Super Duper Sunshine 11/02/2024
CouchWarriors January Ranbat 2024 6/01/2024
Temple Smash #94 13/12/2023
Ultimate Singles gaming
Temple Smash #90 15/11/2023
Pixel Smash #196 16/10/2023
Big Cheese 4 15/10/2023
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles Top 48
L2 | Pelipper Piccolo | 3 - 0 | Ignis |
W1 | MAST! | 3 - 0 | Ignis |
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles Pools
The Medium Cheese 2023 12/10/2023
The Stomping Ground #18 15/09/2023
Pixel Arcadian 20/08/2023
Super Smash Bro's Utimate Singles Pools
CouchWarriors August Ranbat 2023 5/08/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles
The Stomping Ground #12 21/07/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
Temple Smash #71 28/06/2023
Ultimate Singles gaming
BAM 13 11/06/2023
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles [BAM 2023]
Temple Smash #66 24/05/2023
Ultimate Singles gaming
Temple Smash #65 17/05/2023
Temple Smash #63 3/05/2023
Dreamhack 2023 30/04/2023
Smash Ultimate - DH Melb - CouchWarriors Stage
Temple Smash #62 26/04/2023
Ultimate Singles gaming
Temple Smash #58 29/03/2023
Temple Smash #57 22/03/2023
Ultimate Singles gaming
Temple Smash #56 15/03/2023
Ultimate Singles gaming
Temple Smash #55 8/03/2023
CouchWarriors March Ranbat 2023 4/03/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles
L5 | DanInRealLife | 3 - 2 | Ignis |
L4 | Ignis | 2 - 0 | RAMBO |
W3 | Pelipper Piccolo | 2 - 0 | Ignis |
W2 | Ignis | 2 - 1 | Zac! |
Super Sunshine Smash February 2023 19/02/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles
CouchWarriors February Ranbat 2023 4/02/2023
Temple Smash #48 18/01/2023
Ultimate Singles linvala
GF | Apple Reviewer | 3 - 1 | Ignis |
L5 | Ignis | 3 - 0 | homer |
W4 | Apple Reviewer | 3 - 0 | Ignis |
W3 | Ignis | 3 - 2 | homer |
W2 | Ignis | 2 - 1 | Rare |
Pixel Smash #155 16/01/2023
Pixel SMASH Bracket
L5 | Piggins | 2 - 0 | Ignis |
L4 | Ignis | 2 - 1 | Gravity |
W3 | Apple Reviewer | 2 - 0 | Ignis |
W2 | Ignis | 2 - 0 | Skinny_Pat |
Super Sunshine Smash January 2023 15/01/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles
Couchwarriors January Ranbat 2023 7/01/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles
Pixel Smash #150 11/12/2022
Pixel SMASH Ultimate (Main Bracket)
CouchWarriors December Ranbat 2022 3/12/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles
Big Cheese 3 29/10/2022
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles
The Medium Cheese 2022 27/10/2022
Ultimate Singles
EBS Ultimate #111 11/10/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Pixel Smash #142 10/10/2022
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Temple Smash #39 7/10/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
CouchWarriors October Ranbat 2022 1/10/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles
EBS Ultimate #106 6/09/2022
Pixel Smash #137 5/09/2022
Dreamhack 2022 4/09/2022
Smash Ultimate - DH Melb - CouchWarriors Stage
Sunshine Smash #98 25/08/2022
Smash Ultimate Bracket
Pixel Smash #135 22/08/2022
Super Sunshine Smash August 2022 21/08/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles
CouchWarriors August Ranbat 2022 6/08/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles
L3 | Ezycole | 2 - 0 | Ignis |
L2 | Ignis | 2 - 0 | Prehistoric |
W1 | Skinny_Pat | 2 - 0 | Ignis |
Phantom 2022 17/07/2022
Ultimate singles
Battle Kat Bunker: The Phantom Hour 15/07/2022
Ultimate Singles
CouchWarriors July Ranbat 2022 2/07/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles
CouchWarriors June Ranbat 2022 4/06/2022
Post-BAM Mini EBS 17/05/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Pixel Smash #122 16/05/2022
Pixel SMASH Bracket
BAM 12 15/05/2022
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles [BAM 2022]
CouchWarriors April Ranbat 2022 23/04/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles
Pixel Smash #117 18/04/2022
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Super Sunshine Smash 9 10/04/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles
L6 | Noot | 3 - 2 | Ignis |
L5 | Ignis | 2 - 1 | Deku Meister |
L3 | Ignis | 2 - 1 | Jayd |
L2 | Ignis | 2 - 0 | HotHeadJabs |
W2 | WeToxicFew | 2 - 0 | Ignis |
W1 | Ignis | 2 - 0 | kenan7 |
Temple Smash #19 8/04/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Temple Smash #18 1/04/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
CouchWarriors March Ranbat 2022 6/03/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles
Pixel Smash #109 21/02/2022
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Temple Smash #13 11/02/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
CouchWarriors Christmas 2021 19/12/2021
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Bracket
Temple Smash #9 10/12/2021
Pixel Smash #100 5/12/2021
Pixel SMASH Ultimate (Main Bracket)
CouchWarriors November Ranbat 2021 27/11/2021
Smash Ultimate Singles
Super Sunshine Smash 6 21/11/2021
Smash Ultimate Singles
Temple Smash #6 6/11/2021
Temple Smash #5 30/10/2021
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Temple Smash #3 3/07/2021
Ultimate Singles Bracket
EBS Ultimate #73 4/05/2021
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Super Sunshine Smash 4 1/05/2021
Smash Ultimate Singles
Pixel Smash #86 26/04/2021
Couchwarriors April Ranbat 2021 24/04/2021
EBS Ultimate #70 13/04/2021
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L6 | El | 3 - 1 | Ignis |
W4 | JuiceGoose | 3 - 1 | Ignis |
W3 | Ignis | 2 - 1 | RAMBO |
W2 | Ignis | 2 - 0 | WeToxicFew |
Super Sunshine Smash #3 11/04/2021
Pixel Smash #83 5/04/2021
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Couchwarriors March Ranbat 2021 27/03/2021
Smash Ultimate Singles
EBS Ultimate #67 23/03/2021
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Pixel Smash #81 22/03/2021
Pixel SMASH Bracket
L5 | MAST! | 3 - 1 | Ignis |
L4 | Ignis | 2 - 1 | Revax |
L3 | Ignis | 2 - 0 | SkippyDinglChalk |
W3 | El | 2 - 0 | Ignis |
W2 | Ignis | 2 - 1 | Unreal Sora |
EBS Ultimate #66 16/03/2021
ACE SSBU Autumn Teriary Cup 2021 14/03/2021
ACE SSBU Autumn Teriary Cup 2021
Super Sunshine Smash 2 7/03/2021
Smash Ultimate Singles
EBS Ultimate #64 2/03/2021
Ultimate Singles Bracket
EBS Ultimate #63 23/02/2021
Ultimate Singles Bracket
EBS Ultimate #62 9/02/2021
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Pixel Smash #75 1/02/2021
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Pixel Smash #73 19/01/2021
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Smash @ Sunshine #59 18/01/2021
SunshineSmash Bracket
Super Sunshine Smash 10/01/2021
Smash Ultimate Singles
Pixel Smash #71 5/01/2021
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Pixel Smash #70 29/12/2020
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Smash Saturday @ Dungeon.exe 26/12/20 26/12/2020
Smash Saturday Returns @ Dungeon.exe 1v1's Bracket
Pixel Smash #69 22/12/2020
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Smash @ Sunshine 57 21/12/2020
SunshineSmash Bracket
Dungeon.Exe 7 19/12/2020
Smash Saturday Returns @ Dungeon.exe 1v1's Bracket
Pixel Smash #68 15/12/2020
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Smash @ Sunshine #56 14/12/2020
SunshineSmash Bracket
L7 | Deku Meister | 3 - 0 | Ignis |
L6 | Ignis | 3 - 2 | Jaypam |
W4 | MasterofDisaster | 3 - 2 | Ignis |
W3 | Ignis | 2 - 0 | B-2 |
W2 | Ignis | 2 - 1 | Jaypam |
Pixel Perfect 1 13/12/2020
Smash Ultimate Singles Top 32
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
Pixel Smash #67 8/12/2020
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Pixel Smash #66 Outside Edition 3/12/2020
Pixel Smash #65 Outdoor Edition 24/11/2020
Pixel SMASH Bracket
L6 | Deku Meister | 3 - 1 | Ignis |
L5 | Ignis | 3 - 0 | nate |
W3 | Extra | 3 - 1 | Ignis |
W2 | Ignis | 2 - 0 | aitchfactor |
W1 | Ignis | 2 - 0 | Xav |
Pixel Smash #64 Outdoor Edition 17/11/2020
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Pixel Smash #62 6/07/2020
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Pixel Smash #61 29/06/2020
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Pixel Smash #58 8/06/2020
Dungeon.Exe 4 6/06/2020
Smash Saturday 4 @ Dungeon.exe Bracket
Smash Bash @ GG EZ #11 15/03/2020
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Smash @ Swanston #11 13/03/2020
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
EBS Ultimate #60 10/03/2020
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Phantom 2020 7/03/2020
Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
L3 | Supernova / Lora | 2 - 1 | Ignis / Skitter |
W3 | Trojans / Joe | 2 - 0 | Ignis / Skitter |
W2 | Ignis / Skitter | 2 - 0 | Ryan / Kitt |
Smash Ultimate Singles
Star Forge #110 6/03/2020
Star Forge #110 - Phantom Edition!
