple of other players that I have my eye on but there's plenty of water to go under the bridge until then. I get the feeling that we may be waiting for a while.
02/05/2019 03:32:38
Atyeo (113 hours of inactivity)
Glace (42 hours of inactivity and has asked to be replaced)
Insie (40 hours of inactivity)
asa (64 hours of inactivity)
DD (50 hours of inactivity)
So while I'm bored waiting for these five rude players, although it seems pretty cut-and-dry what to do today (and potentially day 3 depending on how today goes) I thought I'd post what we should look to do in future days incase I'm cruelly killed at night.
Here are Boozer's five posts at the start of Day 2 (Sunday):
Boozer said:
Insie not being worried at all about being lynched definitely makes sense now lol
What kind of roles can make someone unlynchable?
Ill hold off on voting hik until the op is updated so i know how many votes it takes
Dont want him getting hammered !!!
Boozer said:
Im blind its in the flavour text aha
Vote: Insie
Whats a governor
Boozer said:
Well yeah, you cant hammer if your votes already on someone
That would be op
Hammerer is basically useless now anyway, if anyone puts someone in hammer range now theyre basically outing themselves as scum
Or theyre retarded !!
Boozer said:
Even if the role is effectively useless, google says hammerers are usually mafia
So if you pinpoint who it is then thats most likely a scum that you dont have to infer from opinions and stuff hey
Boozer said:I think this flurry of activity is unusual contrasted to his Day 1 posts.
Might also be a good idea to look at what train was happening before insie brought up the possibility of a hammerer
Could have been trying to get heat off another mafia O:
I think it's possible that mafia brainstormed some ideas during the night phase to give him some topics to post about and contribute. Quote #5 in particular stands out to me.
It kind of reminds me of the kinds of things JonCheee would say in the Fire Emblem game where Bijou and Maribro were feeding him ideas. Shane / Jon what are your thoughts on this?
Confirmed townies (Extra and Maribro) both also had him on the scummier side of things when they were alive. They're opinions weren't any more informed than ours but at least we know that these two weren't trying to deceive us.
He also joined the Insie train very late which is something mafia can do to try and blend into town, when they've given up on trying to save the player, similar to when Aerodrome voted for ThatLaggyPerson / LEF when he was mafia with them.
(yes I'm aware that Boozer has been accused of being mafia for both using his brain and not using his brain in the same game now).
There are a couple of other players that I have my eye on but there's plenty of water to go under the bridge until then. I get the feeling that we may be waiting for a while.
02/05/2019 03:32:38
Invisi said:I wouldn't be so sure about this. Bussing on a mafia member that has all but outed themselves is definitely a possible mafia play. This gives mafia a convenient way of shifting the suspicion elsewhere on consecutive days.
It's also worth noting that it's very likely that most, if not all of the mafia are in the group of people that weren't on the Insie train. Because what mafia member is going to hit one of their own day 1. Which means that probably close to half of that group could be mafia.
02/05/2019 03:42:06
You wound me dean :< as if u think that if i was mafia id listen to what people wanted me to say
Forgive me for not joining in on day 1 roulette finger pointing
I only voted for insie late cos i wanted to lynch bradley
Because its bradley aha
Actually people think bradley is mafia now dont they? Aero does at least (and im inclined to agree). My brain isnt big enough to be on 2 fellow mafia trains one after the other unfort
Maybe next day i will turn brain off again. Keep you on your toes !!!
02/05/2019 04:03:48
Forgive me for not joining in on day 1 roulette finger pointing
I only voted for insie late cos i wanted to lynch bradley
Because its bradley aha
Actually people think bradley is mafia now dont they? Aero does at least (and im inclined to agree). My brain isnt big enough to be on 2 fellow mafia trains one after the other unfort
Maybe next day i will turn brain off again. Keep you on your toes !!!
02/05/2019 04:03:48
Dean it was different when I was mafia with laggy im pretty sure i started the train on him.
02/05/2019 04:33:40
02/05/2019 04:33:40
I might respond to Cameron's post when I get home.