Smash @ Swanston #10 28/02/2020
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
Couchwarriors Feburary Ranbat 2020 22/02/2020
Smash Ultimate Singles
Smash @ Swanston Ultimate 9 21/02/2020
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
Smash @ Swanston Ultimate 8 14/02/2020
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
Pixel Smash #52 10/02/2020
Smash @ Swanston Ultimate 7 7/02/2020
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
EBS Ultimate #55 4/02/2020
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Smash @ Swanston Ultimate #6 31/01/2020
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
Smash @ Swanston Ultimate 5 24/01/2020
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
EBS Ultimate #53 21/01/2020
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Smash Bash @ GG EZ #10 18/01/2020
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Smash @ Swanston #4 17/01/2020
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
EBS Ultimate #52 14/01/2020
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Couchwarriors January Ranbat 2020 11/01/2020
Smash Ultimate Singles
Smash @ Swanston Ultimate 3 (Unfinished) 10/01/2020
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
Pixel Smash #46 30/12/2019
Milaga Threeie 28/12/2019
Ultimate Singles (Max 48 entrants!) Top 16
Ultimate Singles (Max 48 entrants!) Pools (Round Robin)
Pixel Smash #45 23/12/2019
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Smashmas @ GGEZ 21/12/2019
Ultimate Singles Bracket
EBS Ultimate #50 17/12/2019
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Smash @ Sunshine #44 16/12/2019
SunshineSmash Bracket
Couchwarriors Crossup 2 14/12/2019
Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
L3 | Dr omega / Mar | 2 - 0 | Skitter / Ignis |
L2 | Skitter / Ignis | 2 - 0 | Milun / Timic83 |
W2 | Ryzuul / Tyler | 2 - 0 | Skitter / Ignis |
Super Smash Brothers Ultimate
Big Cheese 2 7/12/2019
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles
Smash @ Swanston #2 29/11/2019
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
Pixel Smash #41 25/11/2019
Couchwarriors November Ranbat 2019 23/11/2019
Smash Ultimate Singles
Smash @ Swanston Ultimate 1 22/11/2019
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
EBS Ultimate #46 19/11/2019
Ultimate Singles Bracket
GGEZ Smash Bash November 2019 16/11/2019
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Pixel Smash #38 4/11/2019
Couchwarriors October Ranbat 2019 26/10/2019
Smash Ultimate Singles
EBS Ultimate #43 22/10/2019
Ultimate Singles
The Ultimate Smash Bash October 2019 @GGEZ 19/10/2019
Ultimate Singles Bracket
EBS Ultimate #42 15/10/2019
Ultimate Singles
Pixel Smash #35 14/10/2019
Pixel SMASH Bracket
EBS Ultimate #41 8/10/2019
Ultimate Singles
EBS Ultimate #40 1/10/2019
Ultimate Singles
Pixel Smash #33 30/09/2019
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Couchwarriors September Ranbat 2019 29/09/2019
Smash Ultimate Singles
EBS Ultimate #39 24/09/2019
Ultimate Singles
Pixel Smash #32 23/09/2019
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Smash Bash @GGEZ September 21/09/2019
Ultimate Singles Bracket
EBS Ultimate #38 17/09/2019
Ultimate Singles
EBS Ultimate #37 10/09/2019
Ultimate Singles
L4 | Little Mark | 2 - 1 | Ignis |
L3 | Ignis | 2 - 0 | Dr Omega |
L2 | Ignis | 2 - 1 | dollarydoos |
W2 | Jaypam | 2 - 0 | Ignis |
EBS Ultimate #36 3/09/2019
Melbourne Esports Open 2019 1/09/2019
MEO Smash Ultimate Bracket
MEO Melee Singles Bracket
W2 | Pretty Cool Guy | 2 - 0 | Ignis |
Couchwarriors August Ranbat 2019 24/08/2019
Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
L6 | ReRaze / Alpal | 3 - 1 | Princess / Ignis |
L5 | Princess / Ignis | 2 - 0 | Robit / Booper |
L4 | Princess / Ignis | 3 - 2 | Skitter / sim |
L3 | Princess / Ignis | 2 - 0 | Nicks / Earlx |
W2 | B-2 / Raid | 2 - 1 | Princess / Ignis |
W1 | Princess / Ignis | 2 - 0 | dunkMATTic / BigChilli |
Melee Singles Melee singles
Smash Ultimate Singles
EBS Ultimate #34 20/08/2019
Ultimate Singles
Ultimate Smash Bash #6 @GGEZ 17/08/2019
Ultimate Singles Bracket
EBS Ultimate #33 13/08/2019
Ultimate Singles
Sunny Side Up 10/08/2019
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Doubles Bracket
L6 | Dvojak / Extra | 2 - 1 | Ignis / VineGreen |
L5 | Ignis / VineGreen | 2 - 0 | Ryan / Bjschoey |
L4 | Ignis / VineGreen | 2 - 0 | Snake / Verse |
W3 | Luma / Joe | 2 - 0 | Ignis / VineGreen |
W2 | Ignis / VineGreen | 2 - 0 | Spike / Merebry |
W1 | Ignis / VineGreen | 2 - 0 | s0b! / Jonkey |
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles
Friday Night Smash 213 9/08/2019
Friday Night Smash 213 (SSU)
EBS Ultimate #32 6/08/2019
Ultimate Singles
L7 | Earl | 3 - 0 | Ignis |
W4 | Extra | 3 - 0 | Ignis |
W3 | Ignis | 2 - 1 | Sir Banana |
W2 | Ignis | 2 - 1 | Daddy Ganny |
W1 | Ignis | 2 - 0 | Nevarc |
Couch Warriors Ranbat July 2019 27/07/2019
Smash Ultimate Singles
Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
L5 | ReRaze / Zaki | 3 - 1 | Ignis / VineGreen |
L4 | Ignis / VineGreen | 3 - 1 | Havok / Vayinn |
L3 | Ignis / VineGreen | 2 - 1 | Cactx / Matt.exe |
W3 | Dvojak / Extra | 2 - 0 | Ignis / VineGreen |
W2 | Ignis / VineGreen | 2 - 0 | Skitter / Falchion |
Nekocards Ultimate #15 26/07/2019
Ultimate Nekocards #14
W5 | Ignis | 3 - 1 | Earl |
W4 | Ignis | 3 - 0 | Corvid |
W3 | Ignis | 2 - 0 | MasterofDisaster |
W2 | Ignis | 2 - 0 | dollarydoos |
EBS Ultimate #30 23/07/2019
Ultimate Singles
EBS Ultimate #29 16/07/2019
Ultimate Singles
Stay Smashed July 2019 14/07/2019
Stay Smashed Singles - July 2019
Stay Smashed Doubles - July 2019
L6 | Extra + Ernest | 3 - 0 | Ignis + Pudge |
W4 | Insie + P9 | 3 - 1 | Ignis + Pudge |
W3 | Ignis + Pudge | 3 - 1 | Extra + Ernest |
W2 | Ignis + Pudge | 2 - 0 | DD + SuperKing |
W1 | Ignis + Pudge | 2 - 0 | Xambie + Stoddy |
Nekocards Ultimate #14 12/07/2019
Ultimate Nekocards #13
EBS Ultimate #28 9/07/2019
Ultimate Singles
Nekocards Ultimate #13 28/06/2019
Ultimate Nekocards #12
EBS Ultimate #26 25/06/2019
Ultimate Singles
Couchwarriors June Ranbat 2019 22/06/2019
Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
L6 | ReRaze / TheCrynek | 3 - 2 | Ignis / VineGreen |
L5 | Ignis / VineGreen | 3 - 2 | Saber / Skitter |
L4 | Ignis / VineGreen | 2 - 0 | OnePhoAll / Simple |
W3 | Jdizzle / Dvojak | 2 - 0 | Ignis / VineGreen |
W2 | Ignis / VineGreen | 2 - 0 | Revax / Danklin |
W1 | Ignis / VineGreen | 2 - 0 | MarchOfHell / Guyanide |
Smash Ultimate Singles
EBS Ultimate #25 18/06/2019
Ultimate Singles
Pixel Smash #18 17/06/2019
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Nekocards Ultimate #12 14/06/2019
Ultimate Nekocards #11
EBS Ultimate #24 11/06/2019
Ultimate Singles
Pixel Smash #17 10/06/2019
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Stay Smashed June 2019 9/06/2019
Stay Smashed June Doubles 2019
L3 | Cool Mum + Leliel | 2 - 0 | Little Mark + Ignis |
W3 | Dvojak + Rhyno | 2 - 0 | Little Mark + Ignis |
W2 | Little Mark + Ignis | 2 - 1 | Havok + Amaterasu |
Nekocards Ultimate #11 31/05/2019
Ultimate Nekocards #10
EBS Ultimate #22 28/05/2019
Ultimate Singles
Pixel Smash #15 27/05/2019
Pixel SMASH Bracket
EBS Ultimate #21 21/05/2019
Ultimate Singles
BAM 11 18/05/2019
Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
L6 | Ghost / Galacticus | 3 - 0 | Ignis / VineGreen |
L5 | Ignis / VineGreen | 2 - 0 | Star / Naomi Campbelltown |
W4 | Dvojak / Extra | 2 - 0 | Ignis / VineGreen |
W3 | Ignis / VineGreen | 2 - 1 | Trunkle / Linoone |
W2 | Ignis / VineGreen | 2 - 0 | SiqNiq / Iroh |
Smash Ultimate Singles
BAM11 Salty Suite 16/05/2019
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
GUF Geelong Ultimate #22 BAM Special 15/05/2019
Ultimate Singles Bracket
EBS Ultimate #20 14/05/2019
Ultimate Singles
Pixel Smash #13 13/05/2019
Pixel Smash Bracket
EBS Ultimate #19 7/05/2019
Ultimate Singles
Pixel Smash #12 6/05/2019
Pixel Smash Bracket
Nekocards Ultimate #10 3/05/2019
Ultimate Nekocards #9
EBS Ultimate #18 30/04/2019
Ultimate Singles
Smash @ Bunjil Place 28/04/2019
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Couchwarriors April Ranbat 2019 27/04/2019
Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
L3 | Saber / Fortune | 3 - 1 | VineGreen / Ignis |
L2 | VineGreen / Ignis | 2 - 1 | Nicks / Earlx |
L1 | VineGreen / Ignis | 2 - 0 | Skitter / Danklin |
W2 | Clam Crab Cuckold Cowrie / Jei | 2 - 0 | VineGreen / Ignis |
Smash Ultimate Singles
EBS Ultimate #17 23/04/2019
Ultimate EBS x Zen gaming #17
Pixel Smash #10 22/04/2019
Pixel Smash Bracket
Ultimate Smash Bash #4 @GGEZ 20/04/2019
The Ultimate Smash Bash #4
Nekocards Ultimate #9 19/04/2019
Ultimate Nekocards #8
EBS Ultimate #16 16/04/2019
Ultimate Singles
Pixel Smash #9 15/04/2019
Pixel SMASH 15-04-19
EBS Ultimate #15 9/04/2019
Ultimate Singles
Expand Gong 4 5/04/2019
EG4 Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
L6 | Keitaro + Sandman | 2 - 1 | Ignis / Corvid |
L5 | Ignis / Corvid | 2 - 0 | Star/Trojans |
L4 | Ignis / Corvid | 2 - 0 | Flex / Crimson |
L3 | Ignis / Corvid | 2 - 0 | Cunny Prime |
W3 | Insie / P9 | 2 - 1 | Ignis / Corvid |
W2 | Ignis / Corvid | 2 - 0 | Bong lord |
EG4 Smash Ultimate Singles
EBS Ultimate #14 2/04/2019
Ultimate Singles
Pixel Smash #7 1/04/2019
Pixel Smash Bracket
Jacked Geelong Presents: Jackedboree 30/03/2019
Ultimate Singles
Ultimate Doubles Bracket
GF | Lemon Party | 3 - 2 | Golden Pash |
L5 | Golden Pash | 3 - 0 | AlPro101 |
W4 | Lemon Party | 3 - 1 | Golden Pash |
W3 | Golden Pash | 3 - 1 | AlPro101 |
W2 | Golden Pash | 3 - 0 | Noobs (P8 + Jordiv |
EBS Ultimate #13 26/03/2019
Ultimate Singles
Pixel Smash #6 25/03/2019
Pixel Smash Bracket
Couchwarriors Ranbat March 2019 23/03/2019
Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
L5 | Jdizzle / Corvid | 3 - 0 | VineGreen / Ignis |
L4 | VineGreen / Ignis | 2 - 0 | Danklin / B-2 |
W3 | DefectiveDagger / Googers | 2 - 0 | VineGreen / Ignis |
W2 | VineGreen / Ignis | 2 - 1 | Clam Crab Cuckold Cowrie / KmS |
W1 | VineGreen / Ignis | 2 - 0 | MAGIC / Navi |
Melee Singles
Smash Ultimate Singles
Nekocards Ultimate #8 22/03/2019
Ultimate Nekocards #7
EBS Ultimate #12 19/03/2019
Ultimate Ebs x Zen Gaming #12 sign ups
Tassie Fighter Con 4 16/03/2019
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Doubles Bracket
L5 | Booper / Leisha | 3 - 0 | Ignis + Microsoft J |
L4 | Ignis + Microsoft J | 3 - 1 | WeRobPeople |
L3 | Ignis + Microsoft J | 2 - 0 | Triple SSS Bros. |
W3 | Support small streamers | 2 - 0 | Ignis + Microsoft J |
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Singles
EBS Ultimate #11 12/03/2019
Ultimate Singles
Pixel Smash #4 11/03/2019
Pixel Smash Bracket
Next Level Games Dandenong #10 10/03/2019
Smash Ultimate #10
Nekocards Ultimate #7 8/03/2019
Ultimate Nekocards #6
Phantom 2019 2/03/2019
Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
L8 | SebPro101 / Lumidyne | 3 - 1 | Ignis / VineGreen |
W5 | DefectiveDagger / Jdizzle | 3 - 1 | Ignis / VineGreen |
W4 | Ignis / VineGreen | 2 - 0 | Killy / jeese |
W3 | Ignis / VineGreen | 2 - 0 | Pazx / Luma |
W2 | Ignis / VineGreen | 2 - 1 | Shmu / Ryzuul |
W1 | Ignis / VineGreen | 2 - 0 | IceyFire95 / Pomelo <3 |
Smash Ultimate Singles
Star Forge #63: Phantom Edition 1/03/2019
Star Forge 63: Phantom Edition
EBS Ultimate #10 26/02/2019
Ultimate Singles
Next Level Games Dandenong #8 24/02/2019
Smash Ultimate #8
Couchwarriors February 2019 23/02/2019
Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
L9 | Seum and Reraze | 3 - 0 | Ignis + Vinegreen |
W5 | DefectiveDagger / Googers | 3 - 0 | Ignis + Vinegreen |
W4 | Ignis + Vinegreen | 3 - 2 | Brett + saber |
W3 | Ignis + Vinegreen | 2 - 0 | Kevvlar + Dr. Omega |
W2 | Ignis + Vinegreen | 2 - 0 | Sebpal101 |
W1 | Ignis + Vinegreen | 2 - 0 | Cag + oni |
Smash Ultimate Singles
Nekocards Ultimate #6 22/02/2019
Ultimate Nekocards #5
EBS Ultimate #9 19/02/2019
Ultimate Singles
Stay Smashed Feburary 2019 17/02/2019
Stay Smashed February Doubles 2019
L6 | Deez + Jei | 3 - 1 | Ignis + EL |
L5 | Ignis + EL | 3 - 2 | DD + Googers |
L4 | Ignis + EL | 3 - 1 | Insie + Oni |
L3 | Ignis + EL | 2 - 0 | Danklin + Amaterasu |
W3 | Deez + Jei | 2 - 0 | Ignis + EL |
W2 | Ignis + EL | 2 - 1 | Microsoft J + P9 |
Stay Smashed February Singles 2019
Smash Ultimate Bash @ GGEZ 2 14/02/2019
ggez finished bracket
EBS Ultimate #8 12/02/2019
Ultimate Singles
Nekocards Ultimate #5 8/02/2019
Ultimate Nekocards #4
EBS Ultimate #7 5/02/2019
Ultimate Singles
EBS Ultimate #6 29/01/2019
Ultimate Singles
Couchwarriors Jan 2019 27/01/2019
Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
L7 | bebop / Ghost | 3 - 2 | Ignis and vine |
L6 | Ignis and vine | 3 - 2 | Fortune / Saber |
L5 | Ignis and vine | 3 - 2 | Booper / Leisha |
L4 | Ignis and vine | 2 - 1 | Hazzacka / cbs |
W3 | Insie / JEANS | 2 - 1 | Ignis and vine |
W2 | Ignis and vine | 2 - 0 | SebPro101 + Alpal |