Aero I think we might be thinking of different games? I'm thinking of the first Smash Bros-themed game (you were the seventh out of nine voters, pages 7-9 for reference), not sure if you've been mafia together in other games.
02/05/2019 04:41:52
Aero I think we might be thinking of different games? I'm thinking of the first Smash Bros-themed game (you were the seventh out of nine voters, pages 7-9 for reference), not sure if you've been mafia together in other games.
02/05/2019 04:41:52
Player Announcement
Asa is currently on his way home from Japan, I'm not quite sure when he'll be able to post again. Hopefully in the next day or so.
I've contacted Atyeo, but I haven't had a response yet.
02/05/2019 06:27:57
Asa is currently on his way home from Japan, I'm not quite sure when he'll be able to post again. Hopefully in the next day or so.
I've contacted Atyeo, but I haven't had a response yet.
02/05/2019 06:27:57
dean said:
Shane / Jon what are your thoughts on this?
Hmmmmmm. When I played with Jon as mafia I don't think we necessarily fed him ideas, it was more a case of he could see things we were talking about and perhaps be more informed on something than he otherwise would have been.
So in a way it's not like we were telling him to say anything, but as a result of the mafia chat he might have chimed in on the forum where he wouldn't normally.
Do you think the mafia chat might be restricted to night only for this game Dean? If so then I think it'd be more likely Boozer was influenced by whatever discussions they had at night and is posting certain things today because of it.
Personally I think the read is a little too hard at the moment to convince me but your instincts have been pretty good so far Dean so I'd keep going with it.
Except for Extra, you were totally wrong about him but I think that you knew that even as you were writing him up.
02/05/2019 07:20:08
Boozer said:So you'd ignore your teammates advice if you were mafia? That would be an innovative strategy.
You wound me dean :< as if u think that if i was mafia id listen to what people wanted me to say
Boozer said:Well it looks like we've hit maf from this roulette so maybe you should join us next time!
Forgive me for not joining in on day 1 roulette finger pointing
Boozer said:People think that Bradley's mafia now? So they didn't on Day 1? Were you part of these "people"? Why did you vote for him if you didn't think he's mafia? Why do you think he's mafia now?
Actually people think bradley is mafia now dont they? Aero does at least (and im inclined to agree). My brain isnt big enough to be on 2 fellow mafia trains one after the other unfort
I raised my points against Insie on Sunday evening and Shane and Aero gave the train wheels on Monday evening. You didn't comment on anything related to Insie until you voted for him Thursday morning. Why did you ignore this, instead keeping your pseudo-meme/pseudo-policy vote on DD? You didn't give any opinions as to whether the Insie train was a good/bad idea until after he was lynched and all-but-confirmed as mafia.
Bijou said:Are you sure? I remember you guys saying stuff like "hey Jon here's something you can post to pretend you're contributing" but it was three years ago so I might be wrong (it's unusual but it happens sometimes). Doubt the server's still lying around to check. This post was the one that stuck in my mind (I don't think Jon researched this himself):
Hmmmmmm. When I played with Jon as mafia I don't think we necessarily fed him ideas, it was more a case of he could see things we were talking about and perhaps be more informed on something than he otherwise would have been.
So in a way it's not like we were telling him to say anything, but as a result of the mafia chat he might have chimed in on the forum where he wouldn't normally.

Bijou said:I don't know. Mafia daytalk becomes stronger the more members the faction has so if there are 4-5 members it might be more likely to be restricted for balance reasons.
Do you think the mafia chat might be restricted to night only for this game Dean? If so then I think it'd be more likely Boozer was influenced by whatever discussions they had at night and is posting certain things today because of it.
Nighttime would be the best time to come up with ideas leading into the next day though, daytalk or no. They have 72 hours to do whatever they want without having to worry about what's happening in the thread.
Bijou said:Just something to keep in mind. After we're done with this hammerer nonsense we'll likely be back to not having any great leads. I'm not going to push this until the time comes. Open the image in a new tab if you want/need to read it I didn't think it would be that small. I know DD said he usually checks this thread when he's updating his character data and EBS just finished so DD IF YOU ARE READING THIS YOU NEED TO UNVOTE FOR INSIE OR WE WILL LYNCH YOU TOMORROW.