W1 | Ignis and vine | 2 - 0 | Fletchaa / Mr Gibs |
Smash Ultimate Singles
Nekocards Ultimate #4 25/01/2019
Ultimate Nekocards #3
EBS Ultimate #5 22/01/2019
Ultimate Singles
Next Level Games Dandenong #4 20/01/2019
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate #4
GGEZ Smash Bash #1 19/01/2019
Ultimate Singles Bracket
EBS Ultimate #4 15/01/2019
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Stay Smashed January 2019 13/01/2019
Stayed Smashed January 2019 Singles
Good Games Greensborough #3 12/01/2019
Super Smash Bro Tournament@Good Games Greensborough
EBS Ultimate #3 8/01/2019
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Next Level Games Dandenong #2 6/01/2019
Smash Ultimate #2
Guf Geelong Ultimate #3 2/01/2019
GUF Ultimate 3
Milaga II 29/12/2018
Milaga II - Ultimate Singles
Nekocards Ultimate #2 28/12/2018
Ultimate Nrkocards #2
Good Games Greensborough #1 22/12/2018
Super Smash Bro Tournament@Good Games Greensborough
EBS Ultimate #2 18/12/2018
Ultimate Singles Bracket
CouchWarriors Crossup 15/12/2018
Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
L6 | DefectiveDagger / Googers | 3 - 1 | Ignis / NeverGold |
L5 | Ignis / NeverGold | 2 - 1 | Shadrew / SebPro101 |
W4 | Jei / Viva | 2 - 0 | Ignis / NeverGold |
W3 | Ignis / NeverGold | 2 - 1 | Swithi / Duon |
W2 | Ignis / NeverGold | 2 - 0 | Horde / Spacejam |
Super Smash Brothers Ultimate
Nekocards Ultimate 1 14/12/2018
Ultimate Nekocards #1
GUF Geelong Ultimate #1 12/12/2018
GUF Ultimate 1
EBS Ultimate #1 11/12/2018
Ultimate Singles Bracket
EBS LXXVI 4/12/2018
Smash 4 Singles Bracket
Nekocards #26 30/11/2018
Nekocards Fortnightly #24
EBS LXXV 27/11/2018
Smash 4 Singles Bracket
Couchwarriors Nov 2018 24/11/2018
Smash 4 Doubles Bracket
L2 | SKG / P9 | 2 - 1 | Glace / Ignis |
L1 | Glace / Ignis | 2 - 0 | Vayinn / Havok |
W2 | SebPro101 / Rren | 2 - 1 | Glace / Ignis |
Smash 4 Singles Top 32
Smash 4 Singles Pools
EBS LXXIV 20/11/2018
Wii U Singles
Nekocards #25 16/11/2018
Wii U Singles
EBS LXXIII 13/11/2018
Stay Smashed November 11/11/2018
Wii U Singles
Nekocards #24 2/11/2018
EBS LXXII 30/10/2018
EBS LXXI 23/10/2018
Couchwarriors Oct 2018 20/10/2018
Smash 4 Doubles Bracket
GF | Duon / Extra | 3 - 0 | Ignis / Saber |
L7 | Ignis / Saber | 3 - 1 | Corvid / DefectiveDagger |
L6 | Ignis / Saber | 3 - 0 | PROJECT D | Nothing |
L5 | Ignis / Saber | 3 - 0 | SirMimien / Hazzacka |
W4 | Corvid / DefectiveDagger | 3 - 2 | Ignis / Saber |
W3 | Ignis / Saber | 2 - 1 | ReRaze / Skitter |
W2 | Ignis / Saber | 2 - 0 | Jash / Velocity |
Smash 4 Singles Top 24
Smash 4 Singles Pools
EBS LXX 16/10/2018
EBS LXIX 9/10/2018
Nekocards #23 5/10/2018
Wii U Singles
EBS LXVIII 2/10/2018
Wii U Singles
EBS LXVII 25/09/2018
Couchwarriors Sep 2018 22/09/2018
Smash Wii U
Nekocards #22 21/09/2018
Wii U Singles
EBS LXVI 18/09/2018
Wii U Singles
GF | Ignis | - | Pat Sanders |
GF | Ignis | - | Pat Sanders |
L6 | Ignis | - | w00tkins |
L5 | Ignis | - | Duon |
L4 | Ignis | - | Pudge |
W3 | Pat Sanders | - | Ignis |
W2 | Ignis | - | Skitter |
EBS LXV 11/09/2018
Wii U Singles
Nekocards #21 7/09/2018
EBS LXIV 4/09/2018
Melbourne E-Sports Open 2018 2/09/2018
wii u singles
L8 | DD | 3 - 1 | Ignis |
L7 | Ignis | 2 - 1 | Naomi Campbelltown |
L6 | Ignis | 2 - 0 | SebPro101 |
W4 | Pat Sanders | 2 - 0 | Ignis |
W3 | Ignis | 2 - 0 | NinStarRose |
W2 | Ignis | 2 - 0 | Bevan |
RMIT August 2018 30/08/2018
SM4SH Singles
EBS LXIII 28/08/2018
wii u singles
CouchWarriors Aug 2018 26/08/2018
wii u pools
Nekocards #20 24/08/2018
Wii U singles
EBS LXII 21/08/2018
wii u singles
EBS LXI 14/08/2018
wii u singles
Stay Smashed Aug 2018 12/08/2018
SM4SH Singles
Swithi 2k18 11/08/2018
Nekocards #19 10/08/2018
EBS LX 7/08/2018
BigWin Championship 4/08/2018
BigWin Championship Top 48 Singles
Melee - Singles Pools
Smash 4 - Doubles Bracket
L2 | Corvid / Copycat | 2 - 1 | Ignis / Pharoahe Thats That Fella |
W2 | Pazx / SOURPUSS | 2 - 0 | Ignis / Pharoahe Thats That Fella |
W1 | Ignis / Pharoahe Thats That Fella | 2 - 0 | Trent / Dawnfire |
Pre-BigWinChampionship 3/08/2018
Pre-BigWinChampionship Singles
EBS LIX 31/07/2018
wii u singles
L5 | Chin | 3 - 0 | Ignis |
L4 | Ignis | 3 - 1 | Hazzacka |
W3 | Pat Sanders | 3 - 0 | Ignis |
W2 | Ignis | 2 - 0 | Daddy Ganny |
CouchWarriors Jul 2018 28/07/2018
melee singles
L2 | breadstick | 2 - 1 | Ignis |
W2 | mewthree | 2 - 0 | Ignis |
W1 | Ignis | 2 - 0 | Yoda |
wii u pro
wii u pools
Nekocards #18 27/07/2018
Wii U singles
EBS LVIII 24/07/2018
wii u singles
Nekocards #17 13/07/2018
EBS LVI 10/07/2018
wii u singles
EBS LV 3/07/2018
Nekocards #16 29/06/2018
Wii U singles
EBS LIV 26/06/2018
CouchWarriors Jun 2018 Wii U 23/06/2018
wii u doubles
L4 | Dr omega + Mar | 3 - 0 | Ignis + Pudge |
L3 | Ignis + Pudge | 3 - 1 | SirMimien + Hazzacka |
L2 | Ignis + Pudge | 2 - 0 | Block + Julian |
W2 | Ghost + Saber | 2 - 0 | Ignis + Pudge |
W1 | Ignis + Pudge | 2 - 0 | Aurachi + Revax |
wii u pro
wii u pools
EBS LIII 19/06/2018
wii u singles
Nekocards #15 15/06/2018
Wii U singles
EBS LII 12/06/2018
Wii U singles
Stay Smashed Jun 2018 10/06/2018
Wii U singles
EBS LI 5/06/2018
wii u singles
MonSmash 1 2/06/2018
Nekocards #14 1/06/2018
EBS L 29/05/2018
Wii U singles
EBS XLIX 22/05/2018
Wii U singles
BAM 10 19/05/2018
Melee singles
Wii U singles
Wii U Doubles Bracket
L7 | ZartZu / Kekkeri | 3 - 2 | Joe / Ignis |
W4 | Tru4 / Sriks | 3 - 0 | Joe / Ignis |
W3 | Joe / Ignis | 2 - 1 | Mr. L / SadHour |
W2 | Joe / Ignis | 2 - 0 | Jacko / StabbyJ |
W1 | Joe / Ignis | 2 - 0 | Nubs11 / zzz |
BAM10 Salty Suite 17/05/2018
Wii U singles
Guf Geelong 142 16/05/2018
Wii U singles
L8 | Rust | 3 - 1 | Ignis |
W5 | DD | 3 - 0 | Ignis |
W4 | Ignis | 3 - 2 | Tru4 |
W3 | Ignis | 2 - 1 | Pat Sanders |
W2 | Ignis | 2 - 1 | BigWin | Beer |
EBS XLVIII 15/05/2018
wii u singles
Holy Mond4y 5 14/05/2018
wii u singles
EBS XLVII 8/05/2018
Wii U singles
Nekocards #13 4/05/2018
Wii U singles
Holy Mond4y 4 30/04/2018
wii u singles
CouchWarriors Apr 2018 Wii U 28/04/2018
Wii U singles
wii u doubles
L6 | Snugs + Jdizzle | 3 - 0 | Saber + Ignis |
L5 | Saber + Ignis | 3 - 2 | Corvid + DefectiveDagger |
L4 | Saber + Ignis | 3 - 0 | Skitter + Yehya |
W3 | Duon + Extra | 3 - 0 | Saber + Ignis |
W2 | Saber + Ignis | 2 - 1 | Dylba + SKG |
W1 | Saber + Ignis | 2 - 0 | Kevvlar + humanerror |
wii u pools
EBS XLVI 24/04/2018
Wii U singles
Holy Melee 22 23/04/2018
CouchWarriors Apr 2018 Melee 21/04/2018
melee pools
Nekocards #12 20/04/2018
Wii U singles
Holy Mond4y 3 16/04/2018
wii u singles
EBS XLV 10/04/2018
Wii U singles
Expand Gong 3 7/04/2018
wii u pro
wii u pools
EBS XLIV 3/04/2018
Wii U singles
EBS XLIII 27/03/2018
CouchWarriors Mar 2018 Wii U 24/03/2018
wii u pro
wii u pools
Nekocards #11 23/03/2018
EBS XLII 20/03/2018
Wii U singles
EBS XLI 13/03/2018
Stay Smashed Mar 2018 10/03/2018
Wii U singles
Nekocards #10 9/03/2018
EBS XL 6/03/2018
Wii U singles
EBS XXXIX 27/02/2018
WIi U singles
CouchWarriors Wii U Feb 2018 24/02/2018
wii u doubles
L5 | Ghost + haiku | 3 - 1 | Skitter + Ignis |
L4 | Skitter + Ignis | 2 - 1 | Nothing + Dr omega |
L3 | Skitter + Ignis | 2 - 0 | SebPro101 + MAST |
L2 | Skitter + Ignis | 2 - 0 | Mykicard + Mizuboi |
W2 | Dylba + SKG | 2 - 1 | Skitter + Ignis |
wii u pro
wii u pools
Nekocards #9 23/02/2018
SM4SH Singles
EBS XXXVIII 20/02/2018
Wii U singles
EBS XXXVII 13/02/2018
Wii U singles
Stay Smashed Feb 2018 11/02/2018
Wii U singles
Nekocards #8 9/02/2018
Wii U singles
EBS XXXVI 6/02/2018
Wii U singles
EBS XXXIII 16/01/2018
Wii U singles
Nekocards #7 12/01/2018
Wii U singles
EBS XXXII 9/01/2018
Wii U singles
Nekocards #6 29/12/2017
Wii U singles
EBS XXXI 19/12/2017
Wii U singles
Nekocards #5 15/12/2017
Wii U singles
Stay Smashed Dec 2017 10/12/2017
Wii U singles
CouchWarriors Dec 2017 9/12/2017
wii u doubles
L7 | Snugs + Jdizzle | 3 - 2 | Ignis + Poppt1 |
L6 | Ignis + Poppt1 | 3 - 2 | Nothing + Dr omega |
W4 | Duon + Extra | 3 - 1 | Ignis + Poppt1 |
W3 | Ignis + Poppt1 | 2 - 1 | Attila + Tibs |
W2 | Ignis + Poppt1 | 2 - 0 | Denz + DADDY |
wii u singles
EBS XXX 5/12/2017
wii u singles
Nekocards #4 1/12/2017
Smash 4 Singles
SXC2K17 - Southern Cross Championships 2K17 25/11/2017
SM4SH Singles
Melee Pools
SM4SH Pools
EBS XXIX 21/11/2017
Nekocards 3 17/11/2017
Nekocards 3
Guf Geelong 116 15/11/2017
Wii U singles
Star Forge Underground #1 12/11/2017
Smash 4 Singles Pro Bracket
Smash4 Doubles Bracket
L5 | Duon / Joe | 2 - 0 | Elephantom / Ignis |
L4 | Elephantom / Ignis | 2 - 0 | Palooka / Sylem |
L3 | Elephantom / Ignis | 2 - 0 | Invisi / Flyingcat |
W3 | Pazx / Joey | 2 - 0 | Elephantom / Ignis |
W2 | Elephantom / Ignis | 2 - 1 | Shadow in the Dark / Fruit |
NSW Smash Circuit Finals 11/11/2017
WiiU Singles
EBS XXVIII 7/11/2017
Wii U singles
Nekocards 2 3/11/2017
CouchWarriors Wii U Oct 2017 28/10/2017
wii u pools
EBS XXVII 24/10/2017
Wii U singles
CouchWarriors Melee Oct 2017 21/10/2017
Nekocards 1 20/10/2017
Wii U singles
Smash 4 Singles
EBS XXVI 10/10/2017
Wii U singles
Stay Smashed Oct 2017 8/10/2017
wii u singles
EBS XXV 3/10/2017
Wii U singles
EBS XXIV 26/09/2017
wii u singles
CouchWarriors Wii U Sep 2017 23/09/2017
wii u doubles
L8 | InsertName + haiku | 3 - 2 | Piski + Ignis |
L7 | Piski + Ignis | 3 - 1 | Saber + PS! |
L6 | Piski + Ignis | 3 - 1 | dean + Rhyno |
W4 | Duon + Extra | 3 - 2 | Piski + Ignis |
W3 | Piski + Ignis | 2 - 0 | Leisha + Boozer |
W2 | Piski + Ignis | 2 - 0 | Velocity + DefectiveDagger |
wii u pools
OzHadou Nationals 15 16/09/2017
Brawl Singles
WiiU Doubles
L6 | aha + Ghost | 2 - 0 | Pudge + Ignis |
L5 | Pudge + Ignis | 2 - 1 | Scarpian + Boundaries |
L4 | Pudge + Ignis | 2 - 1 | Lanatra + Trojans |
W3 | Waveguider + Mili | 2 - 0 | Pudge + Ignis |
W2 | Pudge + Ignis | 2 - 0 | Glacier + EmanSaur |
WiiU Singles
EBS XXIII 12/09/2017
wii u singles
Stay Smashed Sep 2017 10/09/2017
wii u singles
Guf Geelong 106 6/09/2017
wii u singles
Over9k Sep 2017 3/09/2017
wii u doubles
L2 | Corvid + haiku | 3 - 0 | P9 + Ignis |
L1 | P9 + Ignis | 3 - 1 | Jayd + danimk |
W1 | Mar + Tru4 | 3 - 0 | P9 + Ignis |
wii u singles
EBS XXII 29/08/2017
wii u singles
CouchWarriors Aug 2017 Wii U 26/08/2017
wii u doubles
L4 | Nothing + Con | 2 - 1 | Xettman + Ignis |
W3 | Saber + Tru4 | 2 - 1 | Xettman + Ignis |
W2 | Xettman + Ignis | 2 - 0 | SKG + Julian |
wii u pro
wii u pools
P5 | Ignis | 2 - 0 | humanerror |
P5 | Ignis | 2 - 0 | Skitter |
P5 | Ignis | 2 - 0 | Daddy Ganny |
Tasmania PR Circuit #1 19/08/2017
Tasmania PR Circuit #1
Tasmania PR Circuit #1 Pools
Guf 17/8/17 17/08/2017
SM4SH Singles
SM4SH Pools
EBS XXI 15/08/2017
Stay Smashed 5 13/08/2017
Wii U singles
Over 9K Smash 4 12/08/2017
wii u doubles
L6 | haiku + InsertName | 3 - 0 | Ignis + Xettman |
L5 | Ignis + Xettman | 3 - 2 | Boozer + Leisha |
L4 | Ignis + Xettman | 3 - 2 | hunta + gwola |
W3 | haiku + InsertName | 3 - 0 | Ignis + Xettman |
W2 | Ignis + Xettman | 2 - 0 | Corvid + DefectiveDagger |
wii u singles
EBS XX 1/08/2017
Wii U singles
Guf Geelong 100 29/07/2017
Wii U singles
L4 | DD | 3 - 2 | Ignis |
W3 | Pat Sanders | 3 - 1 | Ignis |
W2 | Ignis | 2 - 0 | Jayd |
W1 | Ignis | 2 - 0 | St. Avalon |
CouchWarriors Wii U Jul 2017 22/07/2017
wii u doubles
L8 | haiku + InsertName | 3 - 1 | Jdizzle + Ignis |
W5 | Extra + Duon | 3 - 1 | Jdizzle + Ignis |
W4 | Jdizzle + Ignis | 3 - 2 | haiku + InsertName |
W3 | Jdizzle + Ignis | 2 - 0 | Leisha + Boozer |
W2 | Jdizzle + Ignis | 2 - 0 | Skitter + Yehya |
wii u pro
wii u pools
CouchWarriors Melee Jul 2017 15/07/2017
Stay Smashed 4 15/07/2017
Wii U singles
EBS XIX 11/07/2017
Gomaz Vs Pedro Presents, The NewCastle Siege | July 7th - July 9th 7/07/2017
Doubles Bracket
GF | Duon + Extra | 3 - 0 | Yehya + Ignis |
L8 | Yehya + Ignis | 3 - 2 | Jeese + Sriks |
W5 | Duon + Extra | 3 - 0 | Yehya + Ignis |
W4 | Yehya + Ignis | 3 - 2 | Dr. Ainuss + Denz |
W3 | Yehya + Ignis | 2 - 0 | Joe + Luco |
W2 | Yehya + Ignis | 2 - 0 | G-man + Scarpian |
NCS Singles
Melee Pools
Final Destination #2 - 1st + 2nd July |UQ Smash Major 2017 1/07/2017
Wii U Bracket
Wii U Doubles
GF | Jaice & Luminescent | 3 - 1 | Ignis & Yehya |
L8 | Ignis & Yehya | 3 - 0 | Rhyno & dean. |
W5 | Jaice & Luminescent | 3 - 1 | Ignis & Yehya |
W4 | Ignis & Yehya | 3 - 1 | Mr. L & Cava |
W3 | Ignis & Yehya | 2 - 0 | deez & Curtain |
W2 | Ignis & Yehya | 2 - 0 | LachlanF & Dooty McFr00ty |
Wii U Pools
CouchWarriors Jun 2017 Wii U 24/06/2017
wii u doubles
L3 | MAT2 + Xettman | 2 - 0 | Jash + Ignis |
L2 | Jash + Ignis | 2 - 0 | Orphen + Deez |
W2 | InsertName71 + Haiku | 2 - 0 | Jash + Ignis |
W1 | Jash + Ignis | 2 - 1 | Yehya + Skitter |
wii u pro
EBS XVII 20/06/2017
wii u singles
Stay Smashed #3 18/06/2017
Wii U singles
CouchWarriors Melee June 2017 17/06/2017
melee pools
EBS XVI 6/06/2017
Over9k 4 3/06/2017
wii u doubles
L7 | Corvid + DefectiveDagger | 3 - 1 | Ignis + Xettman |
L6 | Ignis + Xettman | 3 - 2 | Swithi + Duon |