Personally I think the read is a little too hard at the moment to convince me but your instincts have been pretty good so far Dean so I'd keep going with it.
02/05/2019 10:58:40
Since DD seems to be ignoring the thread it might make it slightly easier for DD to notice that we're waiting for him if he is being voted against. Maybe he'll check the header at least?
02/05/2019 11:43:40
02/05/2019 11:43:40
To be honest it was a while ago so I don't 100% remember, but I don't feel like I was telling Jon what posts to make or anything. It was my first game too so what would I have known? lol
Also I'm not voting to lynch DD when Insie is pretty much a confirmed mafia member, sorry. We can kill DD the next day if we have to. By the way even if DD doesn't unvote we can still check for a hammerer can't we? If it's just one person being a pain in the ass it shouldn't be hard to work around it?
Insie isn't going to vote for himself and not counting him there are 4 remaining players who didn't vote Insie yesterday who haven't voted.
If two of them jump on the train and the hammer still works it's either the hammerer is Insie / one of the remaining two non voters or the hammerer is a double voter right?
02/05/2019 11:55:46
Also I'm not voting to lynch DD when Insie is pretty much a confirmed mafia member, sorry. We can kill DD the next day if we have to. By the way even if DD doesn't unvote we can still check for a hammerer can't we? If it's just one person being a pain in the ass it shouldn't be hard to work around it?
Insie isn't going to vote for himself and not counting him there are 4 remaining players who didn't vote Insie yesterday who haven't voted.
If two of them jump on the train and the hammer still works it's either the hammerer is Insie / one of the remaining two non voters or the hammerer is a double voter right?
02/05/2019 11:55:46
I'm not voting to lynch him I'm just trying to make him pay attention to the thread since the first thing you see is the header and there have been a couple of long posts that may make him less eager to read. It's a pain but we need him to unvote for this to be more efficient. Honestly yeah we probably could just do the same process tomorrow if we can't get him to unvote however if we do that we can't cover for the potential of a double voter. If we have 2 or more potential people to be the hammerer on the next day and the hammerer is a double voter then we could end up wasting multiple days.
I don't think the potential of a double voting hammerer is enough to stop the plan but it will be safer if we deal with it today since we have the perfect number.
02/05/2019 12:25:11
I don't think the potential of a double voting hammerer is enough to stop the plan but it will be safer if we deal with it today since we have the perfect number.
02/05/2019 12:25:11
@dean sorry i dont really remember anything about the last mafia game i played other than it was heavily skewed in mafias favour. i think i would type something up and then ask for advice on if it sounded suss, but i dont think they fed me ideas itself except maybe day 1 where i had literally 0 idea on what to do.
mister bozo is still pretty meme-y but its like sorta helpful meme-y so yes i think its semi suss since he really didnt do much day one and now its day two and we didnt even get much more info but hes tryna be chatty.
iirc atyeo said he had a nice big post to give us but he didnt and then the day ended? i should double check on that but i will do that when i wake up tomorrow. even then, he had pretty ample time unless he still has his computer issues.
02/05/2019 17:04:14
mister bozo is still pretty meme-y but its like sorta helpful meme-y so yes i think its semi suss since he really didnt do much day one and now its day two and we didnt even get much more info but hes tryna be chatty.
iirc atyeo said he had a nice big post to give us but he didnt and then the day ended? i should double check on that but i will do that when i wake up tomorrow. even then, he had pretty ample time unless he still has his computer issues.
02/05/2019 17:04:14
Good morning! I'm kicking off the discussion for the day again because work is just that interesting. Also I like Windkeeper's idea, it's not like I need to do anything else with my vote at the moment.
Vote: DD
02/05/2019 22:10:06
Vote: DD
02/05/2019 22:10:06
Hey there morning gang.
It's a shame my witnesses are unreliable but I guess I shouldn't expect people to remember things from three years ago.
Clock's still ticking:
Atyeo (133 hours)
asa (84 hours, notified the mods)
DD (69 hours)
Glace (62 hours, asked to be replaced)
Insie (60 hours)
I like Windkeeper0's idea too. VOTE: Atyeo
The plan works best if DD unvotes first.