W4 | haiku + InsertName | 3 - 2 | Ignis + Xettman |
W3 | Ignis + Xettman | 2 - 1 | Pudge + SebPro101 |
W2 | Ignis + Xettman | 2 - 0 | Rocketwizard + Dr omega |
wii u singles
PvP presents: Gold Coast to EVO 2017 28/05/2017
L5 | Pazx13 / Jezmo | 3 - 1 | Ignis / Pudge |
L4 | Ignis / Pudge | 3 - 1 | Boozer / Leisha |
W3 | Extra / Duon | 3 - 0 | Ignis / Pudge |
W2 | Ignis / Pudge | 3 - 0 | Pazx13 / Jezmo |
W1 | Ignis / Pudge | 2 - 0 | Matt / Jolt |
P1 | Ignis | 2 - 0 | Iroh |
P1 | Ignis | 2 - 0 | Scrail |
P1 | Ignis | 2 - 0 | Bigfatelli |
P1 | Ignis | 2 - 1 | Blindsurgeon |
Friday Night Smash 101 26/05/2017
Smash4 Singles
EBS XV 23/05/2017
Wii U singles
BAM #9 12/05/2017
WiiU Singles
Guf Geelong 89 - Big Pre BAM 10/05/2017
EBS XIV 9/05/2017
Wii U singles
Guf Geelong 88 3/05/2017
EBS XIII 25/04/2017
Wii U singles
CouchWarriors Wii U Apr 2017 22/04/2017
wii u doubles
L8 | Haiku + InsertName71 | 3 - 1 | Xettman + Ignis |
L7 | Xettman + Ignis | 3 - 1 | BIGBOSS + Tibs |
L6 | Xettman + Ignis | 3 - 1 | Kevvlar + Dr omega |
W4 | Duon + Extra | 3 - 0 | Xettman + Ignis |
W3 | Xettman + Ignis | 2 - 0 | Leisha + Boozer |
W2 | Xettman + Ignis | 2 - 0 | Piski + CHiNReeZ |
wii u singles
wii u pools
EBS XII 18/04/2017
Wii U singles
CouchWarriors Melee Apr 2017 15/04/2017
project m singles
melee pools
EBS XI 11/04/2017
Wii U singles
EBS X 4/04/2017
Wii U singles
Expand Gong #2 31st March - 2nd April. 1/04/2017
Top 48
Pool B4
Melee Singles Pools
Wii U Doubles Bracket
L7 | MM / jeese | 3 - 0 | Invisi / Ignis |
W5 | Waveguider / Casper | 3 - 1 | Invisi / Ignis |
W4 | Invisi / Ignis | 2 - 0 | Scarpian / Kristoph |
W3 | Invisi / Ignis | 2 - 0 | Zedi / Lanatra |
W2 | Invisi / Ignis | 2 - 0 | Valadus / Jokeraid |
W1 | Invisi / Ignis | 2 - 0 | Deep Magic / Framah |
CouchWarriors Wii U Mar 2017 25/03/2017
wii u doubles
L8 | InsertName71 + Haiku | 3 - 0 | Snugs + Ignis |
L7 | Snugs + Ignis | 3 - 0 | PS! + Deez |
L6 | Snugs + Ignis | 3 - 1 | Revax + Mar |
L5 | Snugs + Ignis | 3 - 0 | Kevvlar + Dr omega |
L4 | Snugs + Ignis | 2 - 0 | Skitter + Yehya |
W3 | BIGBOSS + Tibs | 2 - 1 | Snugs + Ignis |
W2 | Snugs + Ignis | 2 - 0 | Block + Julian |
W1 | Snugs + Ignis | 2 - 0 | mikki + Lulu |
wii u pro
EBS IX 21/03/2017
Wii U singles
CouchWarriors Melee Mar 2017 18/03/2017
melee doubles
L1 | Taqia + Jandalman | 2 - 0 | ack + Ignis |
W1 | Dekar + dreadtech | 2 - 0 | ack + Ignis |
melee pools
PM Singles Bracket
Tassie Fighter Con 2017 10th - 12th 10/03/2017
Tassie Fighter Con 2
Tassie Fighter Con 2 Pools
EBS Deez 7/03/2017
Wii U singles
Guf Geelong 78 1/03/2017
CouchWarriors Wii U Feb 2017 25/02/2017
wii u doubles
GF | Extra + Duon | 3 - 1 | Ignis + Deez |
L8 | Ignis + Deez | 3 - 1 | Andre + Con |
L7 | Ignis + Deez | 3 - 0 | InsertName71 + Haiku |
L6 | Ignis + Deez | 3 - 2 | Mar + Revax |
W4 | Andre + Con | 3 - 2 | Ignis + Deez |
W3 | Ignis + Deez | 2 - 1 | InsertName71 + Haiku |
W2 | Ignis + Deez | 2 - 0 | Eternal + drak |
W1 | Ignis + Deez | 2 - 0 | Vinnie + Raid |
wii u pro
Smash @ Swanston #51 24/02/2017
wii u singles
EBS VIII 21/02/2017
Wii U singles
CouchWarriors Melee Feb 2017 18/02/2017
melee doubles
L3 | Soap + Big Brother | 2 - 0 | Pudge + Ignis |
W2 | mask1n + Tyler | 2 - 0 | Pudge + Ignis |
Smash @ Swanston #50 17/02/2017
Wii U singles
Bowl's Club 2 12/02/2017
Wii U singles
Smash @ Swanston #49 10/02/2017
Wii U singles
EBS VII 7/02/2017
Wii U singles
L8 | Pat Sanders | 3 - 0 | Ignis |
L7 | Ignis | 3 - 2 | haiku |
L6 | Ignis | 3 - 0 | Arnie |
W4 | Pat Sanders | 3 - 1 | Ignis |
W3 | Ignis | 3 - 0 | Daddy Ganny |
W2 | Ignis | 3 - 0 | Mamba |
Smash @ Swanston #48 3/02/2017
Wii U singles
CouchWarriors WiiU January 2017 28/01/2017
wii u doubles
L8 | KRUSHER99 + Poppt1 | 3 - 2 | Revax + Ignis |
W5 | Extra + Duon | 3 - 1 | Revax + Ignis |
W4 | Revax + Ignis | 2 - 0 | Boozer + Leisha |
W3 | Revax + Ignis | 2 - 0 | Block + Julian |
W2 | Revax + Ignis | 2 - 0 | ConnorZam + Iyavana1 |
wii u pools
Smash @ Swanston #47 27/01/2017
Wii U singles
EBS Invasion 24/01/2017
Wii U singles
GvP Presents The GvP Invitational: Welcome to the Thunderdome 21/01/2017
Main Event - Singles
L3 | jeese | 2 - 1 | Ignis |
L2 | Ignis | 2 - 0 | Pat Sanders |
W2 | SaucyDancer | 2 - 0 | Ignis |
W1 | Ignis | 2 - 0 | Kelp |
L4 | Casper/Waveguider | 2 - 1 | Ignis/snugs |
L3 | Ignis/snugs | 2 - 1 | Kelp/Ateyo |
L2 | Ignis/snugs | 2 - 0 | Thorpenado/Thrillhouse |
W2 | Jezmo/Poppt | 2 - 0 | Ignis/snugs |
W1 | Ignis/snugs | 2 - 1 | Buster/Kristoph |
Seeded Singles Third Seeds
GvP Melee Singles and Smash 4 Doubles #3 19/01/2017
Melee Singles
Smash Wii U Doubles
GF | Extra + Duon | 3 - 1 | Ignis + Snuggs |
L6 | Ignis + Snuggs | 3 - 0 | Kelp + Atyeo |
W4 | Extra + Duon | 3 - 1 | Ignis + Snuggs |
W3 | Ignis + Snuggs | 2 - 0 | Kelp + Atyeo |
W2 | Ignis + Snuggs | 2 - 0 | Sketch + Buttsy |
W1 | Ignis + Snuggs | 2 - 0 | KizzaBam + Birdseed |
Bowl Club 15/01/2017
Wii U singles
Smash @ Swanston #46 13/01/2017
Guf Geelong 71 12/01/2017
GF | Ignis | 3 - 1 | Pat Sanders |
W4 | Ignis | 3 - 0 | Pat Sanders |
W3 | Ignis | 3 - 1 | Deez |
W2 | Ignis | 2 - 0 | Hunta |
EBS VI: Jash Saga 10/01/2017
Jash Saga Singles
Outback Jamboree 3.5 8/01/2017
Outback Jamboree 3.5
Outback Jamboree 3.5 Melee
Guf Geelong 68 21/12/2016
GF | Pat Sanders | 3 - 0 | Ignis |
L6 | Ignis | 3 - 0 | Robit |
W4 | Pat Sanders | 3 - 2 | Ignis |
W3 | Ignis | 3 - 0 | Robit |
W2 | Ignis | 2 - 0 | Gary |
Pudge's Playhouse December 18/12/2016
Digital Bunker 2 17/12/2016
wii u doubles
L5 | Xettman + Jdizzle | 3 - 1 | Swithi + Ignis |
L4 | Swithi + Ignis | 3 - 1 | Taicho + Spewis |
W3 | Jon Bombo + Ghost | 3 - 0 | Swithi + Ignis |
W2 | Swithi + Ignis | 2 - 1 | Andre + Dr omega |
wii u pro bracket
melee pools
EBS #5 13/12/2016
Wii U singles
CouchWarriors December 2016 10/12/2016
project m singles
wii u doubles
L10 | InsertName71 + Haiku | 3 - 1 | Swithi + Ignis |
W6 | Duon + Extra | 3 - 2 | Swithi + Ignis |
W5 | Swithi + Ignis | 3 - 1 | PS! + Jdizzle |
W4 | Swithi + Ignis | 2 - 0 | Leisha + Boozer |
W3 | Swithi + Ignis | 2 - 0 | Hero + SKG |
W2 | Swithi + Ignis | 2 - 0 | Googers + Hazy |
melee singles
wii u singles
Smash @ Swanston #45 9/12/2016
Wii U singles
SXC2K16 - Southern Cross Championships 2K16 2/12/2016
WiiU Singles
Digital Bunker 30/11/2016
wii u singles
EBS: Big Vinnie_OC Saga 29/11/2016
CouchWarriors Wii U Nov 2016 26/11/2016
wii u doubles
GF | Duon + Extra | 3 - 0 | Ignis + Swithi |
L10 | Ignis + Swithi | 3 - 0 | InsertName71 + Haiku |