Let's say that we have the following votes on Insie:
DD, Blaze, Bijou, JEANS, MrL, Voltz, Glace, ThatLaggyPerson, asa (9)
If Insie doesn't get hammered then the hammerer is one of the eight non-DD players on the wagon.
If Insie gets hammered, we don't know if this means that Insie was the hammerer, if the remaining player (Atyeo in this example) was the hammerer, or if the hammerer functioned as a double-voter. So there's more uncertainty.
Could we test e.g. Atyeo the next day? Let me think.
Get e.g. Atyeo to L-1 and see if there's a hammer. He'd get hammered if either he's the hammerer himself or if the hammerer functions as a doublevoter. If the hammerer DOES function as a doublevoter then we've lynched him for no good reason (or if he flipped maf a very good reason! although we wouldn't be able to tell if he was the hammerer or not)
If he doesn't get hammered then Insie was the hammerer.
What if we get him to vote for himself? Then if we get him to L-1 and there's no hammer then either Insie or e.g. Atyeo are the hammerer, and if he gets hammered then the hammerer functions as a doublevoter.
What if he doesn't want to vote for himself because he's worried that the hammerer functions as a doublevoter? That would be fair enough.
What if we don't test it on e.g. Atyeo? Say town pretty unanimously decides to lynch DD tomorrow at some point. If we get e.g. DD to L-1 with e.g. Atyeo on the wagon then if there's no hammer either Insie or e.g. Atyeo are the hammerer. If there is a hammer then the hammerer functions as a doublevoter and could be any of us.
So if there was no hammer then we'd get e.g. Atyeo to unvote and someone else votes to put e.g. DD back on L-1. Then if there's a hammer e.g. Atyeo is the hammerer, and if there isn't a hammer Insie is the hammerer.
If e.g. Atyeo refused to unvote then that would be pretty suspicious.
So here, the issue would be if e.g. Atyeo didn't want to vote for e.g. DD because he thought that e.g. DD was town and didn't want to risk putting e.g. DD on L-1 for risk of the doublevoter-esque hammerer. Which could be a valid reason.
It depends on how likely we think it is that the hammerer functions like a doublevoter, if the risk is worth taking. How worthwhile it is might depend if arsonist hits town again tonight.
The plan works today because I don't think any of us have good reasons for not lynching Insie.
I think this makes sense.
Anyway, DD isn't the only player we're waiting for right now.
02/05/2019 23:33:05
It's a shame my witnesses are unreliable but I guess I shouldn't expect people to remember things from three years ago.
Clock's still ticking:
Atyeo (133 hours)
asa (84 hours, notified the mods)
DD (69 hours)
Glace (62 hours, asked to be replaced)
Insie (60 hours)
I like Windkeeper0's idea too. VOTE: Atyeo
The plan works best if DD unvotes first.
Let's say that we have the following votes on Insie:
DD, Blaze, Bijou, JEANS, MrL, Voltz, Glace, ThatLaggyPerson, asa (9)
If Insie doesn't get hammered then the hammerer is one of the eight non-DD players on the wagon.
If Insie gets hammered, we don't know if this means that Insie was the hammerer, if the remaining player (Atyeo in this example) was the hammerer, or if the hammerer functioned as a double-voter. So there's more uncertainty.
Could we test e.g. Atyeo the next day? Let me think.
Get e.g. Atyeo to L-1 and see if there's a hammer. He'd get hammered if either he's the hammerer himself or if the hammerer functions as a doublevoter. If the hammerer DOES function as a doublevoter then we've lynched him for no good reason (or if he flipped maf a very good reason! although we wouldn't be able to tell if he was the hammerer or not)
If he doesn't get hammered then Insie was the hammerer.
What if we get him to vote for himself? Then if we get him to L-1 and there's no hammer then either Insie or e.g. Atyeo are the hammerer, and if he gets hammered then the hammerer functions as a doublevoter.
What if he doesn't want to vote for himself because he's worried that the hammerer functions as a doublevoter? That would be fair enough.