W6 | Duon + Extra | 3 - 1 | Ignis + Swithi |
W5 | Ignis + Swithi | 3 - 2 | InsertName71 + Haiku |
W4 | Ignis + Swithi | 2 - 0 | Xettman + MAT2 |
W3 | Ignis + Swithi | 2 - 0 | SpongeBev + HydroPimp |
W2 | Ignis + Swithi | 2 - 0 | hunta + gwola |
wii u pro bracket
wii u pools
Smash @ Swanston #44 25/11/2016
Wii U singles
CouchWarriors Melee Nov 2016 19/11/2016
melee pools
Geelong Smash 64 16/11/2016
Wii U singles
EBS #4 15/11/2016
wii u singles
Smash @ Swanston #43 11/11/2016
Wii U singles
Smash @ Swanston #42 4/11/2016
Wii U singles
EBS #3 1/11/2016
Wii U singles
ack's Playhouse October 30/10/2016
Wii U singles
Smash @ Swanston #41 28/10/2016
Wii U singles
CouchWarriors Wii U Oct 2016 22/10/2016
wii u doubles
L10 | Jdizzle + PS! | 3 - 0 | Swithi + Ignis |
W6 | Haiku + InsertName71 | 3 - 0 | Swithi + Ignis |
W5 | Swithi + Ignis | 3 - 2 | Duon + Extra |
W4 | Swithi + Ignis | 2 - 0 | Jdizzle + PS! |
W3 | Swithi + Ignis | 2 - 1 | Kevvlar + Dr omega |
W2 | Swithi + Ignis | 2 - 0 | Fishy + Jayd |
wii u pro bracket
Smash @ Swanston #40 21/10/2016
wii u singles
EBS #2 18/10/2016
Wii U singles
CouchWarriors Melee Oct 2016 15/10/2016
melee pools
P2 | Alex Sucks | 2 - 0 | Ignis |
P2 | PGA | 2 - 0 | Ignis |
P2 | Microsoft J | 2 - 0 | Ignis |
P2 | Timic83 | 2 - 0 | Ignis |
P2 | Noxus | 2 - 0 | Ignis |
Smash @ Swanston #39 14/10/2016
Wii U singles
Over9k 3 8/10/2016
wii u doubles
GF | Extra + Duon | 3 - 0 | Ignis + Swithi |
L8 | Ignis + Swithi | 3 - 2 | Jei + Deez |
L7 | Ignis + Swithi | 3 - 2 | Mar + Revax |
L6 | Ignis + Swithi | 3 - 0 | KTAN + Nothing |
W4 | Extra + Duon | 3 - 1 | Ignis + Swithi |
W3 | Ignis + Swithi | 2 - 0 | Leisha + Boozer |
W2 | Ignis + Swithi | 2 - 0 | Yosh + Will |
Wii U singles
Smash @ Swanston #38 7/10/2016
Smash @ Swanston #38
EBS Fortnightly #1: CrimeDog Saga 4/10/2016
EBS Fortnightly #1: CrimeDog Saga
Pudge's Playhouse 3 25/09/2016
wii u singles
CouchWarriors Wii U Sep 2016 24/09/2016
wii u doubles
GF | Extra + Duon | 3 - 0 | BIGBOSS + Ignis |
L10 | BIGBOSS + Ignis | 3 - 1 | Jdizzle + PS! |
L9 | BIGBOSS + Ignis | 3 - 2 | Leisha + Boozer |
L8 | BIGBOSS + Ignis | 3 - 1 | Nothing + KTAN |
W5 | Extra + Duon | 3 - 0 | BIGBOSS + Ignis |
W4 | BIGBOSS + Ignis | 2 - 1 | Revax + Mar |
W3 | BIGBOSS + Ignis | 2 - 0 | HydroPimp + Pudge |
W2 | BIGBOSS + Ignis | 2 - 0 | Youi + Mikki |
wii u pro bracket
wii u pools
Smash @ Swanston #37 23/09/2016
wii u singles
Smash @ Swanston #36 16/09/2016
Smash @ Swanston #36
DI Another Day 2: 9 -11 September 9/09/2016
DI Another Day 2: Wii U Top 32
Project M PMB1
Wii U Pools
P8 | Ignis | 2 - 0 | Multusvalde |
P8 | Ignis | 2 - 0 | thehelpfulbees |
P8 | Ignis | 2 - 1 | Quindaddy-Sensei |
P8 | Ignis | 2 - 0 | Smesty |
P8 | Ignis | 2 - 1 | Peahnuts |
EBS DIAD2 Donation Drive 4/09/2016
EBS DIAD2 Donation Drive
Smash @ Swanston #35 2/09/2016
Smash @ Swanston #35
OzHadou Nationals 14: 26th - 28th August 26/08/2016
Project M Singles Pools
WiiU Singles
Guf Werribee 7 23/08/2016
CouchWarriors Melee Aug 2016 20/08/2016
melee pools
Smash @ Swanston #34 12/08/2016
Guf Werribee 6 9/08/2016
wii u singles
Pudge's Play House #1 31/07/2016
Pudge's Play House #1
CouchWarriors Wii U July 2016 30/07/2016
wii u pro bracket
wii u doubles
L7 | Leisha + Boozer | 2 - 1 | Astra + Ignis |
L6 | Astra + Ignis | 2 - 0 | Xettman + MAT2 |
W4 | Con + Ghostbone | 2 - 0 | Astra + Ignis |
W3 | Astra + Ignis | 2 - 1 | Kevvlar + Dr omega |
W2 | Astra + Ignis | 2 - 0 | Piski + Vayinn |
CouchWarriors Melee Jul 2016 23/07/2016
melee pools
Guf Werribee 5 19/07/2016
SM4SH Singles
Guf Werribee weekly 4 12/07/2016
Guf Werribee weekly 3 5/07/2016
wii u singles
Outback Jamboree 3 3/07/2016
Guf Werribee weekly 2 28/06/2016
CouchWarriors Wii U Jun 2016 25/06/2016
wii u doubles
L4 | Nothing + KTAN | 2 - 0 | Ignis + Astra |
W3 | Nicks + Earl | 2 - 0 | Ignis + Astra |
W2 | Ignis + Astra | 2 - 0 | ConnorZam + Iyavana1 |
Guf Werribee weekly 1 21/06/2016
Wii U singles
CouchWarriors Melee Jun 2016 18/06/2016
melee singles pools
Guf Werribee 4 13/06/2016
wii u doubles
L6 | Jei + Deez | 3 - 0 | Ignis + Echo |
L5 | Ignis + Echo | 3 - 0 | Tomie + Danza |
L4 | Ignis + Echo | 3 - 0 | Boozer + Leisha |
W3 | Jei + Deez | 3 - 2 | Ignis + Echo |
W2 | Ignis + Echo | 2 - 0 | Tomie + Danza |
Wii U singles
MilTim 4 11/06/2016
wii u doubles
L3 | PS! + Jdizzle | 3 - 2 | Ignis + Pudge |
L2 | Ignis + Pudge | 3 - 2 | Deez + Splice |
W2 | Earl + Nicks | 3 - 1 | Ignis + Pudge |
W1 | Ignis + Pudge | 3 - 2 | Daddy Ganny + Dmat |
wii u singles
Over9k 2 4/06/2016
wii u doubles
GF | Ignis + Duon | 3 - 1 | Jei + Deez |
W5 | Ignis + Duon | 3 - 0 | Jei + Deez |
W4 | Ignis + Duon | 3 - 1 | MAT2 + Xettman |
W3 | Ignis + Duon | 2 - 0 | Dr Omega + HydroPimp |
W2 | Ignis + Duon | 2 - 0 | King + Sauce |
Wii U singles
Guf Werribee 3 28/05/2016
Guf Werribee 2 22/05/2016
Wii U singles
BAM 8 - 13-15th May 13/05/2016
wii u doubles
L6 | PS! + Jdizzle | 2 - 1 | Ignis + Eternal |
W4 | Duon + Extra | 2 - 0 | Ignis + Eternal |
W3 | Ignis + Eternal | 2 - 1 | Seymour Butts + Shitashi |
W2 | Ignis + Eternal | 2 - 0 | Mandeep + Hero |
Wii U Singles (BIG BRACKET)
Guf Geelong 40 (The Stacked Geelong) 11/05/2016
Project Melbourne 2 7/05/2016
project m pools
CouchWarriors Wii U Apr 2016 23/04/2016
Wii U doubles
GF | Duon + Extra | 3 - 1 | Ignis + Astra |
GF | Duon + Extra | 3 - 1 | Ignis + Astra |
W5 | Ignis + Astra | 3 - 0 | Invisi + MM |
W4 | Ignis + Astra | 3 - 2 | Nicks + Earl |
W3 | Ignis + Astra | 2 - 1 | Leisha + Boozer |
W2 | Ignis + Astra | 2 - 0 | Catalyst + Delta |
W1 | Ignis + Astra | 2 - 0 | Jazzy + Zacmaster |
Wii U singles
Guf Geelong 37 20/04/2016
Over9k 1 9/04/2016
wii u doubles
GF | Duon + Ignis | 3 - 2 | Jei + Deez |
GF | Jei + Deez | 3 - 1 | Duon + Ignis |
W5 | Duon + Ignis | 3 - 0 | Jei + Deez |
W4 | Duon + Ignis | 3 - 0 | Boozer + Leisha |
W3 | Duon + Ignis | 2 - 0 | Kevvlar + Dr Omega |
W2 | Duon + Ignis | 2 - 0 | Rojanbo + Crime Dog |
Wii U singles
EXPAND GONG (2nd - 3rd April) 2/04/2016
Wii U pro bracket
Pool 1
CouchWarriors Wii U Mar 2016 26/03/2016
wii u pro bracket
wii u doubles
L6 | Nikes + Deez | 3 - 1 | Ignis + Mar |
L5 | Ignis + Mar | 2 - 0 | Mat2 + Xettman |
L4 | Ignis + Mar | 2 - 1 | dean + V |
W3 | Ghost + Jei | 2 - 0 | Ignis + Mar |
W2 | Ignis + Mar | 2 - 0 | Ledge + Mozart |
W1 | Ignis + Mar | 2 - 0 | Hyes + Kappacman |
Guf Werribee 1 19/03/2016
Guf Shepparton 2 8/03/2016
CouchWarriors Feb 2016 20/02/2016
Wii U singles
Wii U doubles
L3 | Dean + Googers | - | Ignis + Astra |
L2 | Ignis + Astra | - | Iyavana1 + DaddyGanny |
W2 | Ledge + MGK | - | Ignis + Astra |
W1 | Ignis + Astra | - | Jash + Brittles |
S@S February Extravaganza 13/02/2016
Wii U singles
wii u doubles
L3 | Swithi + Duon | - | Ignis + Dean |
L2 | Ignis + Dean | - | Dmat + Denz |
W2 | Tibs + Deez | - | Ignis + Dean |
Googers' Outback Jamboree II 30/01/2016
L5 | Jei + Deez | 3 - 1 | Googers + Ignis |
L4 | Googers + Ignis | 3 - 1 | Nicks + Earl |
W3 | Duon + Extra | 3 - 0 | Googers + Ignis |
W2 | Googers + Ignis | 2 - 1 | Matt2 + Xettman |
W1 | Googers + Ignis | - | Sw0rds + Truth |
CouchWarriors Wii U Jan 2016 23/01/2016
Wii U doubles
L8 | Nicks + Earl | - | Ignis + Astra |
L7 | Ignis + Astra | - | Xettman + Mat2 |
L6 | Ignis + Astra | - | Mar + Revax |
W4 | Dean + Boozer | - | Ignis + Astra |
W3 | Ignis + Astra | - | Tweetypurd + Mavrek |
W2 | Ignis + Astra | - | Frenzal + Another One |
Wii U singles
Smashbox V 9/01/2016
SM4SH Singles
SM4SH Teams
L5 | Viva + Leish | 2 - 1 | Ignis + googers |
L4 | Ignis + googers | 2 - 1 | Invisi + Empire |
W3 | Karnu + Deez | 2 - 0 | Ignis + googers |
W2 | Ignis + googers | 2 - 0 | UQ |Trunkle + Trojans |
W1 | Ignis + googers | 2 - 0 | Hype + Mar |
SM4SH Pools
GUF Friday Night Smash #30 8/01/2016
SM4SH Singles
Guf Geelong 22 6/01/2016
Guf Geelong 22
MilTim III 2/01/2016
Sm4sh Doubles
L8 | Jei + Khoa | - | Ignis + Astra |
L7 | Ignis + Astra | - | Deez + Ledge |
L6 | Ignis + Astra | - | Xettman + Matt2 |
W4 | Tibs+Atilla | - | Ignis + Astra |
W3 | Ignis + Astra | - | Yehya + Echo |
W2 | Ignis + Astra | - | Timic83 + Milun |
PM Doubles
L4 | Skelorex + Fess | - | Jay + Ignus |
L3 | Jay + Ignus | - | InsertName71 + Haiku |
L2 | Jay + Ignus | - | Dom Heinz + Ryze |
W2 | Matt G + Tyler | - | Jay + Ignus |
W1 | Jay + Ignus | - | Milton + Timic83 |
Guf Geelong 21 30/12/2015
Guf Geelong 21
Guf Geelong 19 16/12/2015
Guf Geelong Singles
CouchWarriors Dec 2015 12/12/2015
Wii U singles
Wii U doubles
L6 | Dean + Rhyno | - | Ignis + Astra |
W4 | Earl + Nicks | - | Ignis + Astra |
W3 | Ignis + Astra | - | V + Bijou |
W2 | Ignis + Astra | - | MGK + OP |
Guf Geelong 18 9/12/2015
Guf Geelong 18
SXC2K15 - Southern Cross Championships 2K15 28/11/2015
PM Doubles
L4 | Muscat / Flow Rats | 2 - 0 | Ignis / Deez |
L3 | Ignis / Deez | 2 - 1 | Saucy / Skelerex |
W2 | Splice / Jamwa | 2 - 0 | Ignis / Deez |
W1 | Ignis / Deez | 2 - 0 | Mars / Girls |
Wii U Doubles
L4 | Deez / Jaice | 2 - 1 | Astra / Ignis |
L3 | Astra / Ignis | 2 - 0 | Dub Nation / Ben |
L2 | Astra / Ignis | 2 - 0 | DIJoe / Jack |
W2 | RandySavage / Scarpian | 2 - 0 | Astra / Ignis |
W1 | Astra / Ignis | 2 - 0 | Floki / Psy |
Smash @ Swanston's End of Year EXTRAvaganza 22/11/2015
Wii U singles
wii u doubles
L8 | Revax + Deez | - | Ignis + EvenStephen |
W5 | Duon + Extra | - | Ignis + EvenStephen |
W4 | Ignis + EvenStephen | - | Nicks + Earl |
W3 | Ignis + EvenStephen | - | Mozart + Splice |
W2 | Ignis + EvenStephen | - | Pudge + Hotpockets |
Guf Geelong 15 18/11/2015
Guf Geelong 15
MilTim II 14/11/2015
Wii U singles
CouchWarriors Wii U Nov 2015 8/11/2015
Wii U pro bracket
Guf Geelong 12 28/10/2015
Guf Geelong 12
Guf Geelong 11 21/10/2015
CouchWarriors Wii U Oct 2015 18/10/2015
wii u doubles
L4 | Rhyno + Dean | - | Ignis + Lcin |
W3 | Tibs + Mozart | - | Ignis + Lcin |
W2 | Ignis + Lcin | - | Eternal + Drak |
Wii U singles
CouchWarriors Melee Oct 2015 17/10/2015
melee doubles
L3 | Skelorex + Frink | - | Ignis + Pudge |
W2 | DonB + Macky | - | Ignis + Pudge |
W1 | Ignis + Pudge | - | BBB + Earniepie |
Project M singles
Guf Geelong 10 14/10/2015
Guf Geelong 10
GUF Geelong 9 7/10/2015
GUF Geelong 9
GUF Geelong 8 30/09/2015
GUF Geelong 8
CouchWarriors Wii U Sep 2015 26/09/2015
GF | Astra + Ignis | - | Mozart + Rhyno |
W6 | Astra + Ignis | - | Kira + V |
W5 | Astra + Ignis | - | ViVa + Leisha |
W4 | Astra + Ignis | - | Attila + Tibs |
W3 | Astra + Ignis | - | Duon + Extra |
W2 | Astra + Ignis | - | Mat2 + Xettman |
Wii U singles
Googers' Outback Jamboree 13/09/2015
Googers' Outback Jamboree Singles
DI Another Day 28/08/2015
DI Another Day: Super Smash Bros. For Wii U Top 32
DI Another Day Super Smash Bros For Wii U Pool M
CouchWarriors August 2015 22/08/2015
Project M singles
L3 | Passengerm | - | Ignis |
W2 | Milun | - | Ignis |
Melee singles
Wii U singles
CouchWarriors July 2015 25/07/2015
melee doubles
L4 | Snoc + Huggies | - | Ignis + Astra |
W1 | Trace + Justyboy | - | Ignis + Astra |
wii u doubles
L10 | V + Bijou | - | Ignis + Astra |
W6 | Leisha + ViVa | - | Ignis + Astra |
W5 | Ignis + Astra | - | Dean + Rhyno |
W4 | Ignis + Astra | - | V + Bijou |
W3 | Ignis + Astra | - | Mar + Mozart |
W2 | Ignis + Astra | - | Umtard + Flip |
Wii U singles
Town & Sydney 10/07/2015
Singles Top 32
Project M Amateurs
L6 | Gords | 3 - 2 | Ignis |
W4 | $wagBlood$ | 3 - 1 | Ignis |
W3 | Ignis | 2 - 1 | Naga |
W2 | Ignis | 2 - 0 | Deez |
W1 | Ignis | - | MadDogJono |
Melee Pools
CouchWarriors June 2015 20/06/2015
wii u doubles
L6 | Dean + Rhyno | - | Ignis + EvenStephen |
L5 | Ignis + EvenStephen | - | Jei + Khoa |
L4 | Ignis + EvenStephen | - | DJH + Florez |
W3 | Earl + Nicks | - | Ignis + EvenStephen |
W2 | Ignis + EvenStephen | - | Bryce + Boozer |
W1 | Ignis + EvenStephen | - | Zua + Liam |
Project M singles
Wii U singles
BAM 7 23/05/2015
wiiu doubles
L6 | Ghost + Flow Rats | - | Ignis + Astra |
W4 | Ledge + Toshi | - | Ignis + Astra |
W3 | Ignis + Astra | - | Villyness + Bijou |
W2 | Ignis + Astra | - | Zxv + Qx |
SM4SH Singles
CouchWarriors April 2015 18/04/2015
wii u singles
wii u doubles
L5 | Leisha + ViVa | - | Ignis + Astra |
L4 | Ignis + Astra | - | Milun + Timic |
W3 | Dean + Rhyno | - | Ignis + Astra |
W2 | Ignis + Astra | - | Bryce + Boozer |
W1 | Ignis + Astra | - | Rez + Jamball - DQ |
Cash4Smash 3/04/2015
wii u singles
CouchWarriors March 2015 21/03/2015
wii u doubles
L5 | Attila + Dekar | - | Ignis + Astra |
L4 | Ignis + Astra | - | Mask1n + AzuraSarah |
L3 | Ignis + Astra | - | Deez + Revax |
L2 | Ignis + Astra | - | Hyes + Snoc |
W2 | Bijou + Boozer | - | Ignis + Astra |
wii u singles
Monash Feb 2015 27/02/2015
wii u singles
CouchWarriors February 2015 21/02/2015
wii u doubles
L6 | Dreadtech + Splice | - | Astra + Ignis |
L5 | Astra + Ignis | - | Leisha + Baron |
L4 | Astra + Ignis | - | Kaito + Roy |
W3 | Toshi + Ledge | - | Astra + Ignis |
W2 | Astra + Ignis | - | Boozer + Rhyno |