What if we don't test it on e.g. Atyeo? Say town pretty unanimously decides to lynch DD tomorrow at some point. If we get e.g. DD to L-1 with e.g. Atyeo on the wagon then if there's no hammer either Insie or e.g. Atyeo are the hammerer. If there is a hammer then the hammerer functions as a doublevoter and could be any of us.
So if there was no hammer then we'd get e.g. Atyeo to unvote and someone else votes to put e.g. DD back on L-1. Then if there's a hammer e.g. Atyeo is the hammerer, and if there isn't a hammer Insie is the hammerer.
If e.g. Atyeo refused to unvote then that would be pretty suspicious.
So here, the issue would be if e.g. Atyeo didn't want to vote for e.g. DD because he thought that e.g. DD was town and didn't want to risk putting e.g. DD on L-1 for risk of the doublevoter-esque hammerer. Which could be a valid reason.
It depends on how likely we think it is that the hammerer functions like a doublevoter, if the risk is worth taking. How worthwhile it is might depend if arsonist hits town again tonight.
The plan works today because I don't think any of us have good reasons for not lynching Insie.
I think this makes sense.
Anyway, DD isn't the only player we're waiting for right now.
02/05/2019 23:33:05
I would honestly like to hear why some players have been inactive, tbh DD has had some excuses I can understand, but he should atleast be skimming over the thread (as most others should) and post his thoughts. DD at this point would definitely have gotten one of his three warnings, which makes me think hes choosing to ignore the thread or not bothering to post anything. (Also, offtopic, but what couldve duons role been if we already have an arso in town and hes a neutral incineroar)
02/06/2019 00:40:55
02/06/2019 00:40:55
Dd is absolutely ignoring the thread because he is mafia. Ironically hes not maf hammerer, while insie surely has to be maf governor.
We get no info on lynch which is extremely annoying. That said even with only some cooperation we can still narrow down who the mafia hammerer is after multiple lynches.
Insie (mafia gov)
DD (mafia hammerer)
Mafia core? Oops i didnt mean dd being maf hammerer Are we lynching dd or atyeo today or something
02/06/2019 01:50:18
We get no info on lynch which is extremely annoying. That said even with only some cooperation we can still narrow down who the mafia hammerer is after multiple lynches.
Insie (mafia gov)
DD (mafia hammerer)
Mafia core? Oops i didnt mean dd being maf hammerer Are we lynching dd or atyeo today or something
02/06/2019 01:50:18
Do we not have replacements available? Did sign-ups last for too long? Are there too many spectators in the dead players chat?
Atyeo and DD's behaviour in particular is not acceptable (this is the second time DD's gone over 72 hours of inactivity). Why sign up if you can't commit at least five minutes out of a 72-hour period of your time to the game?
I don't want to be impatient because I think we've got a good plan set up and I think that the offending players will be removed in due time. But this is very frustrating to play.
But if they're kept in the game we should still lynch Insie today and focus on others tomorrow.
Blaze, Duon's role isn't important.
02/06/2019 02:16:36
Atyeo and DD's behaviour in particular is not acceptable (this is the second time DD's gone over 72 hours of inactivity). Why sign up if you can't commit at least five minutes out of a 72-hour period of your time to the game?
I don't want to be impatient because I think we've got a good plan set up and I think that the offending players will be removed in due time. But this is very frustrating to play.
But if they're kept in the game we should still lynch Insie today and focus on others tomorrow.
Blaze, Duon's role isn't important.
02/06/2019 02:16:36
Player Announcement
Glace - Town-Aligned Wii Fit Trainer has been mod killed!
We actually have literally 0 replacements left for this game, so this is the only thing I can do right now.
Atyeo will likely need to have the same happen to him soon. Also with 17 left it means 9 to lynch.
02/06/2019 02:45:13
Glace - Town-Aligned Wii Fit Trainer has been mod killed!
We actually have literally 0 replacements left for this game, so this is the only thing I can do right now.
Atyeo will likely need to have the same happen to him soon. Also with 17 left it means 9 to lynch.
02/06/2019 02:45:13